934 resultados para Stability study
Los materiales de banda intermedia han atraido la atención de la comunidad científica en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica en los últimos años. Sin embargo, con el objetivo de entender los fundamentos de las células solares de banda intermedia, se debe llevar a cabo un estudio profundo de la características de los materiales. Esto se puede hacer mediante un modelo teórico usando Primeros Principios. A partir de este enfoque se pueden obtener resultados tales como la estructura electrónica y propiedades ópticas, entre otras, de los semiconductores fuertemente dopados y sus precursores. Con el fin de desentrañar las estructuras de estos sistemas electrónicos, esta tesis presenta un estudio termodinámico y optoelectrónico de varios materiales fotovoltaicos. Específicamente se caracterizaron los materiales avanzados de banda intermedia y sus precursores. El estudio se hizo en términos de caracterización teórica de la estructura electrónica, la energética del sistema, entre otros. Además la estabilidad se obtuvo usando configuraciones adaptadas a la simetría del sistema y basado en la combinatoria. Las configuraciones de los sitios ocupados por defectos permiten obtener información sobre un espacio de configuraciones donde las posiciones de los dopantes sustituidos se basan en la simetría del sólido cristalino. El resultado puede ser tratado usando elementos de termodinámica estadística y da información de la estabilidad de todo el espacio simétrico. Además se estudiaron otras características importantes de los semiconductores de base. En concreto, el análisis de las interacciones de van der Waals fueron incluidas en el semiconductor en capas SnS2, y el grado de inversión en el caso de las espinelas [M]In2S4. En este trabajo además realizamos una descripción teórica exhaustiva del sistema CdTe:Bi. Este material de banda-intermedia muestra características que son distintas a las de los otros materiales estudiados. También se analizó el Zn como agente modulador de la posición de las sub-bandas prohibidas en el material de banda-intermedia CuGaS2:Ti. Analizándose además la viabilidad termodinámica de la formación de este compuesto. Finalmente, también se describió el GaN:Cr como material de banda intermedia, en la estructura zinc-blenda y en wurtztite, usando configuraciones de sitios ocupados de acuerdo a la simetría del sistema cristalino del semiconductor de base. Todos los resultados, siempre que fue posible, fueron comparados con los resultados experimentales. ABSTRACT The intermediate-band materials have attracted the attention of the scientific community in the field of the photovoltaics in recent years. Nevertheless, in order to understand the intermediate-band solar cell fundamentals, a profound study of the characteristics of the materials is required. This can be done using theoretical modelling from first-principles. The electronic structure and optical properties of heavily doped semiconductors and their precursor semiconductors are, among others, results that can be obtained from this approach. In order to unravel the structures of these crystalline systems, this thesis presents a thermodynamic and optoelectronic study of several photovoltaic materials. Specifically advanced intermediate-band materials and their precursor semiconductors were characterized. The study was made in terms of theoretical characterization of the electronic structure, energetics among others. The stability was obtained using site-occupancy-disorder configurations adapted to the symmetry of the system and based on combinatorics. The site-occupancy-disorder method allows the formation of a configurational space of substitutional dopant positions based on the symmetry of the crystalline solid. The result, that can be treated using statistical thermodynamics, gives information of the stability of the whole space of symmetry of the crystalline lattice. Furthermore, certain other important characteristics of host semiconductors were studied. Specifically, the van der Waal interactions were included in the SnS2 layered semiconductor, and the inversion degree in cases of [M]In2S4 spinels. In this work we also carried out an exhaustive theoretical description of the CdTe:Bi system. This intermediate-band material shows characteristics that are distinct from those of the other studied intermediate-band materials. In addition, Zn was analysed as a modulator of the positions of the sub-band gaps in the CuGaS2:Ti intermediate-band material. The thermodynamic feasibility of the formation of this compound was also carried out. Finally GaN:Cr intermediate-band material was also described both in the zinc-blende and the wurtztite type structures, using the symmetry-adapted-space of configurations. All results, whenever possible, were compared with experimental results.
