997 resultados para Volatilità implicita, comportamento asintotico, Black-Scholes, approssimazioni, volatilità locale.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a resposta bioquímica nas variáveis volume prostático, valor do antígeno prostático específico (PSA), escores de Gleason, estádio, risco da doença e hormonioterapia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: No período de fevereiro de 1998 a julho de 2001, 46 pacientes com câncer de próstata foram tratados com radioterapia, numa combinação de teleterapia e braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose (BATD). A idade variou de 51 a 79 anos (média de 66,4 anos). O estádio T1c foi o mais freqüente: 30 (65%). O escore de Gleason era abaixo de 7 em 78% dos pacientes. O PSA variou de 3,4 a 33,3, estando abaixo de 10 em 39% das vezes. O volume prostático médio foi de 32,3 cc. Um total de 28% dos pacientes recebeu hormonioterapia. A dose de teleterapia variou de 45 a 50,4 Gy, associada a quatro frações de BATD de 4 Gy. RESULTADOS: O seguimento variou de 6 a 43 meses. Quatro pacientes perderam seguimento e quatro morreram (um por doença). Dos 39 pacientes analisados, 76% apresentaram PSA menor que 1,5. Nenhuma das variáveis analisadas foi estatisticamente significante (p > 0,05) com relação ao controle bioquímico. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização de BATD foi eficiente no tratamento do câncer de próstata e, neste estudo, as variáveis consideradas como fatores prognósticos não interferiram no controle bioquímico.
OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da mudança no contraste do objeto, tempo de exposição e dose de radiação quando diferentes espessuras de filtração de molibdênio (Mo) e ródio (Rh) são empregadas em mamógrafos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizaram-se medidas da exposição na entrada da pele com uma câmara de ionização para diferentes espessuras para os filtros de Mo e Rh. Para determinar a dose glandular média foi utilizado simulador de BR12 (50% tecido adiposo e 50% tecido glandular) de diferentes espessuras (4 cm e 8 cm). Energias na faixa de 24 kVp a 34 kVp foram empregadas e filmes Kodak MinR 2000 foram utilizados. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram dados de contraste do objeto, dose glandular e tempo de exposição para diferentes espessuras de filtros adicionais e diferentes tensões. Esses dados indicaram aumento nos valores de contraste do objeto e tempo de exposição, com o aumento da espessura dos filtros. A dose glandular apresentou comportamento com diferentes tendências para cada caso analisado. Equações foram definidas para possibilitar a estimativa do contraste do objeto, dose glandular e tempo de exposição para os casos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados possibilitaram a estimativa de equações que auxiliam na verificação do comportamento do contraste do objeto e da dose glandular para simuladores com espessura de 4 cm e 8 cm e para os filtros de Rh e Mo. Dessa forma, torna-se possível estimar a figura de mérito (razão entre o contraste do objeto e a dose glandular), podendo auxiliar na análise da relação risco-benefício dos casos estudados.
The exhibition "Isabel Banal. Via Lactea" is part of the exhibition cycle "Blanc sota negre. Treballs des de l'imperceptible / 5" curated by Joana Masó (Centre Dona i Literatura) and Assumpta Bassas (Universitat de Barcelona). In this exhibition, the artist shows long-term and open projects exhibited on five tables. The table is one of the central elements from the beginning of her career, in relation to the creative and domestic space, but also as a double metaphor for the ground and for soil.
A general overview on the photochemical behaviour of [Ru(NH3)5L]2+ complexes (where L is a p ligand) is presented. The proposed mechanisms and techniques employed for the study of these reactions are discussed. Emphasis is made on the mechanisms that allow the identification of the reactive excited state of the [Ru(NH3)5py]2+ complex.
In this paper is presented electrochemical evidences of the influence of the light on the electrochemical behavior of nickel electrode in diluted sulfuric acid. The current densities related with the electrooxidation of the metal decreases when the electrode is under illumination. The corrosion potential, Ecorr , shift to a more positive value in this condition. This effect was observed with polychromatic light and with different wavelength glass filters such as 700 nm and 520 nm. It was observed that increasing the temperature of the solution, the current densities related with cathodic and anodic processes, increases instead of decreases. The activation energy related with the electrooxidation of the electrode was higher under illumination than in the dark. It is suggested that this behavior may be related or with a photo-inhibition effect either with dessorption of adsorbed water involved in the electrooxidation mechanism.
Enamel suspensions were characterized according to their rheological behavior. The suspensions presented a pseudoplastic behavior, yield stress and thixotropy, with or without the presence of deffloculant. Added carboxymethylcellulose increases the apparent viscosity of enamel suspensions and interacts complexly with the deffloculant, here sodium silicate. Addition of crystalline particles of two types of alumina, used to improve the wear resistance of ceramic glazes, also change strongly the rheological behavior of the suspensions. Added high specific area, irregular alumina particles produce a higher increase of the apparent viscosity of enamel suspensions compared to rounded ones.
