973 resultados para acido siálico
Malgré que le contenu des génomes mitochondriaux animaux soit dit bien conservé, des nouveaux gènes mitochondriaux ont été identifiés chez plusieurs espèces, surtout des invertébrés. Par exemple, les bivalves exhibant la double transmission uniparentale de leurs génomes mitochondriaux possèdent des nouveaux gènes spécifiques au sexe (M-ORF dans l’ADN de type M, F-ORF dans l’ADN de type F) qui ont été caractérisés in silico chez trois espèces de l’ordre Mytiloida, une espèce de Veneroida et une espèce de Unionoida par une précédente étude. Même si les séquences varient beaucoup entre ces trois ordres, cette étude à montré que des hélices transmembranaires ainsi que des peptides signaux sont conservés pour toutes les séquences. L’étude a aussi montré que les nouveaux gènes pourraient avoir des rôles dans la signalisation cellulaire, le cycle cellulaire et la réponse immunitaire et qu’ils pourraient être le résultat de l’endogénisation de l’ADN viral. Le projet présenté ici a pour but de mieux caractériser ces nouveaux gènes et leur origine potentielle, en plus d’étudier le H-ORF particulier aux hermaphrodites, en ciblant les espèces des unionidés. Les résultats montrent que les hélices transmembranaires et peptides signaux sont conservés chez les unionidés, les protéines semblent être associées à la membrane et être capables de lier des acides nucléiques et protéines, et les fonctions potentielles sont conservées. Les M-ORFs semblent avoir un rôle dans le transport et des processus cellulaires tels que la signalisation, le cycle cellulaire et la division, et l’organisation du cytosquelette. Les F-ORFs semblent être impliqués dans le trafic et transport cellulaire et la réponse immunitaire. Finalement, les H-ORFs semblent être des glycoprotéines structurales avec des rôles dans la signalisation, le transport et la transcription. Les résultats de ce projet pourraient supporter une origine virale ou mitochondriale pour ces gènes.
Objective: In Southern European countries up to one-third of the patients with hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) do not present the common HFE risk genotype. In order to investigate the molecular basis of these cases we have designed a gene panel for rapid and simultaneous analysis of 6 HH-related genes (HFE, TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1 and FTL) by next-generation sequencing (NGS). Materials and Methods: Eighty-eight iron overload Portuguese patients, negative for the common HFE mutations, were analysed. A TruSeq Custom Amplicon kit (TSCA, by Illumina) was designed in order to generate 97 amplicons covering exons, intron/exon junctions and UTRs of the mentioned genes with a cumulative target sequence of 12115bp. Amplicons were sequenced in the MiSeq instrument (IIlumina) using 250bp paired-end reads. Sequences were aligned against human genome reference hg19 using alignment and variant caller algorithms in the MiSeq reporter software. Novel variants were validated by Sanger sequencing and their pathogenic significance were assessed by in silico studies. Results: We found a total of 55 different genetic variants. These include novel pathogenic missense and splicing variants (in HFE and TFR2), a very rare variant in IRE of FTL, a variant that originates a novel translation initiation codon in the HAMP gene, among others. Conclusion: The merging of TSCA methodology and NGS technology appears to be an appropriate tool for simultaneous and fast analysis of HH-related genes in a large number of samples. However, establishing the clinical relevance of NGS-detected variants for HH development remains a hard-working task, requiring further functional studies.
