1000 resultados para Sociological base


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The electron-donor properties of Sm2O3 activated at 300, 500, and 800°C are reported from studies on the adsorption of electron acceptors of various electron affinities (electron affinity values in eV are given in parentheses): 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquino-dimethane (2.84), 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone (2.40), p-dinitrobenzene (1.77), and m-dinitrobenzene (1.26) in acetonitrile and 1,4-dioxane. The extent of electron transfer during the adsorption was determined from magnetic measurements. The acid-base properties of Sm2O3 at different activation temperatures are reported using a set of Hammett indicators. Electron donor-acceptor interactions at interfaces are important in elucidating the adhesion forces.


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The electron donor properties of Pr6O11 activated at 300. 500 and 800°C are reported from the studies on adsorption of electron acceptors of various electron affinity (7. 7, 8, 8-tetracyanoquinodimethane. 2, 3. 5, 6-tetrachloro-l, 4-benzoquin one. p-dinitrobenzene. and m-dinitrobenzene) in three solvents (acetonitrile, 1,4-dioxan and ethyl acetate). The extent of electron transfer during adsorption is understood from magnetic measurements and ESR spectral data. The corresponding data on mixed oxides of Pr and Al are reported for various compositions, The acid / base properties of these oxides are determined using a set of Hammett indicators.


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The surface acidity and basicity of binary oxides of Zr with Ce and La are determined using a series of Hammet indicators and Ho,,max values are reported. The generation of new acid sites habe been ascribed to the charge imbalance of M1-O-M2 bonds, where M1 and M2 are metal atoms. Both Bronsted and Lewis acid sites contribute to the acidity of the oxides


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The surface acidity and basicity of mixed oxides of Zr and Y and their mixed oxides have been determined by titration method using Hammett indicators. The acid base properties are evaluated on a common scale of acid strength. Liquid phase reduction of cyclohexanone has been selected as a model reaction to correlate catalytic activity.


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Iron and mixed iron aluminium pillared montrnorillonites prepared by partial hydrolysis method were subjected to room temperature exchange with transition metals of the first series. The resulting materials were characterised by different spectroscopic techniques and surface area measurements. About 1-3% transition metals were incorporated into the porous network. The structural stability of the porous network was not affected by exchange. XRD and AI NMR spectroscopy evidenced the presence of iron substituted Al13 like polymers in FeAl pillared systems. Acidity and basicity benefited much as a result of metal exchange. Acidity and basicity were quantified by model reactions, viz., cumene cracking and cyclohexanol decomposition respectively. The presence of basic sites in otherwise acidic pillared clays, though diminutive in amount can be of much importance in acid base catalysed reactions.


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Schiff base complexes of transition metal ions have played a significant role in coordination chemistry.The convenient route of synthesis and thermal stability of Schiff base complexes have contributed significantly for their possible applications in catalysis,biology,medicine and photonics.Significant variations in cataltytic activity with structure and type are observed for these complexes.The thesis deals with synthsis and characterization of transition metal complexes of quinoxaline based Schiff base ligands and their catalytic activity study.The Schiff bases synthesized in the present study are quinoxaline-2-carboxalidine-2-amino-5-methylphenol,3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxalidine-2-amino-5-methylphenol,quinoxaline-2-aminothiophenol.They provide great structural diversity during complexation.To the best of our knowledge, the transition metal complexes of quinoxaline based Schiff bases are poorly utilised in academic and industrial research.


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The fluorescence spectrum of the schiff base obtained from salicylaldehyde and 2-aminophenol is studied using an argon-ion laser as the excitation source and its fluorescence quantum yield (Qf) is determined using a thermal lens method. This is a nondestructive technique that gives the absolute value of Qf without the need for a fluorescence standard. The quantum-yield values are calculated for various concentrations of the solution in chloroform and also for various excitation wavelengths. The value of Qf is relatively high, and is concentration dependent. The maximum value of Qf obtained is nearly 0.78. The high value of the fluorescence quantum yield will render the schiff base useful as a fluorescent marker for biological applications. Photostability and gain studies will assess its suitability as a laser dye.


