986 resultados para T Lymphocytes
Recirculating virgin CD4+ T cells spend their life migrating between the T zones of secondary lymphoid tissues where they screen the surface of interdigitating dendritic cells. T-cell priming starts when processed peptides or superantigen associated with class II MHC molecules are recognised. Those primed T cells that remain within the lymphoid tissue move to the outer T zone, where they interact with B cells that have taken up and processed antigen. Cognate interaction between these cells initiates immunoglobulin (Ig) class switch-recombination and proliferation of both B and T cells; much of this growth occurs outside the T zones B cells migrate to follicles, where they form germinal centres, and to extrafollicular sites of B-cell growth, where they differentiate into mainly short-lived plasma cells. T cells do not move to the extrafollicular foci, but to the follicles; there they proliferate and are subsequently involved in the selection of B cells that have mutated their Ig variable-region genes. During primary antibody responses T-cell proliferation in follicles produces many times the peak number of T cells found in that site: a substantial proportion of the CD4+ memory T-cell pool may originate from growth in follicles.
Combining cell surface phenotyping with functional analysis, human CD8+ T cells have been divided into several subsets which are being studied extensively in diverse physiological situations, such as viral infection, cancer and ageing. In particular, so-called terminally differentiated effector cells possess a CD45RA+ CCR7- CD27- CD28- phenotype, contain perforin and, in different models, have been shown to exert direct ex vivo killing and to release interleukins upon both antigen-nonspecific and -specific stimulation. Using HLA class I multimers, we have identified a high frequency of peripheral CD8+ T cells that recognize a peptide derived from the self protein cytokeratin 18 presented by the HLA-A*0201 molecule. These cells can be detected in approximately 15% of the HLA-A2-positive healthy donors tested. A detailed analysis revealed that they must have divided extensively in vivo, have an effector cell phenotype and express various natural killer cell-associated receptors. Interestingly, however, they remained unresponsive to antigen-specific stimulation in vitro in terms of cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion. Thus, cytokeratin 18-specific cells constitute a frequently encountered, new CD8+ T lymphocyte subpopulation without classical effector status and with so far unknown function.
Le mycophénolate mofétil est un immunosuppresseur, utilisé en transplantation d'organes solides depuis 1993. Il agit par inhibition de la synthèse de novo des bases puriques, voie essentielle permettant la prolifération des lymphocytes B et T. Des mécanismes immunologiques impliquant les lymphocytes interviennent dans un bon nombre de glomérulopathies primitives ou associées à des maladies auto-immunes systémiques. il a paru ainsi logique de prescrire ce médicament dans ces maladies où les traitements immunosuppresseurs classiques se caractérisent par une efficacité imprévisible et une toxicité souvent importante. Les résultats thérapeutiques les plus convaincants ont été obtenus dans les néphrites lupiques prolifératives et les vasculites pauci-immunes.
Biopsies from human localized cutaneous lesions (LCL n = 7) or disseminated lesions (DL n = 8) cases were characterized according to cellular infiltration,frequency of cytokine (IFN-
The phenotypic features acquired subsequent to antigen-specific stimulation in vitro were evaluated by means of the kinetic expressions of CD69 and CD25 activation molecules on T lymphocytes and assayed by flow cytometry in response to PPD, Ag85B, and ferritin in PPD-positive healthy control individuals. In response to PHA, CD69 staining on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells became initially marked after 4 h, peaked at 24 h, and quickly decreased after 120 h. For CD25, a latter expression was detected around 8 h, having increased after 96 h. As expected, the response rate to the mycobacterial antigens was much lower than that to the mitogen. Positive staining was high after 96 h for CD25 and after 24 h for CD69. CD69 expression was significantly enhanced (p < 0.05) on CD8+ as compared to CD4+ T cells. High levels were also found between 96-120 h. Regarding Ag85B, CD25+ cells were mostly CD4+ instead of CD8+ T cells. Moreover, in response to ferritin, a lower CD25 expression was noted. The present data will allow further characterization of the immune response to new mycobacterial-specific antigens and their evaluation for possible inclusion in developing new diagnostic techniques for tuberculosis as well in a new vaccine to prevent the disease.
Three hundred and thirteen extracts from 136 Brazilian plant species belonging to 36 families were tested for their suppressive activity on phytohemaglutinin (PHA) stimulated proliferation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The proliferation was evaluated by the amount of [³H]-thymidine incorporated by the cells. Twenty extracts inhibited or strongly reduced the proliferation in a dose-dependent manner at doses between 10 and 100 µg/ml. Three of these extracts appeared to be non-toxic to lymphocytes, according to the trypan blue permeability assay and visual inspection using optical microscopy. Bioassay-guided fractionation of Alomia myriadenia extract showed that myriadenolide, a labdane diterpene known to occur in this species, could account for the observed activity of the crude extract. Using a similar protocol, an active fraction of the extract from Gaylussacia brasiliensis was obtained. Analysis of the ¹H and13C NMR spectra of this fraction indicates the presence of an acetylated triterpene whose characterization is underway. The extract of Himatanthus obovatus is currently under investigation.