A homeostase do ferro requer um rigoroso processo de regulação, uma vez que este é um elemento essencial para alguns dos mecanismos celulares básicos mas, quando se encontra em excesso, origina profundos danos celulares e falha de órgãos. Dado que o organismo humano não possui um mecanismo ativo de excreção de ferro, é essencial que a sua homeostase seja estabelecida através de uma estreita comunicação entre os locais de absorção, utilização e armazenamento. Esta interligação é conseguida, essencialmente, através da ação de uma hormona circulante, a hepcidina. A hepcidina é sintetizada ao nível dos hepatócitos do fígado, sendo a sua expressão aumentada pelos níveis de ferro e inflamação e suprimida pela eritropoiese e hipoxia. A hepcidina regula negativamente a absorção duodenal do ferro proveniente da alimentação, a libertação pelos macrófagos do ferro resultante da fagocitose dos glóbulos vermelhos senescentes, assim como a libertação do ferro armazenado nos hepatócitos. A hemocromatose hereditátria (HH) do tipo 1 é uma doença de transmissão autossómica recessiva associada a mutações no gene HFE (p.Cys282Tyr e p.His63Asp). É a patologia humana mais comum de sobrecarga primária em ferro, apresenta penetrância incompleta, e é um dos distúrbios genéticos mais frequentes em caucasianos de ascendência Norte-Europeia. Na hemocromatose, apesar de haver um excesso de ferro no organismo, este facto não é refletido no nível de expressão da hormona hepcidina (cujos níveis deveriam aumentar). Pelo contrário, o nível de expressão da hepcidina encontra-se diminuído o que perpetua a constante absorção do ferro a nível duodenal. Os sintomas associados à doença iniciam-se geralmente na meia-idade e começam por consistir em sintomas gerais de fadiga e dores articulares. No entanto, a progressiva acumulação do ferro em vários órgãos (tais como fígado, coração e pâncreas) provoca aí graves danos, tais como cirrose, carcinoma hepatocelular, cardiomiopatias e diabetes. Para além da HH do tipo 1, podem ocorrer outros tipos de hemocromatose por mutações noutros genes relacionados com o metabolismo do ferro (tais como TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1, etc). Mutações em genes como HAMP e HJV associam-se a hemocromatoses mais graves, de início ainda na juventude (hemocromatose juvenil). A implementação no nosso laboratório da nova metodologia de Next-Generation Sequencing permitiu-nos realizar a pesquisa de variantes simultaneamente em 6 genes relacionados com o metabolismo do ferro, em 88 doentes com fenótipo de hemocromatose hereditária não-clássica. Foram identificadas 54 variantes diferentes sendo algumas delas novas. Estudos in silico e estudos funcionais in vitro (em linhas celulares) permitiram-nos comprovar a patogenicidade de algumas das variantes novas e compreender os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes ao desenvolvimento da sobrecarga em ferro. Pelo contrário, no lado oposto do espetro das patologias relacionadas com o ferro, encontram-se as anemias por falta de ferro (anemias ferropénicas). A Organização Mundial de Saúde define anemia quando os níveis de hemoglobina no sangue são menores do que 12 g/dL na Mulher e 13 g/dL no Homem. A hemoglobina é a proteína existente nos glóbulos vermelhos do sangue, responsável pelo transporte de oxigénio no organismo, e cuja molécula é um tetrâmero formado por 4 cadeias polipeptídicas (as globinas) e 4 grupos heme que contêm 4 átomos de ferro. A falta de ferro impede que se formem as moléculas de hemoglobina a níveis normais em cerca de 20% da população portuguesa e isso é devido a carências alimentares ou a dificuldades na absorção do ferro proveniente da alimentação. Entre os fatores genéticos moduladores desta última situação parecem estar algumas variantes polimórficas no gene TMPRSS6, codificante da proteína Matriptase-2, um dos agentes envolvidos na regulação da expressão da hepcidina. Por outro lado, mutações neste gene dão origem a anemias ferropénicas graves, refratárias ao tratamento oral com ferro (Iron Refractory Iron Deficiency Anaemia - IRIDA). As Hemoglobinopatias são outro tipo de anemia hereditária. Estas não estão relacionadas com o défice de ferro mas sim com defeitos nas cadeias globínicas, constituintes da hemoglobina (α2β2). As hemoglobinopatias que estão relacionadas com um problema quantitativo, ou seja quando há ausência ou diminuição de síntese de uma cadeia globínica, denominam-se talassémias: beta-talassémia, alfa-talassémia, delta-talassémia, etc, consoante o gene afetado. Por outro lado, quando o problema é de carácter qualitativo, ou seja ocorre a síntese de uma cadeia globínica estruturalmente anómala, esta é denominada uma variante de hemoglobina. Enquadra-se neste último grupo a Anemia das Células Falciformes ou Drepanocitose. As hemoglobinopatias são das patologias genéticas mais frequentes no mundo, sendo que nalguns locais são um grave problema de saúde pública. Em Portugal foram realizados estudos epidemiológicos que permitiram determinar a frequência de portadores na população e foi implementado um programa de prevenção.
Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is an autosomal recessive chronic hemolytic anemia, caused by homozygosity for the HBB:c.20A>T mutation. The disease presents with high clinical heterogeneity, stroke being the most devastating manifestation. This study aimed to identify genetic modulators of severe hemolysis and stroke risk in children with SCA, as well as understand their consequences at the hemorheological level. Sixty-six children with SCA were categorised according to their degree of cerebral vasculopathy (Stroke/Risk/Control). Relevant data were collected from patients’ medical records. Several polymorphic regions in genes related to vascular cell adhesion and tonus were characterized by molecular methodologies. Data analyses were performed using R software. Several in silico tools (e.g. TFBind, MatInspector) were applied to investigate the main variant consequences. Some genetic variants in vascular adhesion molecule-1 gene promoter and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene were associated with higher levels of hemolysis and stroke events. They modify important transcription factor binding sites or disturb the corresponding protein structure/function. Our findings emphasize the relevance of the genetic variants in modulating the degree of hemolysis and development of cerebral vasculopathy due to their effect on gene expression, modification of protein biological activities related with erythrocyte/endothelial interactions and consequent hemorheological abnormalities in SCA.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Nel corso degli anni le fonti rinnovabili e in particolare il fotovoltaico hanno assunto un ruolo sempre più importante nel panorama energetico italiano. Si è effettuata un’analisi della tecnologia fotovoltaica illustrandone il funzionamento, le tipologie di pannelli, il calcolo dell’energia elettrica producibile e le curve caratteristiche. Dal momento che la maggior parte delle rinnovabili presenta il problema della non programmabilità dovuta alla produzione intermittente, è necessario adottare dei sistemi di accumulo. Tali sistemi vengono mostrati, con particolare riguardo per le batterie al piombo acido e per l’idrogeno immagazzinato in idruri metallici, spiegando nel dettaglio l’elettrolisi e gli elettrolizzatori PEM. Dopo questa panoramica iniziale, si è illustrato l’impianto oggetto di questa tesi, composto principalmente da due pannelli fotovoltaici, un simulatore solare, due batterie al Piombo, un elettrolizzatore, un carico e un alimentatore. In seguito viene spiegata l’attività sperimentale, svolta sulle prove di laboratorio ai fini di ottenere le curve di funzionamento dei vari componenti, tramite due approcci diversi: per il sistema atto all’elettrolisi e per tutti i suoi componenti si è usato un modello black-box, per i pannelli fotovoltaici si è usato un approccio fisico-matematico partendo dalle equazioni del simulatore solare applicandovi i dati dei pannelli del laboratorio. Una volta ottenute queste curve, si è creato un modello completo del laboratorio per simularne il funzionamento al variare dell’irraggiamento. Si è testato prima il modello su un’utenza da 3 kW, poi, dopo aver confrontato gli andamenti reali con quelli ottenuti, si sono simulate varie configurazioni per trovare quella che permette al sistema di produrre idrogeno alla potenza nominale di 250 W in una giornata senza supplemento della rete elettrica.
