1000 resultados para Tipologías arquitectónicas hospitalarias
PAS1192-2 (2013) outlines the “fundamental principles of Level 2 information modeling”, one of these principles is the use of what is commonly referred to as a Common Data Environment (CDE). A CDE could be described as an internet-enabled cloudhosting platform, accessible to all construction team members to access shared project information. For the construction sector to achieve increased productivity goals, the next generation of industry professionals will need to be educated in a way that provides them with an appreciation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) working methods, at all levels, including an understanding of how data in a CDE should be structured, managed, shared and published. This presents a challenge for educational institutions in terms of providing a CDE that addresses the requirements set out in PAS1192-2, and mirrors organisational and professional working practices without causing confusion due to over complexity. This paper presents the findings of a two-year study undertaken at Ulster University comparing the use of a leading industry CDE platform with one derived from the in-house Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), for the delivery of a student BIM project. The research methodology employed was a qualitative case study analysis, focusing on observations from the academics involved and feedback from students. The results of the study show advantages for both CDE platforms depending on the learning outcomes required.
Some would argue that there is a need for the traditional lecture format to be rethought in favour of a more active approach. However, this must form part of a bipartite strategy, considered in conjunction with the layout of any new space to facilitate alternative learning and teaching methods. With this in mind, this paper begins to examine the impact of the learning environment on the student learning experience, specifically focusing on students studying on the Architectural Technology and Management programme at Ulster University. The aim of this study is two-fold: to increase understanding of the impact of learning space layout, by taking a student centered approach; and to gain an appreciation of how technology can impact upon the learning space. The study forms part of a wider project being undertaken at Ulster University known as the Learning Landscape Transition Project, exploring the relationship between learning, teaching and space layout. Data collection was both qualitative and quantitative, with use of a case study supported by a questionnaire based on attitudinal scaling. A focus group was also used to further analyse the key trends resulting from the questionnaire. The initial results suggest that the learning environment, and the technology within it, can not only play an important part in the overall learning experience of the student, but also assist with preparation for the working environment to be experienced in professional life.
Teaching architecture is experiencing a moment of opportunity. New methods, like constructivist pedagogy, based on complexity and integration are yet to be explored. In this context of opportunity teaching architecture has a duty to integrate complexity in their curriculum. Teaching methods should also assume inherent indeterminacy and contingency of all complex process. If we accept this condition as part of any teaching method, the notion of truth or falsehood it becomes irrelevant. In this regard it could focus on teaching to contingency of language. Traditionally, technology is defined as the language of science. If we assume contingency as one of the characteristics of language, we could say that technology is also contingent. Therefore we could focus technology teaching to redefine its own vocabulary. So, redefining technological vocabulary could be an area of opportunity for education in architecture. The student could redefine their own tools, technology, to later innovate with them. First redefine the vocabulary, the technology, and then construct the new language, the technique. In the case of Building Technology subjects, it should also incorporate a more holistic approach for enhancing interdisciplinary transfer. Technical transfer, either from nature or other technologies to the field of architecture, is considered as a field of great educational possibilities. Evenmore, student get much broader technical approach that transgresses the boundaries of architectural discipline.
