943 resultados para Textile fashion
Informe de resultados del proyecto titulado "Estampación detejidos sintéticos para lafabricación de prendas de deportepor el método de sublimación"
Informe de resultados del proyecto titulado "Estampación detejidos sintéticos para lafabricación de prendas de deportepor el método de sublimación"
Identificación de la composición en fibras de un tejido mediante identificación con microscopio óptico
Evaluación poblacional de concha de abanico Argopecten purpuratus en Bahía Independencia-Pisco, 2012
Entre el 10 y 21 de octubre 2012, se evaluó la población de concha de abanico en los bancos naturales de la bahía Independencia. Entre Morro Quemado y Canastones se registraron las isotermas 15, 16 y 17 °C. A pesar de la presencia de “El Niño” “débil”, los resultados mostraron baja densidad poblacional de la especie que no superaron los 6 ind/ m2. La biomasa total estimada fue 422,514 t (±23,15%) y la población 10,99 millones de individuos (±23,09%), de los cuales el 19,2% de la población y 51,17% de la biomasa correspondieron a ejemplares de tamaño comercial (≥65 mm). Se midieron 203 ejemplares de concha de abanico, con tallas entre 3 y 101 mm de altura valvar, con moda en 49 mm y talla media 44,88 mm. Sexualmente predominaron los estadios madurante (33,5%), inmaduro (31,5%), desovante (28,6%) y desovado (5,9%).
En junio 2010, se efectuó la evaluación poblacional de almeja Gari solida en los principales bancos naturales de bahía Independencia: El Ancla, Pan de Azúcar y La Pampa para determinar su distribución, concentración, estructura por tamaños y magnitud poblacional. Los resultados evidenciaron una disminución de la biomasa y población, respecto a agosto del 2008, en 44,9% y 56,2%, respectivamente. La densidad por unidad de muestreo fluctuó entre 1 y 47 ind.m-2, las mayores densidades medias se encontraron en Pan de Azúcar (5,06 ind.m-2), La Pampa (2,42 ind.m-2) y menor densidad en El Ancla (0,57 ind.m-2). La biomasa total se calculó en 336,96 t (± 19,9%) y la población en 8,48 millones de individuos (± 19,85%), el 22,1% de la biomasa correspondió a ejemplares con tamaño mínimo de extracción (TME ≥75 mm). Las tallas de 792 ejemplares analizados fluctuaron entre 4 y 95 mm de longitud valvar, con moda en 65 mm y media en 57,5 mm. El rendimiento promedio del pie con respecto al peso total fue de 1: 9,5.
There are only a few studies on the ontogeny and differentiation process of the hypothalamic supraoptic-paraventriculo-neurohypophysial neurosecretory system. In vitro neuron survival improves if cells are of embryonic origin; however, surviving hypothalamic neurons in culture were found to express small and minimal amounts of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT), respectively. The aim of this study was to develop a primary neuronal culture design applicable to the study of magnocellular hypothalamic system functionality. For this purpose, a primary neuronal culture was set up after mechanical dissociation of sterile hypothalamic blocks from 17-day-old Sprague-Dawley rat embryos (E17) of both sexes. Isolated hypothalamic cells were cultured with supplemented (B27)-NeuroBasal medium containing an agent inhibiting non-neuron cell proliferation. The neurosecretory process was characterized by detecting AVP and OT secreted into the medium on different days of culture. Data indicate that spontaneous AVP and OT release occurred in a culture day-dependent fashion, being maximal on day 13 for AVP, and on day 10 for OT. Interestingly, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and Angiotensin II (A II) were able to positively modulate neuropeptide output. Furthermore, on day 17 of culture, non-specific (high-KCl) and specific (Angiotensin II) stimuli were able to significantly (P < 0.05) enhance the secretion of both neuropeptides over respective baselines. This study suggests that our experimental design is useful for the study of AVP- and OT-ergic neuron functionality and that BDNF and A II are positive modulators of embryonic hypothalamic cell development.
