975 resultados para Unmanned air vehicle
Simultaneous measurements of outdoor and indoor pollution were performed at three schools in Lisbon. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde and NO2 were passively monitored over a two-week period. Bacterial and fungal colony-forming units and comfort parameters were also monitored at classrooms and playgrounds. The highest indoor levels of CO2 (2666 μg/m³), NO2 (40.3 μg/m³), VOCs (10.3 μg/m³), formaldehyde (1.03 μg/m³) and bioaerosols (1634 CFU/m³), and some indoor/outdoor ratios greater than unity, suggest that indoor sources and building conditions might have negative effects on air indoors. Increasing ventilation rates and use of low-emission materials would contribute towards improving indoor air quality.
In this communication we describe the application of a conductive polymer gas sensor as an air pressure sensor. The device consists of a thin doped poly(4'-hexyloxy-2,5-biphenylene ethylene) (PHBPE) film deposited on an interdigitated metallic electrode. The sensor is cheap, easy to fabricate, lasts for several months, and is suitable for measuring air pressures in the range between 100 and 700 mmHg.
The aim of this thesis is to describe hybrid drive design problems, the advantages and difficulties related to the drive. A review of possible hybrid constructions, benefits of parallel, series and series-parallel hybrids is done. In the thesis analytical and finite element calculations of permanent magnet synchronous machines with embedded magnets were done. The finite element calculations were done using Cedrat’s Flux 2D software. This machine is planned to be used as a motor-generator in a low power parallel hybrid vehicle. The boundary conditions for the design were found from Lucas-TVS Ltd., India. Design Requirements, briefly: • The system DC voltage level is 120 V, which implies Uphase = 49 V (RMS) in a three phase system. • The power output of 10 kW at base speed 1500 rpm (Torque of 65 Nm) is desired. • The maximum outer diameter should not be more than 250 mm, and the maximum core length should not exceed 40 mm. The main difficulties which the author met were the dimensional restrictions. After having designed and analyzed several possible constructions they were compared and the final design selected. Dimensioned and detailed design is performed. Effects of different parameters, such as the number of poles, number of turns and magnetic geometry are discussed. The best modification offers considerable reduction of volume.
Oopperasta Faust.
Soitinnus: piano, rummut, ääninauha?
ABSTRACTWhile a number of papers have shown that subway systems have an impact on the air quality through the release of particulate matters, no information about the impact of such particles on tree attributes is available. Tree leaves from three different species from the exit side of a subway station in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were more asymmetrical than leaves from the entrance side. This leaves also presenting changes in leaves cuticle and chlorophyll content.
Miehittämättömien ilma-alusten käyttö taistelukentällä yleistyy jatkuvasti ja niiden rooli taistelussa on laajentumassa tiedustelusta taisteluun. Jatkuva aseteknologian kallistuminen ja ilmaoperaatioiden luonteen muuttuminen saattavat lisätä miehittämättömien ilma-alusten käyttöä merkittävästi. Miehittämättömät taisteluilma-alukset (UCAV = Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) ovat monen maan suunnitelmissa mukana kun tulevaisuuden ilmataisteluiden suorittajia mietitään. Tämän tutkielman tutkimusmenetelmänä on kirjallisuustutkimus, ja tarkoituksena perehtyä laajasti aiheeseen liittyvään kirjallisuuteen. Tutkielmassa UCAV:ien teknisistä ominaisuuksista perehdytään pääsääntöisesti niihin, jotka poikkeavat miehitetyistä taisteluilma-aluksista. Suurimpana erona miehitettyihin ilmaaluksiin on miehittämättömien taisteluilma-alusten osittainen tai kokonaan autonominen toiminta ja kauko-ohjaus. Tutkimuksen tekohetkellä ei millään maalla ole operatiivisessa käytössä varsinaisia UCAV:eja. Kaikki tässä tutkielmassa mainitut UCAV:it ovat projekteja, joiden tarkoitus on tutkia erilaisia teknisiä ratkaisuja aikanaan valmistettaviin ilma-aluksiin. Johtopäätöksissä arvioidaan UCAV:ien käyttöönoton aikataulua ja niitä tehtäviä, mihin miehittämättömiä taisteluilma-aluksia voitaisiin käyttää.
The purpose of the Thesis was to evaluate the business environment of electrical vehicle charging equipment (EVSE) in USA, find the key issues of entering the US EVSE markets and to form a marketing plan for possible market entry. The external market research analyzed the environment, customers, competitors and demand of EVSEs. In the internal analysis the focus was on resources and capabilities, offering, performance, business relations and US related issues. The research about the business environment was done using already available information from market studies and seminars. In external analysis there were also two semi-structured interviews from market experts used. The internal analysis was done mostly by interviews, but also company’s internal data sources were used. The interviews were semi-constructed and included eight interviewees from each part of EVSE value chain. The research findings were analyzed using SWOT analysis, which was converted to a so called TOWS matrix for extracting strategies. As a result of the Thesis, valuable information about the US markets and their requirements for EVSEs was gained. By matching the strengths of the case company and market requirements, customer segmentation and targeting were done and a marketing plan was constructed for the case company to help their management to evaluate the feasibility of possible market entry and investments to USA.
