982 resultados para SPOT-hinta


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Severe epidemics of leaf blotch and black leaf spot of oat (Avena sativa) caused by Drechslera avenae and Drechslera sp., respectively, are frequently observed in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Although some morphological differences between the isolates causing two different symptoms were noticed, the genetic relationship between them was not clear. Twenty-four isolates of D. avenae and Drechslera sp, collected between 1996-98, were assessed for the genetic variability by molecular and pathogenic analyses. The amplification products using primer pair ITS4/ITS5 showed a fragment length of approximately 600 bp for all the isolates except for one black spot isolate, where the fragment length was approximately 550 bp. Restriction enzymes Hinf I and Taq I, that cut in the ITS region, produced similar restriction patterns for all the isolates, whereas four others produced variable restriction patterns. RAPD analysis also showed distinctive patterns for some isolates. No clear difference between the black spot and the leaf blotch isolates was observed either by the molecular or by the pathogenicity analysis. Nonetheless, the rDNA analysis suggests that Drechslera probably comprises at least three distinct taxa. The results indicate that the difference observed between the isolates originating from two types of symptoms is due to intra-specific variants of D. avenae.


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The fungus Drechslera avenae, the causal agent of Helminthosporium leaf spot on oats (Avena sativa), survives as mycelium in crop residues and in infected seeds. In trials carried out in the laboratory, ten methods were evaluated for their efficiency to detect D. avenae in oat seeds. In each experiment, groups of two or three methods were compared to a standard protocol, in which seeds were placed in Petri dishes containing the Reis selective medium and incubated at 25±2 °C for ten days. Data were submitted to analysis of variation and the means of the methods were compared using the Dunnett test at the 5% significance level. Overall, the highest levels of seed infection by D. avenae were observed on oat seeds plated in the osmotic, the oat-agar and the Reis media, or on seeds subjected to heat treatment previous to incubation in malt-agar. Therefore, these methods should be recommended for detection of D. avenae in oat seed testing.


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Due to the increased importance of angular leaf spot of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Brazil, monitoring the pathogenic variability of its causal agent (Phaeoisariopsis griseola) is the best strategy for a breeding program aimed at developing resistant genotypes. Fifty one isolates of P. griseola collected in five Brazilian States were tested on a set of 12 international differential cultivars in the greenhouse. When inoculated plants showed symptoms but no sporulation was observed, they were transferred to a moist chamber for approximately 20-24 h. After this period of time, if no sporulation was observed, the plants were considered resistant; otherwise, they were considered susceptible. From the fifty-one tested isolates, seven different pathotypes were identified. No Andean pathotypes were identified; consequently, all isolates were classified as Middle American pathotypes. Pathotype 63-31 was the most widespread. Pathotype 63-63 overcame resistance genes present in all differential cultivars and also the resistance gene(s) present in the cultivar AND 277. This fact has important implications for breeding angular leaf spot resistance in beans, and suggests that searching for new resistance genes to angular leaf spot must be pursued.


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This master’s thesis was done for Andritz Inc. Atlanta Georgia. The purpose of the thesis was to develop a new trolley for a small portal log yard crane. In the beginning of the thesis the basic principles of the systematic design processes have been described, along which the design work of the trolley has proceeded. The second literature part consists of the design and dimensioning of the welded steel structures under fatigue loading. The design work of the trolley consists of the engineering and the selection of the mechanical components and the design of the load carrying structure for the trolley. The realization of the steel structure of the trolley is based on the fatigue and static dimensioning. The fatigue dimensioning is grounded in the life expectations estimated for the trolley and the static dimensioning is based on the CMAA guidelines. The computer aided element method was utilized in the design of the steel structure. The effective notch method and the hot spot method were used in the fatigue calculations. The trolley structure was carried out by using the sheet metal parts in order to manufacture the structure as effective and low cost way as possible. The corner stone of the dimensioning of the trolley structure was the utilization of the open profiles made of welded or cold formed sheet metals, which provide better weldability, weld inspection, access for repairs and corrosion protection. As a last part of the thesis a new trolley traveling system was developed. The distribution of the wheel loads of the trolley bogies on the main girder was also studied, which led to an innovative suspension arrangement between the trolley leg and the bogie. The new bogie solution increases the service life of the main girder of the crane and improves the stability of the bogies. The outcome of the thesis is an excellent trolley structure from the weight and the service life point of view.