Tumor vaccines may induce activation and expansion of specific CD8 T cells which can subsequently destroy tumor cells in cancer patients. This phenomenon can be observed in approximately 5-20% of vaccinated melanoma patients. We searched for factors associated with T cell responsiveness to peptide vaccines. Peptide antigen-specific T cells were quantified and characterized ex vivo before and after vaccination. T cell responses occurred primarily in patients with T cells that were already pre-activated before vaccination. Thus, peptide vaccines can efficiently boost CD8 T cells that are pre-activated by endogenous tumor antigen. Our results identify a new state of T cell responsiveness and help to explain and predict tumor vaccine efficacy.
Expression of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) Class I molecules is essential for the recognition of malignant melanoma (MM) cells by CD8(+) T lymphocytes. A complete or partial loss of HLA Class I molecules is a potent strategy for MM cells to escape from immunosurveillance. In 2 out of 55 melanoma cell cultures we identified a complete phenotypic loss of HLA allospecificities. Both patients have been treated unsuccessfully with HLA-A2 peptides. To identify the reasons underlying the loss of single HLA-A allospecificities, we searched for genomic alterations at the locus for HLA Class I alpha-chain on chromosome 6 in melanoma cell cultures established from 2 selected patients with MM in advanced stage. This deficiency was associated with alterations of HLA-A2 gene sequences as determined by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). Karyotyping revealed a chromosomal loss in Patient 1, whereas melanoma cell cultures established from Patient 2 displayed 2 copies of chromosome 6. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) using markers located around position 6p21 was detected in both cases. By applying group-specific primer-mixes spanning the 5'-flanking region of the HLA-A2 gene locus the relevant region was amplified by PCR and subsequent sequencing allowed alignment with the known HLA Class I reference sequences. Functional assays using HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-cell clones were performed in HLA-A2 deficient MM cultures and revealed a drastically reduced susceptibility to CTL lysis in HLA-A2 negative cells. We could document the occurrence of selective HLA-A2 deficiencies in cultured advanced-stage melanoma metastases and identify their molecular causes as genomic alterations within the HLA-A gene locus.
DNA methylation has an important impact on normal cell physiology, thus any defects in this mechanism may be related to the development of various diseases In this project we are interested in identifying epigeneticaliy modified genes, in general controlled by processes related to the DNA methylation, by means of a new strategy combining protomic and genomic analyses. First, the two Dimensional-Difference Gel Electrophoresis (2-DIGE) protein analyses of extracts obtained from HCT-116 wt and double knockout for DNMT1 and DNMT3b (DKO) cells revealed 34 proteins overexpressed in the condition of DNMTs depletion. From five genes with higher transcript lavels in DKO cells, comparing with HCT-116 wt. oniy AKR1B1, UCHLl and VIM are melhylated in HCT-116. As expected. the DNA methvlation 1s lost in DKO cells. The rneth,vl ation of VIM and UCHLl promoters in some cancer samples has already been repaired, thus further studies has been focused on AKRlBI. AKR1B1 expression due lo DNA methyiaton of promoter region seems to occur specilfically in the colon cancer cell Iines. which was confirmed in the DNA rnethylation status and expression analyses. performed on 32 different cancer cell lines (including colon, breast, lymphoma, leukemia, neuroblastoma, glioma and lung cancer cell Iines) as well as normal colon and normal lymphocytes samples. AKRIBI expression after treatments with DNA demethvlating agent (AZA) was rescued in 5 coloncancer cell lines (including genetic regulation of the candidate gene. The methylation status of the rest of the genes identified in proteomic analysis was checked by methylation specific PCR (MSP) experiment and all appeared to be unmethylated. The similar research has been done also bv means of Mecp2-null mouse model For 14 selected candidate genes the analyses of expression leveis, methylation Status and MeCP2 interaction with promoters are currently being performed.
Human cancer vaccines are often prepared with altered "analog" or "heteroclitic" antigens that have been optimized for HLA class I binding, resulting in enhanced immunogenicity. Here, we take advantage of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides as powerful vaccine adjuvants and demonstrate the induction of high T cell frequencies in melanoma patients, despite the use of natural (unmodified) tumor antigenic peptide. Compared with vaccination with analog peptide, natural peptide induced T cell frequencies that were approximately twofold lower. However, T cells showed superior tumor reactivity because of (i) increased functional avidity for natural antigen and (ii) enhancement of T cell activation and effector function. Thus, novel vaccine formulations comprising potent immune stimulators may allow to circumvent the need for modified antigens and can induce highly functional T cells with precise antigen specificity
BACKGROUND: Human systemic antibody responses to commensal microbiota are not well characterised during health and disease. Of particular interest is the analysis of their potential modulation caused by chronic HIV-1 infection which is associated with sustained enteropathy and systemic B cell disturbances reflected by impaired B cell responses and chronic B cell hyperactivity. The mechanisms underlying B cell hyperactivation and the specificities of the resulting hypergammaglobulinaemia are only poorly understood. METHODS: By a technique referred to as live bacterial FACS (fluorescence-activated cell sorting), the present study investigated systemic antibody responses to several gut and skin commensal bacteria as well as Candida albicans in longitudinal plasma and serum samples from healthy donors, chronic HIV-1-infected individuals with or without diarrhoea and patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). RESULTS: The data show that systemic antibody responses to the commensal microbiota were abundantly present in humans and remained remarkably stable over years. Overall systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria were not affected during chronic HIV-1 infection, with titres decreasing when normalised to elevated plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels found in patients with HIV. In contrast, increases in the titres of high affinity antimicrobiota antibodies were detected in patients with IBD, demonstrating that conditions with known increased intestinal permeability and aberrant mutualism can induce changes in antibody titres observed in these assays. CONCLUSION: Neither HIV-associated enteropathy nor B cell dysfunction impact on the high-affinity systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria. HIV-associated hypergammaglobulinaemia is therefore unlikely to be driven by induction of antimicrobiota antibodies.
