911 resultados para Space flight to Mercury
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
Tradicionalmente la vivienda social en México ha sido analizada de manera cuantitativa principalmente en cuanto al déficit y el rezago, omitiendo la aportación que el uso de esas viviendas ofrece al bienestar de sus ocupantes. Este artículo presenta a la "vivienda VITAL" como propuesta de vivienda unifamiliar con espacio interior dirigido al bienestar de su usuario, con base en una investigación1 cualitativa que incluyó a usuarios de vivienda de interés social ubicados en tres desarrollos habitacionales en el Área Metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León, y a funcionarios públicos dedicados al diseño y ejecución de vivienda social en México. ABSTRACT Traditionally social housing in Mexico has been analyzed quantitatively mainly in regards to deficit and backlog, omitting the contribution that the usage of these houses offers to the welfare of their habitants. This article introduces the "housing VITAL" as a proposal for a single family housing with interior space focused to the welfare of its user, based on a qualitative research that included low income housing users in three housing developments located at the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, and public servants dedicated to the design and implementation of social housing in Mexico
O contínuo crescimento do espaço particular aberto ao público contribuiu para o aparecimento e desenvolvimento da segurança privada, aumentando a sua comercialização e o seu número de efetivos. Apesar dos espetáculos desportivos serem eventos privados, a lei prevê, em certos casos, a obrigatoriedade da requisição de policiamento, por parte dos promotores. Será adequada a presença das Forças de Segurança para assegurar um evento particular ou será tarefa para a segurança privada? Tendo em conta a atualidade do assunto, torna-se uma mais-valia o estudo e compreensão do regime de policiamento de espetáculos desportivos, de forma a mitigar os seus aspetos negativos. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral compreender de que forma o atual regime de policiamento se encontra adequado às exigências dos espetáculos desportivos. Para melhor orientar a investigação, foram definidos objetivos específicos, designadamente identificar as potencialidades do atual regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos, identificar as vulnerabilidades do atual regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos e compreender de que forma se podem mitigar as consequências negativas deste regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos. A base lógica da presente investigação é o método dedutivo. Não temos como finalidade propor um novo regime de policiamento de espetáculos desportivos, mas sim analisar o regime já existente. Por conseguinte, a presente investigação desenvolveu-se através das seguintes fases: exploratória, analítica e conclusiva. De forma a sustentar as nossas conclusões, procedemos à análise documental, realização de entrevistas, observações qualitativas e, por último, à análise qualitativa do seu conteúdo. No decorrer da investigação, verificámos a existência de uma cultura de segurança que dificulta, à segurança privada, assumir a exclusividade da segurança dum evento desportivo. Nestas situações, a presença das Forças de Segurança é essencial, sendo ainda mais notória nos eventos desportivos realizados na via pública, onde a principal missão é garantir a segurança dos atletas e assegurar a fluidez e segurança do tráfego rodoviário. Não obstante, foi possível identificar algumas vulnerabilidades no presente regime de policiamento, pelo que propusemos um conjunto de medidas que podem ser implementadas, nomeadamente a gradual adaptação ao modelo de policiamento praticado no Reino Unido. Para tal, seria necessário aumentar o número de Assistentes de Recinto Desportivo, investindo mais na sua formação e atribuindo-lhes mais competências, contribuindo para a sua autoridade na presença dos adeptos.
