995 resultados para Roger Bastide
Traits that mediate species interactions are evolutionarily shaped by biotic and abiotic drivers, yet we know relatively little about the relative importance of these factors. Herbivore pressure, along with resource availability and third-party' mutualists, are hypothesized to play a major role in the evolution of plant defence traits. Here, we used the model system Plantago lanceolata, which grows along steep elevation gradients in the Swiss Alps, to investigate the effect of elevation, herbivore pressure, mycorrhizal inoculation and temperature on plant resistance. Over a 1200 m elevation gradient, the levels of herbivory and iridoid glycosides (IGs) declined with increasing elevation. By planting seedlings at three different elevations, we further showed that both low-elevation growing conditions and mycorrhizal inoculation resulted in increased plant resistance to herbivores. Finally, using a temperature-controlled experiment comparing high- and low-elevation ecotypes, we showed that high-elevation ecotypes are less resistant to herbivory, and that lower temperatures impair IGs deployment after herbivore attack. We thus propose that both lower herbivore pressure, and colder temperatures relax the defense syndrome of high elevation plants.
El present projecte d’investigació és el treball de recerca del Doctorat en Comunicació Pública (bienni 2007-2009) i es proposa de desenvolupar-lo com a tesi doctoral. Vol estudiar les especificitats de la narrativa audiovisual informativa a Internet de tres mitjans digitals decomunicació catalans. Per a fer-ho es proposa una metodologia qualitativa dividida en dos blocs: el primer, a partir de l'observació, entrevistes en profunditat i enquestes, vol investigar les novesrutines de producció audiovisual en aquests tres mitjans, condicionades per un nou entorn digital; el segon, a partir de la narratologia, vol analitzar els efectes d'aquestes rutines i d'aquest nou entorn enel producte audiovisual resultant
1. As trees in a given cohort progress through ontogeny, many individuals die. This risk of mortality is unevenly distributed across species because of many processes such as habitat filtering, interspecific competition and negative density dependence. Here, we predict and test the patterns that such ecological processes should inscribe on both species and phylogenetic diversity as plants recruit from saplings to the canopy. 2. We compared species and phylogenetic diversity of sapling and tree communities at two sites in French Guiana. We surveyed 2084 adult trees in four 1-ha tree plots and 943 saplings in sixteen 16-m2 subplots nested within the tree plots. Species diversity was measured using Fisher's alpha (species richness) and Simpson's index (species evenness). Phylogenetic diversity was measured using Faith's phylogenetic diversity (phylogenetic richness) and Rao's quadratic entropy index (phylogenetic evenness). The phylogenetic diversity indices were inferred using four phylogenetic hypotheses: two based on rbcLa plastid DNA sequences obtained from the inventoried individuals with different branch lengths, a global phylogeny available from the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, and a combination of both. 3. Taxonomic identification of the saplings was performed by combining morphological and DNA barcoding techniques using three plant DNA barcodes (psbA-trnH, rpoC1 and rbcLa). DNA barcoding enabled us to increase species assignment and to assign unidentified saplings to molecular operational taxonomic units. 4. Species richness was similar between saplings and trees, but in about half of our comparisons, species evenness was higher in trees than in saplings. This suggests that negative density dependence plays an important role during the sapling-to-tree transition. 5. Phylogenetic richness increased between saplings and trees in about half of the comparisons. Phylogenetic evenness increased significantly between saplings and trees in a few cases (4 out of 16) and only with the most resolved phylogeny. These results suggest that negative density dependence operates largely independently of the phylogenetic structure of communities. 6. Synthesis. By contrasting species richness and evenness across size classes, we suggest that negative density dependence drives shifts in composition during the sapling-to-tree transition. In addition, we found little evidence for a change in phylogenetic diversity across age classes, suggesting that the observed patterns are not phylogenetically constrained.
