984 resultados para electron beam irradiation


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Size modification of Au nanoparticles (NPs), deposited on the Au-thick film surface and irradiated by slow highly charged ions (SHCI) 40Arq+ (3 6 q 6 12) with fixed low dose of 4.3 1011 ions/cm2 and various energy ranging from 74.64 to 290.64 keV at room temperature (293.15 K), was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effect of projectile kinetic energy on the modified size of NPs was explored by an appropriate choice of the fixed process parameters such as ion flux, irradiation temperature, incident angle, irradiation time, etc. The morphological changes of NPs were interpreted by models involving collisional mixing, Ostwald ripening (OR) and inverse Ostwald ripening (IOR) of spherical NPs on a substrate. A critical kinetic energy as well as a critical potential energy of the projectile in the Au NPs size modification process were observed.


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Recent experimental works devoted to the phenomena of mixing observed at metallic multilayers Ni/Si irradiated by swift heavy ions irradiations make it necessary to revisit the insensibility of crystalline Si under huge electronic excitations. Knowing that Ni is an insensitive material, such observed mixing would exist only if Si is a sensitive material. In order to extend the study of swift heavy ion effects to semiconductor materials, the experimental results obtained in bulk silicon have been analyzed within the framework of the inelastic thermal spike model. Provided the quenching of a boiling ( or vapor) phase is taken as the criterion of amorphization, the calculations with an electron-phonon coupling constant g(300 K) = 1.8 x 10(12) W/cm(3)/K and an electronic diffusivity D-e(300 K) = 80 cm(2)/s nicely reproduce the size of observed amorphous tracks as well as the electronic energy loss threshold value for their creation, assuming that they result from the quenching of the appearance of a boiling phase along the ion path. Using these parameters for Si in the case of a Ni/Si multilayer, the mixing observed experimentally can be well simulated by the inelastic thermal spike model extended to multilayers, assuming that this occurs in the molten phase created at the Ni interface by energy transfer from Si. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Multilayers with a structure of Si/[Fe(10 nm)/CU(10 nm)](5) were deposited on Si(100) substrates and then irradiated at room temperature by using 2-MeV Xe20+. The modifications of the multilayers were characterized using a depth profile analysis of the Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) data and the evolution of crystallite structures of the multilayers were analyzed by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The AES depth profiles indicated that de-mixing of the Fe and the Cu layers was observed at low ion fluences, but inter-mixing of the Fe and the Cu layers was found at high ion fluences and destroyed the layered structure of the multilayers. The obtained XRD patterns showed that, after irradiation by 2-MeV Xe20+ at; 2 x 10(16) ions/cm(2), the peaks of the multilayers related to a Cu-based fee solid solution and an Fe-based bee solid solution phase became visible, which implied that the inter-mixing at the Fe/Cu interface resulted in the formation of new phases. A possible mechanism of modification in the Fe/Cu multilayers induced by ion irradiation is briefly discussed.


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Amorphous SiO2 (a-SiO2) thin films were thermally grown on single-crystalline silicon. These a-SiO2/Si samples were first implanted (C-doped) with 100-keV carbon ion at room temperature (RT) at a dose of 5.0 x 10(17) C-ions/cm(2) and were then irradiated at RT by using 853 MeV Pb ions at closes of 5.0 x 10(11), 1.0 x 10(12), 2.0 x 10(12) and 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2), respectively. The microstructures and the photoluminescence (PL) properties of these samples induced by Pb ions were investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. We found that high-energy Pb-ion irradiation could induce the formation of a new phase and a change in the PL property of C-doped a-SiO2/Si samples. The relationship between the observed phenomena and the ion irradiation parameters is briefly discussed.