Malgré que le contenu des génomes mitochondriaux animaux soit dit bien conservé, des nouveaux gènes mitochondriaux ont été identifiés chez plusieurs espèces, surtout des invertébrés. Par exemple, les bivalves exhibant la double transmission uniparentale de leurs génomes mitochondriaux possèdent des nouveaux gènes spécifiques au sexe (M-ORF dans l’ADN de type M, F-ORF dans l’ADN de type F) qui ont été caractérisés in silico chez trois espèces de l’ordre Mytiloida, une espèce de Veneroida et une espèce de Unionoida par une précédente étude. Même si les séquences varient beaucoup entre ces trois ordres, cette étude à montré que des hélices transmembranaires ainsi que des peptides signaux sont conservés pour toutes les séquences. L’étude a aussi montré que les nouveaux gènes pourraient avoir des rôles dans la signalisation cellulaire, le cycle cellulaire et la réponse immunitaire et qu’ils pourraient être le résultat de l’endogénisation de l’ADN viral. Le projet présenté ici a pour but de mieux caractériser ces nouveaux gènes et leur origine potentielle, en plus d’étudier le H-ORF particulier aux hermaphrodites, en ciblant les espèces des unionidés. Les résultats montrent que les hélices transmembranaires et peptides signaux sont conservés chez les unionidés, les protéines semblent être associées à la membrane et être capables de lier des acides nucléiques et protéines, et les fonctions potentielles sont conservées. Les M-ORFs semblent avoir un rôle dans le transport et des processus cellulaires tels que la signalisation, le cycle cellulaire et la division, et l’organisation du cytosquelette. Les F-ORFs semblent être impliqués dans le trafic et transport cellulaire et la réponse immunitaire. Finalement, les H-ORFs semblent être des glycoprotéines structurales avec des rôles dans la signalisation, le transport et la transcription. Les résultats de ce projet pourraient supporter une origine virale ou mitochondriale pour ces gènes.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The large number of protein kinases makes it impractical to determine their specificities and substrates experimentally. Using the available crystal structures, molecular modeling, and sequence analyses of kinases and substrates, we developed a set of rules governing the binding of a heptapeptide substrate motif (surrounding the phosphorylation site) to the kinase and implemented these rules in a web-interfaced program for automated prediction of optimal substrate peptides, taking only the amino acid sequence of a protein kinase as input. We show the utility of the method by analyzing yeast cell cycle control and DNA damage checkpoint pathways. Our method is the only available predictive method generally applicable for identifying possible substrate proteins for protein serine/threonine kinases and helps in silico construction of signaling pathways. The accuracy of prediction is comparable to the accuracy of data from systematic large-scale experimental approaches.
The phylum Planctomycetes of the domain Bacteria consists of budding, peptidoglycan-less organisms important for understanding the origins of complex cell organization. Their significance for cell biology lies in their possession of intracellular membrane compartmentation. All planctomycetes share a unique cell plan, in which the cell cytoplasm is divided into compartments by one or more membranes, including a major cell compartment containing the nucleoid. Of special significance is Gemmata obscuriglobus, in which the nucleoid is enveloped in two membranes to form a nuclear body that is analogous to the structure of a eukaryotic nucleus. Planctomycete compartmentation may have functional physiological roles, as in the case of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing anammox planctomycetes, in which the anammoxosome harbors specialized enzymes and is wrapped in an envelope possessing unique ladderane lipids. Organisms in phyla other than the phylum Planctomycetes may possess compartmentation similar to that of some planctomycetes, as in the case of members of the phylum Poribacteria from marine sponges.
