947 resultados para Semicondutores - Propriedades magnéticas


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Neste trabalho será abordada a modernização das técnicas em torno da produção agrícola e como o modo de produção familiar foi deixado de lado no que diz respeito às políticas públicas, que passou a favorecer as grandes produções agrícolas. É nesse contexto que apresentam-se as características desse tipo de agricultura e as técnicas utilizadas para mantê-la nos dias de hoje, com aplicação e análise do Diagnóstico Rural Participativo em pequenas propriedades rurais no bairro rural do Sobrado, município de Rio Claro, São Paulo que, historicamente, teve no cultivo do café a base para seu desenvolvimento político e econômico e se caracteriza por ter mais de oitenta por cento (80%) de suas terras destinadas às atividades agropastoris. Sendo assim, este trabalho corrobora a estudos relacionados à metodologia aplicada e ao desenvolvimento rural sustentável no município


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Biological processes are complex and possess emergent properties that can not be explained or predict by reductionism methods. To overcome the limitations of reductionism, researchers have been used a group of methods known as systems biology, a new interdisciplinary eld of study aiming to understand the non-linear interactions among components embedded in biological processes. These interactions can be represented by a mathematical object called graph or network, where the elements are represented by nodes and the interactions by edges that link pair of nodes. The networks can be classi- ed according to their topologies: if node degrees follow a Poisson distribution in a given network, i.e. most nodes have approximately the same number of links, this is a random network; if node degrees follow a power-law distribution in a given network, i.e. small number of high-degree nodes and high number of low-degree nodes, this is a scale-free network. Moreover, networks can be classi ed as hierarchical or non-hierarchical. In this study, we analised Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae integrated molecular networks, which have protein-protein interaction, metabolic and transcriptional regulation interactions. By using computational methods, such as MathematicaR , and data collected from public databases, we calculated four topological parameters: the degree distribution P(k), the clustering coe cient C(k), the closeness centrality CC(k) and the betweenness centrality CB(k). P(k) is a function that calculates the total number of nodes with k degree connection and is used to classify the network as random or scale-free. C(k) shows if a network is hierarchical, i.e. if the clusterization coe cient depends on node degree. CC(k) is an indicator of how much a node it is in the lesse way among others some nodes of the network and the CB(k) is a pointer of how a particular node is among several ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The Paulista West region has suffered through the decades an intense process of deforestation when substituting native areas of Atlantic rainforest and Cerrado by agricultural cultivation, mainly coffee in the 20th century. This occupation process without planning and management of the soil resulted in serious erosion problems. Besides, the soil erosion promoted the reduction of agricultural production and the silting of rivers. This paper aims identify the factors of natural scope (geological, geomorphologic and pedologic characteristics) which participate in unleash of erosion process in two agricultural properties producers of coffee in order to apply mechanical techniques of recovery in erosive focuses of furrow and ravine kinds. One of the properties is at the city council of Getulina, located on the sandstones of Adamantina Formation; the other is at the city council of Vera Cruz, located on the sandstones of Marília Formation. However, taking into consideration the analysis of the natural dynamics, they are not enough to explain the complexity of the phenomena which are processed in the geographic space. It made indispensable the incorporation of socio-economic factors, such as the use and occupation process of the soil considering the society as landscape transformers. In order to better understand the importance of each one of the elements that contributes to the unleash of the studied erosions, it was collected soil samples in the areas, general descriptions and texture and morphologic analysis. Finally, it was elaborated the maps of the use and occupation of the soil and the vegetal coverage surrounding the properties studied. It was observed in the rural property of Getulina the substitution of the coffee by pasture that finds degraded. It, in addition to the cattle stomp, which changed the texture and density characteristics among the soil horizons, and the concentration of superficial water flow intensified the occurrence of ...


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Synchronization in nonlinear dynamical systems, especially in chaotic systems, is field of research in several areas of knowledge, such as Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Biology, Physics, among others. In simple terms, two systems are synchronized if after a certain time, they have similar behavior or occurring at the same time. The sound and image in a film is an example of this phenomenon in our daily lives. The studies of synchronization include studies of continuous dynamic systems, governed by differential equations or studies of discrete time dynamical systems, also called maps. Maps correspond, in general, discretizations of differential equations and are widely used to model physical systems, mainly due to its ease of computational. It is enough to make iterations from given initial conditions for knowing the trajectories of system. This completion of course work based on the study of the map called ”Zaslavksy Web Map”. The Zaslavksy Web Map is a result of the combination of the movements of a particle in a constant magnetic field and a wave electrostatic propagating perpendicular to the magnetic field. Apart from interest in the particularities of this map, there was objective the deepening of concepts of nonlinear dynamics, as equilibrium points, linear stability, stability non-linear, bifurcation and chaos


