963 resultados para culinary program
The RIBRAS facility (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil) is installed in connection with the 8MV Pelletron tandem of the University of Sao Paulo Physics Institute. It consists of two superconducting solenoids which focalize light radioactive secondary beams of low energy, produced by transfer reactions. Recent experimental results include the elastic scattering and transfer reactions of (6)He halo nucleus on (9)Be, (27)Al, (51)V and (120)Sn targets. The elastic scattering and transfer of (8)Li and (7)Be on several targets is also being studied. The transfer reaction (8)Li(p,alpha)(5)He of astrophysical interest was also Studied in the E(cm)=0.2-2.5 MeV energy range.
After the development of the highly sensitive material Al(2)O(3):C, personal dosimetry using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been continuously adopted in place of thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) by different countries (e.g. USA and Japan). In order to use a dosimetric system in Brazil it is necessary to develop a protocol and to fulfill performance and type tests in accordance with the accreditation program approved by the responsible governmental committee. This paper presents a proposal for an accreditation program for OSL personal dosimetry using a commercial dosimetric system, including tests that follow the same rules as applied to TLD and film dosimetry. The experimental results are within the reliability interval and in accordance to the expected behavior. A new test concerning re-analysis of exposed badges is also proposed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This presentation was offered as part of the CUNY Library Assessment Conference, Reinventing Libraries: Reinventing Assessment, held at the City University of New York in June 2014.
Denna rapport är resultatet av kursen Examensarbete i Informatik på Högskolan Dalarna. Examensarbetet är uppdelat i två delar. Ena delen har som syfte att ge en förstagångsanvändare en introduktion i Mobile.NET. Här beskrivs även vissa skillnader mot traditionell ASP. Andra delen, som uppfyller målet har varit att utveckla en tjänst som gör det möjligt att spela in tv-program på en dator från olika mobila enheter samt pc. Det arbete som föranlett rapporten har bestått av en egenhändigt framtagen metod som hämtat inspiration från Direct-modellen samt Polyas generella metod.Slutsatserna som framkommit är att det idag inte finns tillräckligt bra wap-tjänster som lockar allmänheten att wappa. Mobiltelefonen kommer till sin fulla rätt som en förlängd fjärr-kontroll, som kan integrera människan med hemmet på långa avstånd. För att utvecklingen av wap-tjänster ska ta fart krävs högre prestanda och nya idéer om tjänster. En tanke är att fler tjänster och nya idéer kommer ta fart nu när Microsoft släppt sitt utvecklingsverktyg Mobile Internet Toolkit. Nu behöver utvecklaren inte göra en tillämpning för varje mobilenhet. Kanske kommer denna rapport väcka en ny tanke om vad wap-tjänster kan göra.
Denna uppsats studerar utvecklingen av begreppet frihet i Folkpartiets partiprogram mellan 1967-1997. Undersökningen tar hänsyn till partiprogram och program om näringslivspolitik samt utbildningspolitik. Det olika sammanhang som frihet presenteras i relateras till tre typer av frihet och idealtyper om socialliberal och nyliberal frihet.Förändringen av synen på frihet går till en viss del från en frihetssyn där alla skall ha möjlig¬het att förverkliga sin egen potential till en frihetssyn där Folkpartiet anser att individerna skall få spendera sina egna resurser efter eget huvud. Trenden är en övergång från en socialliberal politik till en nyliberal politik. De tendenser där detta blir tydligast är i synen på friskolorna och åsikterna om hur befolkningen bör bli beskattade och vilket syfte som beskattningen har. Igenom hela perioden håller Folkpartiet vissa värden konstanta. Folkpartiet förespråkar in¬dividens rätt mot olika organisationer och att marknadsekonomi är önskvärd men inte perfekt.
Education, as an indispensable component of human capital, has been acknowledged to play a critical role in economic growth, which is theoretically elaborated by human capital theory and empirically confirmed by evidence from different parts of the world. The educational impact on growth is especially valuable and meaningful when it is for the sake of poverty reduction and pro-poorness of growth. The paper re-explores the precious link between human capital development and poverty reduction by investigating the causal effect of education accumulation on earnings enhancement for anti-poverty and pro-poor growth. The analysis takes the evidence from a well-known conditional cash transfer (CCT) program — Oportunidades in Mexico. Aiming at alleviating poverty and promoting a better future by investing in human capital for children and youth in poverty, this CCT program has been recognized producing significant outcomes. The study investigates a short-term impact of education on earnings of the economically disadvantaged youth, taking the data of both the program’s treated and untreated youth from urban areas in Mexico from 2002 to 2004. Two econometric techniques, i.e. difference-in-differences and difference-in-differences propensity score matching approach are applied for estimation. The empirical analysis first identifies that youth who under the program’s schooling intervention possess an advantage in educational attainment over their non-intervention peers; with this identification of education discrepancy as a prerequisite, further results then present that earnings of the education advantaged youth increase at a higher rate about 20 percent than earnings of their education disadvantaged peers over the two years. This result indicates a confirmation that education accumulation for the economically disadvantaged young has a positive impact on their earnings enhancement and thus inferring a contribution to poverty reduction and pro-poorness of growth.