New tools derived from advances in molecular biology have not been widely adopted in plant breeding for complex traits because of the inability to connect information at gene level to the phenotype in a manner that is useful for selection. In this study, we explored whether physiological dissection and integrative modelling of complex traits could link phenotype complexity to underlying genetic systems in a way that enhanced the power of molecular breeding strategies. A crop and breeding system simulation study on sorghum, which involved variation in 4 key adaptive traits-phenology, osmotic adjustment, transpiration efficiency, stay-green-and a broad range of production environments in north-eastern Australia, was used. The full matrix of simulated phenotypes, which consisted of 547 location-season combinations and 4235 genotypic expression states, was analysed for genetic and environmental effects. The analysis was conducted in stages assuming gradually increased understanding of gene-to-phenotype relationships, which would arise from physiological dissection and modelling. It was found that environmental characterisation and physiological knowledge helped to explain and unravel gene and environment context dependencies in the data. Based on the analyses of gene effects, a range of marker-assisted selection breeding strategies was simulated. It was shown that the inclusion of knowledge resulting from trait physiology and modelling generated an enhanced rate of yield advance over cycles of selection. This occurred because the knowledge associated with component trait physiology and extrapolation to the target population of environments by modelling removed confounding effects associated with environment and gene context dependencies for the markers used. Developing and implementing this gene-to-phenotype capability in crop improvement requires enhanced attention to phenotyping, ecophysiological modelling, and validation studies to test the stability of candidate genetic regions.
Parabens are alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid used as preservatives in a wide range of food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products (Soni et al. Food Chem. Toxicol. 39:513-532, 2001). Despite their common use for over 50 years, their mechanism of action is still unclear. In this study we examined the effects of ethyl and propyl paraben, on gating of the E. coli mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) reconstituted into azolectin liposomes. We found that propyl and ethyl paraben spontaneously activate MscL. Moreover, the addition of propyl paraben caused an increase in MscL activity and the lowering Of P-1/2, the pressure at which the MscL was opened 50% of the time, the AGO, the free energy required to open the MscL, and the parameter a, which describes the channel sensitivity to pressure. In addition, in silico studies showed that propyl paraben binds to the channel gate of the MscL. The mechanosensitive channel of small conductance was also found to be spontaneously activated by parabens. In summary, our study indicates that one of the previously unidentified mechanisms of action of parabens as antimicrobial agents is via an interaction with the mechanosensitive channels to upset the osmotic gradients in bacteria.
The reconstructed cellular metabolic network of Mus musculus, based on annotated genomic data, pathway databases, and currently available biochemical and physiological information, is presented. Although incomplete, it represents the first attempt to collect and characterize the metabolic network of a mammalian cell on the basis of genomic data. The reaction network is generic in nature and attempts to capture the carbon, energy, and nitrogen metabolism of the cell. The metabolic reactions were compartmentalized between the cytosol and the mitochondria, including transport reactions between the compartments and the extracellular medium. The reaction list consists of 872 internal metabolites involved in a total of 1220 reactions, whereof 473 relate to known open reading frames. Initial in silico analysis of the reconstructed model is presented.
Non- protein- coding RNAs ( ncRNAs) are increasingly being recognized as having important regulatory roles. Although much recent attention has focused on tiny 22- to 25- nucleotide microRNAs, several functional ncRNAs are orders of magnitude larger in size. Examples of such macro ncRNAs include Xist and Air, which in mouse are 18 and 108 kilobases ( Kb), respectively. We surveyed the 102,801 FANTOM3 mouse cDNA clones and found that Air and Xist were present not as single, full- length transcripts but as a cluster of multiple, shorter cDNAs, which were unspliced, had little coding potential, and were most likely primed from internal adenine- rich regions within longer parental transcripts. We therefore conducted a genome- wide search for regional clusters of such cDNAs to find novel macro ncRNA candidates. Sixty- six regions were identified, each of which mapped outside known protein- coding loci and which had a mean length of 92 Kb. We detected several known long ncRNAs within these regions, supporting the basic rationale of our approach. In silico analysis showed that many regions had evidence of imprinting and/ or antisense transcription. These regions were significantly associated with microRNAs and transcripts from the central nervous system. We selected eight novel regions for experimental validation by northern blot and RT- PCR and found that the majority represent previously unrecognized noncoding transcripts that are at least 10 Kb in size and predominantly localized in the nucleus. Taken together, the data not only identify multiple new ncRNAs but also suggest the existence of many more macro ncRNAs like Xist and Air.