Introducing teaching about healthy solutions in buildings and BIM has been a challenge for the University of Alicante. Teaching attached to very tighten study plans conditioned the types of methods that could be used in the past. The worldwide situation of crisis that especially reached Spain and the bursting of the housing bubble generated a lack of employment that reached universities where careers related to construction, Architecture and Architectural Technologist, suffered a huge reduction in the number of students enrolled. In the case of the University of Alicante, students’ enrolment for Architectural Technology reached an 80% reduction. The necessity of a reaction against this situation made the teachers be innovative and use the new Bologna adapted study plans to develop new teaching experiences introducing new concepts: people wellbeing in buildings and BIM. Working with healthy solutions in buildings provided new approaches for building design and construction as an alternative to sustainability. For many years sustainability was the concept that applied to housing gave buildings an added value and the possibility of having viability in a very complex scenario. But after lots of experiences, the approved methodologies for obtaining sustainable housing were ambiguous and at the end, investors, designers, constructors and purchasers cannot find real and validated criteria for obtaining an effective sustainable house. It was the moment to work with new ideas and concepts and start facing buildings from the users’ point of view. At the same time the development of new tools, BIM, has opened a wide range of opportunities, innovative and suggestive, that allows simulation and evaluation of many building factors. This paper describes the research in teaching developed by the University of Alicante to adapt the current study plans, introducing work with healthy solutions in buildings and the use of BIM, with the aim of attracting students by improving their future employability. Pilot experiences have been carried out in different subjects based on the work with projects and case studies under an international frame with the cooperation of different European partner universities. The use of BIM tools, introduced in 2014, solved the problems that appeared in some subjects, mainly building construction, and helped with the evaluation of some healthy concepts that presented difficulties until this moment as knowledge acquired by the students was hard to be evaluated. The introduction of BIM tools: Vasari, FormIt, Revit and Light Control among others, allowed the study of precise healthy concepts and provided the students a real understand of how these different parameters can condition a healthy architectural space. The analysis of the results showed a clear acceptance by the students and gave teachers the possibility of opening new research lines. At the same time, working with BIM tools to obtain healthy solutions in building has been a good option to improve students’ employability as building market in Spain is increasing the number of specialists in BIM with a wider knowledge.
When the act of 'drawing' became what can only be called formalised, (whose growth can be said to have blossomed during the Renaissance), there developed a separation between the drawing and its procurement. Recently, David Ross Scheer, in his book ‘The Death of Drawing, Architecture in the Age of Simulation’ wrote: ‘…whereas architectural drawings exist to represent construction, architectural simulations exist to anticipate building performance.’ Meanwhile, Paolo Belardi, in his work ‘Why Architects Still Draw’ likens a drawing to an acorn, where he says: ‘It is the paradox of the acorn: a project emerges from a drawing – even from a sketch, rough and inchoate - just as an oak tree emerges from an acorn.’ He tells us that Giorgio Vasari would work late at night ‘seeking to solve the problems of perspective’ and he makes a passionate plea that this reflective process allows the concept to evolve, grow and/or develop. However, without belittling Belardi, the virtual model now needs this self-same treatment where it is nurtured, coaxed and encouraged to be the inchoate blueprint of the resultant oak tree. The model now too can embrace the creative process going through the first phase of preparation, where it focuses on the problem. The manipulation of the available material can then be incubated so that it is reasoned and generates feedback. This paper serves to align this shift in perception, methodologies and assess whether the 2D paper abstraction still has a purpose and role in today’s digital world!
In order to equip architecture students with ambitious detail designing ability, related courses of the architecture programs should deal with subjects which are rather rare and unusual for real life practices in order to prevent students copying standard details. In 2015 an innovative project brief has been given to architecture students of Istanbul Technical University. The scenario given in the brief is to design a research station for the first group of Turkish scientist, to be built in one of the coldest and most arid regions on earth; the Antarctica. The performance requirements given in the brief were determined to prevent the students from copying details from any kind of resources as the total number of details generated in real life for those conditions are very limited and specific. The method used has demonstrated a great success and creative detail solutions were generated by the students. In the paper, the innovative coursework brief for bettering the detail design ability of architecture students is explained and the output of the studio is presented.
Dealing with the environmental problems is one of the biggest challenges within the field of architectural technology. Solutions to this problem are mostly exclusively sought in materials and computer technology. However, far more attention should be paid to humans and their role in this problem. This paper presents a small part of our bachelor thesis, which started as an investigation on the Dutch terraced house and through research ended as a study on the human behaviour and motivation. The first part of this paper, the evolution, is focussed on the traditional way of problem solving. The second part, the revolution, is focussed on human behaviour and motivation. These two studies put together lead to our conclusion: The only way to structurally solve our environmental problem is to revolutionize our way of building by involving the human interaction into our solution instead of forcing it out.
