986 resultados para cultural sustainability


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Culturally protected forest patches or sacred groves have been the integral part of many traditional societies. This age old tradition is a classic instance of community driven nature conservation sheltering native biodiversity and supporting various ecosystem functions particularly hydrology. The current work in Central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India, highlights that even small sacred groves amidst humanised landscapes serve as tiny islands of biodiversity, especially of rare and endemic species. Temporal analysis of landuse dynamics reveals the changing pattern of the studied landscape. There is fast reduction of forest cover (15.14-11.02 %) in last 20 years to meet up the demand of agricultural land and plantation programs. A thorough survey and assessment of woody endemic species distribution in the 25 km(2) study area documented presence of 19 endemic species. The distribution of these species is highly skewed towards the culturally protected patches in comparison to other land use elements. It is found that, among the 19 woody endemic species, those with greater ecological amplitude are widely distributed in the studied landscape in groves as well as other land use forms whereas, natural population of the sensitive endemics are very much restricted in the sacred grove fragments. The recent degradation in the sacred grove system is perhaps, due to weakening of traditional belief systems and associated laxity in grove protection leading to biotic disturbances. Revitalisation of traditional practices related to conservation of sacred groves can go a long way in strengthening natural ecological systems of fragile humid tropical landscape.


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India needs to significantly increase its electricity consumption levels, in a sustainable manner, if it has to ensure rapid economic development, a goal that remains the most potent tool for delivering adaptation capacity to its poor who will suffer the worst consequences of climate change. Resource/supply constraints faced by conventional energy sources, techno-economic constraints faced by renewable energy sources, and the bounds imposed by climate change on fossil fuel use are likely to undermine India's quest for having a robust electricity system that can effectively contribute to achieving accelerated, sustainable and inclusive economic growth. One possible way out could be transitioning into a sustainable electricity system, which is a trade-off solution having taken into account the economic, social and environmental concerns. As a first step toward understanding this transition, we contribute an indicator based hierarchical multidimensional framework as an analytical tool for sustainability assessment of electricity systems, and validate it for India's national electricity system. We evaluate Indian electricity system using this framework by comparing it with a hypothetical benchmark sustainable electrical system, which was created using best indicator values realized across national electricity systems in the world. This framework, we believe, can be used to examine the social, economic and environmental implications of the current Indian electricity system as well as setting targets for future development. The analysis with the indicator framework provides a deeper understanding of the system, identify and quantify the prevailing sustainability gaps and generate specific targets for interventions. We use this framework to compute national electricity system sustainability index (NESSI) for India. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Human provisioning of wildlife with food is a widespread global practice that occurs in multiple socio-cultural circumstances. Provisioning may indirectly alter ecosystem functioning through changes in the eco-ethology of animals, but few studies have quantified this aspect. Provisioning of primates by humans is known to impact their activity budgets, diets and ranging patterns. Primates are also keystone species in tropical forests through their role as seed dispersers; yet there is no information on how provisioning might affect primate ecological functions. The rhesus macaque is a major human-commensal species but is also an important seed disperser in the wild. In this study, we investigated the potential impacts of provisioning on the role of rhesus macaques as seed dispersers in the Buxa Tiger Reserve, India. We studied a troop of macaques which were provisioned for a part of the year and were dependent on natural resources for the rest. We observed feeding behaviour, seed handling techniques and ranging patterns of the macaques and monitored availability of wild fruits. Irrespective of fruit availability, frugivory and seed dispersal activities decreased when the macaques were provisioned. Provisioned macaques also had shortened daily ranges implying shorter dispersal distances. Finally, during provisioning periods, seeds were deposited on tarmac roads that were unconducive for germination. Provisioning promotes human-primate conflict, as commensal primates are often involved in aggressive encounters with humans over resources, leading to negative consequences for both parties involved. Preventing or curbing provisioning is not an easy task as feeding wild animals is a socio-cultural tradition across much of South and South-East Asia, including India. We recommend the initiation of literacy programmes that educate lay citizens about the ill-effects of provisioning and strongly caution them against the practice.


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Beyond product design, if the notion of product `lifecycle design' enforces the consideration of requirements from all the lifecycle phases of products, design for sustainability enforces the consideration of lifecycle design in the context of the lifecycles of other products, processes, institutions and their design. Consequently, sustainability requirements that need to be met by design are very diverse. In this article, we portray the nature of design process to address sustainability requirements. This is done taking an example of designing a urban household organic waste management system that requires less water and reclaims the nutrients.


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Life cycle assessment has been used to investigate the environmental and economic sustainability of a potential operation in the UK in which bioethanol is produced from the hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation of coppice willow. If the willow were grown on idle arable land in the UK, or, indeed, in Eastern Europe and imported as wood chips into the UK, it was found that savings of greenhouse gas emissions of 70-90%, when compared to fossil-derived gasoline on an energy basis, would be possible. The process would be energetically self-sufficient, as the co-products, e.g. lignin and unfermented sugars, could be used to produce the process heat and electricity, with surplus electricity being exported to the National Grid. Despite the environmental benefits, the economic viability is doubtful at present. However, the cost of production could be reduced significantly if the willow were altered by breeding to improve its suitability for hydrolysis and fermentation.