In the intricate maturation process of [NiFe]-hydrogenases, the Fe(CN)2CO cofactor is first assembled in a HypCD complex with iron coordinated by cysteines from both proteins and CO is added after ligation of cyanides. The small accessory protein HypC is known to play a role in delivering the cofactor needed for assembling the hydrogenase active site. However, the chemical nature of the Fe(CN)2CO moiety and the stability of the cofactor–HypC complex are open questions. In this work, we address geometries, properties, and the nature of bonding of all chemical species involved in formation and binding of the cofactor by means of quantum calculations. We also study the influence of environmental effects and binding to cysteines on vibrational frequencies of stretching modes of CO and CN used to detect the presence of Fe(CN)2CO. Carbon monoxide is found to be much more sensitive to sulfur binding and the polarity of the medium than cyanides. The stability of the HypC–cofactor complex is analyzed by means of molecular dynamics simulation of cofactor-free and cofactor-bound forms of HypC. The results show that HypC is stable enough to carry the cofactor, but since its binding cysteine is located at the N-terminal unstructured tail, it presents large motions in solution, which suggests the need for a guiding interaction to achieve delivery of the cofactor.
The present study investigates the potential use of non-catalyzed water-soluble blocked polyurethane prepolymer (PUP) as a bifunctional cross-linker for collagenous scaffolds. The effect of concentration (5, 10, 15 and 20%), time (4, 6, 12 and 24 h), medium volume (50, 100, 200 and 300%) and pH (7.4, 8.2, 9 and 10) over stability, microstructure and tensile mechanical behavior of acellular pericardial matrix was studied. The cross-linking index increased up to 81% while the denaturation temperature increased up to 12 °C after PUP crosslinking. PUP-treated scaffold resisted the collagenase degradation (0.167 ± 0.14 mmol/g of liberated amine groups vs. 598 ± 60 mmol/g for non-cross-linked matrix). The collagen fiber network was coated with PUP while viscoelastic properties were altered after cross-linking. The treatment of the pericardial scaffold with PUP allows (i) different densities of cross-linking depending of the process parameters and (ii) tensile properties similar to glutaraldehyde method.
This paper presents the experimental study developed on a prismatic beam with H section, sometimes used in bridges as suspenders, vertical bars or decks. The purpose of this study is to understand the physical behavior of the air around this type of section, in order to reduce the aerodynamic loads, the onset speed of galloping and even to avoid it. To achieve this, a study of the influence of all geometric parameters that define the section has been developed. Previously, the most interesting configurations have been selected using a smoke flow visualization technique in the wind-tunnel, then the corresponding static aerodynamic loads were measured, completed with dynamic tests and, finally, the parameters governing the phenomenon of galloping determined.
The phenomenon of self-induced vibrations of prismatic beams in a cross-flow has been studied for decades, but it is still of great interest due to their important effects in many different industrial applications. This paper presents the experimental study developed on a prismatic beam with H-section.The aim of this analysis is to add some additional insight into the behaviour of the flow around this type of bodies, in order to reduce galloping and even to avoid it. The influence of some relevant geometrical parameters that define the H-section on the translational galloping behaviour of these beams has been analysed. Wind loads coefficients have been measured through static wind tunnel tests and the Den Hartog criterion applied to elucidate the influence of geometrical parameters on the galloping properties of the bodies under consideration.These results have been completed with surface pressure distribution measurements and, besides, dynamic tests have been also performed to verify the static criterion. Finally, the morphology of the flow past the tested bodies has been visualised by using smoke visualization techniques. Since the rectangular section beam is a limiting case of the H-section configuration, the results here obtained are compared with the ones published in the literature concerning rectangular configurations; the agreement is satisfactory.