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The main objective of this Master’s thesis is to find out which one of the two pricing models is the most cost-effective. In this thesis there are two companies that have made an outsourcing contract, in which they have a possibility to choose between two different pricing models. The first model is so called FTE (Full Time Employee) -based. The total cost will be based on the amount of outsourced person-workyears. The second pricing model is the transaction-based, in which the price will be formed according to the amount of transactions. Changing the pricing model from FTE-based to the transaction-based will also incur other costs. It is very important that these other costs are also taken into consideration, so that it is possible to determine the total costs of the pricing models. These other costs are direct costs, indirect costs and performance related costs of outsourcing. Activity based-costing (ABC) was used in order to find out the trues indirect costs of the outsourced processes. Performance related costs are related to quality, so Pareto-analysis was used to analyse the costs. Based on all of that, a framework for service related cost analysis was developed. Quality costs were almost impossible to quantify, so quality had to be taken into consideration in a qualitative way. Furthermore, considering only the indirect and direct costs in a quantitative way and quality costs in a qualitative way, it was possible to find a conditional solution for the research question.


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The cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum) fruit, originating in the Amazon basin, is commonly used in that region for food, medicine, and cosmetics. In an experimental culture of cubiu, in order to evaluate its adaptation to conditions in the Northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, it was observed plants with mosaic symptoms. A cubiu plant was collected and analyzed to identify the etiological agent. After mechanical passage through a local lesion host, a host range test was performed. The virus induced chlorotic local lesions in Chenopodium quinoa, necrotic local lesions in Gomphrena globosa, mosaic in S. sessiliflorum, leaf and stem necrosis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) 'Rutgers', mosaic and leaf distortion in Datura stramonium and Physalis floridana, and necrotic local lesions followed by systemic necrosis and plant death in four Nicotiana species. Electron microscopic observations of ultra thin sections from infected cubiu leaves showed the presence of spheroidal, membrane-bound particles typical of tospovirus species. Analysis of the nucleocapsid protein from concentrated virus particles indicated the presence of a 28 kDa protein. RT-PCR was performed after total RNA extraction from infected IPA-6 tomato leaves. A fragment of approximately 0,8 kbp corresponding to the N gene was amplified, cloned and sequenced. The N protein from the cubiu isolate was 95% homologous to the Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) protein, and no more than 85% homologous to those from Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV) and Chrysanthemun stem necrosis virus (CSNV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), and Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV). This is the first report of the occurrence of GRSV (or any other plant virus) in cubiu.


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In the power market, electricity prices play an important role at the economic level. The behavior of a price trend usually known as a structural break may change over time in terms of its mean value, its volatility, or it may change for a period of time before reverting back to its original behavior or switching to another style of behavior, and the latter is typically termed a regime shift or regime switch. Our task in this thesis is to develop an electricity price time series model that captures fat tailed distributions which can explain this behavior and analyze it for better understanding. For NordPool data used, the obtained Markov Regime-Switching model operates on two regimes: regular and non-regular. Three criteria have been considered price difference criterion, capacity/flow difference criterion and spikes in Finland criterion. The suitability of GARCH modeling to simulate multi-regime modeling is also studied.


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Viimeaikoina ydinvoima on ollut vahvasti esillä mediassa. Keskustelut lisäydinvoimasta, sähköntuotantomuodoista, Olkiluodon kolmannen ydinvoimalaitosyksikön rakennustöistä, sähkön kulutuksen tulevaisuudesta ja nykyisestä taloustilanteesta ovat vaikuttaneet tarpeeseen tutkia sähkön tuotantokustannuksia ydinvoiman osalta. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään erityisesti ydinvoimalaitosyksiköiden vuosihuolto- ja polttoainekustannuksiin, jotka muodostavat suurimman suunnitellun yksittäisen kustannuserän ydinvoiman käyttöön liittyen. Työ tehdään Teollisuuden Voima Oyj:lle, joka pääsääntöisesti toimii Eurajoen Olkiluodossa. Työssä optimoidaan jokaiselle Olkiluodon ydinvoimalaitosyksikölle mahdollisimman edullinen vuosihuoltoajankohta. Optimaalisin ajankohta määrittyy edullisimman sähkön hinnan, ihanteellisimman käyttöjakson pituuden sekä resurssien saatavuuden perusteella. Ydinvoimalaitosyksiköiden vuosihuoltoajankohdat suunnitellaan siten, että vuosihuollot ovat kokonaisuudessaan ja laitosyksikkökohtaisesti optimaaliset. Työn lopputuloksena on esitys Olkiluodon ydinvoimalaitosyksiköiden optimaalisista vuosihuoltoajankohdista. Työn tuloksien myötä Teollisuuden Voima Oyj:llä on mahdollisuus pienentää vuosihuoltokustannuksiaan ja osaltaan vaikuttaa ydinvoimalla tuotetun sähkön kannattavuuteen. Vuosihuoltoajankohdan optimointi palvelee myös Teollisuuden Voima Oyj:n osakkaiden vaatimuksia.