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In the present study an attempt has been made to synthesize some simple complexes of multidentate ligands. Analogous zeolite encapsulated complexes were also synthesized and characterized. Immobilization on to polymer supports through covalent attachment is expected to solve the problem of decomposition of many complexes during catalytic reaction. Hence the work is also extended to the synthesis and characterization of some polymer supported complexes of Schiff base Iigands. All the three types of synthesized complexes, simple, zeolite encapsulated and polystyrene anchored, were subjected to catalytic activity study towards catechol-oxidation reaction. A selected group of complexes were also screened for their catalytic activity towards phenol-oxidation reaction. Biological screening of the synthesized ligands and neat complexes were done with a view to establish the effect of complexation on biological systems.


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Catalysis research underpins the science of modern chemical processing and fuel technologies. Catalysis is commercially one of the most important technologies in national economies. Solid state heterogeneous catalyst materials such as metal oxides and metal particles on ceramic oxide substrates are most common. They are typically used with commodity gases and liquid reactants. Selective oxidation catalysts of hydrocarbon feedstocks is the dominant process of converting them to key industrial chemicals, polymers and energy sources.[1] In the absence of a unique successfiil theory of heterogeneous catalysis, attempts are being made to correlate catalytic activity with some specific properties of the solid surface. Such correlations help to narrow down the search for a good catalyst for a given reaction. The heterogeneous catalytic performance of material depends on many factors such as [2] Crystal and surface structure of the catalyst. Thermodynamic stability of the catalyst and the reactant. Acid- base properties of the solid surface. Surface defect properties of the catalyst.Electronic and semiconducting properties and the band structure. Co-existence of dilferent types of ions or structures. Adsorption sites and adsorbed species such as oxygen.Preparation method of catalyst , surface area and nature of heat treatment. Molecular structure of the reactants. Many systematic investigations have been performed to correlate catalytic performances with the above mentioned properties. Many of these investigations remain isolated and further research is needed to bridge the gap in the present knowledge of the field.


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The most important part of any footwear is the sole (or sole and heel) which withstands all the hannful external factors such as rouglmess of the ground or road, sharp objects, thorns and stones, heat, dampness and cold during walking. The properties desirable in soling material, therefore, would be 1. lightness 2. resistance to wear and tear for long service life 3. flexibility/softness for wearing comfort 4. thennal insulation Rubber soling surpasses all other soling materials in better performance and lower cost. Because MC sole is soft and very light, and has good abrasion resistance, flex properties and set behaviour it has become very popular all over the world and demand for better quality product is ever increasing. Due to the traditional approach adopted by the footwear industry in foot wear design, the rubber based footwear export surprisingly contributes only a small percentage. The essence of success for any industry lies in the expansion of the export market. Microcellular soles are manufactured for the last three decades without much change in the traditional design and colour pattern. In recent years domestic customers have also started demanding better quality products. In view of the changing taste of the customer and growing competition from other countries, substantial improvement in the export potential will require new base materials for regular or fashion rubber based footwears. The main objective of the present study is to develop new base materials for making MC soles with good quality, viz., light weight, durability and bright colours


