966 resultados para Single-chain variable antibody fragment
Bacteriophage T7 DNA polymerase efficiently incorporates a chain-terminating dideoxynucleotide into DNA, in contrast to the DNA polymerases from Escherichia coli and Thermus aquaticus. The molecular basis for this difference has been determined by constructing active site hybrids of these polymerases. A single hydroxyl group on the polypeptide chain is critical for selectivity. Replacing tyrosine-526 of T7 DNA polymerase with phenylalanine increases discrimination against the four dideoxynucleotides by > 2000-fold, while replacing the phenylalanine at the homologous position in E. coli DNA polymerase I (position 762) or T. aquaticus DNA polymerase (position 667) with tyrosine decreases discrimination against the four dideoxynucleotides 250- to 8000-fold. These mutations allow the engineering of new DNA polymerases with enhanced properties for use in DNA sequence analysis.
We studied blood lymphocytes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive and -negative homosexual men for the presence of T(8;14) translocations that recombine c-myc and immunoglobulin heavy-chain (IgH) mu/IgH alpha switch regions. Clones with T(8;14) translocations were detected in 10.5% (12/114) of the HIV-positive and in 2.0% of the 99 uninfected patients. The majority of recombinations were found at a single time point only. Four patients, however, harbored multiple (up to four) and persistent (up to 9 years) translocation-positive cell clones. No correlation between the presence of these aberrant lymphocytes and a later lymphoma could be established. The exon 1/intron 1 region of the recombined c-myc was investigated for the presence of point mutations and these were found in the nonpersistent clones. Additional alterations detected in these clones included duplications and a deletion in the c-myc gene. The pattern of base substitution indicates that they were introduced after the translocation event.
To determine whether T-cell-receptor (TCR) usage by T cells recognizing a defined human tumor antigen in the context of the same HLA molecule is conserved, we analyzed the TCR diversity of autologous HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) clones derived from five patients with metastatic melanoma and specific for the common melanoma antigen Melan-A/MART-1. These clones were first identified among HLA-A2-restricted anti-melanoma CTL clones by their ability to specifically release tumor necrosis factor in response to HLA-A2.1+ COS-7 cells expressing this tumor antigen. A PCR with variable (V)-region gene subfamily-specific primers was performed on cDNA from each clone followed by DNA sequencing. TCRAV2S1 was the predominant alpha-chain V region, being transcribed in 6 out of 9 Melan-A/MART-1-specific CTL clones obtained from the five patients. beta-chain V-region usage was also restricted, with either TCRBV14 or TCRBV7 expressed by all but one clone. In addition, a conserved TCRAV2S1/TCRBV14 combination was expressed in four CTL clones from three patients. None of these V-region genes was found in a group of four HLA-A2-restricted CTL clones recognizing different antigens (e.g., tyrosinase) on the autologous tumor. TCR joining regions were heterogeneous, although conserved structural features were observed in the complementarity-determining region 3 sequences. These results indicate that a selective repertoire of TCR genes is used in anti-melanoma responses when the response is narrowed to major histocompatibility complex-restricted antigen-specific interactions.
Genetic surveys of parthenogenetic vertebrate populations have demonstrated a common pattern of relatively high degrees of clonal variation and the coexistence of numerous clones. In striking contrast, the Phoxinus eos/Phoxinus neogaeus/hybrid gynogen complex of cyprinid fishes exhibits no clonal variation within a northern Minnesota drainage characterized by successional beaver ponds. Gynogens were sampled from three habitats in each of four different pond types in a single drainage in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. The abundance of gynogens relative to sexual dace varied with pond type, being least common in deep upland ponds and most common in shallow, collapsed, lowland ponds (13.4% and 48.6%, respectively). Simple-sequence multilocus DNA fingerprinting of 464 individual gynogens detected one, and only one, clone. DNA fingerprints, generated sequentially by using three oligonucleotide probes, (CAC)5, (GACA)4, and the Jeffreys' 33.15 probe, all revealed the same unprecedented lack of variation. The extreme lack of clonal diversity in these gynogens across a range of habitat types does not fit the general pattern of high clonal diversity found within populations of other vertebrate parthenogens.
