943 resultados para arithmetic
* Work is partially supported by the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A24, 26D15; Secondary 41A05
Ironically, the “learning of percent” is one of the most problematic aspects of school mathematics. In our view, these difficulties are not associated with the arithmetic aspects of the “percent problems”, but mostly with two methodological issues: firstly, providing students with a simple and accurate understanding of the rationale behind the use of percent, and secondly - overcoming the psychological complexities of the fluent and comprehensive understanding by the students of the sometimes specific wordings of “percent problems”. Before we talk about percent, it is necessary to acquaint students with a much more fundamental and important (regrettably, not covered by the school syllabus) classical concepts of quantitative and qualitative comparison of values, to give students the opportunity to learn the relevant standard terminology and become accustomed to conventional turns of speech. Further, it makes sense to briefly touch on the issue (important in its own right) of different representations of numbers. Percent is just one of the technical, but common forms of data representation: p% = p × % = p × 0.01 = p × 1/100 = p/100 = p × 10-2 "Percent problems” are involved in just two cases: I. The ratio of a variation m to the standard M II. The relative deviation of a variation m from the standard M The hardest and most essential in each specific "percent problem” is not the routine arithmetic actions involved, but the ability to figure out, to clearly understand which of the variables involved in the problem instructions is the standard and which is the variation. And in the first place, this is what teachers need to patiently and persistently teach their students. As a matter of fact, most primary school pupils are not yet quite ready for the lexical specificity of “percent problems”. ....Math teachers should closely, hand in hand with their students, carry out a linguistic analysis of the wording of each problem ... Schoolchildren must firmly understand that a comparison of objects is only meaningful when we speak about properties which can be objectively expressed in terms of actual numerical characteristics. In our opinion, an adequate acquisition of the teaching unit on percent cannot be achieved in primary school due to objective psychological specificities related to this age and because of the level of general training of students. Yet, if we want to make this topic truly accessible and practically useful, it should be taught in high school. A final question to the reader (quickly, please): What is greater: % of e or e% of Pi
We discuss some main points of computer-assisted proofs based on reliable numerical computations. Such so-called self-validating numerical methods in combination with exact symbolic manipulations result in very powerful mathematical software tools. These tools allow proving mathematical statements (existence of a fixed point, of a solution of an ODE, of a zero of a continuous function, of a global minimum within a given range, etc.) using a digital computer. To validate the assertions of the underlying theorems fast finite precision arithmetic is used. The results are absolutely rigorous. To demonstrate the power of reliable symbolic-numeric computations we investigate in some details the verification of very long periodic orbits of chaotic dynamical systems. The verification is done directly in Maple, e.g. using the Maple Power Tool intpakX or, more efficiently, using the C++ class library C-XSC.
This work reports on a new software for solving linear systems involving affine-linear dependencies between complex-valued interval parameters. We discuss the implementation of a parametric residual iteration for linear interval systems by advanced communication between the system Mathematica and the library C-XSC supporting rigorous complex interval arithmetic. An example of AC electrical circuit illustrates the use of the presented software.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11G15, 11G18, 14H52, 14J25, 32L07.
Михаил М. Константинов, Петко Х. Петков - Разгледани са възможните катастрофални ефекти от неправилното използване на крайна машинна аритметика с плаваща точка. За съжаление, тази тема не винаги се разбира достатъчно добре от студентите по приложна и изчислителна математика, като положението в инженерните и икономическите специалности в никакъв случай не е по-добро. За преодоляване на този образователен пропуск тук сме разгледали главните виновници за загубата на точност при числените компютърни пресмятания. Надяваме се, че представените резултати ще помогнат на студентите и лекторите за по-добро разбиране и съответно за избягване на основните фактори, които могат да разрушат точността при компютърните числени пресмятания. Последното не е маловажно – числените катастрофи понякога стават истински, с големи щети и човешки жертви.