Tämä taktiikan tutkimus keskittyy tietokoneavusteisen simuloinnin laskennallisiin menetelmiin, joita voidaan käyttää taktisen tason sotapeleissä. Työn tärkeimmät tuotokset ovat laskennalliset mallit todennäköisyyspohjaisen analyysin mahdollistaviin taktisen tason taistelusimulaattoreihin, joita voidaan käyttää vertailevaan analyysiin joukkue-prikaatitason tarkastelutilanteissa. Laskentamallit keskittyvät vaikuttamiseen. Mallit liittyvät vahingoittavan osuman todennäköisyyteen, jonka perusteella vaikutus joukossa on mallinnettu tilakoneina ja Markovin ketjuina. Edelleen näiden tulokset siirretään tapahtumapuuanalyysiin operaation onnistumisen todennäköisyyden osalta. Pienimmän laskentayksikön mallinnustaso on joukkue- tai ryhmätasolla, jotta laskenta-aika prikaatitason sotapelitarkasteluissa pysyisi riittävän lyhyenä samalla, kun tulokset ovat riittävän tarkkoja suomalaiseen maastoon. Joukkueiden mies- ja asejärjestelmävahvuudet ovat jakaumamuodossa, eivätkä yksittäisiä lukuja. Simuloinnin integroinnissa voidaan käyttää asejärjestelmäkohtaisia predictor corrector –parametreja, mikä mahdollistaa aika-askelta lyhytaikaisempien taistelukentän ilmiöiden mallintamisen. Asemallien pohjana ovat aiemmat tutkimukset ja kenttäkokeet, joista osa kuuluu tähän väitöstutkimukseen. Laskentamallien ohjelmoitavuus ja käytettävyys osana simulointityökalua on osoitettu tekijän johtaman tutkijaryhmän ohjelmoiman ”Sandis”- taistelusimulointiohjelmiston avulla, jota on kehitetty ja käytetty Puolustusvoimien Teknillisessä Tutkimuslaitoksessa. Sandikseen on ohjelmoitu karttakäyttöliittymä ja taistelun kulkua simuloivia laskennallisia malleja. Käyttäjä tai käyttäjäryhmä tekee taktiset päätökset ja syöttää nämä karttakäyttöliittymän avulla simulointiin, jonka tuloksena saadaan kunkin joukkuetason peliyksikön tappioiden jakauma, keskimääräisten tappioiden osalta kunkin asejärjestelmän aiheuttamat tappiot kuhunkin maaliin, ammuskulutus ja radioyhteydet ja niiden tila sekä haavoittuneiden evakuointi-tilanne joukkuetasolta evakuointisairaalaan asti. Tutkimuksen keskeisiä tuloksia (kontribuutio) ovat 1) uusi prikaatitason sotapelitilanteiden laskentamalli, jonka pienin yksikkö on joukkue tai ryhmä; 2) joukon murtumispisteen määritys tappioiden ja haavoittuneiden evakuointiin sitoutuvien taistelijoiden avulla; 3) todennäköisyyspohjaisen riskianalyysin käyttömahdollisuus vertailevassa tutkimuksessa sekä 4) kokeellisesti testatut tulen vaikutusmallit ja 5) toimivat integrointiratkaisut. Työ rajataan maavoimien taistelun joukkuetason todennäköisyysjakaumat luovaan laskentamalliin, kenttälääkinnän malliin ja epäsuoran tulen malliin integrointimenetelmineen sekä niiden antamien tulosten sovellettavuuteen. Ilmasta ja mereltä maahan -asevaikutusta voidaan tarkastella, mutta ei ilma- ja meritaistelua. Menetelmiä soveltavan Sandis -ohjelmiston malleja, käyttötapaa ja ohjelmistotekniikkaa kehitetään edelleen. Merkittäviä jatkotutkimuskohteita mallinnukseen osalta ovat muun muassa kaupunkitaistelu, vaunujen kaksintaistelu ja maaston vaikutus tykistön tuleen sekä materiaalikulutuksen arviointi.
This work is a study of the implementation of a classical controller using a tuning method referred to as IMC (Internal Model Control) and aimed at the reduction of electrical energy consumption by the appropriate relation between energy consumption and the cooling time with forced air. The supervisory system installed was able to manipulate the variable of frequency of the signal power of the exhaust fan engine (forced air module), to accelerate or decelerate the loss of heat from the product to be cooled by airflow variation that passes through the mass of the produce. The results demonstrated a reduction in energy consumption from 64% and an increase of only 8% in the cooling time to the system using PI/IMC (Proportional - Integral with IMC) tuning method compared with the system in its operating nominal condition. This PI/IMC control may be implemented directly in a frequency converter, without the need to purchase a computer or PLC (programmable logic controller) to run the dedicated application, increasing its economical viability.