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Erfolgskontrollen für Agrarumweltprogramme bezogen sich bisher meistens auf einzelne Flächen oder auf programmbezogene, großräumige Evaluationen. Es wurde jedoch kaum untersucht, wie sich die Maßnahmen auf die Entwicklung einzelner Naturräume auswirken. Auch gab es keine Studien, welche die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Beweggründen der Landnutzer auf der ei-nen- sowie Landnutzung und Vegetation auf der anderen Seite interpretierten. Die Dissertation Wirkungen von Extensivierungs- und Vertragsnaturschutzprogrammen auf die Entwick-lung einer »gerade noch aktuellen Agrarlandschaft« hat diese Lücke geschlossen. Sie erklärt, welche Bedeutung die hessischen Programme HELP und HEKUL für den hohen Anteil naturschutzfachlich wertvollen Grünlands im Rommeroder Hügel-land westlich des Meißner haben. Untersuchungsgegenstand waren die Grünlandvegetation und die landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe mit ihren Menschen und deren Beweggründen. Diese Inhalte er-forderten eine Vorgehensweise, die sowohl sozialwissenschaftliche als auch naturwissenschaftliche Methoden einbindet, um Bezüge zwischen Betrieben und Grünlandvegetation zu er-kennen. Umfangreiche pflanzensoziologische Untersuchungen und Interviews der Betriebsleiter waren Grundlage für eine Schlagdatenbank und weitergehende Auswertungen. Die Interpretation vegetationskundlicher Erhebungen im Kontext betrieblicher Entscheidungen und Beweggründe erforderte es, althergebrachte Ansätze in neuer Form zu verknüpfen. Die Bewertung der Programmwirkungen stützte sich auf die Schlagdatenbank und auf vier Szena-rien zur zukünftigen Gebietsentwicklung bei unterschiedlichen Programmfortschreibungen. Zur Darstellung von Erhebungen und Ergebnissen entstand eine Vielzahl thematischer Karten. Der überdurchschnittlich hohe Anteil naturschutzfachlich bedeutsamer Grünlandtypen auf den Programmflächen und die Interpretation der Szenarien belegten eine hohe Wirksamkeit von HELP und HEKUL im Gebiet. Nicht nur auf den Vertragsnaturschutzflächen des HELP, sondern auch auf dem HEKUL-Grünland sind naturschutzfachlich bedeutende Vegetationstypen überproportional vertreten. Die vier Szenarien ließen erkennen, dass eine Beschränkung des HELP auf Schutzgebiete, eine Abschaffung der HEKUL-Grünlandextensivierung oder gar eine ersatzlose Strei-chung beider Programme zu erheblichen Verschlechterungen der naturschutzfachlichen Situation führen würde. Gleichzeitig war festzustellen, dass es ohne die landwirtschaftlich schwierigen natur-räumlichen Verhältnisse sowie eine eher großteilige Agrarstruktur mit überdurchschnittlich flächen-starken und wirtschaftlich stabilen Vollerwerbsbetrieben keine so deutlichen Programmwirkungen gegeben hätte. Auch die Tatsache, dass viele Landwirte eine intensive Landwirtschaft aus innerer Überzeugung ablehnen und mit einer erheblich geringeren Stickstoffintensität wirtschaften als es HEKUL verlangt, wirkte verstärkend. Die große Bedeutung individueller Beweggründe einzelner Betriebsleiter wurde auch in den engen Beziehungen einzelner Grünland-Pflanzengesellschaften zu bestimmten Betriebstypen und sogar einzelnen Höfen sichtbar, deren Beschreibung und Interpretation wichtige Erkenntnisse zu den so-zioökonomischen Voraussetzungen verschiedener Vegetationstypen lieferte. Für die zukünftige Entwicklung der hessischen Agrarumweltförderung empfiehlt die Dissertation eine Einführung und bevorzugte Anwendung ergebnisorientierter Honorierungsverfahren, eine bessere Berücksichtigung des gering gedüngten Grünlands über eine differenzierte Förderung sehr extensiver Düngeregime, eine stärkere Modularisierung des Gesamtprogramms und eine Durchführung aller Maßnahmen im Vertragsverfahren. Die betriebszweigbezogene Grünlandextensivierung sollte zukünftig in Kulissen angeboten werden, in denen ein verstärktes Wechseln von Betrieben in die Mindestpflege nach DirektZahlVerpflV zu erwarten ist.


