980 resultados para SUPERVISÃO PEDAGÓGICA
In this paper we propose the achievement of an interdisciplinary activity evolving biology and mathematics knowledge with students of the third grade of high school about the population growth theme. The goal of this activity is to offer to the students a wider perception about the ways of population growth of different organisms from their home region, helping them to represent it through mathematics models. The formulation of the research problem is done from the theoretical and empirical data and the student is encouraged to behave in a participative and dialogic way in all stages of the activity. The mathematical modeling and the graphic representation of the population growth are made through the mathematical software Geogebra and we emphasize the qualitative analysis of the data from the biological and environmental education point of view.
Currently many studies have highlighted the importance of development autonomy of teachers to improve the quality of education. Our study aimed to explore the concepts of autonomy presented that teachers working in kindergarten and first grades of elementary school. Our aim was to understand how these concepoes helped or hindered the development of the action of the teacher second Contreras (2002). The results showed that the conceptions, presented by the teacher, were high ly individualistic, demonstrate a professional focused only on matters relating to the didactic and pedagogic classroom.
The paper presents the results of a doctoral dissertation that covered the analysis of knowledge involving the everyday teaching and administrative practices of school managers who worked with the proposed construction of a citywide system of inclusive e ducation, while an educational policy. The aim was to follow the school management towards the proposed inclusive educationin three elementary schools in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo. The data were collected at the earlier school, a middle-aged one and another recently opened. The stages of the study were: 1) review of literature on: a) qualitative ethnographic research applied to education, b) principles of autonomy, planning, decentralization, c) the education of the school manager and d) relationship between school management and inclusive school; 2) data collection in schools, 3) description and categorization of data and 4) analysis and interpretation of results. To develop the methodology were used observations of the participants, semi-structured interviews, analysis of official documents of the school (internal and external). It was concluded that there is a lack of political-pedagogical project collectively built, a difficulty in developing coordinated actions aimed at the realitiy, problems in interpersonal relationships; a gap gulf between the proposed policy, the discourse about it and the daily practice. The school management is responsible for the construction of an inclusive school, but in the reality studied it was directed at administrative issues at the expense of the pedagogic ones.
The paper presents some reflections, in the form of questions, about the challenges and possibilities of education in respect to integration of information technology and communication in the school curriculum. For this, we present: initial considerations on contemporary education and the urgent need to rethink the teaching curriculum on information society and knowledge, perspectives on the school curriculum and the moments for which it permeates even be translated into everyday curriculum for teaching practices , and finally, emphasizes the need for integration of technologies, so cross-curricular teaching practices through inter-and transdisciplinary projects.
In this work it is proposed the use of a chemical activity, in which a corrosion process occurs, aiming to provide to the student relationship among the learning concepts and corrosion phenomena that occur everyday. It is suggested that the experiment development is based on Vygotsky theory, so that students work in groups, which may facilitate social interaction among students and results discussion among groups under professor guidance. This proposal can provide the involved concepts learning, as well as student training such as a critical and reflexive individual.
This work intends to study the Bauhaus school, analyzing their fundamentals, objectives, proposals, methodology and contribution to the development of industrial production today.
This paper presents a multi-agent architecture that was designed to develop processes supervision and control systems, with the main objective to automate tasks that are repetitive and stressful, and error prone when performed by humans. A set of agents were identified, based on the study of a number of applications found in the literature, that use the approach of multi-agent systems for data integration and process monitoring to faults detection and diagnosis, these agents are used as basis of the proposed multi-agent architecture. A prototype system for the analysis of abnormalities during oil wells drilling was developed.
Processos automatizados, como a furação, podem melhorar com o uso de métodos de controle e supervisão, com destaque para sensores e redes neurais artificiais. Neste estudo, foram utilizados diferentes sensores instalados em máquina-ferramenta para o registro dos sinais de força de avanço, potência elétrica, aceleração e sinal acústico, durante a furação de corpos de prova compostos por uma liga de titânio seguida de uma liga de alumínio. Os sinais e os diâmetros dos furos medidos na furação das amostras foram utilizados no treinamento da rede neural artificial. Os erros foram apresentados e analisados. Os resultados demonstraram alta capacidade da rede em estimar o diâmetro do furo nas diferentes condições de usinagem com erros baixos e até mesmo desprezíveis para a maior parte das aplicações industriais, mostrando assim eficiência do método proposto.