Despite the importance of the 4,4'-dithiodipyridine as an electrode modifier on the protein electrochemical studies and as a remarkable bridged-ligand on conducting electronic density in binuclear mixed valence complexes, there is no data available in the literature concerning acid-base behavior of this compound. Aiming to afford such information we undertook the ionization equilibrium study of this ligand. Although two acid species, DTDPH+ and DTDPH2+ have been detected in solution, only the diacid-form was possible to be isolated as a perclorate salt DTDPH2(ClO4)2. The ionization constants for the two step equilibrium processes (pKa1=2.70 and pKa2=4.80) were determined by using the spectrophotometric technique and aqueous solutions of CF3COONa, mu=0,1 mol.L-1 .
Atrazine and alachlor herbicides are widely and extensively used in agriculture for the control of a variety of weeds. These herbicides are quite mobile in soil and there is a concern that they may contaminate the environment, specially surface and ground water and soils. The results suggest that alachlor and atrazine present similar behavior in the environment, but alaclhor dissipates with greater rate.
The influence of acidity on the synthesis and redox behavior of polypyrrole films was studied using galvanostatic and potentiodynamic techniques employing aqueous solutions formed by H2SO4/Na2SO4 , HCl/NaCl and HCl/CsCl. The chemical structure of the films were investigated using the FTIR technique. The polymer behavior as a function of the pH used in the cyclic voltammetric measurements is explained in terms of the mechanism responsible for the charge compensation formed during the polymer chain oxidation. From the FTIR measurements, it is seen that the water nucleophilic attack during the synthesis, does not occur under the experimental conditions employed in this work.
The physical-chemical process of swelling in water-based gel of natural polymers is investigated with the purpose of applying these systems to biomedical materials for controlled release of drugs. In this work we develop a study about the sol-gel transition of solutions of chitosan in the presence of formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde like crosslinking agents and we have determined the effect of many aditives in the time of gelification from the elaborated sistems. The phisical-chemistry process of swelling of the formed gels was evaluated in function of the degree of crosslinking of the incorporated aditives and the pH. Gelling times of chitosan solutions were obtained using viscosimetric measurement, in the pre-gel state, as well as condutivity ones.The results obtained suggest that component concentration modifies the kinetic profile of the transition and the swelling behavior. Regarding H+ content, the gels were highly susceptible to swelling in acidic conditions, which characterize this system as pH - sensitive.
Titanium dioxide was prepared by hydrolysis and polycondensation of titanium tetraisopropoxide. TiO2 films were obtained by spin coating of the precursor solution on ITO substractes (glass covered with indium doped tin oxide). Films were prepared using different temperatures and hydrochloric acid contents. The effect of the drying temperature of the films (100 or 400ºC) was also investigated. TiO2 films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, ultraviolete-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractrometry.
It was evaluated the applicability of Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin models to copper adsorption in three classes of soils. Fractions of each soil were added to test tubes containing growing concentrations of the metal in solution. The tubes were shaken and the copper concentrations were determined in the extracts by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The models offered a good fit for the experimental data indicating that presence of silicated clay had high influence on copper sorption. The Langmuir isotherm showed high influence of the organic matter in the absorption phenomenon. It was evidenced the importance of further studies related to Temkin model.
The compounds 5-nitro-8-quinolinol and 5,7-dinitro-8-quinolinol were obtained by nitration of the chelant 8-quinolinol. The compounds were characterized through EA, MNR, XRD, IR, TG, DTA and DSC. It was verified through thermal analysis that the compounds show consecutive processes of sublimation, fusion and vaporization. During the vaporization process, partial thermal decomposition was observed, with formation of carbonaceous residues. Considering a slower heating rate, the sublimation is the prevalent process to the nitro-derivatives while the vaporization is the main process to 8-quinolinol. The thermal stability follows the decreasing order from 5,7-dinitro-8-quinolinol to 5-nitro-8-quinolinol to 8-quinolinol.
Tetrahydroborate complexes of copper (I) with bidentate phosphines, [Cu(eta²-BH4)(dppm)] (1), [Cu(eta²-BH4)(dppe)] (2), [Cu(eta²-BH4)(cis-dppet)] (3) and [Cu(eta²-BH4)(dppb)] (4) (dppm = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane; dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino) ethane; cis-dppet = 1,2-cis(diphenylphosphino)ethene; dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane) were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, NMR and thermogravimetric analysis. The IR data for 1-4 showed bands typical of a bidentate coordination of BH4 group to the copper atom and the 31P{¹H} NMR spectra indicated that the phosphorous atoms are chelating the metal centre. The thermal behavior of the compounds was investigated and suggested that their thermal stability is influenced by the phosphines. Their thermal stability decreased as follows: [Cu(eta²-BH4)(dppe)] (2) > [Cu(eta²-BH4)(dppm)] (1) > [Cu(eta²-BH4)(dppb)] (4) > [Cu(eta²-BH4)(cis-dppet)] (3). According to thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction patterns all compounds decomposed giving Cu(BO2)2, CuO, CuO2 and Cu as final products.