On a global level the population growth and increase of the middle class lead to a growing demand on material resources. The built environment has an enormous impact on this scarcity. In addition, a surplus of construction and demolition waste is a common problem. The construction industry claims to recycle 95% of this waste but this is in fact mainly downcycling. Towards the circular economy, the quality of reuse becomes of increasing importance. Buildings are material warehouses that can contribute to this high quality reuse. However, several aspects to achieve this are unknown and a need for more insight into the potential for high quality reuse of building materials exists. Therefore an instrument has been developed that determines the circularity of construction waste in order to maximise high quality reuse. The instrument is based on three principles: ‘product and material flows in the end of life phase’, ‘future value of secondary materials and products’ and ‘the success of repetition in a new life cycle’. These principles are further divided into a number of criteria to which values and weighting factors are assigned. A degree of circularity can then be determined as a percentage. A case study for a typical 70s building is carried out. For concrete, the circularity is increased from 25% to 50% by mapping out the potential for high quality reuse. During the development of the instrument it was clarified that some criteria are difficult to measure. Accurate and reliable data are limited and assumptions had to be made. To increase the reliability of the instrument, experts have reviewed the instrument several times. In the long-term, the instrument can be used as a tool for quantitative research to reduce the amount of construction and demolition waste and contribute to the reduction of raw material scarcity.
Following the death of engineer General Jorge Próspero de Verboom in 1744 and after a few years of transition in the management of Spanish fortifications, Juan Martín Zermeño took on the role, initially with a temporary mandate, but then definitively during a second period that ran from 1766 until his death in 1772. He began this second period with a certain amount of concern because of what had taken place during the last period of conflict. The Seven Years War (1756–1763) which had brought Spain into conflict with Portugal and England in the Caribbean had also lead to conflict episodes along the Spanish–Portuguese border. Zermeño’s efforts as a planner and general engineer gave priority to the northern part of the Spanish–Portuguese border. After studying the territory and the existing fortifications on both sides of the border, Zermeño drew up three important projects in 1766. The outposts that needed to be reinforced were located, from north to south, at Puebla de Sanabria, Zamora and Ciudad Rodrigo, which is where he is believed to have come from. This latter township already had a modern installation built immediately after the war of the Spanish Succession and reinforced with the Fort of La Concepción. However, Zamora and Puebla de Sanabria had some obsolete fortifications that needed modernising. Since the middle of the 15th century Puebla de Sanabria had had a modern castle with rounded turrets, that of the counts of benavente. During the 16th and 17th centuries it had also been equipped with a walled enclosure with small bastions. During the war of the Spanish Succession the Portuguese had enlarged the enclosure and had erected a tentative offshoot to the west. In order to draw up the ambitious Puebla de Sanabria project Zermeño had the aid of some previous reports and projects, such as those by the count of robelin in 1722, the one by Antonio de Gaver in 1752, and Pedro Moreau’s report dated June 1755. This study includes a technical analysis of Zermeño’s project and its strategic position within the system of fortifications along the Spanish–Portuguese border.
Se estima que las viviendas subterráneas a lo largo del mundo albergan entre 40 y 60 millones de personas. Tras un análisis general de las tipologías de viviendas subterráneas, de su localización y de los factores que influyen en su desarrollo se ha introducido el análisis de la vulnerabilidad de este tipo de viviendas ante los riesgos naturales, cuestión que no ha sido estudiada exhaustivamente con anterioridad. Cabe destacar que la localización de las viviendas subterráneas a lo largo del mundo coincide en la mayor parte de los casos con regiones activas sísmicamente, por lo que se lleva a cabo una primera aproximación al estudio de la vulnerabilidad de las viviendas subterráneas frente al riesgo sísmico, teniendo como antecedente el terremoto de la región china de Shaanxi ocurrido en 1556, que afectó a grandes agrupaciones de viviendas subterráneas.
