936 resultados para apparent dielectric constant


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Vanillin was found to be efficient as a deactivator of ferrylmyoglobin with a second-order rate constant of k(2) = S7 +/- 1 L mol(-1) s(-1) for reduction to metmyoglobin with Delta H(double dagger) = 58.3 +/- 0.3 kJ mol(-1) and Delta S(double dagger) = -14 +/- 1 J mol(-1) K(-1) in aqueous pH 7.4 solution at 25 degrees C. Binding to beta-lactoglobulin (AG) was found to affect the reactivity of vanillin at 25 degrees C only slightly to k(2) = 48 +/- 2 L mol(-1) s(-1) (Delta H(double dagger) = 68.4 +/- 0.4 kJ mol(-1) and Delta S(double dagger) = 17 +/- 1 J mol(-1) K(-1)) for deactivation of ferrylmyoglobin. Binding of vanillin to beta LG was found to have a binding stoichiometry vanillin/beta LG > 10 with K(A) = 6 x 10(2) L mol(-1) and an apparent total Delta H degrees of approximately -38 kJ mol(-1) and Delta S degrees = -S5.4 +/- 4J mol(-1) K(-1) at 25 degrees C and Delta C(p), (obs) = -1.02 kJ mol(-1) K(-1) indicative of increasing ordering in the complex, as determined by isothermal titration microcalorimetry. From tryptophan fluorescence quenching for beta LG by vanillin, approximately one vanillin was found to bind to each beta LG far stronger with K(A) = 5 x 10(4) L, mol(-1) and a Delta H degrees = 10.2 kJ mol(-1) and Delta S degrees = 55J mol(-1) K(-1) at 25 degrees C. The kinetic entropy/enthalpy compensation effect seen for vanillin reactivity by binding to beta LG is concluded to relate to the weakly bound vanillin oriented through hydrogen bonds on the beta LG surface with the phenolic group pointing toward the solvent, in effect making both Delta H(double dagger) and Delta S(double dagger) more positive. The more strongly bound vanillin capable of tryptophan quenching in the fiLG calyx seems less or nonreactive.


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Trypanosomes are flagellated protozoa responsible for serious parasitic diseases that have been classified by the World Health Organization as tropical sicknesses of major importance. One important drug target receiving considerable attention is the enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease (T. cruzi Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (TcGAPDH); EC TcGAPDH is a key enzyme in the glycolytic pathway of T. cruzi and catalyzes the oxidative phosphorylation of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (1,3-BPG) coupled to the reduction of oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, (NAD(+)) to NADH, the reduced form. Herein, we describe the cloning of the T. cruzi gene for TcGAPDH into the pET-28a(+) vector, its expression as a tagged protein in Escherichia coli, purification and kinetic characterization. The His(6)-tagged TcGAPDH was purified by affinity chromatography. Enzyme activity assays for the recombinant His(6)-TcGAPDH were carried out spectrophotometrically to determine the kinetic parameters. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (K(M)(app)) determined for D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and NAD(+) were 352 +/- 21 and 272 +/- 25 mu M, respectively, which were consistent with the values for the untagged enzyme reported in the literature. We have demonstrated by the use of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) that this vector modification resulted in activity preserved for a higher period. We also report here the use of response surface methodology (RSM) to determine the region of optimal conditions for enzyme activity. A quadratic model was developed by RSM to describe the enzyme activity in terms of pH and temperature as independent variables. According to the RMS contour plots and variance analysis, the maximum enzyme activity was at 29.1 degrees C and pH 8.6. Above 37 degrees C, the enzyme activity starts to fall, which may be related to previous reports that the quaternary structure begins a process of disassembly. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Le genre autobiographique, malgré une popularité qui ne se dément pas depuis deux siècles, ne bénéficie pas d’une définition claire. Cet article se propose de montrer que cela est sans doute dû à l’hybridité intrinsèque de ce genre qui se traduit aussi par un pacte autobiographique complexe. Plus précisément, en s’appuyant sur les cas de Constant et de Nothomb, sera démontré que la lecture qui est faite des écrits intimes détermine bien souvent le genre. En ce qui concerne en particulier ces deux auteurs, leur personnalité changeante, contradictoire voire affabulatoire repousse le genre autobiographique dans ses limites, illustrent l’adage selon lequel le roman est plus vrai que la réalité vécue.  


