991 resultados para Solà-Morales, Manuel de, 1939-2012


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ResumenAnaliza las causas explican la presencia y crecimiento de la prostitución en San José entre los años 1939-1949, según el criterio de autoridades y formadores de opinión.AbstractAn analysis of the causes behind prostitution in San José and its increase between 1939 and 1949, based on the criteria expressed by the authorities and by opinion makers.


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Este trabalho é resultado de um curso de capacitação na área de história e de geografia ministrado na Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol - TIRSS, região Ingarikó, como parte do projeto de “Ecoturismo na Unidade de Conservação do Parque Nacional do Monte Roraima”, parceria entre o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Roraima - IFRR, o Serviço de Apoio a Micro e Pequena Empresa - SEBRAE-RR e o Conselho dos Povos Indígenas Ingarikó – COPING, com a finalidade de capacitar condutores locais para conduzir turistas em trilhas na comunidade. A metodologia utilizada para a execução do curso foi a participativa dialogada, permitindo aos cursistas a construção de painéis, cartazes, etnomapas, interpretação e observação da comunidade nos aspectos naturais, culturais e econômicos. Os indígenas demonstraram conhecimento histórico e geográfico da região, contudo, admitiram que alguns aspectos da cultura local estão se perdendo em função das políticas assistencialistas. Como resultado, ficou evidenciado que os autóctones podem receber turistas nas comunidades, porém desconhecem os impactos positivos e negativos da atividade. Ainda como resultado do trabalho, verificou-se que os indígenas necessitam de um acompanhamento para fortalecimento da identidade, dos valores culturais e de gestão compartilhada para posterior desenvolvimento do turismo de base local.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma análise regional contribuindo às formas de contemplação, usos e apropriações da paisagem do Território Indígena da Raposa Serra do Sol, por meio de desdobramentos fundamentados nos contextos sociais, culturais, econômicos e geográficos de uma área caracterizada por inconsistências e incertezas. O estudo, focado no nordeste do Estado de Roraima, abrange os municípios de Normandia, Uiramutã e Pacaraima, na região da tríplice fronteira Brasil - República Cooperativa da Guiana (ex Guiana Inglesa) - República Bolivariana da Venezuela. A área territorial é de 1.747.465 ha. Nessa perspectiva, tomou-se aqui a leitura da categoria geográfica ‘região’ e o trabalho empírico, buscando entender as limitações e necessidades de definição fundiárias das terras do Estado roraimense. Estas dificultam o delineamento de ações sob a ótica da preservação/conservação da natureza e cultura do norte brasileiro. Enfim, tais apontamentos não são específicos da região a ser considerada neste estudo, assim como também não o são suas implicações carregadas de contradições, uma vez que essas relações e entrelaçamentos são vistos e abordados em outras partes do mundo globalizado


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In the early twentieth century, musicology was established as an academic discipline in the United States. Nonetheless, with the exception of Iberian medieval and Renaissance repertories, U.S. scholars largely overlooked the music of the Spanish- and Portuguese- speaking world. Why should this have been the case, especially in light of Spain’s strong historical presence in the United States? This autobiographical essay examines this question by tracing the career of an individual musicologist, the Hispanist musicologist Carol A. Hess. Evaluated here are disciplinary shifts in U.S. musicology —methodological, philosophical, and ideological— over the past thirty years. These transformations have combined to make this repertory a viable field of study today. Musicologists in the United States can now make their careers by specializing in Iberian and Latin American music, as well as the music of the Hispanic diaspora. They research topics ranging from the avant-garde composer Llorenç Barber to the rapper Nach Scratch or the popular bandleader Xavier Cugat and his U.S. audiences of the 1940s, while others also pursue the time-tested areas of medieval and Renaissance music. Iberian and Latin American music is regularly offered in postsecondary institutions while instructors now have a variety of textbooks and other pedagogical resources from which to choose. All add up to a disciplinary freedom that would have been unthinkable only a few decades ago.


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During the last 30 years many advances have been made in kidney tumor pathology. In 1981, 9 entities were recognized in the WHO Classification. In the latest classification of 2004, 50 different types have been recognized. Additional tumor entities have been described since and a wide variety of prognostic parameters have been investigated with variable success; however, much attention has centered upon the importance of features relating to both stage and grade. The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) recommends after consensus conferences the development of reporting guidelines, which have been adopted worldwide ISUP undertook to review all aspects of the pathology of adult renal malignancy through an international consensus conference to be held in 2012. As in the past, participation in this consensus conference was restricted to acknowledged experts in the field.


