961 resultados para Trastorno


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The activities developed in health area are of great importance, because they have the aim to preserve the life of the men, and therefore, must be performed by authorized persons. The increase of the number of dental schools, the decline at the education quality and a higher admission of students with low ability to exercise their profession, are facts that bring disastrous consequences for society. These facts are, also, reflected at the moral, ethical and technical-scientific performance of the professional. The purpose of this clinic case is to show that although there is a significant suplly of education institutions, there is a lack of scientific and adequate technical knowledgement from the graduated dentals surgeons. The patient MSL, 17 year old, female, went to a dental clinic presenting a tray type Vernis, attached to the lower arch. After clinical evaluation, it was showed that an incorrect material was used for the impression technique, being impossible to take out the tray by the conventional manner. The planning for the removal of the tray was through the divide of it. Thus, the consequence of the lack of knowledge in the use of impression materials had caused a great incovinience to the patient. It can be concluded that the rate of malpractice is directly related to the professional preparation, highlighting the importance of quality dental education for a responsible clinical practice.


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The most common sleep disorder is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), that is characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, resulting in partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway. It is associated with systemic arterial hypertension and obesity. Objective: To assess the frequency of OSAS in the adult population of Botucatu by the Berlin questionnaire. Method: Transveral study was performed in which the sample size was estimated at 385 individuals. The Berlin questionnaire was administered to adults randomly on the streets, supermarkets and local shops. Data were analyzed taking into account age, gender, "high risk for OSAS", hypertension, obesity and correlations for OSAS. Results: 468 people interviewed were aged between 18 and 95 years, average of 59 years. 166 (35.25%) individuals were identified as "high risk for OSAS", being more frequent in the population above 40 years. Obesity was present in 23.3%, more common in women (60.2%). 83.5% of the population obese also had a "high risk for OSAS". Hypertension was observed in 27.3%, of these 71.9% were at "high risk for OSAS". Conclusion: The study showed a high frequency of "high risk for OSAS" in the adult population. Despite the dissemination by the media about sleep apnea, patients are not investigated, even under medical care for hypertension.


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Primary hyperhidrosis is an excessive sweating disorder that occurs in axillae, palms, soles, and craniofacial region. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is a water metabolism disorder. This study presents a case report treated with TCM, showing more satisfactory results than those by conventional treatments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effects of an intervention in social skills were assessed in four university students with ages between 19 and 31, with social phobia diagnosis. The performance in social skills as well as performance-compatible disorder was assessed before, after the intervention, and follow-up in four months later, by the instruments: SCID-I, Mini-SPIN, QACC-VU and IHS in a multiple baseline design among participants. The intervention programmed twelve weekly meetings in which the researcher discussed socially skilled alternatives to the described difficulties; leaded dialogued theoretical explanations about the theme of the meeting and also performed functional assessments and repertory training of the participants. It was observed deficits such as public speaking, starting and maintaining conversation in the participants’ social skills repertory, which are consistent with the criteria for social phobia and the difficulties into the adapting to university. After the intervention, the participants left difficulties in public speaking, performance characteristic compatible with the social phobia diagnosis and they also increased social repertory, although it is still necessary the improvement of other skills, such as expressing positive feeling.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Studies have shown that encopresis, related to bowel control disorder, can bring significant impact for the individual life, such as low self-esteem and deficits in social interaction. Despite the significant impairment recognized that this disorder can have on child development, the scientific literature has given little attention to the theme, with a low number of publications on the subject. Thus, this paper investigated Brazilian publications in psychology related to encopresis between 1994 and 2013 in data base Lilacs and Scielo. 231 articles were found and were selected those that reported only intervention in encopresis. There were five articles and four published by the same journal and described behavioral interventions, and one author wrote three. The other one was psychoanalytic. The surveys were conducted with children and adolescents and behavioral interventions have been successful with remission of encopresis symptoms. The data affirm the deficiency in publications in the area and possibly limited number of psychologists investigating the issue, which is of significant importance.


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Hemophilia A is an X-linked inherited disorder characterized by a Factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency, being therefore transmitted by female dogs to their offspring. Since it is a secondary hemostatic defect, the main clinical signs are hematomas and deep hemorrhage in body cavities, muscles and joints. A four-month-old male Boxer was presented to the Veterinary Hospital at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science in Botucatu with excessive bleeding due to an incision made three days prior by another veterinarian to drain a local hematoma. Laboratory results showed platelet count within the reference range, as well as prolonged whole blood clotting and activated partial thromboplastin times. FVIII activity was 0,96%, which characterizes the most severe degree of hemophilia A.