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In spite of the environmental consumerism in Brazil not to meet in levels as advanced as in Europe and in the United States, some sectors are emerging as precursors of environmental relationships with their markets. Cosmetic's sector is one of them. This study discusses the subject of the ethical consumerism, especially the environmental one. It is focused in the consumer-citizen's context, more specifically in the consumer of a company of cosmetic's sector in Rio de Janeiro. To carry out this study, we chose a company that clearly assumed its commitment with the investment in the preservation of the environment: O Boticário. Initially, we investigated the relevance attributed by the customers of O Boticário to the investment accomplished in the search by the preservation of the environment by companies of this sector, comparing these results with the importance that has been imputed by the customers to traditional attributes of the Marketing. Later, we have analyzed these customers' perception in respect of the investment accomplished by the company in the search for the preservation of the environment. In the preliminary phase of the research, fourteen customers of O Boticário were interviewed. A structured questionnaire was applied to 90 respondents that have declared themselves customers of the mentioned company. The information were treated with descriptive statistics. The software employed has been the SPSS 10.0. Although the field research has indicated the characteristics of the product as priority for the consumer, the relevance attributed to the investment of the company in the search for the preservation of the environment was considered significant, with more prominence than some attributes traditionally judged as attributes-key of the Marketing. However, this apparent sensibility for the environmental subject doesn't seem to influence in search of information on environmental conduct of cosmetics' companies. In fact, a great deal of customers of O Boticário has declared that they have been unknowing about the conduct in favor of the environment on the part of the company, and a number, even larger, was not aware of the existence of the Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza.


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Em cenas naturais, ocorrem com certa freqüência classes espectralmente muito similares, isto é, os vetores média são muito próximos. Em situações como esta, dados de baixa dimensionalidade (LandSat-TM, Spot) não permitem uma classificação acurada da cena. Por outro lado, sabe-se que dados em alta dimensionalidade [FUK 90] tornam possível a separação destas classes, desde que as matrizes covariância sejam suficientemente distintas. Neste caso, o problema de natureza prática que surge é o da estimação dos parâmetros que caracterizam a distribuição de cada classe. Na medida em que a dimensionalidade dos dados cresce, aumenta o número de parâmetros a serem estimados, especialmente na matriz covariância. Contudo, é sabido que, no mundo real, a quantidade de amostras de treinamento disponíveis, é freqüentemente muito limitada, ocasionando problemas na estimação dos parâmetros necessários ao classificador, degradando portanto a acurácia do processo de classificação, na medida em que a dimensionalidade dos dados aumenta. O Efeito de Hughes, como é chamado este fenômeno, já é bem conhecido no meio científico, e estudos vêm sendo realizados com o objetivo de mitigar este efeito. Entre as alternativas propostas com a finalidade de mitigar o Efeito de Hughes, encontram-se as técnicas de regularização da matriz covariância. Deste modo, técnicas de regularização para a estimação da matriz covariância das classes, tornam-se um tópico interessante de estudo, bem como o comportamento destas técnicas em ambientes de dados de imagens digitais de alta dimensionalidade em sensoriamento remoto, como por exemplo, os dados fornecidos pelo sensor AVIRIS. Neste estudo, é feita uma contextualização em sensoriamento remoto, descrito o sistema sensor AVIRIS, os princípios da análise discriminante linear (LDA), quadrática (QDA) e regularizada (RDA) são apresentados, bem como os experimentos práticos dos métodos, usando dados reais do sensor. Os resultados mostram que, com um número limitado de amostras de treinamento, as técnicas de regularização da matriz covariância foram eficientes em reduzir o Efeito de Hughes. Quanto à acurácia, em alguns casos o modelo quadrático continua sendo o melhor, apesar do Efeito de Hughes, e em outros casos o método de regularização é superior, além de suavizar este efeito. Esta dissertação está organizada da seguinte maneira: No primeiro capítulo é feita uma introdução aos temas: sensoriamento remoto (radiação eletromagnética, espectro eletromagnético, bandas espectrais, assinatura espectral), são também descritos os conceitos, funcionamento do sensor hiperespectral AVIRIS, e os conceitos básicos de reconhecimento de padrões e da abordagem estatística. No segundo capítulo, é feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os problemas associados à dimensionalidade dos dados, à descrição das técnicas paramétricas citadas anteriormente, aos métodos de QDA, LDA e RDA, e testes realizados com outros tipos de dados e seus resultados.O terceiro capítulo versa sobre a metodologia que será utilizada nos dados hiperespectrais disponíveis. O quarto capítulo apresenta os testes e experimentos da Análise Discriminante Regularizada (RDA) em imagens hiperespectrais obtidos pelo sensor AVIRIS. No quinto capítulo são apresentados as conclusões e análise final. A contribuição científica deste estudo, relaciona-se à utilização de métodos de regularização da matriz covariância, originalmente propostos por Friedman [FRI 89] para classificação de dados em alta dimensionalidade (dados sintéticos, dados de enologia), para o caso especifico de dados de sensoriamento remoto em alta dimensionalidade (imagens hiperespectrais). A conclusão principal desta dissertação é que o método RDA é útil no processo de classificação de imagens com dados em alta dimensionalidade e classes com características espectrais muito próximas.