The TNF family ligands BAFF (also called BLyS) and APRIL regulate lymphocyte survival and activation. BAFF binds to three receptors, BAFF-R, TACI and BCMA, whereas APRIL interacts with TACI, BCMA and proteoglycans. The contribution of BAFF and APRIL to B-cell and plasma-cell survival, CD154 (CD40L)-independent antibody isotype switching, germinal center maintenance, T-dependent and T-independent antibody responses, and T cell co-stimulation are relatively well understood. Constitutive BAFF produced by stromal cells determines the size of the peripheral B cell pool, whereas inducible BAFF produced by myeloid and other cells supports local survival of B lymphocytes and can be associated with development of autoimmunity when deregulated.
The tumor antigen NY-ESO-1 is a promising cancer vaccine target. We describe here a novel HLA-B7-restricted NY-ESO-1 epitope, encompassing amino acids 60-72 (APRGPHGGAASGL), which is naturally presented by melanoma cells. The tumor epitope bound to HLA-B7 by bulging outward from the peptide-binding cleft. This bulged epitope was not an impediment to T-cell recognition, however, because four of six HLA-B7(+) melanoma patients vaccinated with NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX vaccine generated a potent T-cell response to this determinant. Moreover, the response to this epitope was immunodominant in three of these patients and, unlike the T-cell responses to bulged HLA class I viral epitopes, the responding T cells possessed a remarkably broad TCR repertoire. Interestingly, HLA-B7(+) melanoma patients who did not receive the NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX vaccine rarely generated a spontaneous T-cell response to this cryptic epitope, suggesting a lack of priming of such T cells in the natural anti-NY-ESO-1 response, which may be corrected by vaccination. Together, our results reveal several surprising aspects of antitumor immunity and have implications for cancer vaccine design.
The role of T regulatory cells (Treg) in the induction and maintenance of allograft tolerance is being studied to a great extent. In contrast, little is known on their potential to prevent graft rejection in the field of xenotransplantation, where acute vascular rejection mediated by cellular and humoral mechanisms and thrombotic microangiopathy still prevents long-term graft survival. In this regard, the induction of donor-specific tolerance through isolation and expansion of xenoantigen-specific recipient Treg is currently becoming a focus of interest. This review will summarize the present knowledge concerning Treg and their potential use in xenotransplantation describing in particular CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells, CD8(+)CD28(-) Treg, double negative CD4(-)CD8(-) T cells, and natural killer Treg. Although only studied in vitro so far, human CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg is currently the best characterized subpopulation of regulatory cells in xenotransplantation. CD8(+)CD28(-) Treg and double negative CD4(-)CD8(-) Treg also seem to be implicated in tolerance maintenance of xenografts. Finally, one study revealing a role for natural killer CD4(+)Valpha14(+) Treg in the prolongation of xenograft survival needs further confirmation. To our opinion, CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg are a promising candidate to protect xenografts. In contrast to cadaveric allotransplantation, the donor is known prior to xenotransplantation. This advantage allows the expansion of recipient Treg in a xenoantigen specific manner before transplantation.
Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that DBA/2 mice injected i.p. with syngeneic P815 tumor cells transfected with the HLA-CW3 gene (P815-CW3) showed a dramatic expansion of activated CD8+CD62L- T cells expressing exclusively the Vbeta10 segment. We have used this model to study the regulatory mechanisms involved in the development of the CW3-specific CD8+ response, with respect to different routes of immunization. Whereas both intradermal (i.d.) and i.p. immunization of DBA/2 mice with P815-CW3 cells led to a strong expansion of CD8+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cells, only the i.d. route allowed this expansion after immunization with P815 cells transfected with a minigene coding for the antigenic epitope CW3 170-179 (P815 miniCW3). Furthermore, depletion of CD4+ T cells in vivo completely abolished the specific response of CD8+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cells and prevented the rejection of P815-CW3 tumor cells injected i.p., whereas it did not affect CD8S+CD62L-Vbeta10+ cell expansion after i.d. immunization with either P815-CW3 or P815 miniCW3. Finally, the CW3-specific CD8+ memory response was identical whether or not CD4+ T cells were depleted during the primary response. Collectively, these results suggest that the CD8+ T cell response to P815-CW3 tumor cells injected i.p. is strictly dependent upon recognition of a helper epitope by CD4+ T cells, whereas no such requirement is observed for i.d. injection.