1000 resultados para Sábato, Ernesto R.


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This study was designed to provide background information on asphaltic concrete mixtures peculiar to northwest Iowa. This background is necessary to provide the basis for future specifications. There were several projects let in 1967 involving l", 3/4" and 3/8" mixes of Type "B'' asphaltic concrete which specified in part, II Not less than 40% of the material passing the No. 200 sieve shall be pulverized limestone or mineral filler, but in no case shall the per cent of pulverized limestone or mineral filler passing the No. 200 sieve be less than 2%. No credit will be allowed for limestone in gravel - II Northwest Iowa has no suitable limestone or mineral filler locally available. As a result, this material has to be imported, raising the cost of the mix approximately twenty-five cents per ton. The purpose of this study, therefore, was designed to compare some original job mix samples with alternate mixes from the same local material, but without the addition of pulverized limestone or mineral filler. Since the filler from the crushed gravel does not have the same crushing characteristics or sieve analysis as the pulverized limestone or mineral filler, they could not be compared on an equal percentage basis. Therefore, the alternate mixes were made to conform to the following proposed specification, "No less than 40% of the material passing No. 200 sieve shall be pulverized limestone or mineral filler or a 100% crushed gravel, but in no case shall the per cent of pulverized limestone or mineral filler or a 100% crushed gravel passing the No. 200 sieve be less than 2%."


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Interdependence is the main feature of dyadic relationships and, in recent years, various statistical procedures have been proposed for quantifying and testing this social attribute in different dyadic designs. The purpose of this paper is to develop several functions for this kind of statistical tests in an R package, known as nonindependence, for use by applied social researchers. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is also developed to facilitate the use of the functions included in this package. Examples drawn from psychological research and simulated data are used to illustrate how the software works.


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It has been repeatedly debated which strategies people rely on in inference. These debates have been difficult to resolve, partially because hypotheses about the decision processes assumed by these strategies have typically been formulated qualitatively, making it hard to test precise quantitative predictions about response times and other behavioral data. One way to increase the precision of strategies is to implement them in cognitive architectures such as ACT-R. Often, however, a given strategy can be implemented in several ways, with each implementation yielding different behavioral predictions. We present and report a study with an experimental paradigm that can help to identify the correct implementations of classic compensatory and non-compensatory strategies such as the take-the-best and tallying heuristics, and the weighted-linear model.


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Many reports have been written concerning investigations of concrete sealants. The primary concern of most investigators is the protection of bridge decks from de-icing chemicals which cause surface scaling and, when allowed to permeate to reinforcing steel, result in deep spalling and general concrete deterioration. The problem of protecting abutments and pier tops from salt solutions entails a significantly different approach than the problem of protecting bridge decks. The epoxy resins become eligible as a protective material since one need not be concerned with slipperiness or its abrasive characteristics. Protection with linseed oil at regular intervals would prove bothersome because of the inaccessibility of pier tops after the deck is placed. The primary purpose of this investigation was to evaluate various commercial products in terms of their ability to prevent concrete scaling of bridge abutments and pier tops which are subject to salt water deterioration.


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The Iowa State Highway Commission purchased a Conrad automatic freeze and thaw machine and placed it in operation during October 1961. There were a few problems, but considering, the many electrical and mechanical devices used in the automatic system it has always functioned quite well. Rapid freezing and thawing of 4"x4"xl8" concrete beams has been conducted primarily in accordance with ASTM C-29l (now ASTM C-666 procedure B) at the rate of one beam per day. Over 4000 beams have been tested since 1961, with determination of the resulting durability factors. Various methods of curing were used and a standard 90 day moist cure was selected. This cure seemed to yield durability factors that correlated very well with ratings of coarse aggregates based on service records. Some concrete beams had been made using the same coarse aggregate and the durability factors compared relatively well with previous tests. Durability factors seemed to yield reasonable results until large variations in durability factors were noted from beams of identical concrete mix proportions in research projects R-234 and R-247. This then presents the question "How reliable is the durability as determined by ASTM C-666?" This question became increasingly more important when a specification requiring a minimum durability factor for P.C. concrete made from coarse aggregates was incorporated into the 1972 Standard Specification for coarse aggregates for concrete.


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A water reducing and retarding type admixture in concrete is commonly used on continuous bridge deck pours in Iowa. The concrete placed in the negative moment areas must remain plastic until all the dead load deflection due to the new deck's weight occurs. If the concrete does not remain plastic until the total deflection has occurred, structural cracks will develop in these areas. Retarding type admixtures will delay the setting time of concrete and prevent structural cracks if added in the proper amounts. In Section 2412.02 of the Standard Specifications, 1972, Iowa State Highway Commission, it states, "The admixture shall be used in amounts recommended by the manufacturer for conditions which prevail on the project and as approved by the engineer." The conditions which prevail on the project depend on temperature, humidity, wind conditions, etc. Each of these factors will affect the setting rate of the plastic concrete. The purpose of this project is to provide data that will be useful to field personnel concerning the retardation of concrete setting times, and how the of sets will vary with different addition rates and curing temperatures holding all other atmospheric variables constant.