926 resultados para SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS
Las enfermedades uterinas en el período posparto comprometen seriamente la eficiencia reproductiva. La clasificación hecha hace pocos años por Sheldon et al. (2006) permite diagnosticarlas con mayor facilidad de acuerdo al tiempo transcurrido desde el parto a su detección y diagnóstico. De acuerdo con esta clasificación ha sido posible utilizar las denominaciones de metritis puerperal a la que transcurre entre los días 4 a 10 posparto; a la endometritis clínica y la piómetra, que se observan a partir del día 14 posparto y la endometritis subclínica que ocurre en cualquier momento posterior a la culminación histológica de la involución uterina (en general más allá de las 5 a 6 semanas del posparto). En esta revisión se realiza un análisis de cada una de estas presentaciones y sus características. Finalmente se describen los tratamientos posibles que en su conjunto aún no han permitido una solución total quedando claro que es un control precoz y sobre todo durante el período de transición lo que permite disminuir el impacto de estas patologías sobre el tracto reproductivo y así mejorar la eficiencia reproductiva de la vaca lechera.
En la vaca lechera la atención médica del puerperio es fundamental en los programas de manejo reproductivo. Durante este periodo se diagnostican y tratan patologías del útero con el propósito de acortar el periodo de espera voluntaria (Djuricic et al., 2012a). La ozonoterapia como medicina alternativa, es usada en tratamientos de mastitis y otros procesos infecciosos reproductivos intrauterinos (endometritis, metritis, etc.). El Ozono tiene propiedades desinfectantes, antivirales, y antibacterianas sistémicas, mejora el metabolismo celular, aumentando el número de glóbulos rojos, oxigenando mejor la sangre y aumentando la presión arterial, de esta manera la sangre pasa más rápido por las partes afectadas ejerciendo así un efecto positivo sobre los tejidos (Djuricic et al., 2012b). El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la ozonoterapia sobre el intervalo parto-celo y la fertilidad de las vacas.
La paratuberculosis (PTB) o enfermedad de Johne es una enteritis granulomatosa infecto-contagiosa de curso crónico e incurable que afecta a los rumiantes, causada por Mycobacterium avium spp paratuberculosis (Map). Las pérdidas económicas por PTB se dan debido a la reducción de las producciones cárnica y láctea, disminución de la fertilidad, incremento en la incidencia de mastitis, menor expectativa de vida productiva de la hembra, eliminación prematura de animales, etc. El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar el impacto de la infección de Map identificada mediante la detección de anticuerpos en la leche, sobre la producción de leche (cantidad y calidad) a partir del estudio individual de las hembras en producción.
Vitamin A (VA) deficiency (VAD) is a major nutritional public health problem among children under-5-years-old in the developing world including Kenya. A community-based cross-sectional survey among 1,630 children (aged 6-23 mos) was undertaken in Western Kenya. A questionnaire was administered to collect demographic, socio-economic and dietary intake information. Prevalence of low retinol-binding protein (RBP) concentrations was assessed using Dried Blood Spot (DBS) methodology. Analysis of RBP was carried out using rapid enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) was carried out using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to estimate VA and sub-clinical inflammation statuses, respectively. Values were adjusted for influence of inflammation using CRP (CRP >5 mg/L) and population prevalence of VAD (RBP <0.825 μmol/L, biologically equivalent to 0.70 μmol/L retinol) estimated. Anthropometric data gave three indices: stunting, wasting and underweight—all of which took age and sex into consideration. Mean (geometric± SD) concentration of RBP was adequate (1.56±0.79μmol/L) but the inflammation-adjusted mean (±SE) prevalence of VAD was high (20.1±1.1%) in this population. The level of CRP was within normal range (1.06±4.95 mg/L) whilst 18.4±0.9% of the children had subclinical inflammation (CRP>5 mg/L). Intake of VA capsule (VAC) by a child was a predictor of VAD with children who have not taken VA during the past 1 year prior to the survey having a 30% increased risk of VAD (OR (CI): 1.3 (1.1-1.7); p=0.025. Additionally, age of the child was a predictor with older children (18-23 mos) having a 30 % increased risk of VAD (OR (CI): 1.3 (1.1-1.9); p=0.035); the caretaker’s knowledge on VA and nutrition was also a predictor of VAD with children whose caretaker’s had poor knowledge having a 40 % increased risk of VAD (OR (CI): 1.4 (1.0-1.9); p=0.027. A child’s district of residence was also a significant predictor of VAD. Prevalence of VAD in this sample of infants was high. Predictors of VAD included child intake of VAC in the last 1 year before the survey, older children, children whose caretakers had poor VA and nutritional knowledge and a child’s district of residence. There is a need to improve knowledge on nutrition and VA of caretakers; undertake a targeted VAC distribution, particularly in children older than 1 year and above and use a sustainable food-based intervention in the areas with severe VAD.