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Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is a progressive degenerative disorder of older dogs, characterized by a decline in cognitive function. The main clinical signs consistent with CDS are: disorientation, changes in socio-environmental interaction, sleep-wake cycle disturbance, changes in hygiene habits, urinate and/or defecate in unusual places, decreased physical activity, anxiety and eating disorders. There are no specific diagnostic tests for this condition in vivo, but alterations in neurological examination, cognitive tests and magnetic resonance imaging can be observed. The diagnosis is confirmed by histopathological examination of brain tissue. Diets rich in antioxidants, environmental enrichment with exercise and the use of selegiline and L-deprenyl have been recommended for the treatment of CDS.


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The Syndrome Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is defined by recurrent episodes of a total or partial obstruction of the airway during sleep, considered apnea and hypopnea respectively. Considered to be increasing by increasing the number of individuals with a disorder breathing, Being continually increasing the number of individuals with a respiratory disorder, OSA can be considered a public health problem that deserves greater attention in relation to diagnoses and treatments that are being conducted. The objective of this study is through a literature review which should be evaluated during the diagnosis and etiology, consequences and treatment of respiratory disorders not adequately treated. The etiology is multifactorial and may be associated with exogenous factors or pathological and anatomical factors. In addition to the own symptoms interfere with the quality of life of the individual, depending on the intensity, OSA can trigger more serious complications. This is a complex syndrome which may have varying degrees and irreversible consequences to the body. The choice of treatment should be based on clinical conditions, the severity of the apnea, the degree of urgency of treatment and the patient's preferences, but the treatments available will not be fully effective if there are no changes in lifestyle of it. The respiratory disorders can range from a simple nasal obstruction and intermittent obstruction more severe, emphasizing the importance of a complete diagnosis, which must be multidisciplinary, through a team relationship between doctor and dentist.


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There is growing evidence that the course of Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) can be altered by psychotherapeutic approaches, such as Psychoeducation. Therefore, this study was performed with the objective of identifying the implications of a Psychoeducation group on the everyday lives of individuals with BAD. To do this, the authors chose to perform a qualitative case study. Participants included twelve individuals with BAD who had attended at least six meetings of the Psychoeducation Group held at the Sao Jose do Rio Preto Faculty of Medicine (FAMERP). Semi-structured interviews were performed, which were recorded and then transcribed and subjected to Thematic Analysis. The present study showed that the referred group experience promoted the individuals' knowledge acquisition; their awareness regarding the disease and adherence to treatment; their making positive changes in life; the possibility of helping other patients to benefit from the knowledge learned in the group; and their awareness regarding other realities and coping strategies, obtained by exchanging experiences with other participants.


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Há evidências crescentes de que o curso Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB) pode ser modificado por abordagens psicoterápicas, tais como a Psicoeducação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as implicações do grupo de Psicoeducação no cotidiano dos portadores. Para tanto, optou-se pelo estudo qualitativo, do tipo Estudo de Caso. Foram incluídos doze portadores de TAB que tiveram pelo menos seis participações no Grupo de Psicoeducação desenvolvido na Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP). Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas, transcritas e trabalhadas por meio da Análise Temática. Este estudo demonstrou que tal experiência grupal favoreceu a aquisição de conhecimento; a conscientização da doença e adesão ao tratamento; a realização de mudanças positivas na vida; a possibilidade de ajudar outros portadores a se beneficiarem do aprendizado construído no grupo; a descoberta de outras realidades e estratégias de enfrentamento, obtidas por meio da troca de experiências entre os participantes.


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O objetivo do estudo foi analisar se as dicas de aprendizagem auxiliam crianças com TDC na aquisição de uma habilidade motora complexa. Dez crianças com TDC e 14 de desenvolvimento típico, de 9 a 11 anos, foram divididas nos grupos TDC com dicas (TDCD), TDC sem dicas (TDCS), desenvolvimento típico com dicas (GDTD) e desenvolvimento típico sem dicas (GDTS). As crianças participaram de sete aulas, durante três semanas, para a aprendizagem do rolamento peixe, com o uso das dicas "empurre o chão", "coloque a mão o mais longe possível" e "queixo no peito". Os resultados não foram estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos, o que evidencia que as dicas não apresentaram efeito positivo na aprendizagem do rolamento peixe.


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The self-reproach against their own bodies seen in patients with eating disorders has led us to posit the existence of failures in the work of melancholia. Defined by Freud in 1915, this process of melancholia is aimed at repairing a loss felt as unbearable by the ego and that triggers off a violent struggle with ambivalent feelings toward the lost object. The resulting hatred is aimed at the shadow of the object that falls on the ego. Especially in anorexia nervosa, there seems to be a regressive movement that goes beyond this.


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Programa de doctorado: Salud pública (Epidemiología, planificación y nutrición)