The Sub-Numidian Tertiary stratigraphic record of the Tunisian Tell has been updated by means of 11 stratigraphic successions belonging to the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (N-African Margin) reconstructed in the Tunisian Numidian Zone and the Triassic Dome Zone. The Sub-Numidian successions studied range from the Paleocene to the Priabonian, representing a major change in the sedimentation from the latest Cretaceous onwards. The Sub-Numidian succession and the Numidian Formation are separated by an Intermediate interval located between two erosive surfaces (local paraconformities). The stratigraphic analysis has revealed diachronous contacts between distal slope to basinal sedimentary formation, allowing the identification of an Early Eocene Chouabine marker bed. The integrated biostratigraphic analysis made by means of planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton updates the ages of the formations studied, proving younger than previously thought. The new definition of the Sub-Numidian stratigraphy enables a better correlation with equivalent successions widely outcropping along the Maghrebian, Betic, and southern Apennine Chains. The study proposes a new evolutionary tectonic/sedimentary model for this Tunisian sector of the Maghrebian Chain during the Paleogene after the Triassic–Cretaceous extensional regime. This paleogeographic reorganization is considered a consequence of the beginning of the tectonic inversion (from extensional to compressional), leading to the end of the preorogenic sedimentation. Our results suggest a non-tabular stratigraphy (marked by lateral changes of lithofacies, variable thicknesses, and the presence of diachronous boundaries) providing significant elements for a re-evaluation of active petroleum systems on the quality, volume, distribution, timing of oil generation, and on the migration and accumulation of the oil.
High-voltage-activated calcium channels are hetero-oligomeric protein complexes that mediate multiple cellular processes, including the influx of extracellular Ca2+, neurotransmitter release, gene transcription, and synaptic plasticity. These channels consist of a primary α1 pore-forming subunit, which is associated with an extracellular α2δ subunit and an intracellular β auxiliary subunit, which alter the gating properties and trafficking of the calcium channel. The cellular localization of the α2δ3 subunit in the mouse and rat retina is unknown. In this study using RT-PCR, a single band at ∼305 bp corresponding to the predicted size of the α2δ3 subunit fragment was found in mouse and rat retina and brain homogenates. Western blotting of rodent retina and brain homogenates showed a single 123-kDa band. Immunohistochemistry with an affinity-purified antibody to the α2δ3 subunit revealed immunoreactive cell bodies in the ganglion cell layer and inner nuclear layer and immunoreactive processes in the inner plexiform layer and the outer plexiform layer. α2δ3 immunoreactivity was localized to multiple cell types, including ganglion, amacrine, and bipolar cells and photoreceptors, but not horizontal cells. The expression of the α2δ3 calcium channel subunit to multiple cell types suggests that this subunit participates widely in Ca-channel-mediated signaling in the retina.
The microbiota of multi-pond solar salterns around the world has been analyzed using a variety of culture-dependent and molecular techniques. However, studies addressing the dynamic nature of these systems are very scarce. Here we have characterized the temporal variation during 1 year of the microbiota of five ponds with increasing salinity (from 18% to >40%), by means of CARD-FISH and DGGE. Microbial community structure was statistically correlated with several environmental parameters, including ionic composition and meteorological factors, indicating that the microbial community was dynamic as specific phylotypes appeared only at certain times of the year. In addition to total salinity, microbial composition was strongly influenced by temperature and specific ionic composition. Remarkably, DGGE analyses unveiled the presence of most phylotypes previously detected in hypersaline systems using metagenomics and other molecular techniques, such as the very abundant Haloquadratum and Salinibacter representatives or the recently described low GC Actinobacteria and Nanohaloarchaeota. In addition, an uncultured group of Bacteroidetes was present along the whole range of salinity. Database searches indicated a previously unrecognized widespread distribution of this phylotype. Single-cell genome analysis of five members of this group suggested a set of metabolic characteristics that could provide competitive advantages in hypersaline environments, such as polymer degradation capabilities, the presence of retinal-binding light-activated proton pumps and arsenate reduction potential. In addition, the fairly high metagenomic fragment recruitment obtained for these single cells in both the intermediate and hypersaline ponds further confirm the DGGE data and point to the generalist lifestyle of this new Bacteroidetes group.