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The main objective of this study was elaborating a diagnosis of technical conditions of Legal Reserves situation on the rural properties in Botucatu. In addition, considering the characteristics of fauna and flora and the economic aspects of these areas, it was presented alternatives to encourage the correct implantation and the effective preservation of the Legal Reserves. Because these areas contribute to the maintenance of local biodiversity and to availability of environmental services essential for all living creatures. In this study it was observed the presence of native vegetation in 13% of the rural properties’ areas in Botucatu, it is therefore necessary the recovery (reforestation) of 7% of all the rural properties’ areas, to be achieved the 20% of native vegetation (minimum area to be preserved as Legal Reserve, as disposed in Federal Law nº 12.651/12) on rural properties. A viable and significant alternative for recovery these areas, reinforced by the new forestry law, is the practice of sustainable management, that must be carried in harmony with conventional farming practices existing in the remaining areas of rural properties


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The present study evaluated the mechanical properties of pieces of wood coming from the roof structure of a residence subject fire in the rural area of Itapeva/SP. The structure was built 25 years ago using wooden beams of the species Guarucaia (Peltophorum vogelianum), where the specimens were removed. The research methodology included qualitative evaluation of the samples, estimating the layer pyrolysis and carbonization of the wood, measuring of density and mechanical tests of compression parallel to grain, tension parallel to grain and shear. The mechanical properties of wood were analytically correlated with the layers carbonization and pyrolysis that are influenced by the temperature and time of fire; these values were estimated at 1000 °C and two hours for the case in question. The results indicate that the strength properties of degraded wood are different from a healthy wood. The level of thermodegradation, in general, can be measured by density, result in weight loss due to decomposition of the wooden components.


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O resveratrol (3, 5, 4'-triidroxiestilbeno) é um polifenol natural encontrado, principalmente nas cascas das uvas. Este composto possui propriedades anti- inflamatórias, auxiliando assim nas doenças cardiovasculares, como a aterosclerose, devido a sua ação de inibição de vasodilatadores como o NO, possui atividades antioxidantes agindo na inibição da oxidação das LDLs e contribui no tratamento das neoplasias atuando principalmente, em cânceres como o uterino, ovariano e o colorretal. Apesar de inúmeras comprovações de suas propriedades farmacológicas, há poucos estudos sobre sua síntese, as principais rotas existentes são as de Wittig e Heck. Nesta revisão bibliográfica serão abordadas as principais propriedades farmacológicas deste composto, mostrando seus benefícios e sua eficácia à sua saúde humana, além de rotas sintéticas de baixo custo e complexidade de execução para a produção industrial deste estibelno de origem natural.


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The electronic, structural properties and elastic constants of the wurtzite phase of zinc oxide, ZnO, was investigated using computer simulation at Density Functional Theory level, with B3LYP hybrid functional and Hartree-Fock methodology. The electronic properties as well the band energy was investigated through the analysis of the band structures and density of states (DOS), and the mechanical properties was studied through the calculus of the elastic constants C11, C33, C44, C12 e C13. The results are in good agreement with experimental data found in the literature and in accordance with results obtained by another theoretical methodology


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Thin films of Ga1-xMnxN have great interest in its potential for control of electron spin (spintronics), in most cases this material is synthesized by techniques that have a high degree of control the deposition parameters, such as molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and deposition of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The sputtering technique is an alternative route to produce such materials. Here we study the film deposition Ga1-xMnxN by reactive sputtering technique and apply enhancements such as a glove box, a residual gas analyzer and temperature control system, in order to growth films epitaxially using an analysis of the preconditions of films analyzed by spectroscopic techniques and microscopic. These procedures helped to improve the technique of deposition by cleaning substrates in an inert environment, and by the analysis of trace gases and heating the substrate holder as explained in the literature. Through the applications and comparisons it can be pointed out that the technique has the advantage of its simplicity and relatively low cost compared to MBE and MOCVD, but produces polycrystalline material


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The research aimed to produce sheets of particles with waste processing of Eucalyptus sp bonded with urea-formaldehyde and evaluate the effect of pressure variation in the quality of the boards produced. To do so, the Boards made were divided into two treatments depending on the pressing pressure of 30 to 40 kgf / cm². Once pressings, climatized, the particleboards have been sectioned in test samples, and underwent physical-mechanical tests for determining density, swelling and water absorption, modulus of rupture and elasticity in static bending and internal linking. The particleboards pressed at 40 kgf / cm ² showed the best results