Hi ha records que perduraran sempre; el gol d’Iniesta contra el Chelsea, la boleia de Zidane a Hampden Park… Aquests moments memorables que queden gravats a les retines de tots nosaltres i produeixen una immensa felicitat a l’ésser humà, que l’emocionen, que el fan casi plorar. Tot això es produeix gràcies a un esport de masses molt present en les nostres vides, el futbol. Una activitat merament esportiva que s’ha convertit, amb el pas dels anys, en quelcom més que un esport, ha travessat l’àmbit purament sentimental d’una regió fins a assolir nivells d’autèntica globalització arreu del món. I és precisament el fet que el futbol porta una immensa passió a tots els racons de la societat, el que fa plantejar-nos el funcionament d’aquesta gran indústria de l’entreteniment.La realitat, tanmateix, revela l’existència de tot un món econòmico-empresarial que s’amaga darrere aquest espectacle, del qual, els veritables protagonistes són els clubs de futbol. Sense ells no es produiria mai l’espectacle. És per aquest motiu, que centrarem el nostre anàlisi sobre aquestes entitats esportives: veure el seu funcionament en la seva vessant més econòmica (1).En el present estudi s’analitzarà tot el funcionament intern d’un club, des del seu marc legal fins a l’econòmic, parant molta atenció en el que és el mercat futbolístic, el qual, al cap i a la fi, acaba relacionant la part més esportiva amb l’empresarial. A partir d’aquí intentarem extrapolar aquest entramat al que és el món futbolístic en general.Amb això, intentarem qüestionar-nos el perquè del gran moviment de divises existent, actualment, en aquest esport. Com pot ser que un club inverteixi més de 30 milions d’euros (2) només en el que seria contractar un nou treballador? Com es podengenerar tants recursos per després gastar-los en nòmines astronòmiques pels jugadors?Doncs aquest seguit de qüestions es el que pretenem respondre en aquest treball, de la forma més amena i clara possible, amb els gràfics i taules més adients.(1) Com que de clubs de futbol n’hi ha molts i no els podem analitzar tots un per un, partirem de la based’agafar-ne un com a model, en aquest cas, per la seva proximitat i facilitat d’obtenció de dades hemescollit el FC Barcelona.(2) Quantitat que equival, ni més ni menys, a 500 vegades el sou d’un treballador mitjà al llarg de tota la seva vida
És viable portar a terme la instal·lació de panells solars fotovoltaics a la UniversitatPompeu Fabra? Està dins dels objectius de la universitat? Per què encara no s’ha portat a terme un projecte com aquest en cap campus de la UPF? Aquest treball busca donar resposta a totes aquestes preguntes i fer-ho de manera realista i imparcial.Primer de tot, hem de destacar que fer una instal·lació solar en un edifici és, a diferència del que ens ve al cap primerament, una inversió. Amb això volem dir que l’energia generada per cada panell solar no es dedica al consum de la niversitat, sinó que es ven a la xarxa elèctrica a un preu fixat per llei. Així que el que tenim entre mans és clarament una inversió i, evidentment, ens pot fer guanyar diners.L’espina dorsal del treball és un estudi exhaustiu de la viabilitat econòmica que tindria aquesta inversió en diferents escenaris. Hem centrat l’estudi en el Campus de la Ciutadella de la UPF, concretament sobre les cobertes dels edificis Roger de Llúria i Jaume Primer; i hem calculat el VAN, TIR i pay-back de la inversió sota diferents circumstàncies per mostrar un panorama complert de la situació. Tot i això, el treball no es queda aquí. Emmarcant l’estudi de la inversió, s’ha situat lesenergies renovables en l’actualitat, concretament la solar fotovoltaica, s’ha comparat la ideologia de la UPF amb les ideologies d’altres universitats catalanes que compten amb instal·lacions solars, s’ha comparat els projectes de diverses d’aquestesuniversitats amb el que seria el projecte de la UPF i, per últim, s’ha plantejat unaproposta d’obtenció d’ingressos per tal de millorar la inversió o participar en altresprojectes ecològics. La nostra opinió és que aquest tema té un gran rerefons, ja que neix conceptes relacionats amb la economia, la imatge, la responsabilitat social o l’evolució. Per tant, animem al lector a continuar llegint i descobrir la resposta a tots aquests interrogants.