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Hydrogen isotope values (dD) of sedimentary terrestrial leaf wax such as n-alkanes or n-acids have been used to map and understand past changes in rainfall amount in the tropics because dD of precipitation is commonly assumed as the first order controlling factor of leaf wax dD. Plant functional types and their photosynthetic pathways can also affect leaf wax dD but these biological effects are rarely taken into account in paleo studies relying on this rainfall proxy. To investigate how biological effects may influence dD values we here present a 37,000-year old record of dD and stable carbon isotopes (d13C) measured on four n-alkanes (n-C27, n-C29, n-C31, n-C33) from a marine sediment core collected off the Zambezi River mouth. Our paleo d13C records suggest that each individual n-alkanes had different C3/C4 proportional contributions. n-C29 was mostly derived from a C3 dicots (trees, shrubs and forbs) dominant vegetation throughout the entire record. In contrast, the longer chain n-C33 and n-C31 were mostly contributed by C4 grasses during the Glacial period but shifted to a mixture of C4 grasses and C3 dicots during the Holocene. Strong correlations between dD and d13C values of n-C33 (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.75, n = 58) and n-C31 (R2 = 0.48, n = 58) suggest that their dD values were strongly influenced by changes in the relative contributions of C3/C4 plant types in contrast to n-C29 (R2 = 0.07, n = 58). Within regions with variable C3/C4 input, we conclude that dD values of n-C29 are the most reliable and unbiased indicator for past changes in rainfall, and that dD and d13C values of n-C31 and n-C33 are sensitive to C3/C4 vegetation changes. Our results demonstrate that a robust interpretation of palaeohydrological data using n-alkane dD requires additional knowledge of regional vegetation changes from which nalkanes are synthesized, and that the combination of dD and d13C values of multiple n-alkanes can help to differentiate biological effects from those related to the hydrological cycle.
1976 ed. issued under title: Variable regions of immunoglobulin chains.
This paper discusses methods for the optical teleportation of continuous-variable polarization states. We show that using two pairs of entangled beams, generated using four squeezed beams, perfect teleportation of optical polarization states can be performed. Restricting ourselves to three squeezed beams, we demonstrate that polarization state teleportation can still exceed the classical limit. The three-squeezer schemes involve either the use of quantum nondemolition measurement or biased entanglement generated from a single squeezed beam. We analyze the efficacies of these schemes in terms of fidelity, signal transfer coefficients, and quantum correlations.
DNA of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), the causal agent of ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane, was detected in the fibrovascular fluid of sugarcane plants using random amplified polymorphic DNA PCR-based amplification using two 10-mer oligonucleotide primers. The primers OPC-02 and OPC-11 produced Lxx-specific markers of approximately 800 bp and 1000 bp, respectively. A cloned DNA fragment from the 800 bp PCR product (pSKC2-800) hybridised to a single genomic DNA fragment from Lxx when used as a probe in Southern hybridisation. This cloned fragment did not hybridise to L. xyli subsp. cynodontis (Lxc), or L. xyli-like bacteria isolated from grasses in Australia, indicating the usefulness of this DNA fragment as a specific probe for Lxx. A cloned fragment from the 1000 bp PCR product ( pSKC11-1000) hybridised to three genomic fragments in Lxx isolates, one genomic fragment in two of the four isolates of L. xyli-like bacteria, and in two of the four isolates of Lxc isolated from the USA. These results indicate that L. xyli-like bacteria are more likely to be related to Lxc than Lxx. These probes did not hybridise to the DNA from strains of the species of Clavibacter, Rathayibacter, Acidovorax, Ralstonia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas tested. Two oligonucleotide primers (21-mer) designed from the pSKC2-800 sequences specifically amplified template DNA from Lxx and detected as few as 5 x 10(4) cells/mL in fibrovascular fluid from sugarcane plants infected with Lxx.