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty Aalto yliopiston Teknillisen korkeakoulun Lahden keskuksen IMMU-hankkeeseen. Teoriaosassa tarkastellaan kaukolämmityksen nykytilannetta ja sen tulevai-suuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työssä on tarkasteltu Lahti Energia Oy:n Kymijärven voimalaitosalueen kehittämismahdollisuuksia vuosina 2012 ja 2016. Vertailukohtana käytetään nykytilannetta vuoden 2009 tiedoilla. Työssä on selvitetty voimalaitosalueen elinkaaren aikaisia kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä ja niiden muutoksia mahdollisten uusien voimalaitosinvestointien myötä. Vuonna 2012 alueelle rakennetaan kiinteää polttoainetta käyttävä kaasutusvoimalaitos jolloin nykyisen laitoksen käyttö ja samalla kivihiilen käyttö vähenee huomattavasti. Tässä työssä vuoden 2016 skenaariossa alueelle ajatellaan rakennettavan kolmas voimalaitos, maakaasukäyttöinen kaasukombiturbiini. Tarkasteluissa energiantuotantomäärien oletetaan pysyvän nykytilanteen suuruisina. Työssä tarkasteltujen skenaarioiden perusteella alueen yhdistetyn kaukolämmön- ja sähköntuotannon (CHP) päästöjä voitaisiin vähentää vuonna 2012 noin 20 % ja vuonna 2016 noin 30 % nykytilanteesta. Esitettyjen investointien riskinä on sopivan polttoaineen saatavuus ja riittävyys. Lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin kaasutusvoimalaitoksen ja kaasukombiturbiinin takaisinmaksuaikoja. Kierrätyspolttoaineen hinnan kallistuminen hinnasta 5 €/MWh hintaan 15 €/MWh vaikutti kaasutusvoimalaitoksen takaisinmaksuaikaan yhdeksällä vuodella. Kaasukombiturbiinin takaisinmaksuaika piteni tämän hetkiseen maakaasun hintaan 27 €/MWh verrattuna päästöoikeuden lisäkustannus 6 €/MWh huomioiden kahdeksan vuotta. Takaisinmaksuaikaan vaikuttaa muun muassa polttoaineen hinta ja laitoksen huipunkäyttöaika.


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A method to detect Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) based on reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was developed using primers ASGV4F-ASGV4R targeting the viral replicase gene, followed by a sandwich hybridisation, in microtiter plates, for colorimetric detection of the PCR products. The RT-PCR was performed with the Titan™ RT-PCR system, using AMV and diluted crude extracts of apple (Malus domestica) leaf or bark for the first strand synthesis and a mixture of Taq and PWO DNA polymerase for the PCR step. The RT-PCR products is hybridised with both a biotin-labelled capture probe linked to a streptavidin-coated microtiter plate and a digoxigenin (DIG)-labelled detection probe. The complex was detected with an anti-DIG conjugate labelled with alkaline phosphatase. When purified ASGV was added to extracts of plant tissue, as little as 400 fg of the virus was detected with this method. The assay with ASGV4F-ASGV4R primers specifically detected the virus in ASGV-infected apple trees from different origins, whereas no signal was observed with amplification products obtained with primers targeting the coat protein region of the ASGV genome or with primers specific for Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV). The technique combines the power of PCR to increase the number of copies of the targeted gene, the specificity of DNA hybridization, and the ease of colorimetric detection and sample handling in microplates.