In Vietnam, as in other Asian countries, co-operation with foreign universities plays an important role for the development of higher education. This paper is based on personal experiences from teaching a Swedish Master Programme in Education Science at Vietnam National University in Hanoi. Using theories developed by Lev Vygotsky and Donald Schon, the programme is explored as an inter-cultural learning process. Three aspects are focused upon. Firstly, the fact that communication between students and teachers is conducted with the help of translators who support both teachers and students in their attempt to understand and make themselves understood. Secondly, the expressed need to connect the ideas and techniques which are studied in the programme to the students´ professional worlds. Thirdly, the need to construct a framework wherein the students can inquire into their own situations and to encourage them to try new and more productive ways to deal with problems they are confronted with.
Public programs (of disputed effect) offering summer jobs or work while in high school to smooth the transition from school to work is commonplace. In this paper, 1447 girls in their first grade of high school between 1997-2003 and randomly allotted summer jobs via a program in Falun (Sweden) are followed 5-12 years after graduation. The program led to a substantially larger accumulation of income while in high school. The causal effect of the high school income on post-schooling incomes was substantial and statistically significant. The implied elasticity of 0.4 is however potentially inflated dueto heterogeneous effects.
In 2000 when Sweden signed the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities the Roma minority became one of the acknowledged national minorities in the country. It meant that the rights of the Roma mi-nority would be safeguarded and the knowledge of its history and culture would be spread. In that context, the Swedish school, with its founded as-signment of democracy, was given an important role. The education was to communicate the multicultural values of the society and to make visible the history and culture of the Roma minority. The school books used in teaching today do not meet these demands. The view of the Roma minority given in school books is often inadequate and simplified. The present study will therefore examine a different type of edu-cational material used in schools and teaching, The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company‟s programs of history and social studies regarding the Roma minority. Starting in postcolonial theory as well as critical dis-course analysis the study examines how the picture of the Roma cultural and ethnic identity in the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company‟s material has been displayed and possibly changed during the period of 1975 to 2013. The results show a picture of Roma which, both in form and content, con-sists of some clearly demarcated discursive categories. The obvious continui-ty of the categories gives a picture of static and invariable Roma identity. At the same time this unambiguous picture is broken both by giving the existing discourses new meaning and also adding new discourses. The complexity and nuances become more prominent and the Roma identity is integrated in common Swedish history telling. The changes in the view of Roma, given by the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, can mainly be explained by the change of the Swedish immigration and minority policy and, as a conse-quence of this, the change of the school‟s mission regarding knowledge communication of Sweden as a multicultural country.
Projektet syftar till att belysa olika aktörsperspektiv på implementering av och arbetet med socioemotionella program i den kommunala grundskolan och förskolan. Studien består av fem delstudier av fem kommunala verksamheter där arbete med socioemotionella program har ägt rum. Studien har en etnografisk design. Resultatet visar att implementeringsprocessen har sett olika ut i de studerade verksamheterna gällande initiativ till arbetet (uppifrån och ned, nedifrån och upp eller både och). Gemensamt i samtliga verksamheter var dock att det manualbaserade arbetet infördes utan granskning eller diskussion, vare sig på central kommunal nivå eller ute i verksamheterna. Vidare visar resultatet att många lärare till en början välkomnade manualbaserade program för att få tillgång till verktyg för systematiskt arbete med socioemotionella frågor, men att de snart fann svårigheter att omsätta övningarna på ett meningsfullt och etiskt försvarbart sätt för barnen och eleverna i verksamheten. Lärare uttrycker också osäkerhet gällande vilken skillnad de anser att programmen gjort för barnen/eleverna. Många barn och elever var kritiska mot programmen; barnen i förskolan hade svårt att sätta ord på vad de lärde sig av programmen och eleverna på högstadiet var öppet kritiskta till programarbetet. Eleverna i år tre och fem uttryckte däremot i mer positiva ordalag om det socioemotionella arbetet de tagit del av; deras svar ligger ofta i linje med de motiveringar för programmet som finns i programmen själva och bland lärare. Dessa elever uppvisar därmed ha tillägnat sig en diskursiv kompetens i sitt tal om programarbetet. I rapporten diskuteras också vilka implikationer programarbetet medfört dels för lärarprofessionaliteten, dels för realiserandet av skolans normativa uppdrag.