La gestión de estériles de una explotación minera es un punto clave en el desarrollo económico de una actividad extractiva, y en especial, del entorno natural y social en el que se emplaza dicho proyecto. La minería de metales preciosos lleva asociada la construcción de balsas de residuos muy peligrosos, fruto de su proceso extractivo, como por ejemplo la cianuración en el caso del oro. Para un correcto funcionamiento de dichos emplazamientos es necesario escoger correctamente el método constructivo a partir de estudios de reconocimiento previos, como estudios de estabilidad geotécnica, contexto geológico de la zona, sismicidad, hidrología, etc. Así mismo, han de llevarse a cabo unas exhaustivas medidas de control y vigilancia para asegurar las condiciones de seguridad exigidas. La ruptura de la balsa de decantación de Aurul S.A. en Baia Mare (Rumania) el 30 de Enero del año 2000 ha sido escogido como caso de estudio de estabilidad de diques. ABSTRACT Tailing's management of a mining exploitation is a key point in the economical development of the extractive activity and, especially, of the natural and social environment of the site. Precious metals mining has high hazardous embankment construction associated, product of its extractive process, i.e. gold cyanidation. A correct operation of those sites makes necessary to choose a suitable construction method, based on previous studies as geotechnical stability studies, geological context of the area, seismicity, hydrology, etc. At the same time, exhaustive control and monitoring must be carried out in order to assure the required safety conditions. Aurul's decantation pond failure in Baia Mare (Romania), on 30th January 2000, has been chosen as a stability analysis case-study.
A one-dimensional inviscid slice model has been used to study numerically the influence of axial microgravity on the breaking of liquid bridges having a volume close to that of gravitationless minimum volume stability limit. Equilibrium shapes and stability limits have been obtained as well as the dependence of the volume of the two drops formed after breaking on both the length and the volume of the liquid bridge. The breaking process has also been studied experimentally. Good agreement has been found between theory and experiment for neutrally buoyant systems
The stabilizing effect of grouping rotor blades in pairs has been assessed both, numerically and experimentally. The bending and torsion modes of a low aspect ratio high speed turbine cascade tested in the non-rotating test facility at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) have been chosen as the case study. The controlled vibration of 20 blades in travelling wave form was performed by means of an electromagnetic excitation system, enabling the adjustement of the vibration amplitude and inter blade phase at a given frequency. Unsteady pressure transducers located along the blade mid-section were used to obtain the modulus and phase of the unsteady pressure caused by the airfoil motion. The stabilizing effect of the torsion mode was clearly observed both in the experiments and the simulations, however the effect of grouping the blades in pairs in the minimum damping at the tested frequency was marginal in the bending mode. A numerical tool was validated using the available experimental data and then used to extend the results at lower and more relevant reduced frequencies. It is shown that the stabilizing effect exists for the bending and torsion modes in the frequency range typical of low-pressure turbines. It is concluded that the stabilizing effect of this configuration is due to the shielding effect of the pressure side of the airfoil that defines the passage of the pair on the suction side of the same passage, since the relative motion between both is null. This effect is observed both in the experiments and simulations.
The purpose of this work is to analyze a complex high lift configuration for which significant regions of separated flow are present. Current state of the art methods have some diffculty to predict the origin and the progression of this separated flow when increasing the angle of attack. The mechanisms responsible for the maximum lift limit on multi-element wing con?gurations are not clear; this stability analysis could help to understand the physics behind the phenomenon and to find a relation between the flow separation and the instability onset. The methodology presented herein consists in the computation of a steady base flow solution based on a finite volume discretization and a proposal of the solution for a generalized eigenvalue problem corresponding to the perturbed and linearized problem. The eigenvalue problem has been solved with the Arnoldi iterative method, one of the Krylov subspace projection methods. The described methodology was applied to the NACA0012 test case in subsonic and in transonic conditions and, finally, for the first time to the authors knowledge, on an industrial multi-component geometry, such as the A310 airfoil, in order to identify low frequency instabilities related to the separation. One important conclusion is that for all the analyzed geometries, one unstable mode related to flow separation appears for an angle of attack greater than the one correspondent to the maximum lift coe?cient condition. Finally, an adjoint study was carried out in order to evaluate the receptivity and the structural sensitivity of the geometries, giving an indication of the domain region that could be modified resulting in the biggest change of the flowfield.