We have employed an inverse engineering strategy based on quantitative proteome analysis to identify changes in intracellular protein abundance that correlate with increased specific recombinant monoclonal antibody production (qMab) by engineered murine myeloma (NSO) cells. Four homogeneous NSO cell lines differing in qMab were isolated from a pool of primary transfectants. The proteome of each stably transfected cell line was analyzed at mid-exponential growth phase by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and individual protein spot volume data derived from digitized gel images were compared statistically. To identify changes in protein abundance associated with qMab clatasets were screened for proteins that exhibited either a linear correlation with cell line qMab or a conserved change in abundance specific only to the cell line with highest qMab. Several proteins with altered abundance were identified by mass spectrometry. Proteins exhibiting a significant increase in abundance with increasing qMab included molecular chaperones known to interact directly with nascent immunoglobulins during their folding and assembly (e.g., BiP, endoplasmin, protein disulfide isomerase). 2D-PAGE analysis showed that in all cell lines Mab light chain was more abundant than heavy chain, indicating that this is a likely prerequisite for efficient Mab production. In summary, these data reveal both the adaptive responses and molecular mechanisms enabling mammalian cells in culture to achieve high-level recombinant monoclonal antibody production. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Cell culture and direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) assays have been traditionally used for the laboratory diagnosis of respiratory viral infections. Multiplex reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (m-RT-PCR) is a sensitive, specific, and rapid method for detecting several DNIA and RNA viruses in a single specimen. We developed a m-RT-PCR assay that utilizes multiple virus-specific primer pairs in a single reaction mix combined with an enzyme-linked amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA) using virus-specific probes targeting unique gene sequences for each virus. Using this m-RT-PCR-ELAHA, we examined the presence of seven respiratory viruses in 598 nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) samples from patients with suspected respiratory infection. The specificity of each assay was 100%. The sensitivity of the DFA was 79.7% and the combined DFA/culture amplified-DFA (CA-DFA) was 88.6% when compared to the m-RT-PCR-ELAHA. Of the 598 NPA specimens screened by m-RT-PCR-ELAHA, 3% were positive for adenovirus (ADM), 2% for influenza A (Flu A) virus, 0.3% for influenza B (Flu B) virus, 1% for parainfluenza type I virus (PIV1), 1% for parainfluenza type 2 virus (PIV2), 5.5% for parainfluenza type 3 virus (PIV3), and 21% for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The enhanced sensitivity, specificity, rapid result turnaround time and reduced expense of the m-RT-PCR-ELAHA compared to DFA and CA-DFA, suggests that this assay would be a significant improvement over traditional assays for the detection of respiratory viruses in a clinical laboratory.
This study investigates a stent-less local delivery system for anti-restenotic agents utilizing antibodies to cross-linked fibrin (XLF). Heparin and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) were conjugated to an antibody to cross-linked fibrin D-dinner (1D2). Rabbit right carotid arteries were injured with a balloon catheter, then the animals were given a bolus injection of 40 mug/k,g 1D2-heparin (26-70 mug/kg heparin) or 1D2-LMWH (29-80 mug/kg LMWH) conjugates or controls of saline (0.5 ml/kg), heparin (150 U/kg), LMWH (2 mg), or 1D2 (40 mug/kg), with or without a heparin bolus and sacrificed after 2 weeks (8 groups, n = 6/group). The injured artery of rabbits given 1D2-heparin or 1D2-LMWH conjugates had reduced neointimal development, with decreased luminal narrowing and positive remodelling compared with animals given control drugs. Animals given 1D2-heparin conjugate (with a heparin bolus) had three to five times more endothelial cells than the rabbits given saline or unconjugated heparin, while rabbits given 1D2-LMWH conjugate had up to 59% fewer neointimal cells than those given unconjugated drugs. There was little difference in extracellular matrix organization or composition. Thus cross-linked fibrin-antibodies can site-deliver anti-restenotic agents to injured areas of the artery wall where they influence wall remodelling and endothelial and neointimal cell number, reducing neointimal formation without systemic complications. Local delivery of anti-restenotic agents should minimise systemic effects, bleeding complications and potentially the cost of treatment due to a single, lower dose. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.