La “ilha” es un tipo de vivienda clandestina para las clases trabajadoras que surge en la segunda mitad del S.XIX, fruto de la necesidad habitacional de una gran cantidad de población que abandonaba el rural en busca de empleo, en la emergente industria de Oporto. Estas viviendas de bajo coste, fueron declaradas insalubres y elementos a eliminar a partir del s. XX, existiendo numerosos planes para demolerlas. Puede ser la hora de cambiar la forma de pensar, definiendo una política de revitalización de los espacios urbanos, paralela a la búsqueda de nuevas formas de ver las “ilhas” y la ciudad de Oporto. El trabajo comienza con la idea de preguntar si la noción de “ilha” tiene algún significado en la ciudad. Saber qué hacen las “ilhas” - si es que lo hacen - que pueda ser útil a la ciudad de Oporto y cómo lo hacen. En respuesta a la problemática identificada se establecen dos objetivos. El primero se centra en Clasificar matrices morfo-tipológicas de las “ilhas” en la parroquia del Bonfim, para así conocer las diferentes formas y tipologías de las “ilhas”, seleccionando tres casos de estudio. Con los datos extraídos poder abordar el segundo objetivo que propone Definir principios para la valorización del carácter distintivo de las “ilhas” en el contexto urbano portuense. La investigación se estructura en siete capítulos, la fundamentación teórica como reflexión del urbanismo reciente, sobre las diferentes vertientes del urbanismo moderno y como éstas han afectado a las “ilhas” y a la ciudad de Oporto. Destaca la morfología urbana como ciencia que estudia la ciudad y el estado del arte que ha ayudado a poner de relieve las investigaciones realizadas sobre el tema en la actualidad. El siguiente capítulo explica la especificidad del urbanismo portugués y como a partir de éste surgen las “ilhas”, una nueva tipología de Oporto. Posteriormente con base en el análisis documental se escoge la parroquia del Bonfim para delimitar el ámbito, analizando tres casos de estudio con los datos necesarios para la obtención de respuestas y desenvolvimiento de las conclusiones finales. La metodología utilizada está dividida en dos fases: una primera fase corresponde con un marco muestral de las “Ilhas” del Bonfim (estudio mayormente cuantitativo) donde se clasifican todas las comunidades “ilha” que componen la parroquia. Y una segunda fase, estudio cualitativo, donde se analizan de manera individual tres casos de estudio, que se seleccionaran según criterios definidos, para después realizar un análisis comparativo. En conclusión, las “ilhas” se integran en una estructura social que las caracteriza, marcada por la arquitectura y apropiación del espacio que simbolizan estos núcleos habitacionales. Son ejemplo de la utilización del espacio público como espacio de convivencia, frente a multitud de unidades habitacionales con espacios públicos descuidados, sin uso, abandonados, espacios donde las personas no se identifican con el lugar convertidas en sobrantes entre los edificios o territorios vacios. Las “ilhas” muestran unos principios básicos para el diseño y la relevancia de un buen sistema de espacios públicos que permitan vivir mejor.
The Noise Pollution causes degradation in the quality of the environment and presents itself as one of the most common environmental problems in the big cities. An Urban environment present scenario and their complex acoustic study need to consider the contribution of various noise sources. Accordingly to computational models through mapping and prediction of acoustic scene become important, because they enable the realization of calculations, analyzes and reports, allowing the interpretation of satisfactory results. The study neighborhood is the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova, a central area of the city of Natal, which will undergo major changes in urban space due to urban mobility projects planned for the area around the stadium and the consequent changes of urban form and traffic. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the noise impact caused by road and morphological changes around the stadium Arena das Dunas in the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova, through on-site measurements and mapping using the computational model SoundPLAN year 2012 and the scenario evolution acoustic for the year 2017. For this analysis was the construction of the first acoustic mapping based on current diagnostic acoustic neighborhood, physical mapping, classified vehicle count and measurement of sound pressure level, and to build the prediction of noise were observed for the area study the modifications provided for traffic, urban form and mobility work. In this study, it is concluded that the sound pressure levels of the year in 2012 and 2017 extrapolate current legislation. For the prediction of noise were numerous changes in the acoustic scene, in which the works of urban mobility provided will improve traffic flow, thus reduce the sound pressure level where interventions are expected
Study public space is studying the city and its dynamics through a representation point. The changes that are observed in these spaces and in the relations established there, or with it, are related to changes that occurred in the city as a whole, in the urban way of living. Study public space allied to urban sociability permits an even better focus on this relation between people in these spaces and with the spaces and in the consequences and fragile aspects this relation can impose to people and cities. This work is aimed towards this relation between public space and urban sociability. Through a conceptual/theoretical discussion aims, specifically, comprehend how to establish and what is the relation between urban space and urban sociability (appropriation/perception of place, tendencies of seclusion), from an isolated analysis of each one of these themes in the contemporaneous city. The Brazilian public space has peculiar characteristics, arising from its historical process of construction, also influenced by the public sphere fragile construction that permeates it, as well as more recent variables such as the sensation of insecurity and commodification of these places. The urban sociability influences and is influenced along all this process of significance and reframing of the public space. The conceptual discussion about each isolate variable provides the necessary coverage for discussion and analysis of the relation between them and the consequence of this relation in the city, such as the notation of relevant experiences of this process of revaluation of the public space. The hereby search is not through a path to reestablish the relation as it already existed, but also for an understanding of the dynamic as is established today and for existing possibilities for maintenance and appreciation of the relation between people and the city by believing in its importance to urban life
76 p.