La aparición de inestabilidades en un flujo es un problema importante que puede afectar a algunas aplicaciones aerodinámicas. De hecho existen diferentes tipos de fenómenos no-estacionarios que actualmente son tema de investigación; casos como la separación a altos ángulos de ataque o el buffet transónico son dos ejemplos de cierta relevancia. El análisis de estabilidad global permite identificar la aparición de dichas condiciones inestables, proporcionando información importante sobre la región donde la inestabilidad es dominante y sobre la frecuencia del fenómeno inestable. La metodología empleada es capaz de calcular un flujo base promediado mediante una discretización con volúmenes finitos y posteriormente la solución de un problema de autovalores asociado a la linealización que aparece al perturbar el flujo base. El cálculo numérico se puede dividir en tres pasos: primero se calcula una solución estacionaria para las ecuaciones RANS, luego se extrae la matriz del Jacobiano que representa el problema linealizado y finalmente se deriva y se resuelve el problema de autovalores generalizado mediante el método iterativo de Arnoldi. Como primer caso de validación, la técnica descrita ha sido aplicada a un cilindro circular en condiciones laminares para detectar el principio de las oscilaciones de los vórtices de von Karman, y se han comparado los resultados con experimentos y cálculos anteriores. La parte más importante del estudio se centra en el análisis de flujos compresibles en régimen turbulento. La predicción de la aparición y la progresión de flujo separado a altos ángulos de ataque se han estudiado en el perfil NACA0012 en condiciones tanto subsónicas como supersónicas y en una sección del ala del A310 en condiciones de despegue. Para todas las geometrías analizadas, se ha podido observar que la separación gradual genera la aparición de un modo inestable específico para altos ángulos de ataque siempre mayores que el ángulo asociado al máximo coeficiente de sustentación. Además, se ha estudiado el problema adjunto para obtener información sobre la zona donde una fuerza externa provoca el máximo cambio en el campo fluido. El estudio se ha completado calculando el mapa de sensibilidad estructural y localizando el centro de la inestabilidad. En el presente trabajo de tesis se ha analizado otro importante fenómeno: el buffet transónico. En condiciones transónicas, la interacción entre la onda de choque y la capa límite genera una oscilación de la posición de la onda de choque y, por consiguiente, de las fuerzas aerodinámicas. El conocimiento de las condiciones críticas y su origen puede ayudar a evitar la oscilación causada por estas fuerzas. Las condiciones para las cuales comienza la inestabilidad han sido calculadas y comparadas con trabajos anteriores. Por otra parte, los resultados del correspondiente problema adjunto y el mapa de sensibilidad se han obtenido por primera vez para el buffet, indicando la región del dominio que sera necesario modificar para crear el mayor cambio en las propiedades del campo fluido. Dado el gran consumo de memoria requerido para los casos 3D, se ha realizado un estudio sobre la reducción del domino con la finalidad de reducirlo a la región donde está localizada la inestabilidad. La eficacia de dicha reducción de dominio ha sido evaluada investigando el cambio en la dimensión de la matriz del Jacobiano, no resultando muy eficiente en términos del consumo de memoria. Dado que el buffet es un problema en general tridimensional, el análisis TriGlobal de una geometría 3D podría considerarse el auténtico reto futuro. Como aproximación al problema, un primer estudio se ha realizado empleando una geometría tridimensional extruida del NACA00f2. El cálculo del flujo 3D y, por primera vez en casos tridimensionales compresibles y turbulentos, el análisis de estabilidad TriGlobal, se han llevado a cabo. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos con los resultados del anterior modelo 2D, ha permitido, primero, verificar la exactitud del cálculo 2D realizado anteriormente y también ha proporcionado una estimación del consumo de memoria requerido para el caso 3D. ABSTRACT Flow unsteadiness is an important problem in aerodynamic applications. In fact, there are several types of unsteady phenomena that are still at the cutting edge of research in the field; separation at high angles of attack and transonic buffet are two important examples. Global Stability Analysis can identify the unstable onset conditions, providing important information about the instability location in the domain and the frequency of the unstable phenomenon. The methodology computes a base flow averaged state based on a finite volume discretization and a solution for a generalized eigenvalue problem corresponding to the perturbed linearized equations. The numerical computation is then performed in three steps: first, a steady solution for the RANS equation is computed; second, the Jacobian matrix that represents the linearized problem is obtained; and finally, the generalized eigenvalue problem is derived and solved with an Arnoldi iterative method. As a first validation test, the technique has been applied on a laminar circular cylinder in order to detect the von Karman vortex shedding onset, comparing the results with experiments and with previous