In the forced-air cooling process of fruits occurs, besides the convective heat transfer, the mass transfer by evaporation. The energy need in the evaporation is taken from fruit that has its temperature lowered. In this study it has been proposed the use of empirical correlations for calculating the convective heat transfer coefficient as a function of surface temperature of the strawberry during the cooling process. The aim of this variation of the convective coefficient is to compensate the effect of evaporation in the heat transfer process. Linear and exponential correlations are tested, both with two adjustable parameters. The simulations are performed using experimental conditions reported in the literature for the cooling of strawberries. The results confirm the suitability of the proposed methodology.
To maintain a competitive development of the Brazilian aviculture, some measures must be taken to enable the identification and reduction of risks to the health of birds, as well as for the physical environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of three different systems of minimum ventilation (positive pressure - SVMP, negative pressure - SVMN and natural ventilation - SVMNat) in the air quality during the first 21 days of life of broiler chicks, during winter. Three points were selected along the length to verify ammonia, carbon monoxide and oxygen concentrations at 3a.m., 9a.m., 3p.m. and 9p.m., by the respiration level of birds and workers. The averages of pollutant gases did not exceed the tolerance levels for the three minimum ventilation systems evaluated, which is 20 and 10ppm for the birds level and 20 and 39ppm for the workers level, for ammonia and carbon monoxide, respectively. It was evident that the minimum ventilation systems were appropriately sized for the required minimum ambient air renovation, in respect to ventilation rates applied for the SVMN and SVMP systems, and with air velocity at levels that do not stress the chicks, including for the SVMNat. The three studied systems of minimum ventilation allowed the birds to externalize their productive performance, with values close to the ones considered satisfactory for all evaluated parameters, in accordance with the Brazilian aviculture standards.
The air dry-bulb temperature (t db),as well as the black globe humidity index (BGHI), exert great influence on the development of broiler chickens during their heating phase. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the structure and the magnitude of the t db and BGHI spatial variability, using geostatistics tools such as semivariogram analysis and also producing kriging maps. The experiment was conducted in the west mesoregion of the states of Minas Gerais in 2010, in a commercial broiler house with heating system consisting of two furnaces that heat the air indirectly, in the firsts 14 days of the birds' life. The data were registered at intervals of five minutes in the period from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The variables were evaluated by variograms fitted by residual maximum likelihood (REML) testing the Spherical and Exponential models. Kriging maps were generated based on the best model used to fit the variogram. It was possible to characterize the variability of the t db and BGHI, which allowed observing the spatial dependence by using geostatistics techniques. In addition, the use of geostatistics and distribution maps made possible to identify problems in the heating system in regions inside the broiler house that may harm the development of chicks.
The air included in droplets generated by spray nozzles directly int0erferes in transport, deposition and retention of the droplets after its impact on the target. The objective of this study was to analyze the interference of adjuvants in the amount of air included in droplets generated by spray nozzles. The treatments were composed by four spray solutions containing mineral oil, vegetable oil, surfactant and water, and three spray nozzles, two air induction type and one pre-orifice. The air included was calculated by the difference between the volume of spray mix (air plus liquid) and only the liquid, which was made by means of sprayed samples captured in a funnel and collected in a graduated cylinder. The surface tension was estimated by the gravimetric method using a precision scale and a graduated pipette. The surfactant provided the largest percentage of air included in the spray. For the surface tension, the mineral oil and the surfactant had the lowest values. It was concluded that the use of adjuvants had a direct influence on the percentage of air included. In addition, products with greater ability to reduce surface tension and to form homogeneous solutions provided the increase in the percentage of air included in the droplet.
The air-assisted ground spray is fairly widespread. However, due to the unpredictable weather conditions, the operational efficiency is impaired by stops on grounds of low humidity and high temperatures. The aim of this work was to assess an air humidification method and evaluate its impact on temperature and air humidity for the air curtain of the air-assisted sprayer. With respect to relative air humidity, it has increased in 6.59%, being the maximum change when inserting 1.92 L min-1. So, it is concluded that the pipeline humidification might significantly reduce temperature and enhance air humidity. The treatments performed in this study consisted of a varied flow of a humidity device, related to weather conditions. Temperature and relative air humidity were measured at 1.0 m height from right to left of middle point of the machine, corresponding to the end of the spray boom, in the middle and end of right spray boom. The readings were also performed at three different distances from the end of the pipeline and at 0.25 and 0.50 m from that to the soil. The results show that 0.48 L min-1 in the humidification system has promoted a better efficiency in reducing air-temperature, on average 2.52 ºC when compared to the non-humidified one.