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Uranium ion beams were produced from electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources by sputtering method this year at the Institute of Modern Physics. At first, we chose the Lanzhou ECR No. 3 ion source to implement the production experiment of U ion beams. Finally, 11 e mu A of U28+, 5 e mu A of U32+, and 1.5 e mu A of U35+ were obtained. A U26+ ion beam produced by the LECR2 ion source was accelerated successfully by the cyclotron. This means that the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) has accomplished the acceleration of the ion beam of the heaviest element according to the designed parameters. The Lanzhou ECR ion source No. 2 (LECR2), which was built in 1997, has served the HIRFL for eight years and needed to be upgraded to provide more intense high charge state ion beams for HIRFL cooling storage ring. We started the upgrading project of LECR2 last year, and the modified design just has been finished. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source with advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) is a next generation ECR ion source and aims for developing a very compact superconducting ECR ion source with a structure and high performances for highly charged ion-beam production. The ion source was designed to be operated at 18 GHz at initial operation and finally will be extended to 28 GHz. The superconducting magnet confinement configuration of the ion source consists of three axial solenoid coils and six sextupole coils with a cold iron structure as field booster and clamping. At full excitation, this magnet assembly can produce peak mirror fields on the axis of 3.6 T at injection, 2.2 T at extraction, and a radial sextupole field of 2.0 T at plasma chamber wall. What is different from the traditional design, such as LBNL VENUS and LNS SERSE, is that the three axial solenoid coils are located inside of the sextupole bore in order to reduce the interaction forces between the sextupole coils and the solenoid coils. SECRAL may open the way for building a compact and high-performance 18-28 GHz superconducting ECR ion source. Very preliminary commissioning results are promising. Detailed design, construction issues and very preliminary test results of the ion source at 18 GHz are presented.


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The beam must be extracted into the air through the vacuum window to irradiate the living cell. In the window design, the material and thickness must be chosen to compromise the beam spot size broadening and the window safety. The structure-static analysis on the window of different structures and materials is done with the finite element analysis method, and the deformation and the equivalent stress axe simulated. The safety of these candidates is investigated using the intensity theory. In addition, the small angle scattering and the transverse range of ions are simulated using SRIM code, including all the effects on the beam spot size broadening, such as the incident ion energy, the material and the thickness of the window and the air composing. At last, the appropriate vacuum windows are presented, including the structure, material and thickness.


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T he total secondary electron emission yields, gamma(T), induced by impact of the fast ions Neq+ (q = 2-8) and Arq+ (q = 3-12) on Si and Neq+ (q = 2-8) on W targets have been measured. It was observed that for a given impact energy, gamma(T) increases with the charge of projectile ion. By plotting gamma(T) as a function of the total potential energy of the respective ion, true kinetic and potential electron yields have been obtained. Potential electron yield was proportional to the total potential energy of the projectile ion. However, decrease in potential electron yield with increasing kinetic energy of Neq+ impact on Si and W was observed. This decrease in potential electron yield with kinetic energy of the ion was more pronounced for the projectile ions having higher charge states. Moreover, kinetic electron yield to energy-loss ratio for various ion-target combinations was calculated and results were in good agreement with semi-empirical model for kinetic electron emission.


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Basic research related to heavy-ion cancer therapy has been done at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1995. Now a plan of clinical trial with heavy ions has been launched at IMP. First, superficially placed tumor treatment with heavy ions is expected in the therapy terminal at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), where carbon ion beams with energy up to 100 MeV/u can be supplied. The shallow-seated tumor therapy terminal at HIRFL is equipped with a passive beam delivery system including two orthogonal dipole magnets, which continuously scan pencil beams laterally and generate a broad and uniform irradiation field, a motor-driven energy degrader and a multi-leaf collimator. Two different types of range modulator, ripple filter and ridge filter with which Guassian-shaped physical dose and uniform biological effective dose Bragg peaks can be shaped for therapeutic ion beams respectively, have been designed and manufactured. Therefore, two-dimensional and three-dimensional conformal irradiations to tumors can be performed with the passive beam delivery system at the earlier therapy terminal. Both the conformal irradiation methods have been verified experimentally and carbon-ion conformal irradiations to patients with superficially placed tumors have been carried out at HIRFL since November 2006.