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Over the last decades, the analysis of the transmissions of international nancial events has become the subject of many academic studies focused on multivariate volatility models volatility. The goal of this study is to evaluate the nancial contagion between stock market returns. The econometric approach employed was originally presented by Pelletier (2006), named Regime Switching Dynamic Correlation (RSDC). This methodology involves the combination of Constant Conditional Correlation Model (CCC) proposed by Bollerslev (1990) with Markov Regime Switching Model suggested by Hamilton and Susmel (1994). A modi cation was made in the original RSDC model, the introduction of the GJR-GARCH model formulated in Glosten, Jagannathan e Runkle (1993), on the equation of the conditional univariate variances to allow asymmetric e ects in volatility be captured. The database was built with the series of daily closing stock market indices in the United States (SP500), United Kingdom (FTSE100), Brazil (IBOVESPA) and South Korea (KOSPI) for the period from 02/01/2003 to 09/20/2012. Throughout the work the methodology was compared with others most widespread in the literature, and the model RSDC with two regimes was de ned as the most appropriate for the selected sample. The set of results provide evidence for the existence of nancial contagion between markets of the four countries considering the de nition of nancial contagion from the World Bank called very restrictive. Such a conclusion should be evaluated carefully considering the wide diversity of de nitions of contagion in the literature.


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This paper examines the evolution of wage inequality in Brazil in the 1980s and 1990s . It tries to investigate the role played by changing economic returns to education and to experience over this period together with the evolution of within-group inequality. It applies a quantile regression approach on grouped data to the Brazilian case. Results using repeated cross-sections of a Brazilian annual household survey indicate that : i) Male wage dispersion remained basically constant overall in the 1980's and 1990' s but has increased substantially within education and age groups. ii) Returns to experience increased significantly over this period, with the rise concentrated on the iliterate/primary school group iii) Returns to college education have risen over time, whereas return to intermediate and high-school education have fallen iv) The apparent rise in within-group inequality seems to be the result of a fall in real wages, since the difference in wage leveIs has dec1ined substantially over the period, especially within the high-educated sample. v) Returns to experience rise with education. vi) Returns to education rise over the life-cycle. vii) Wage inequality increases over the life-cycle. The next step i~ this research will try to conciliate all these stylised facts.


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MELO, Maxymme Mendes de ; PINHEIRO, Andrea Santos ; NASCIMENTO, R. M. ; MARTINELLI, Antonio Eduardo ; DUTRA, Ricardo Peixoto Suassuna ; MELO, Marcus Antônio de Freitas . Análise microestrutural de misturas cerâmicas de grês Porcelanato com adição de chamote de telhas cerâmicas. Cerâmica (São Paulo. Impresso), v. 55, p. 356-364, 2009