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When grown in monoculture, Antilles cherry (Malpighia glabra) plants have been affected by diseases which cause fruits malformation and spotting, reducing their value for market. From 1999 on, three new diseases characterised by leaf spot and fall of leaves have been observed in plantations located in Santa Izabel do Pará and Igarapé Açu counties. After isolation and pathogenicity tests on leaves of Antilles cherry plants, the isolates were identified as Calonectria ilicicola (anamorph: Cylindrocladium parasiticum) which causes large leaf spots reaching up to 7 cm long, brownish in colour, coalescent, scorching large leaf areas and causing 50% of leaf fall; Corynespora cassiicola, which provokes irregularly shaped, necrotic leaf spots with dark brown margins and white centers, surrounded by a yellow halo; and Myrothecium roridum which causes greyish target spots. Corynespora cassiicola has been reported causing leaf spots on different hosts in the Amazon region, while C. cassiicola has been recorded infecting Antilles cherry besides other hosts in the States of Maranhão and Pará.


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Bipolaris maydis was consistently isolated from infected Paspalum atratum cv. Pojuca plants showing leaf spot symptoms in the Cerrado of Brazil, in 2002. Pathogenicity tests under greenhouse conditions and subsequent reisolations of B. maydis from artificially inoculated Pojuca seedlings confirmed the hypothesis that this fungus was the causal agent of the disease. Symptoms of leaf spot appeared four days after inoculation in 100% of the inoculated Pojuca plants. All seven species of grasses evaluated were susceptible to B. maydis. The occurrence of leaf spot of Pojuca caused by B. maydis is reported for the first time in Brazil.


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This work quantifies two important epidemiological features of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)/Phaeoisariopsis griseola pathosystem. The first is the effect of the number of nights of leaf wetness on infection efficiency. Infection efficiency was below 10% when inoculated leaflets were exposed to less than two nights of leaf wetness. Optimum infection efficiencies were obtained after three to four nights of leaf wetness, at about 50%. Further nights of leaf wetness did not increase the infection efficiency. The second feature quantified is the relative rate of leaflet defoliation for varying levels of angular leaf spot severity. It increased with disease severity according to a logarithm-like curve, and a relative rate of 0.23 day-1 was estimated for a severity of 18%. The implications of these results on the disease epidemiology are discussed.


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The element silicon (Si) is not considered an essential nutrient for plant function. Nevertheless, Si is absorbed from soil in large amounts that are several fold higher than those of other essential macronutrients in certain plant species. Its beneficial effects have been reported in various situations, especially under biotic and abiotic stress conditions. The most significant effect of Si on plants, besides improving their fitness in nature and increasing agricultural productivity, is the restriction of parasitism. There has been a considerable amount of research showing the positive effect of Si in controlling diseases in important crops. Rice (Oryza sativa), in particular, is affected by the presence of Si, with diseases such as blast, brown spot and sheath blight becoming more severe on rice plants grown in Si-depleted soils. The hypothesis underlying the control of some diseases in both mono- and di-cots by Si has been confined to that of a mechanical barrier resulting from its polymerization in planta. However, some studies show that Si-mediated resistance against pathogens is associated with the accumulation of phenolics and phytoalexins as well as with the activation of some PR-genes. These findings strongly suggest that Si plays an active role in the resistance of some plants to diseases rather than forming a physical barrier that impedes penetration by fungal pathogens.


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A semi-selective agar medium was developed for detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum (Xam) in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seed. The basic medium was peptone-sucrose-agar (PSA). Criteria for the semi-selective medium were the typical colony characters of Xam and its pathogenicity on cotton. Several systemic fungicides and antibiotics in different concentrations were tested alone or in combination with others. The final composition of the semi-selective agar medium was established after several attempts in order to inhibit most of the fungal and bacterial saprophytes and favour the development of Xam. It contained PSA + cyclohexamide, cephalexin, pencycuron, triadimenol and tolylfluanid. The bacteria were recovered from naturally infected seeds by the direct plating of 2,000 surface disinfected seeds on the semi-selective medium. The recovery of the pathogen from naturally infected leaf tissues and in dilution plating, on semi-selective medium and on nutrient agar, were comparable. Among the three detection methods tested, the semi-selective medium was found to be the most reliable and quantifiable. Degree of severity of angular leaf spot in the field was not always correlated with the level of infection in the seed. This is the first report of a semi-selective agar medium to detect the presence of Xam in naturally infected cotton seed.