Presents the contributions of pedagogical actions of a teacher- researcher, based on Body Culture Movement. Such actions were developed in physical education classes for one month in the second year of secondary education of state public school, located in the interior of São Paulo. Aims to understand what are the contributions to the student arising from actions based on Gymnastics in teacher reflection, developed by a teacherresearcher. The research approach and procedures adopted for the construction of data is qualitative in nature, exploring the descriptions field diary about the classes held. The results show that the contributions of such pedagogical actions can not be verified in the short time since they refer to changes in attitude and this requires time and the opportunity to participate in experiments planned in terms of goals and purposes that not are always proposed by the interlocutors of pedagogical action, but determined by external agents, such as educational policy and those responsible for curriculum development. The value of experience lies in how the actor engages with the pedagogical situation and the senses extracted from these actions, which presupposes individually with each student receives certain experience and the meanings extracted from each experience.
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo descritivo da interação verbal livre e contínua entre um supervisor de terapia e um terapeuta iniciante, com o objetivo de identificar variáveis envolvidas no procedimento de supervisão adotado. O comportamento verbal dos participantes foi dividido em classes funcionais de respostas, denominadas "categorias de verbalizações", a partir das quais todas as respostas vocais puderam ser classificadas. Os resultados mostraram uma regularidade no comportamento do supervisor, enquanto os comportamentos do terapeuta e do cliente apresentaram alterações ao longo dos encontros de supervisões e das sessões terapêuticas. A análise da interação verbal livre em uma díade permitiu fazer inferências acerca de algumas variáveis de controle neste tipo de interação.
Dilthey apontou primeiro a psicologia e depois a hermenêutica como tendo papel fundamental para sua filosofia da vida, cujo principal objetivo prático é desenvolver a pedagogia ou teoria geral da educação. A pedagogia necessita da ajuda da ética para estabelecer seus fins e da psicologia para indicar seus meios. Este texto tem por objetivo mostrar a relação entre hermenêutica da vida e pedagogia, para Dilthey. A filosofia da vida do autor, ao adotar procedimento hermenêutico, exercita a compreensão ou busca de significado das criações humanas histórico-sociais por um tipo especial de relação entre as partes e o todo. É justamente dentro desse balanço hermenêutico que propomos apagar qualquer vestígio de ruptura, brecha ou contradição entre a busca de princípios universais da ação humana e a impossibilidade de construção da tarefa humana moral, por meio de princípios universais. Só em 1890 Dilthey deu início às conhecidas conferências sobre ética, na Universidade de Berlim. Tais conferências, publicadas em 1958 por Herman Nohl, no volume X das Obras Completas, apontam as diretrizes do caminho que deverá consolidar a ética formativa ou social, enquanto solução histórica para o alcance de princípios universais de orientação para a conduta humana. Essa trajetória efetiva-se graças ao exercício distintivamente humano da autorreflexão. Por meio dela, é possível cumprir nosso destino de manifestar, exteriorizar no tempo a energia do espírito absoluto que nos é imanente. Diante desse panorama, este texto procura sublinhar como é possível que tal pedagogia possa respeitar sua tarefa universal de orientar historicamente o desenvolvimento das novas gerações, sem dirigir o processo por meio de fins rígida e fixamente estabelecidos.
Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar, com base em registros de observações de aulas de ciências no Ensino Fundamental II, em uma escola da rede pública estadual do município de Valinhos, SP, se a prática pedagógica pode criar condições que potencializem ou limitem a exigência conceitual no tratamento do conhecimento. As análises foram feitas por meio da comparação com outros estudos sobre práticas favoráveis à aproximação ao conhecimento científico, desenvolvidos sob a mesma perspectiva teórica a teoria de Basil Bernstein, e, nesse sentido, ficou evidente o quanto a prática pedagógica analisada se distancia do que vem sendo apontado como uma configuração mais adequada, especialmente por não permitir a intervenção dos alunos na determinação dos tempos envolvidos na aprendizagem, e por preservar rigidamente as fronteiras entre os conteúdos científicos, o que acaba criando condições favoráveis à redução do nível de exigência conceitual nas aulas.