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Previous research has considered entrepreneurship as a way out of poverty and as a chance to foster economic growth. Moreover, specifically start-ups headed by women have played an important role in the economic development and it has been argued that gender-related issues, amongst others, play a significant role for the performance of a country or region. Against this background, this qualitative study explores desires, reluctances and constraints toward entrepreneurial activities of a comparably homogenous group of potential (poor) entrepreneurs in an emerging economy—cleaning ladies in Istanbul. We focus on this particular context as still rather little is known on reasons why women do not start a business (in Turkey). We believe exploring the reasons why certain individuals choose not to become entrepreneurs is at least as telling as investigating why they do so. We draw upon the social dimensions of entrepreneurship by Shapero and Sokol (1982) alongside Institutional Theory and posit that normative and cognitive forces may shape individual decisions on entrepreneurship. We identified two basic clusters of women and discuss possible hindrance factors undermining entrepreneurial desires and limitations for entrepreneurship as well as possible avenues for policy makers (and MNCs) to foster entrepreneurship in the given community.


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Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo centrada en el aspecto de formación en valores y conocimiento de las culturas, a través de la comunicación lingüística. Se realiza en el CEIP Los Llanos en Almonte, Huelva. Los objetivos son: con el alumnado: facilitar un acercamiento y mejorar el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa y francesa, potenciar el uso fluido y coloquial del inglés, incrementar la oralidad en el segundo idioma, establecer un uso espotáneo de la segunda lengua, ampliar los horizontes culturales y sociales del alumnado por el uso del segundo idioma ampliable a un tercero, poner a nuestro alumnado en contacto con las nuevas tecnologías, dar un tratamiento estructurado a problemas interdisciplinares que lleven a desarrollar el razonamiento, la imaginación y la creatividad de nuestro alumnado, utilizar las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación con el alumnado; respecto al centro escolar: concienciar a toda la comunidad educativa de la importancia del segundo y tercer idiomas como fuente de intercambio de ideas y cultura, anticipar el estudio del segundo idioma hasta los cursos de educación infantil de tres años, conocer y estudiar una tercera lengua, promover la iniciación de las nuevas tecnologías en el centro para dar la familiaridad con las mismas a toda la comunidad educativa e imponer el avenimiento de la condición TIC y DIG de este colegio, incluir la informática en el proyecto curricular de centro en todas las áreas, utilizándolo como un recurso didáctico y motivador, utilizar esta tecnología como medio de perfeccionamiento del profesorado, promover la resolución de conflictos de convivencia, a través del diálogo y la tolerancia, así como el conocimiento de los demás, modificar el proyecto curricular del centro así como sus finalidades educativas en la medida que el consenso de soluciones buscadas por esta actividad lo permitan. El proceso consta de varias fases: primera, se procedió a consensuar el plan de actividades, donde se establecieron las bases correspondientes al manejo y planteamiento de las actividades de este proyecto de innovación de acuerdo con los contenidos y objetivos para las áreas que lo abarcan; segunda fase: buscar y aprender a manejar el software educativo necesario, aprender el uso del programa JClic, empezando a elaborar actividades para su aplicación con el alumnado; tercera fase: conocimiento y experimentación con el alumnado; cuarta fase: se alcanzaron las conclusiones y se valoró la actividad; sucesivas fases: se continuació, si el proceso de evaluación lo estimara conveniente, con la aplicación del programa. El resultado: las conclusiones apuntan a una mayor medida en la formación integral del ser humano que a los conocimientos que pudieren adquirir las personas sometidas a un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, siendo este último de gran importancia.


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Estructura del área curricular de educación física para cada uno de los tres ciclos de la educación primaria especificandose los objetivos generales, bloques de contenidos y conceptos básicos a desarrollar con definiciones y objetivos, organización, ejercicios y actividades para cada uno de ellos. Los conceptos trabajados son: esquema corporal, lateralidad, actitud, tono muscular, respiración, relajación, equilibrio, percepción y estructuración espacial, percepción espacio-temporal, coordinación dinámica general y segmentaria.