calculations. The main part of the study focusses on turbulent and compressible cases. The prediction of the origin and progression of separated flows at high angles of attack has been studied on the NACA0012 airfoil at subsonic and transonic conditions and for the A310 airfoil in take-off configuration. For all the analyzed geometries, it has been found that gradual separation generates the appearance of one specific unstable mode for angles of attack always greater than the ones related to the maximum lift coefficient. In addition, the adjoint problem has been studied to suggest the location of an external force that results in the largest change to the flow field. From the direct and the adjoint analysis the structural sensitivity map has been computed and the core of the instability has been located. The other important phenomenon analyzed in this work is the transonic buffet. In transonic conditions, the interaction between the shock wave and the boundary layer leads to an oscillation of the shock location and, consequently, of the aerodynamic forces. Knowing the critical operational conditions and its origin can be helpful in preventing such fluctuating forces. The instability onset has then been computed and compared with the literature. Moreover, results of the corresponding adjoint problem and a sensitivity map have been provided for the first time for the buffet problem, indicating the region that must be modified to create the biggest change in flow field properties. Because of the large memory consumption required when a 3D case is approached, a domain reduction study has been carried out with the aim of limiting the domain size to the region where the instability is located. The effectiveness of the domain reduction has been evaluated by investigating the change in the Jacobian matrix size, not being very efficient in terms of memory consumption. Since buffet is a three-dimensional problem, TriGlobal stability analysis can be seen as a future challenge. To approximate the problem, a first study has been carried out on an extruded three-dimensional geometry of the NACA0012 airfoil. The 3D flow computation and the TriGlobal stability analysis have been performed for the first time on a compressible and turbulent 3D case. The results have been compared with a 2D model, confirming that the buffet onset evaluated in the 2D case is well detected. Moreover, the computation has given an indication about the memory consumption for a 3D case.
Las prestaciones de un velero de regatas se estiman por medio de los Programas de Predicción de Velocidad (VPP) que incluyen las características de estabilidad y modelos aero e hidrodinámico del barco. Por esta razón, es importante tener una evaluación adecuada de las fuerzas en apéndices y de su variación en diferentes condiciones de navegación, escora y deriva. Además, para el cálculo de las fuerzas en los apéndices es importante conocer sus características hidrodinámicas cuando trabajan conjuntamente en un campo fluido fuertemente modificado por la carena. Por esta razón, se han utilizado una serie de ensayos realizados en el Canal de Ensayos de la ETSIN con el objetivo de validar códigos numéricos que permiten una evaluación más rápida y focalizada en los distintos fenómenos que se producen. Dichos ensayos se han realizado de forma que pudiera medirse independientemente las fuerzas hidrodinámicas en cada apéndice, lo que permitirá evaluar el reparto de fuerzas en diferentes condiciones de navegación para poder profundizar en las interacciones entre carena, quilla y timón. Las técnicas numéricas permiten capturar detalles que difícilmente se pueden visualizar en ensayos experimentales. En este sentido, se han probado las últimas técnicas utilizadas en los últimos workshops y se ha enfocado el estudio a un nuevo método con el objetivo de mostrar una metodologia más rápida que pueda servir a la industria para este tipo de aproximación al problema. ABSTRACT The performances of a racing sailboat are estimated by means of the speed prediction programs (VPP), which include the ship stability characteristics and the aero and hydrodynamic models. For this reason, it is important to have an adequate evaluation of the forces in appendices and its variation in different sailing conditions, heel and leeway Moreover, for the analysis of the forces in the appendices, it is important to know their hydrodynamic characteristics when they work together in a fluid field strongly modified by the canoe body. For this reason, several tests have been done in the ETSIN towing tank with the aim to validate numeric codes that allowing faster analysis and they permit to focus on the different phenomena that occur there. Such tests have been done in a way that the hydrodynamic forces in each appendage could be measured independently allowing assessing the distribution of forces in different sailing conditions to be able to deepen the interactions between the canoe body, the keel and the rudder. Numerical techniques allow capturing details that can hardly be displayed in experimental tests. In this sense, the latest techniques used in the recent workshops have been reviewed and the study has been focused to propose a new model with the aim to show a new faster methodology which serves the industry for this type of approach to the problem.