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Usually, the concepts of the Sol-Gel technique are not applied in experimental chemistry courses. This work presents a feasible experiment for chemistry instruction, which involves the synthesis of luminescent materials - Zn2SiO4, with and without Mn2+ as a dopant - by the Sol-Gel technique. The obtained materials were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and luminescence measures by UV-vis spectroscopy. The results allow the students to confirm the luminescent properties of the zinc orthosilicate luminophores as well as the structural features expected from literature data.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Fisica


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Congenital pathologies are those existing at or dating from birth. Occurrence of congenital cystic lesions in the oral cavity is uncommon in neonates. Eruption cyst (EC) is listed among these unusual lesions. It occurs within the mucosa overlying teeth that are about to erupt and, according to the current World Health Organization (WHO) classification of epithelial cysts of the jaws, EC is a separate entity. This paper presents a case of congenital EC successfully managed by close monitoring of the lesion, without any surgical procedure or tooth extraction. Eruption of the teeth involved, primary central incisors, occurred at the fourth month of age. During this time neither the child nor mother had any complication such as pain on sucking, refusal to feed, airway obstruction, or aspiration of fluids or teeth.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the metal-ceramic bond strength (MCBS) of 6 metal-ceramic pairs (2 Ni-Cr alloys and 1 Pd-Ag alloy with 2 dental ceramics) and correlate the MCBS values with the differences between the coefficients of linear thermal expansion (CTEs) of the metals and ceramics. Verabond (VB) Ni-Cr-Be alloy, Verabond II (VB2), Ni-Cr alloy, Pors-on 4 (P), Pd-Ag alloy, and IPS (I) and Duceram (D) ceramics were used for the MCBS test and dilatometric test. Forty-eight ceramic rings were built around metallic rods (3.0 mm in diameter and 70.0 mm in length) made from the evaluated alloys. The rods were subsequently embedded in gypsum cast in order to perform a tensile load test, which enabled calculating the CMBS. Five specimens (2.0 mm in diameter and 12.0 mm in length) of each material were made for the dilatometric test. The chromel-alumel thermocouple required for the test was welded into the metal test specimens and inserted into the ceramics. ANOVA and Tukey's test revealed significant differences (p=0.01) for the MCBS test results (MPa), with PI showing higher MCBS (67.72) than the other pairs, which did not present any significant differences. The CTE (10-6 oC-1) differences were: VBI (0.54), VBD (1.33), VB2I (-0.14), VB2D (0.63), PI (1.84) and PD (2.62). Pearson's correlation test (r=0.17) was performed to evaluate of correlation between MCBS and CTE differences. Within the limitations of this study and based on the obtained results, there was no correlation between MCBS and CTE differences for the evaluated metal-ceramic pairs.


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Because a greater research effort has been directed to analyzing the adhesive effectiveness of self etch primers to dentin, the aim of this study was to evaluate, by microtensile testing, the bond strength to enamel of a composite resin combined with a conventional adhesive system or with a self-etching primer adhesive, used according to its original prescription or used with previous acid etching. Thirty bovine teeth were divided into 3 groups with 10 teeth each (n= 10). In one of the groups, a self-etching primer (Clearfil SE Bond - Kuraray) was applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and, in the other, it was applied after previous acid etching. In the third group, a conventional adhesive system (Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus - 3M-ESPE) was applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The results obtained by analysis of variance revealed significant differences between the adhesive systems (F = 22.31). The self-etching primer (Clearfil SE Bond) presented lower enamel bond strength values than the conventional adhesive system (Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus) (m = 39.70 ± 7.07 MPa) both when used according to the original prescription (m = 27.81 ± 2.64 MPa) and with previous acid etching (m = 25.08 ± 4.92 MPa).


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Estimou-se a prevalência de dor nos dentes e gengivas e fatores associados em adolescentes brasileiros de 15 a 19 anos de idade. Foram utilizadas informações de 16.126 adolescentes participantes do levantamento epidemiológico nacional de saúde bucal - SB Brasil 2002-2003. O desfecho foi o relato de dor nos dentes e gengivas nos últimos seis meses. As variáveis exploratórias foram: renda per capita, escolaridade, condição de estudo, sexo, cor da pele, idade, localização geográfica da residência, tipo de serviço odontológico utilizado pela última vez, tempo decorrido da última consulta odontológica, índice CPO-D e seus componentes, cálculo dentário e o índice de estética dental. Foram realizadas análises brutas e múltiplas utilizando a regressão de Poisson. A prevalência da dor de dentes e gengivas foi de 35,6% (IC95%: 34,8-36,4). A prevalência de dor foi maior nas meninas, naqueles pertencentes a famílias com baixa renda per capita, nos não estudantes e estudantes de escola pública e naqueles com baixa escolaridade para a idade. Indivíduos que apresentaram altos níveis de cárie e cálculo dentário também apresentaram maiores prevalências do desfecho. A dor nos dentes e gengivas em adolescentes pode ser considerada um problema relevante em saúde pública sugerindo a necessidade de ações preventivas e de promoção da saúde.


