926 resultados para Timur, 1336-1405
Reseña del libro: : México tóxico. Emergencias químicas / Lilia América Albert, Marisa Jacott. Siglo XXI Editores México, 2015.
Nueuamente corregido y eme[n]dado de muchos vicios y errores que en el auia
As it is well known, the Renaissance in Spain cannot be understood without a deep knowledge of the Italian quattrocento: art and thinking have an important debt with a culture that shaped a new society that can be named Modern Era. So, there are many intellectuals that are the main reference to our writers: Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti, Bartolomeo Facio, Antonio Beccadelli, Poggio Bracciolini, Francesco Filelfo, Flavio Biondo, Lorenzo Valla, Vespasiano da Bisticci, Pier Candido Decembrio, Guarino da Verona, Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, and a big number that includes necessarily the name of Enea Silvio Piccolomini (1405-1464). In effect, the creator that became Pope as Pío II is one outstanding figure of that Humanism that early putted down roots in Spain, a country in construction that produced very important fruits in those years. Under these circumstances, this study has as main objective to analyse the large work of the humanist Pope par excellence, and to establish the relationship between his writings and genres, works and authors in the Iberian peninsula that wrote under his influence. Furthermore, in the following pages can be found a edition of the translation, by Diego López de Cortegana, of one of Picolomini’s works, the Tratado de la miseria de los cortesanos, a work that can be taken as an example of the attention payed to his works by authors like Juan de Lucena, Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo, Cristóbal de Castillejo or fray Antonio de Guevara. After a brief introduction that points that the attention to Enea Silvio Piccolomini is not diminishing, that, on the contrary, is clearly alive if we consider modern editions and translations to different languages, I concentrate on the biography of Pío II. With this purpose I take as base the text that this humanist wrote with the aim of building an adequate imago vitae that related the achievements in the religious sphere (with a failed promotion of a last crusade against the Turk) and also his creative labour. I refer to the Commentarii rerum memorabilium quae temporibus suis contingerunt, an extensive autobiography that did not spare the self-praise and conceals some controversial author’s facts, such as the “reconciling” thesis that undermined the Popes authority and power. In addition, in that chapter can be found a study of the writing process of the titles that includes Piccolomini’s bibliography, since we can think that the author’s commentary is extremely relevant to inform about the moment of writing and its purpose...
A criatividade tem sido mencionada desde há muito tempo pela literatura. A forma de a conceptualizar tem dependido em muito dos investigadores e da sua visão sobre o que é criatividade, porém as suas potencialidades têm tomado cada vez mais interesse pela comunidade científica. Os seus benefícios estendem-se a diversas áreas da vida humana, como sentimentos de satisfação, bem-estar e saúde mental. A investigação aqui apresentada procura encontrar modelos preditivos de comportamentos criativos, pressupondo que estes poderão ser de grande auxílio para o desenvolvimento de um melhor bem-estar psicológico. Assim a investigação comportou o uso de quatro variáveis: a pessoa, o processo, o produto e o ambiente criativo. A amostra contou com 215 estudantes universitários e os resultados revelaram o encontro de quatro modelos preditivos de comportamentos criativos, com uma maior ênfase nas artes visuais e manuais. Conclui-se com a ideia de que a predição de produtos criativos é possível e que tal poderá ser preponderante para um bom desenvolvimento da saúde mental.