Тодор П. Чолаков, Димитър Й. Биров - Тази статия представя цялостен модел за автоматизиран реинженеринг на наследени системи. Тя описва в детайли процесите на превод на софтуера и на рефакторинг и степента, до която могат да се автоматизират тези процеси. По отношение на превода на код се представя модел за автоматизирано превеждане на код, съдържащ указатели и работа с адресна аритметика. Също така се дефинира рамка за процеса на реинженеринг и се набелязват възможности за по-нататъшно развитие на концепции, инструменти и алгоритми.
Михаил Константинов, Весела Пашева, Петко Петков - Разгледани са някои числени проблеми при използването на компютърната система MATLAB в учебната дейност: пресмятане на тригонометрични функции, повдигане на матрица на степен, спектрален анализ на целочислени матрици от нисък ред и пресмятане на корените на алгебрични уравнения. Причините за възникналите числени трудности могат да се обяснят с особеностите на използваната двоичната аритметика с плаваща точка.
Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP, OMIM#308300) is a rare X-linked genomic disorder (about 1,400 cases) that affects the neuroectodermal tissue and Central Nervous System (CNS). The objective of this study was to describe the cognitive-behavioural profile in children in order to plan a clinical intervention to improve their quality of life. A total of 14 girls (age range: from 1 year and 2 months to 12 years and 10 months) with IP and the IKBKG/NEMO gene deletion were submitted to a cognitive assessment including intelligence scales, language and visuo-spatial competence tests, learning ability tests, and a behavioural assessment. Five girls had severe to mild intellectual deficiencies and the remaining nine had a normal neurodevelopment. Four girls were of school age and two of these showed no intellectual disability, but had specific disabilities in calculation and arithmetic reasoning. This is the first description of the cognitive-behavioural profile in relation to developmental age. We stress the importance of an early assessment of learning abilities in individuals with IP without intellectual deficiencies to prevent the onset of any such deficit.
Satisfiability, implication and equivalence problems are important and widely-encountered database problems that need to be efficiently and effectively solved. We provide a comprehensive and systematic study of these problems. We consider three popular types of arithmetic inequalities, (X op C), (X op Y), and (X op Y + C), where X and Y are attributes, C is a constant of the domain of X, and op $\in\ \{{<},\ {\le},\ {=},\ {\not=},\ {>},\ {\ge}\}.$ These inequalities are most frequently used in a database system, since the first type of inequalities represents $\theta$-join, the second type represents selection, and the third type is popular in deductive databases. We study the problems under the integer domain and the real domain, as well as under two different operator sets.^ Our results show that solutions under different domains and/or different operator sets are quite different. In this dissertation, we either report the first necessary and sufficient conditions as well as their efficient algorithms with complexity analysis, or provide improved algorithms. ^
The growing need for food is something that worries the world, which has a population that is growing at a geometric progression while their resources grows at an arithmetic progression. To alleviate this problem there are some proposals, including increased food production or reduce waste thereof. Many studies have been conducted in the world in order to reduce food waste that can reach 40% of production, depending on the region. For this purpose techniques are used to retard degradation of foods, including drying. This paper presents a design of a hybrid fruit dryer that uses solar energy and electric energy with automation of the process. To accomplish drying tests were chosen Typical fruits with good acceptability as processed fruits. During the experiments were measured temperature values at different points. Were also measured humidity values, solar radiation and mass. A data acquisition system was built using a Arduino for obtaining temperatures. The data were sent to a program named Secador de Frutas, done in this work, to plot the same. The volume of the drying chamber was 423 liters and despite the unusual size test using mirrors to increase the incidence of direct radiation, showed that the drier is competitive when compared with other solar dryers produced in Hydraulic Machines and Solar Energy Laboratory (LMHES ) UFRN. The drier has been built at a cost of 3 to 5 times smaller than industrial dryers that operate with the same load of fruit. And the energy cost to produce dried fruits was more feasible compared with such dryers that use LPG as an energy source. However, the drying time was longer.