An engineering modification of blade element/momentum theory is applied to describe the vertical autorotation of helicopter rotors. A full non-linear aerodynamic model is considered for the airfoils, taking into account the dependence of lift and drag coefficients on both the angle of attack and the Reynolds number. The proposed model, which has been validated in previous work, has allowed the identification of different autorotation modes, which depend on the descent velocity and the twist of the rotor blades. These modes present different radial distributions of driven and driving blade regions, as well as different radial upwash/downwash patterns. The number of blade sections with zero tangential force, the existence of a downwash region in the rotor disk, the stability of the autorotation state, and the overall rotor autorotation efficiency, are all analyzed in terms of the flight velocity and the characteristics of the rotor. It is shown that, in vertical autorotation, larger blade twist leads to smaller values of descent velocity for a given thrust generated by the rotor in the autorotational state.
Funding: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 613960 (SMARTBEES) (http://www.smartbees-fp7.eu/) and Veterinary Medicines Directorate, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Project # VM0517) (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/veterinary-medicines-directorate). CHM was supported by a Biosciences Knowledge Transfer Network Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (KTN-BBSRC CASE) Studentship (BB/L502467/1) (http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge Mr Sebastian Bacz’s expert help and advice with beekeeping.
We present a study of the adsorption of two peptides at the octane–water interface. The first peptide, Lac21, exists in mixed monomer–tetramer equilibrium in bulk solution with an appreciable monomer concentration. The second peptide, Lac28, exists as a tetramer in solution, with minimal exposed hydrophobic surface. A kinetic limitation to interfacial adsorption exists for Lac28 at moderate to high surface coverage that is not observed for Lac21. We estimate the potential energy barrier for Lac28 adsorption to be 42 kJ/mol and show that this is comparable to the expected free energy barrier for tetramer dissociation. This finding suggests that, at moderate to high surface coverage, adsorption is kinetically limited by the availability of interfacially active monomeric “domains” in the subinterfacial region. We also show how the commonly used empirical equation for protein adsorption dynamics can be used to estimate the potential energy barrier for adsorption. Such an approach is shown to be consistent with a formal description of diffusion–adsorption, provided a large potential energy barrier exists. This work demonstrates that the dynamics of interfacial adsorption depend on protein thermodynamic stability, and hence structure, in a quantifiable way.
Evolutionary, pattern forming partial differential equations (PDEs) are often derived as limiting descriptions of microscopic, kinetic theory-based models of molecular processes (e.g., reaction and diffusion). The PDE dynamic behavior can be probed through direct simulation (time integration) or, more systematically, through stability/bifurcation calculations; time-stepper-based approaches, like the Recursive Projection Method [Shroff, G. M. & Keller, H. B. (1993) SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 30, 1099–1120] provide an attractive framework for the latter. We demonstrate an adaptation of this approach that allows for a direct, effective (“coarse”) bifurcation analysis of microscopic, kinetic-based models; this is illustrated through a comparative study of the FitzHugh-Nagumo PDE and of a corresponding Lattice–Boltzmann model.