986 resultados para bandwidth 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz


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The long-term record of glacial/interglacial cycles indicates three major paleoceanographic regimes in the Norwegian Sea. The period since the first major glaciation over Scandinavia at 2.56 Ma is characterized by high-frequency, low-amplitude oscillations of ice-rafted debris inputs, a lowered salinity, and decreased carbonate shell production in surface waters as well as overall strong carbonate dissolution at the sea floor. These conditions indicate a more zonal circulation pattern in the Northern Hemisphere and a relative isolation of surface and bottom waters in the Norwegian Sea. The generally temperate glacial climate was only interrupted by episodic weak intrusions of warm Atlantic waters. These intrusions have been detected in considerable magnitude only at Site 644, and thus are restricted to areas much closer to the Norwegian shelf than during earlier periods. The interval from 1.2 to 0.6 Ma is characterized by an increase in carbonate shell production and a better preservation, as well as a change in frequency patterns of ice-rafted debris inputs. This pattern reflects increasing meridionality in circulation-strengthening contrasts in the Norwegian Sea between strong glaciations and warm interglacials. The past 0.6 Ma reveal high-amplitude oscillations in carbonate records that are dominated by the 100-k.y. frequency pattern. Glacial/interglacial sedimentary cycles in the ODP Leg 104 drill sites reveal a variety of specific dark lithofacies. These dark diamictons reflect intense iceberg rafting in surface waters fed by surges along the front of marine-based parts of the continental ice sheets in the southeastern sector of the Norwegian Sea and are associated with resuspension of reworked fossil organic carbon and strong dissolution at the sea floor. Piling up of huge iceberg barriers along the Iceland-Faeroe-Scotland Ridge might have partially blocked off surface water connections with the North Atlantic during these periods


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Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of authigenic carbonate nodules or layers reflect the diagenetic conditions at the time of nodule growth. The shallowest samples of carbonate nodules and dissolved inorganic carbon of pore water samples beneath the sulfate reduction zone (0-160 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) at Site 1165 have extremely negative d13C values (-50 per mil and -62 per mil, respectively). These negative d13C values indicate nodule formation in association with anaerobic methane oxidation coupled with sulfate reduction. The 34S of residual sulfate at Site 1165 shows only minor 34S enrichment (+6 per mil), even with complete sulfate reduction. This small degree of apparent 34S enrichment is due to extreme "open-system" sulfate reduction, with sulfate abundantly resupplied by diffusion from overlying seawater. Ten calcite nodules from Site 1165 contain minor quartz and feldspar and have d13C values ranging from -49.7 per mil to -8.2 per mil. The nodules with the most negative d13C values currently are at depths of 273 to 350 mbsf and must have precipitated from carbonate largely derived from subsurface anaerobic methane oxidation. The processes of sulfate reduction coupled with methane oxidation in sediments of Hole 1165B are indicated by characteristic concentration and isotopic (d34S and d13C) profiles of dissolved sulfate and bicarbonate. Three siderite nodules from Site 1166 contain feldspar and mica and one has significant carbonate-apatite. The siderite has d13C values ranging from -15.3 per mil to -7.6 per mil. These siderite nodules probably represent early diagenetic carbonate precipitation during microbial methanogenesis.


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The upper shelf of the landslide-prone Ligurian Margin (Western Mediterranean Sea) off Nice well-known for the 1979 Airport Landslide is a natural laboratory to study preconditioning factors and trigger mechanisms for submarine landslides. For this study low-stress ring shear experiments have been carried out on a variety of sediments from >50 gravity cores to characterise the velocity-dependent frictional behaviour. Mean values of the peak coefficient of friction vary from 0.46 for clay-dominated samples (53 % clay, 46 % silt, 1 %) sand up to 0.76 for coarse-grained sediments (26 % clay, 57 % silt, 17 % sand). The majority of the sediments tested show velocity strengthening regardless of the grain size distribution. For clayey sediments the peak and residual cohesive strength increases with increasing normal stress, with values from 1.3 to 10.6 kPa and up to 25 % of all strength supported by cohesive forces in the shallowmost samples. A pseudo-static slope stability analysis reveals that the different lithologies (even clay-rich material with clay content >=50 %) tested are stable up to slope angles <26° under quasi-drained conditions.