Mutant mice where tyrosine 136 of linker for activation of T cells (LAT) was replaced with a phenylalanine (Lat(Y136F) mice) develop a fast-onset lymphoproliferative disorder involving polyclonal CD4 T cells that produce massive amounts of Th2 cytokines and trigger severe inflammation and autoantibodies. We analyzed whether the Lat(Y136F) pathology constitutes a bona fide autoimmune disorder dependent on TCR specificity. Using adoptive transfer experiments, we demonstrated that the expansion and uncontrolled Th2-effector function of Lat(Y136F) CD4 cells are not triggered by an MHC class II-driven, autoreactive process. Using Foxp3EGFP reporter mice, we further showed that nonfunctional Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells are present in Lat(Y136F) mice and that pathogenic Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells were capable of escaping the control of infused wild-type Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells. These results argue against a scenario where the Lat(Y136F) pathology is primarily due to a lack of functional Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells and suggest that a defect intrinsic to Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells leads to a state of TCR-independent hyperactivity. This abnormal status confers Lat(Y136F) CD4 T cells with the ability to trigger the production of Abs and of autoantibodies in a TCR-independent, quasi-mitogenic fashion. Therefore, despite the presence of autoantibodies causative of severe systemic disease, the pathological conditions observed in Lat(Y136F) mice unfold in an Ag-independent manner and thus do not qualify as a genuine autoimmune disorder.
Abstract This PhD thesis addresses the issue of alleviating the burden of developing ad hoc applications. Such applications have the particularity of running on mobile devices, communicating in a peer-to-peer manner and implement some proximity-based semantics. A typical example of such application can be a radar application where users see their avatar as well as the avatars of their friends on a map on their mobile phone. Such application become increasingly popular with the advent of the latest generation of mobile smart phones with their impressive computational power, their peer-to-peer communication capabilities and their location detection technology. Unfortunately, the existing programming support for such applications is limited, hence the need to address this issue in order to alleviate their development burden. This thesis specifically tackles this problem by providing several tools for application development support. First, it provides the location-based publish/subscribe service (LPSS), a communication abstraction, which elegantly captures recurrent communication issues and thus allows to dramatically reduce the code complexity. LPSS is implemented in a modular manner in order to be able to target two different network architectures. One pragmatic implementation is aimed at mainstream infrastructure-based mobile networks, where mobile devices can communicate through fixed antennas. The other fully decentralized implementation targets emerging mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), where no fixed infrastructure is available and communication can only occur in a peer-to-peer fashion. For each of these architectures, various implementation strategies tailored for different application scenarios that can be parametrized at deployment time. Second, this thesis provides two location-based message diffusion protocols, namely 6Shot broadcast and 6Shot multicast, specifically aimed at MANETs and fine tuned to be used as building blocks for LPSS. Finally this thesis proposes Phomo, a phone motion testing tool that allows to test proximity semantics of ad hoc applications without having to move around with mobile devices. These different developing support tools have been packaged in a coherent middleware framework called Pervaho.
During the Greek debt crisis after 2010, the German government insisted on harshausterity measures. This led to a rapid cooling of relations between the Greekand German governments. We compile a new index of public acrimony betweenGermany and Greece based on newspaper reports and internet search terms. Thisinformation is combined with historical maps on German war crimes during theoccupation between 1941 and 1944. During months of open conflict between Germanand Greek politicians, German car sales fell markedly more than those of cars fromother countries. This was especially true in areas affected by German reprisals duringWorldWar II: areas where German troops committed massacres and destroyed entirevillages curtailed their purchases of German cars to a greater extent during conflictmonths than other parts of Greece. We conclude that cultural aversion was a keydeterminant of purchasing behavior, and that memories of past conflict can affecteconomic choices in a time-varying fashion. These findings are compatible withbehavioral models emphasizing the importance of salience for individual decision-making.