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This project has several objectives: To determine medium values and variations of the density, porosity, humidity, shrinkage volume and the coefficient of mass attenuation of gamma radiation of 59,6 keV of the radioisotope 241Am, using samples of equine radio, in growth and adult. The samples of bones were supplied by the Department of Pathology of University of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics - UNESP campus Botucatu. Bones of the paws front left of two males were used. Of each bone ten samples were removed. Those samples were prepared to just obtain compact bony fabric, being submitted to the rehearsal of determination of the density by the immersion method in water and determination of the coefficient attenuation lineal for the method of attenuation of the radiation of the 241Am, also obtaining your humidity content. Still, they were obtained new samples starting from the ground samples and verified the density of the particles present in that, obtaining the medium value of the coefficient of mass attenuation. The results showed the medium values and significant statistical variations of the density, porosity, humidity, shrinkage volume and coefficient of mass attenuation of gamma radiation of 59, 6 keV of the radioisotope 241Am in the samples, establishing some relationships between of the certain physical parameters with biological aspects and possible existent influences between them


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This work has in its outline the analysis of the mechanical properties of the composition of plastic residues, denominated “plastic wood”, aiming at establishing technical parameters for application of this material in substitution to the natural wood. Plastic-Wood is basically, a combination of several kind of plastic, previously selected, washed, dried and without metallic particles, which are agglomerated, extruded or introduced into a mold. The manufacturer can choose different formats and colors. During this monograph it can be observed the use of several kind of plastic, their mechanical properties and the plastic-wood production process. Also are presented features and applications of natural wood, in order to better compare their uses in several applications


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Nowadays environmental pollution can be identified as a major problem in developed and developing countries. This is the result of several factors, such as inappropriate use of natural resources, inficiente legislation and not ecological awareness. Moreover, many other procedures as incorrect use of chemicals still contributed to the worsening of the problem. In this work, we develop a working with the environmental ideals, aiming to contribute to the decomposition of organic material through decomposition of rhodamine in TiO2 thin films on a silicon substrate. The degradation performance was monitored with the aid of techniques such as atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, field emission gun scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform spectroscopy, thermal and photocatalytic analyses


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Oral administration is widely accepted route for drug delivery and solid dosage forms are commonly employed. The variation of absorption profiles along the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the ability to target drugs by adequate dosage forms to distinct sites is the challenge in the pharmaceutical development of solid dosage forms. AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) is a technique that deserves consideration due to its features, accuracy of results and versatility. The purpose of this work was to evaluate, by employing the AC Biosusceptometer, the rate of swelling of systems matrices consisting of hydrophilic polymer (hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose) and magnetic material. Matrices tablets were evaluated in vitro to a more detailed analysis of kinetics of swelling, in addition to the study and application of mathematical models to correlate the magnetic area variation and the water uptake. All the procedures for qualitative and quantitative analysis of digital signals as well as the magnetic images processing were performed in MatLab® (Mathworks Inc.). ACB technique proved to be useful towards estimating the swelling properties of hydrophilic matrices in vitro, showing a promising capacity for further analyses involving dissolution test and in vivo studies, supporting their innovative potential pharmaceutical applications


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A curcumina, um pigmento natural extraído do rizoma da Curcuma longa L. é utilizada em alimentos, principalmente aqueles condimentados com curry e açafrão. Vários estudos demonstram seu efeito benéfico em diversas doenças, tais como: diabetes, hepatopatias, câncer, entre outras. Uma de suas propriedades é a atividade antioxidante, pois em pequenas quantidades é capaz de inibir ou retardar processos oxidativos. Para substanciar o estudo desta propriedade, comparou-se a capacidade de captura de espécies reativas radicalares e não radicalares pela curcumina, com padrões (biomoléculas, exceto o trolox) antioxidantes: ascorbato, crocina, glutationa, quercetina, rutina, trolox e urato, em sistemas-modelo in vitro, sobre a captura dos radicais: 2-2'-azino-bis (3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-ácido sulfônico) (ABTS●+ ); 2,2-difenil-1 picril-hidrazila (DPPH● ); ânion radical superóxido (O2 ●-); HOCl/OCl- e H2O2. Investigou-se também seu efeito inibitório na geração do HOCl no sistema, mieloperoxidase (MPO)/H2O2/Cl- (via clorinante) e na inibição da oxidação do guaiacol MPO/H2O2/Guaiacol (via peroxidativa). A curcumina nos ensaios com ABTS●+ ou O2 ●-, apresentou o 3° menor IC50, 4,93 e 99,66 µmol/L, respectivamente; com o DPPH● apresentou o 6° menor IC50, 24,70 µmol/L; com o HOCl/OCl- apresentou o menor IC50, 1,12µmol/L e no ensaio com o H2O2 não atingiu o IC50. No ensaio com o sistema MPO/H2O2/Cl-, observou-se alteração da banda de absorção (bleaching) da curcumina (420 nm), além disso, nos ensaios com a via clorinante (MPO/H2O2/Cl-) e revelados com 3, 3’, 5, 5’- tetrametilbenzidina (TMB) e iodeto de potássio em meio ácido, observou-se aumento da absorbância (650 nm), o que impossibilitou o estudo de sua inibição nesta via. Entretanto, na via peroxidativa, observou-se uma diminuição significativa da absorbância do produto de oxidação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)