La distance de Kendall-τ compte le nombre de paires en désaccord entre deux permuta- tions. La distance d’une permutation à un ensemble est simplement la somme des dis- tances entre cette permutation et les permutations de l’ensemble. À partir d’un ensemble donné de permutations, notre but est de trouver la permutation, appelée médiane, qui minimise cette distance à l’ensemble. Le problème de la médiane de permutations sous la distance de Kendall-τ, trouve son application en bio-informatique, en science politique, en télécommunication et en optimisation. Ce problème d’apparence simple est prouvé difficile à résoudre. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons plusieurs approches pour résoudre le problème, pour trouver une bonne solution approximative, pour le séparer en classes caractéristiques, pour mieux com- prendre sa compléxité, pour réduire l’espace de recheche et pour accélérer les calculs. Nous présentons aussi, vers la fin du mémoire, une généralisation de ce problème et nous l’étudions avec ces mêmes approches. La majorité du travail de ce mémoire se situe dans les trois articles qui le composent et est complémenté par deux chapitres servant à les lier.
La distance de Kendall-τ compte le nombre de paires en désaccord entre deux permuta- tions. La distance d’une permutation à un ensemble est simplement la somme des dis- tances entre cette permutation et les permutations de l’ensemble. À partir d’un ensemble donné de permutations, notre but est de trouver la permutation, appelée médiane, qui minimise cette distance à l’ensemble. Le problème de la médiane de permutations sous la distance de Kendall-τ, trouve son application en bio-informatique, en science politique, en télécommunication et en optimisation. Ce problème d’apparence simple est prouvé difficile à résoudre. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons plusieurs approches pour résoudre le problème, pour trouver une bonne solution approximative, pour le séparer en classes caractéristiques, pour mieux com- prendre sa compléxité, pour réduire l’espace de recheche et pour accélérer les calculs. Nous présentons aussi, vers la fin du mémoire, une généralisation de ce problème et nous l’étudions avec ces mêmes approches. La majorité du travail de ce mémoire se situe dans les trois articles qui le composent et est complémenté par deux chapitres servant à les lier.
One of the most popular sports globally, soccer has seen a rise in the demands of the game over recent years. An increase in intensity and playing demands, coupled with growing social and economic pressures on soccer players means that optimal preparation is of paramount importance. Recent research has found the modern game, depending on positional role, to consist of approximately 60% more sprint distance in the English Premier League, which was also found to be the case for frequency and success of discrete technical actions (Bush et al., 2015). As a result, the focus on soccer training and player preparedness is becoming more prevalent in scientific research. By designing the appropriate training load, and thus periodization strategies, the aim is to achieve peak fitness in the most efficient way, whilst minimising the risk of injury and illness. Traditionally, training intensity has been based on heart rate responses, however, the emergence of tracking microtechnology such as global positioning system (GPS) and inertial sensors are now able to further quantify biomechanical load as well as physiological stress. Detailed pictures of internal and external loading indices such as these then combine to produce a more holistic view of training load experience by the player during typical drills and phases of training in soccer. The premise of this research is to gain greater understanding of the physical demands of common training methodologies in elite soccer to support optimal match performance. The coaching process may then benefit from being able to prescribe the most effective training to support these. The first experimental chapter in this thesis began by quantify gross training loads of the pre-season and in-season phases in soccer. A broader picture of the training loads inherent in these distinct phases brought more detail as to the type and extent of external loading experienced by soccer players at these times, and how the inclusion of match play influences weekly training rhythms. Training volume (total distance) was found to be high at the start compared to the end of pre-season (37 kilometres and 28 kilometres), where high cardiovascular loads were attained as part of the conditioning focus. This progressed transiently, however, to involve higher-speed, acceleration and change-of-direction stimuli at the end of pre-season compared to the start and to that in-season (1.18 kilometres, 0.70 kilometres and 0.42 kilometres high-intensity running; with 37, 25 and 23 accelerations >3m/s2 respectively) . The decrease in volume and increase in maximal anaerobic activity was evident in the training focus as friendly matches were introduced before the competitive season. The influence of match-play as being a large physical dose in the training week may then determine the change in weekly periodisation and how resulting training loads applied and tapered, if necessary. The focus of research was then directed more specifically to the most common mode of training in soccer, that also featured regularly in the pre-season period in the present study, small-sided games (SSG). The subsequent studies examined numerous manipulations of this specific form of soccer conditioning, such as player numbers as well as absolute and relative playing space available. In contrast to some previous literature, changing the number of players did not seem to influence training responses significantly, although playing format in the possession style brought about larger effects for heart rate (89.9%HRmax) and