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The passive beam delivery system in the superficially-placed tumor therapy terminal at Heavy Ion Researc h Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), which includes two orthogonal dipole magnets as scanning system, a motor-driven energy degrader as range-shifter, series of ridge filters as range modulator and a multileaf collimator, is introduced in detail. The capacities of its important components and the whole system have been verified experimentally. The tests of the ridge filter for extending Bragg peak and the range shifter for energy adjustment show both work well. To examine the passive beam delivery system, a beam shaping experiment were carried out, simulating a three-dimensional (3D) conformal irradiation to a tumor. The encouraging experimental result confirms that 3D layer-stacking conformal irradiation can be performed by means of the passive system. The validation of the beam delivery system establishes a substantial basis for upcoming clinical trial for superficially-placed tumors with heavy ions in the therapy terminal at HIRFL.


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In this work a study of damage production in gallium nitride via elastic collision process (nuclear energy deposition) and inelastic collision process (electronic energy deposition) using various heavy ions is presented. Ordinary low-energy heavy ions (Fe+ and Mo+ ions of 110 keV), swift heavy ions (Pb-208(27+) ions of 1.1 MeV/u) and slow highly-charged heavy ions (Xen+ ions of 180 keV) were employed in the irradiation. Damage accumulation in the GaN crystal films as a function of ion fluence and temperature was studied with RBS-channeling technique, Raman scattering technique, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). For ordinary low-energy heavy ion irradiation, the temperature dependence of damage production is moderate up to about 413 K resulting in amorphization of the damaged layer. Enhanced dynamic annealing of defects dominates at higher temperatures. Correlation of amorphization with material decomposition and nitrogen bubble formation was found. In the irradiation of swift heavy ions, rapid damage accumulation and efficient erosion of the irradiated layer occur at a rather low value of electronic energy deposition (about 1.3 keV/nm(3)),. which also varies with irradiation temperature. In the irradiation of slow highly-charged heavy ions (SHCI), enhanced amorphization and surface erosion due to potential energy deposition of SHCI was found. It is indicated that damage production in GaN is remarkably more sensitive to electronic energy loss via excitation and ionization than to nuclear energy loss via elastic collisions.


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In the present work specimens of mono-crystalline silicon carbide (4H polytype) were irradiated to three successively increasing ion fluences ranging from 7.2 x 10(14) to 6.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2) (corresponding to the peak displacement damage of 1, 4 and 13 dpa) with Ne and Xe ions respectively with the energy of 2.3 MeV/amu. The irradiated specimens were subsequently annealed at temperatures of 1173 and 1273 K. Defect structure was investigated with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using a cross-sectional specimen preparation technique. The typical microstructures of the annealed specimens irradiated with Ne or Xe ions to high fluences are characterized by small gas bubbles in high concentration in the peak damage region and black dots and dislocation loops (located in the basal plane) in a shallower and broader depth region. Larger dislocation loops were observed in the Xe-ion irradiated specimen than in the Ne-ion irradiated specimen at the same peak damage level. The enhanced formation of dislocation loops in the case of Xe-ion irradiation is understandable by assuming stronger inclination of heavier inert-gas atoms to occupy substitute site in the peak damage region.


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For the first time the physical properties of therapeutic carbon-ion beam supplied by, the shallow-seated tumor therapy terminal at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) are measured. For a 80.55MeV/u C-12 ion beam delivered to the therapy terminal, the homogeneity of irradiation fields is 73.48%, when the beam intensity varied in the range of 0.001-0.1nA (i.e. 1 X 10(6) - 1 X 10(8) particles per second). The stability of the beam intensity within a few minutes is estimated to be 80.87%. The depth-dose distribution of the beam at the isocenter of the therapy facility is measured, and the position of the high-dose Bragg peak is found to be located at the water-equivalent depth of 13.866mm. Based on the relationship between beam energy and Bragg peak position, the corresponding beam energy at the isocenter of the therapy terminal is evaluated to be 71.71MeV/u for the original 80.55MeV/u C-12 ion beam, which consisted basically with calculation. The readout of the previously-used air-free ionization chamber regarding absorbed dose is calibrated as well in this experiment. The results indicate that the performance of the therapy facility should be optimized further to meet the requirements of clinical trial.