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Companies aiming to be 'sustainability leaders' in their sector and governments wanting to support their ambitions need a means to assess the changes required to make a significant difference in the impact of their whole sector. Previous work on scenario analysis/scenario planning demonstrates extensive developments and applications, but as yet few attempts to integrate the 'triple bottom line' concerns of sustainability into scenario planning exercises. This paper, therefore, presents a methodology for scenario analysis of large change to an entire sector. The approach includes calculation of a 'triple bottom line graphic equaliser' to allow exploration and evaluation of the trade-offs between economic, environmental and social impacts. The methodology is applied to the UK's clothing and textiles sector, and results from the study of the sector are summarised. In reflecting on the specific study, some suggestions are made about future application of a similar methodology, including a template of candidate solutions that may lead to significant reduction in impacts. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Más de mil "bienes" se habían incorporado hasta el mes de octubre del año 2013 al Registro que lleva la "Comisión Nacional de Museos y de Monumentos y Lugares Históricos", organismo estatal creado en 1940 y que tiene como misión –en sustancia– preservar, defender y acrecentar el patrimonio histórico y artístico de la Nación Argentina. La riqueza y variedad del elenco, que se amplía año a año, son datos que informan acerca del magnífico patrimonio cultural que ostenta el país. Algo más de una quinta parte del Registro, cuyo catálogo se agrupa en diferentes "tipologías", atañe a bienes de naturaleza "religiosa", en altísimo porcentaje concernientes a la Iglesia Católica. Sólo en orden a exhibir la diversidad del repertorio, que atraviesa todo el territorio de la Nación, cabe señalar que fueron declarados como "Monumento Histórico" la Catedral de la ciudad de Salta (Provincia de Salta), el Santuario de Nuestro Señor de los Milagros de Mailín (Provincia de Santiago del Estero), el Monumento al Cristo Redentor de los Andes (Provincia de Mendoza), el Cementerio de la Misión Salesiana (Provincia de Tierra del Fuego) y las Capillas de los Cementerios Británico y Alemán (Ciudad de Buenos Aires)...


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Resumen: Nuestro conocimiento de algunos aspectos de las Historias de Polibio se ha incrementado significativamente durante las dos últimas décadas. En ese sentido, ha habido ciertos desarrollos importantes con respecto a aspectos culturales de la obra, cuyo alcance ha ido permitiendo repensar durante estos años algunos presupuestos clásicos sobre la relación entre Polibio, Roma y el mundo helenístico. Proponemos aquí ofrecer un rápido análisis de las tres principales líneas de estudio propuestas por los estudiosos, cuyo alcance es considerado, en efecto, como un total reubicación del historiador aqueo al interior del universo cultural del mundo helenístico.


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"El problema de la inflación en la Argentina data de largas décadas, y el país es conocido en el mundo como un caso de estudio específico, tanto a partir de la persistente inflación registrada desde la década de 1840 hasta la actualidad, como por el proceso hiperinflacionario de 1989. Hoy, una vez más, como desde hace 60 años, la Argentina se enfrenta a una inflación persistente. También a una carrera dólar paralelo vs dólar oficial. Los errores del pasado no han servido como aprendizaje, y se repiten una y otra vez..."


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The use of sustainability indicators for evaluating sanitation systems is applied to the Erdos Eco- Town Project (EETP) in China for illustration. The EETP is the largest urban settlement in the world employing ecological sanitation, which incorporates separation of waste streams, dry toilets, and resource recovery. The EETP’s dry sanitation system is compared against the Dongsheng District’s conventional sewer and centralised STP. The two systems are compared based on technological, environmental, economic, and societal indicators. Overall, the two systems perform reasonably well from a technological perspective. The conventional system performs significantly better than the dry system with regards to land and energy requirements, and global warming potential; it also performs better based on freshwater aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicity potentials, but by a smaller margin. The dry system has superior environmental performance based on water consumption, eutrophication potential, and nutrient and organic matter recovery. The dry system is a more costly system as it requires greater infrastructure and higher operational costs, and does not benefit from economies of scale. The waterborne system performs better based on the societal indicators largely because it is a well-established system.


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Resumen: Este artículo se propone analizar: 1) si existe un verdadero “derecho al aborto” en la Convención Europea de Derechos Humanos, 2) si el aborto es una violación a los Derechos Sociales, 3) si la reciente tendencia en Europa frente a la restricción del aborto muestra que éste es un problema social y no un derecho o una libertad individual. Legisladores y organizaciones esperando proteger mejor a los niños y a las mujeres, del aborto, encontrarán críticas a la idea de la existencia de un derecho humano al aborto, así como el marco legal en el cual elaborar leyes protectorias.