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Generally, cellulose ethers improves mortar properties such as water retention, workability and setting time, along with adherence to the substrate. However, a major disadvantage of the addition of cellulose ethers in mortars is the delay in hydration of the cement. In this paper a cellulose phosphate (Cp) was synthesized water soluble and has been evaluated the effect of their incorporation into mortar based on Portland cement. Cellulose phosphate obtained was characterized by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), elemental analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mortar compositions were formulated with varying phosphorus content in cellulose and cellulose phosphate concentrations, when used in partial or total replacement of the commercial additive based hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose (HEMC). The mortars formulated with additives were prepared and characterized by: testing in the fresh state (consistency index, water retention, bulk density and air content incorporated) and in the hardened state (absorption by capillarity, density, flexural and compression strength). In mixtures the proportion of sand:cement of 1:5 (v / v) and factor a / c = 1.31 and water were held constant. Overall, the results showed that the celluloses phosphates employed in mortars added acted significantly when partially substituting the commercial additive. With regard to consistency index, water retention and bulk density in the fresh state and absorption by capillarity and bulk density apparent in the hardened state, showed no appreciable differences as compared to the commercial additive. The incorporated air content in the fresh state reduced markedly, but did not affect other properties. The mortars with cellulose phosphate, partially replacing the commercial additive showed an improvement of the properties of flexural strength and compressive strength


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The industrial production of ornamental rocks and the burning of coffee husk generate waste that is discarded into the environment. However, with the study of the incorporation of these residues in ceramic products, may be found an alternative to reducing environmental impacts and detrimental effects on human health caused by its indiscriminate disposal of waste in nature. Thus, this work aimed to study the addition of ashes of the coffee husk and granite residue in matrix of red ceramic. The raw materials were dry milled and sieved to mesh 100. To characterize the raw materials were carried out analyzes of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis (PSA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). Six formulations were prepared where the clay content was kept constant (70%wt) and ashes contents and granite residue varied from 10, 15, 20 and 30%. Dilatometrics analyzes were performed at four selected formulations, containing them: 100% clay (A100); 70% clay and 30% ashes (A70C30); 70% clay and 30% granite residue (A70G30); and 70% clay, 15% granite residue and 15% ashes (A70G15C15). The samples were prepared by uniaxial compaction with pressure of 25 MPa, and fired at temperatures of 800°C, 850ºC, 900ºC, 950ºC, 1000ºC and 1100°C. Assays were performed to determine the linear shrinkage of burning (LSB), water absorption (WA), apparent porosity (AP), density (D) and tensile bending. Also were performed analyzes of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the samples fired. The formulations incorporating granite residue and/or ashes reached the required limits of water absorption according to NBR 15270-1 and NBR 15310 and tensile bending according to classical literature (SANTOS, 1989) necessary for the production of tiles and ceramic block for masonry sealing


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The benznidazole (BNZ) is the only alternative for Chagas disease treatment in Brazil. This drug has low solubility, which restricts its dissolution rate. Thus, the present work aimed to study the BNZ interactions in binary systems with beta cyclodextrin (β-CD) and hydroxypropyl-beta cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD), in order to increase the apparent aqueous solubility of drug. The influence of seven hydrophilic polymers, triethanolamine (TEA) and 1-methyl-2- pyrrolidone (NMP) in benznidazole apparent aqueous solubility, as well as the formation of inclusion complexes was also investigated. The interactions in solution were predicted and investigated using phase solubility diagram methodology, nuclear magnetic resonance of protons (RMN) and molecular modeling. Complexes were obtained in solid phase by spray drying and physicochemical characterization included the UV-Vis spectrophotometric spectroscopy in the infrared region, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and dissolution drug test from the different systems. The increment on apparent aqueous solubility of drug was achieved with a linear type (AL) in presence of both cyclodextrins at different pH values. The hydrophilic polymers and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone contributes to the formation of inclusion complexes, while the triethanolamine decreased the complex stability constant (Kc). The log-linear model applied for solubility diagrams revealed that both triethanolamine and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone showed an action cosolvent (both solvents) and complexing (1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone). The best results were obtained with complexes involving 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and hydroxypropylbeta- cyclodextrin, with an increased of benznidazole solubility in 27.9 and 9.4 times, respectively. The complexes effectiveness was proven by dissolution tests, in which the ternary complexes and physical mixtures involving 1-methyl- 2-pyrrolidone and both cyclodextrins investigated showed better results, showing the potential use as novel pharmaceutical ingredient, that leads to increased benznidazole bioavailability