La ejecución de una impresora 3D en el aula por parte de los alumnos de la asignatura de Tecnología de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria como parte del currículo, y las posibilidades de su implementación en el ámbito educativo. Su uso como nuevo recurso TIC y la utilización de modelos 3D en las diferentes asignaturas.
Este trabajo de investigación pretende poner en valor una comprensión del espacio desde la vinculación existente entre el cuerpo y el complejo e inestable ambiente que habita. Por un lado, el cuerpo, con sus relaciones, acciones y afectos, se erige como la herramienta clave para entender las dinámicas de producción espacial contemporánea, por otro, la inclusión de la escala humana, hace que los grandes relatos se desvanezcan en favor de una serie de vínculos sensibles que re-humanizan la arquitectura y atienden a las sensaciones del individuo. Así, se pone de manifiesto una narración que sitúa al cuerpo como protagonista y en la que su vinculación con la espacialidad fluctúa entre la sumisión, la violencia y la armonía para con los otros cuerpos y el espacio. Como caso de estudio, se ha tomado la más abyecta y violenta de las construcciones: el campo de concentración de Auschwitz, en un intento de re-pensarlo desde los afectos del individuo y de problematizar las relaciones y acciones contemporáneas –que de acuerdo con el filósofo Michael Foucault- derivan hacia derroteros de control y violencias invisibles. Dicha tarea se nutre de una multiplicidad de cartografías como instrumento de conocimiento para visibilizar narraciones arquitectónicas a través del cuerpo, con el objetivo tanto del análisis de situaciones acontecidas, como de operar sobre nuevas oportunidades espaciales.
Tras la aprobación del Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2008 –Ley del Suelo–, nos encontramos ante un modelo territorial y un modelo de desarrollo, que acaba con el arcaico patrón de ciudad dispersa, encontrándose, no obstante, ante las gravísimas consecuencias espaciales generadas por la denominada “burbuja inmobiliaria”, unida a una crisis de consecuencias insospechadas, en el ámbito de la denominada globalización económica, de la que nuestro país no ha logrado sustraerse con Leyes vacías de instrumentos económicos que se han transferido a las Comunidades Autónomas, nos hallamos ante una oportunidad perdida fruto de una no siempre bien calculada descentralización. De este modo, en el presente artículo nos aproximamos a la importancia que muestran los denominados “instrumentos económicos” en la normativa que recoge los pormenores relacionados con el “suelo”, en España, en la primera de nuestras Leyes, la de 1956, en la de 2008 y en el recién aprobado Texto Refundido de la Ley del Suelo y Rehabilitación Urbana –Real Decreto Legislativo 7/2015–, en el ámbito estatal. Para ello, tras definir y valorar los enfoques conceptuales relativos al “suelo” y sus tipologías, se concretan y estudian los instrumentos económicos que se recogen en la Ley del Suelo española y su relación con las nuevas formas de “hacer ciudad”.
Este trabajo trata sobre el turismo balneario en Rumania. Hoy en día el turismo está cobrando cada vez más importancia en este país, y entre las distintas tipologías turísticas que allí se pueden practicar el turismo de salud tiene un gran atractivo tanto para los turistas nacionales como internacionales. Esto se debe principalmente a la buena calidad y los bajos precios que allí se ofrecen. Entre los distintos tipos de turismo de salud, el turismo balneario ocupa un lugar bastante importante, debido a la gran cantidad de recursos naturales que se encuentran en Rumania y que hacen que este país sea el lugar idóneo para la realización de estas prácticas tanto turísticas como de curación. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la situación actual de este tipo de turismo en Rumania, como se puede aprovechar esta situación para hacer del turismo balneario un potencial turístico a escala internacional.