Per tal d'iniciar el meu TFC, vaig decidir començar a desenvolupar un programa que contempla la gestió diària del comerç, així com la dels productes, clients, proveïdors, vendes i compres, d’un negoci que es tracta d’una botiga de roba, sabates,bosses i complements, per tal de convertir-ho en un sistema de gestió més complert. Actualment, l’entorn de negoci en el petit comerç està cada cop més desplaçat degut al gran creixement de les grans superfícies per part de franquícies de cadenes molt potents. A més, els clients són cada cop més exigents i el mercat està cada vegada més saturat. És per això que voldrem incloure un valor afegit al sistema, per poder donar un nou punt de vista al negoci, de tal manera que permeti nodrir la nostra relació amb el client, de manera que la col•laboració sigui satisfactòria per ambdues parts. I per acabar s’elabora una pàgina web per tal de fer promoció i publicitat per la botiga, ja que avui en dia és molt important existir en el món virtual.
Fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) form the structural backbone of the T cell rich zones in secondary lymphoid organs (SLO), but also actively influence the adaptive immune response. They provide a guidance path for immigrating T lymphocytes and dendritic cells (DC) and are the main local source of the cytokines CCL19, CCL21, and IL-7, all of which are thought to positively regulate T cell homeostasis and T cell interactions with DC. Recently, FRC in lymph nodes (LN) were also described to negatively regulate T cell responses in two distinct ways. During homeostasis they express and present a range of peripheral tissue antigens, thereby participating in peripheral tolerance induction of self-reactive CD8(+) T cells. During acute inflammation T cells responding to foreign antigens presented on DC very quickly release pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interferon γ. These cytokines are sensed by FRC which transiently produce nitric oxide (NO) gas dampening the proliferation of neighboring T cells in a non-cognate fashion. In summary, we propose a model in which FRC engage in a bidirectional crosstalk with both DC and T cells to increase the efficiency of the T cell response. However, during an acute response, FRC limit excessive expansion and inflammatory activity of antigen-specific T cells. This negative feedback loop may help to maintain tissue integrity and function during rapid organ growth.
OBJECTIVE: Meningococcal disease causes septic shock with associated disseminated intravascular coagulation and hemorrhagic skin necrosis. In severe cases, widespread vascular thrombosis leads to gangrene of limbs and digits and contributes to morbidity and mortality. Uncontrolled case reports have suggested that thrombolytic therapy may prevent some complications, and the use of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) has been widespread. Our aim was to summarize the clinical outcome and adverse effects where systemic t-PA has been used to treat children with fulminant meningococcemia. DESIGN: International, multiple-center, retrospective, observational case note study between January 1992 and June 2000. SETTING: Twenty-four different hospitals in seven European countries and Australia. PATIENTS: A total of 62 consecutive infants and children with severe meningococcal sepsis in whom t-PA was used for the treatment of predicted amputations and/or refractory shock (40 to treat severe ischemia, 12 to treat shock, and ten to treat both). INTERVENTIONS: t-PA was administered with a median dose of 0.3 mg.kg(-1).hr(-1) (range, 0.008-1.13) and a median duration of 9 hrs (range, 1.2-83). MAIN RESULTS: Twenty-nine of 62 patients died (47%; 95% confidence interval, 28-65). Seventeen of 33 survivors had amputations (11 below knee/elbow or greater loss; six less severe). In 12 of 50 patients to whom t-PA was given for imminent amputation, no amputations were observed. Five developed intracerebral hemorrhages (five of 62, 8%; 95% confidence interval, 0.5-16). Of these five, three died, one developed a persistent hemiparesis, and one recovered completely. CONCLUSIONS: The high incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage in our study raises concerns about the safety of t-PA in children with fulminant meningococcemia. However, due to the absence of a control group in such a severe subset of patients, whether t-PA is beneficial or harmful cannot be answered from the unrestricted use of the drug that is described in this report. Our experience highlights the need to avoid strategies that use experimental drugs in an uncontrolled fashion and to participate in multiple-center trials, which are inevitably required to study rare diseases.