Knowledge of the efficacy of an intervention for disease control on an individual farm is essential to make good decisions on preventive healthcare, but the uncertainty in outcome associated with undertaking a specific control strategy has rarely been considered in veterinary medicine. The purpose of this research was to explore the uncertainty in change in disease incidence and financial benefit that could occur on different farms, when two effective farm management interventions are undertaken. Bovine mastitis was used as an example disease and the research was conducted using data from an intervention study as prior information within an integrated Bayesian simulation model. Predictions were made of the reduction in clinical mastitis within 30 days of calving on 52 farms, attributable to the application of two herd interventions previously reported as effective; rotation of dry cow pasture and differential dry cow therapy. Results indicated that there were important degrees of uncertainty in the predicted reduction in clinical mastitis for individual farms when either intervention was undertaken; the magnitude of the 95% credible intervals for reduced clinical mastitis incidence were substantial and of clinical relevance. The large uncertainty associated with the predicted reduction in clinical mastitis attributable to the interventions resulted in important variability in possible financial outcomes for each farm. The uncertainty in outcome associated with farm control measures illustrates the difficulty facing a veterinary clinician when making an on-farm decision and highlights the importance of iterative herd health procedures (continual evaluation, reassessment and adjusted interventions) to optimise health in an individual herd.
Assessing the fit of a model is an important final step in any statistical analysis, but this is not straightforward when complex discrete response models are used. Cross validation and posterior predictions have been suggested as methods to aid model criticism. In this paper a comparison is made between four methods of model predictive assessment in the context of a three level logistic regression model for clinical mastitis in dairy cattle; cross validation, a prediction using the full posterior predictive distribution and two “mixed” predictive methods that incorporate higher level random effects simulated from the underlying model distribution. Cross validation is considered a gold standard method but is computationally intensive and thus a comparison is made between posterior predictive assessments and cross validation. The analyses revealed that mixed prediction methods produced results close to cross validation whilst the full posterior predictive assessment gave predictions that were over-optimistic (closer to the observed disease rates) compared with cross validation. A mixed prediction method that simulated random effects from both higher levels was best at identifying the outlying level two (farm-year) units of interest. It is concluded that this mixed prediction method, simulating random effects from both higher levels, is straightforward and may be of value in model criticism of multilevel logistic regression, a technique commonly used for animal health data with a hierarchical structure.
Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2015
Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Resumo: A produção de leite de cabra no Brasil destaca-se no Nordeste, onde as condições de criação e os programas governamentais favorecem a produção. A qualidade higiênico-sanitária do leite de cabra, além de ser uma característica indispensável ao produto, exigida pela legislação Brasileira, contribui para diminuição nas perdas econômicas decorrentes da mastite e para a manutenção dos produtores na atividade. O Kit Embrapa de Ordenha Manual® para caprinos leiteiros é um conjunto de utensílios e práticas indispensáveis para a obtenção higiênica do leite de cabra, o qual apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável aos agricultores familiares devido à sua facilidade na utilização e baixo custo de aquisição. O Kit foi implantado e validado em 41 propriedades familiares, localizadas nos estados do Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba e Ceará. Procedeu-se a coleta de leite de cabra 3 dias antes e 3 dias após a utilização do Kit, para a realização da Contagem Total de Bactérias (CTB). Observou-se uma redução média de 72% da CTB no leite produzido, e, 95% das propriedades adequaram-se à CTB exigida pela legislação Brasileira. [Effect of the use of the Milking Manual® EMBRAPA Kit for dairy goats total count in milk bacteria]. Abstract: The goat milk production in Brazil stands out in the Northeast, where the breeding conditions and government programs favor the production. The sanitary hygienic quality of goat milk as well as being an indispensable feature to the product, required by Brazilian law, contributes to decrease in economic losses resulting from mastitis and to the maintenance of the producers in the activity. The Embrapa manual milking kit® for dairy goats is an essential set of tools and practices for obtaining hygienic goat milk, which presents itself as a viable alternative to farmers due to its ease of use and low cost. The Kit has been deployed and validated in 41 family farms in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Ceará. The goat milking practice was carried out both three days before and three days after using the kit for the realization of Total Bacteria Count (CTB). There was an average reduction of 72 % CTB on the milk, and 95 % of the properties have adapted to the CTB required by Brazilian law.
A presente publicação descreve os procedimentos necessários para a identificação e confirmação molecular de estirpes de S. aureus causadoras de mastite subclínica, provenientes de amostras de leite de cabra, por meio da técnica de RT-PCR.
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2016.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. With atherosclerosis as the underlying cause for many CVD events, prevention or reduction of subclinical atherosclerotic plaque burden (SAPB) through a healthier lifestyle may have substantial public health benefits. The objective was to describe the protocol of a randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of a 30-month worksite-based lifestyle program aimed to promote cardiovascular health in participants having a high or a low degree of SAPB compared with standard care. We will conduct a randomized controlled trial including middle-aged bank employees from the Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis cohort, stratified by SAPB (high SAPB n = 260, low SAPB n = 590). Within each stratum, participants will be randomized 1:1 to receive a lifestyle program or standard care. The program consists of 3 elements: (a) 12 personalized lifestyle counseling sessions using Motivational Interviewing over a 30-month period, (b) a wrist-worn physical activity tracker, and (c) a sit-stand workstation. Primary outcome measure is a composite score of blood pressure, physical activity, sedentary time, body weight, diet, and smoking (ie, adapted Fuster-BEWAT score) measured at baseline and at 1-, 2-, and 3-year follow-up. The study will provide insights into the effectiveness of a 30-month worksite-based lifestyle program to promote cardiovascular health compared with standard care in participants with a high or low degree of SAPB.