average velocity (7.6km/h-1). However, the following studies (Chapters 5, 6 and 7) revealed a greater influence of relative playing space available to players in SSG. The larger area at their disposal brought about greater aerobic responses (~90%HRmax), by allowing higher average and peak velocities (>25km/h-1), as well as greater distance acceleration behaviour at greater thresholds (>2.8m/s2). Furthermore, the data points towards space as being a large determinant in strategy of the player in small-sided games (SSG), subsequently shaping their movement behaviour and resulting physical responses. For example, higher average velocities in a possession format (8km/h-1) reflects higher work rate and heart rate load but makes achieving significant neuromuscular accelerations at a high level difficult given higher starting velocities prior to the most intense accelerations (4.2km/h-1). By altering space available and even through intentional numerical imbalances in team numbers, it may be easier for coaches to achieve the desired stimulus for the session or individual player, whether that is for aerobic and neuromuscular conditioning. Large effects were found for heart rate being higher in the underloaded team (85-90%HRmax) compared to the team with more players (80-85%HRmax) as well as for RPE (5AU versus 7AU). This was also apparent for meterage and therefore average velocity. It would also seem neuromuscular load through high acceleration and deceleration efforts were more pronounced with less numbers (given the need to press and close down opponents, and in a larger area relative to the number of players on the underloaded team. The peak accelerations and deceleration achieved was also higher when playing with less players (3-6.2m/s2 and 3-6.1m/s2) Having detailed ways in which to reach desired physical loading responses in common small training formats, Chapter 8 compared SSG to larger 9v9 formats with full-size 11v11 friendly matches. This enabled absolute and relative comparisons to be made and to understand the extent to which smaller training formats are able to replicate the required movements to be successful in competition. In relative terms, it was revealed that relative acceleration distance and Player Load were higher in smaller 4v4 games than match-play (1.1m.min-1 and 0.3m.min-1 >3m/s2; 16.9AU versus 12AU). Although the smallest format did not replicate the high-velocity demands of matches, the results confirmed their efficacy in providing significant neuromuscular load during the training week, which may then be supplemented by high-intensity interval running in order to gain exposure to more maximal speed work. In summary, the data presented provide valuable information from GPS and inertial sensor microtechnology which may then be used to understand training better to manipulate types of load according to physical conditioning objectives. For example, a library of resources to direct planning of drills of varying cardiovascular, neuromuscular and perceptual load can be created to give more confidence in session outcomes. Combining external and internal load data of common soccer training drills, and their application across different phases and training objectives may give coaches a powerful tool to plan and periodize training.
Healthy young adults demonstrate a group-level, systematic preference for stimuli presented in the left side of space relative to the right (‘pseudoneglect’) (Bowers & Heilman, 1980). This results in an overestimation of features such as size, brightness, numerosity and spatial frequency in the left hemispace, probably as a result of right cerebral hemisphere dominance for visuospatial attention. This spatial attention asymmetry is reduced in the healthy older population, and can be shifted entirely into right hemispace under certain conditions. Although this rightward shift has been consistently documented in behavioural experiments, there is very little neuroimaging evidence to explain this effect at a neuroanatomical level. In this thesis, I used behavioural methodology and electroencephalography (EEG) to map spatial attention asymmetries in young and older adults. I then use transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to modulate these spatial biases, with the aim of assessing age-related differences in response to tDCS. In the first of three experiments presented in this thesis, I report in Chapter Two that five different spatial attention tasks provide consistent intra-task measures of spatial bias in young adults across two testing days. There were, however, no inter-task correlations between the five tasks, indicating that pseudoneglect is at least partially driven by task-dependent patterns of neural activity. In Chapter Three, anodal tDCS was applied separately to the left (P5) and right (P6) posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in young and older adults, with an aim to improve the detection of stimuli appearing in the contralateral visual field. There were no age differences in response to tDCS, but there were significant differences depending on baseline performance. Relative to a sham tDCS protocol, tDCS applied to the right PPC resulted in maintained visual detection across both visual fields in adults who were good at the task at baseline. In contrast, left PPC tDCS resulted in reduced detection sensitivity across both visual fields in poor performers. Finally, in Chapter Four, I report a right-hemisphere lateralisation of EEG activity in young adults that was present for long (but not short) landmark task lines. In contrast, older adults demonstrated no lateralised activity for either line length, thus providing novel evidence of an age-related reduction of hemispheric asymmetry in older adults. The results of this thesis provide evidence of a highly complex set of factors that underlie spatial attention asymmetries in healthy young and older adults.