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Foi feito o estudo anatômico da folha de Eugenia florida DC., espécie arbórea da família Myrtaceae, coletada no Campus da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. A espécie apresenta importantes propriedades farmacológicas, incluindo-se atividade antiviral. O presente estudo teve como objetivo fornecer dados, revelados através da microscopia óptica e da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, que possam contribuir para o conhecimento da espécie e, conseqüentemente, para a segurança em sua identificação. Anatomicamente, a folha é hipostomática, com organização dorsiventral do mesofilo. Apresenta tricomas simples apenas sobre a nervura mediana da face adaxial. As células epidérmicas apresentam contorno sinuoso em vista frontal e cutícula estriada. O parênquima paliçádico destaca-se pela grande quantidade de cristais prismáticos de oxalato de cálcio. Em posição subepidérmica ocorrem cavidades secretoras de óleos essenciais, pouco numerosas, nas duas faces da lâmina foliar. As células epidérmicas situadas sobre as estruturas secretoras constituem característica de valor diagnóstico e são reconhecíveis pela célula de topo, que é reniforme, circundada pelas adjacentes, que apresentam disposição radiada. A comparação entre folhas de sol e de sombra revela que, nas primeiras, as estruturas secretoras são completamente diferenciadas, ao contrário das folhas de sombra, além de apresentarem maior concentração de compostos ergásticos.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the amount of glycosaminoglycans in the uterine cervix during each phase of the rat estrous cycle. DESIGN: Based on vaginal smears, forty female, regularly cycling rats were divided into four groups (n = 10 for each group): GI - proestrous, GII - estrous, GIII - metaestrous and GIV - diestrous. Animals were sacrificed at each phase of the cycle, and the cervix was immediately removed and submitted to biochemical extraction and determination of sulfated glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid. The results were analyzed by ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc test. RESULTS: The uterine cervix had the highest amount of total sulfated glycosaminoglycans and dermatan sulfate during the estrous phase (8.90 ± 0.55 mg/g of cetonic extract, p<0.001; and 8.86 ± 0.57 mg/g of cetonic extract, p<0.001). In addition, there was more heparan sulfate at the cervix during the proestrous phase (0.185 ± 0.03 mg/g of cetonic extract) than during any other phase (p<0.001). There were no significant changes in the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the uterine cervix during the estrous cycle. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the amount of total sulfated glycosaminoglycans may be influenced by hormonal fluctuations related to the estrous cycle, with dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate being the glycosaminoglycans most sensitive to hormonal change.


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PURPOSE: To report a new, direct visual approach for rat pinealectomy. METHODS: Eighty adult female rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus EPM-1 strain) were weighted and anesthetized intraperitoneally with 15 mg/kg xylazine and 30 mg/kg ketamine. The animal was fastened to a dissection table, an incision was made in the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, bringing the lambda into view. The skullcap was opened with a dental drill, bringing the cerebral hemispheres and the superior sagittal sinus into view. The pineal gland, located under the venous sinus, was removed in a single piece using tweezers. Next, the bone fragment was returned to its place and the surgical layers were sutured. RESULTS: This new technique is easy to be done, avoids bleedings and removes only the pineal gland without damage to the remaining encephalon. In addition it makes possible the achievement of a sham surgery, allowing the pineal gland to remain intact. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique intends to facilitate studies aiming to better understanding the complexity and importance of the pineal gland on reproductive and other body systems.


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O artigo discute a trajetória de Manuel Luís da Veiga que, como comerciante em Portugal (seu território natal), investiu na instalação de uma fábrica em Pernambuco após a chegada da família real no Rio de Janeiro, tendo em vista as transformações que à época se processavam no Império português. O foco da análise centra-se no campo das sociabilidades políticas, com destaque para a atuação de Veiga na corte carioca e sua produção literária sobre economia política, entendendo-as como duas dimensões indissociáveis de sua prática social. Defende-se aqui que sua trajetória ilumina um mundo em profunda mudança nos seus paradigmas, impossível de ser sintetizado pelo estabelecimento de um padrão preciso de distinção entre o que era antigo e o que era novidade no início dos oitocentos.