The semantic model described in this paper is based on ones developed for arithmetic (e.g. McCloskey et al. 1985, Cohene and Dehaene 1995), natural language processing (Fodor 1975, Chomsky 1981) and work by the author on how learners parse mathematical structures. The semantic model highlights the importance of the parsing process and the relationship between this process and the mathematical lexicon/grammar. It concludes by demonstrating that for a learner to become an efficient, competent mathematician a process of top-down parsing is essential.
In this thesis, novel analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog generalized time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators are designed, analysed, evaluated and implemented that are suitable for high performance data conversion for a broad-spectrum of applications. These generalized time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators can perform noise-shaping for any centre frequency from DC to Nyquist. The proposed topologies are well-suited for Butterworth, Chebyshev, inverse-Chebyshev and elliptical filters, where designers have the flexibility of specifying the centre frequency, bandwidth as well as the passband and stopband attenuation parameters. The application of the time-interleaving approach, in combination with these bandpass loop-filters, not only overcomes the limitations that are associated with conventional and mid-band resonator-based bandpass sigma-delta modulators, but also offers an elegant means to increase the conversion bandwidth, thereby relaxing the need to use faster or higher-order sigma-delta modulators. A step-by-step design technique has been developed for the design of time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators. Using this technique, an assortment of lower- and higher-order single- and multi-path generalized A/D variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators were designed, evaluated and compared in terms of their signal-to-noise ratios, hardware complexity, stability, tonality and sensitivity for ideal and non-ideal topologies. Extensive behavioural-level simulations verified that one of the proposed topologies not only used fewer coefficients but also exhibited greater robustness to non-idealties. Furthermore, second-, fourth- and sixth-order single- and multi-path digital variable bandpass digital sigma-delta modulators are designed using this technique. The mathematical modelling and evaluation of tones caused by the finite wordlengths of these digital multi-path sigmadelta modulators, when excited by sinusoidal input signals, are also derived from first principles and verified using simulation and experimental results. The fourth-order digital variable-band sigma-delta modulator topologies are implemented in VHDL and synthesized on Xilinx® SpartanTM-3 Development Kit using fixed-point arithmetic. Circuit outputs were taken via RS232 connection provided on the FPGA board and evaluated using MATLAB routines developed by the author. These routines included the decimation process as well. The experiments undertaken by the author further validated the design methodology presented in the work. In addition, a novel tunable and reconfigurable second-order variable bandpass sigma-delta modulator has been designed and evaluated at the behavioural-level. This topology offers a flexible set of choices for designers and can operate either in single- or dual-mode enabling multi-band implementations on a single digital variable bandpass sigma-delta modulator. This work is also supported by a novel user-friendly design and evaluation tool that has been developed in MATLAB/Simulink that can speed-up the design, evaluation and comparison of analog and digital single-stage and time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators. This tool enables the user to specify the conversion type, topology, loop-filter type, path number and oversampling ratio.
Solving microkinetics of catalytic systems, which bridges microscopic processes and macroscopic reaction rates, is currently vital for understanding catalysis in silico. However, traditional microkinetic solvers possess several drawbacks that make the process slow and unreliable for complicated catalytic systems. In this paper, a new approach, the so-called reversibility iteration method (RIM), is developed to solve microkinetics for catalytic systems. Using the chemical potential notation we previously proposed to simplify the kinetic framework, the catalytic systems can be analytically illustrated to be logically equivalent to the electric circuit, and the reaction rate and coverage can be calculated by updating the values of reversibilities. Compared to the traditional modified Newton iteration method (NIM), our method is not sensitive to the initial guess of the solution and typically requires fewer iteration steps. Moreover, the method does not require arbitrary-precision arithmetic and has a higher probability of successfully solving the system. These features make it ∼1000 times faster than the modified Newton iteration method for the systems we tested. Moreover, the derived concept and the mathematical framework presented in this work may provide new insight into catalytic reaction networks.