Este trabajo nace de la idea de que el sistema de recogida selectiva de residuos en Barcelona puede mejorarse. Para respaldar esta hipótesis previa, hemos utilizado tanto datos de organismos oficiales (La EMMA o el Ayuntamiento de BCN por citar algunos de los más relevantes) como encuestas realizados por nosotros mismos y que han sido distribuidas a una muestra de aproximadamente 180 personas de la ciudadcondal.Con la información obtenida de estas fuentes, podemos afirmar que, definitivamente, estábamos en lo correcto: el sistema puede mejorarse.En este punto es necesario ser precisos y explicar qué entendemos por mejorar.Concretamente, lo que nosotros queremos hacer es incrementar el porcentaje de cantidad recogida de papel-cartón, vidrio y envases ligeros sobre el total consumido deestos materiales. Este será nuestro objetivo durante todo el estudio. Y, como el lectordescubrirá, hemos propuesto dos vías para conseguir tal cosa: incrementar el número decontenedores (método extensivo) o implementar una nueva tecnología (métodointensivo). El planteamiento y desarrollo de estas dos propuestas será la piedra angulardel trabajo.Ahora bien, a modo de anticipo, ¿qué podemos decirle al lector sobre estas vías?¿Consiguen el objetivo que se proponen? ¿Son aplicables? La respuesta es que, como severá a lo largo de estas páginas, el método extensivo consigue efectivamente incrementar el porcentaje de cantidad recogida mientras que la vía intensiva, aunque tiene la ventaja de que es capaz de reducir los costes que se derivan del proceso (costesde transporte…) y es consecuente con políticas de sostenibilidad medioambiental (higieniza los residuos, reduce enormemente los desechos destinados a depósitoscontrolados e incineradoras) presenta la gran desventaja de que precisamente por seruna tecnología nueva, no hay suficientes datos para estudiar su comportamiento en unperiodo de tiempo largo. Por tanto, en este estudio se abogará por la estrategia extensiva, en pos de mostrar un análisis más coherente y de implementación rápida.
Economia Digital: Una sortida per a múltiples sistemes comercials, és un treball de recerca que tracta sobre el comerç electrònic en tots els seus aspectes, partint d’un anàlisi teòric que estableix les bases d’aquest sistema comercial; seguit d’un estudi de dos casos concrets d’empreses que han introduït Internet en la seva activitat. Per una banda, una d’aquestes empreses, Destil·leries Julián Segarra, s’ha servit de les noves tecnologies, amb un ús publicitari, per tal de donar-se a conèixer però sense oferir la possibilitat de venda online. D’altra banda, Surfdevils S.L. no només utilitza els recursos que ofereix la xarxa de manera informativa, sinó que va més enllà i permet adquirir els seus productes mitjançant el seu espai web. A més es realitza un breu estudi sobre els hàbits de compra per Internet, mitjançant una enquesta efectuada a una mostra de la població.Tot aquest estudi, serveix per arribar a la conclusió que introduir el comerç electrònic dins del seu funcionament és rentable per a les empreses i beneficiós pels consumidors, ja que els ofereix la possibilitat d’adquirir els productes en un mercat més ampli, transparent i competitiu.
The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor plays a central role in inflammation, cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Moreover, macrophage migration inhibitory factor levels correlate with tumor aggressiveness and metastatic potential. Histone deacetylase inhibitors are potent antitumor agents recently introduced in the clinic. Therefore, we hypothesized that macrophage migration inhibitory factor would represent a target of histone deacetylase inhibitors. Confirming our hypothesis, we report that histone deacetylase inhibitors of various chemical classes strongly inhibited macrophage migration inhibitory factor expression in a broad range of cell lines, in primary cells and in vivo. Nuclear run on, transient transfection with macrophage migration inhibitory factor promoter reporter constructs and transduction with macrophage migration inhibitory factor expressing adenovirus demonstrated that trichostatin A (a prototypical histone deacetylase inhibitor) inhibited endogenous, but not episomal, MIF gene transcription. Interestingly, trichostatin A induced a local and specific deacetylation of macrophage migration inhibitory factor promoter-associated H3 and H4 histones which did not affect chromatin accessibility but was associated with an impaired recruitment of RNA polymerase II and Sp1 and CREB transcription factors required for basal MIF gene transcription. Altogether, this study describes a new molecular mechanism by which histone deacetylase inhibitors inhibit MIF gene expression, and suggests that macrophage migration inhibitory factor inhibition by histone deacetylase inhibitors may contribute to the antitumorigenic effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors.
Newborns are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections due to qualitative and quantitative deficiencies of the neonatal innate immune system. However, the mechanisms underlying these deficiencies are poorly understood. Given that fetuses are exposed to high concentrations of estradiol and progesterone during gestation and at time of delivery, we analyzed the effects of these hormones on the response of neonatal innate immune cells to endotoxin, bacterial lipopeptide, and Escherichia coli and group B Streptococcus, the two most common causes of early-onset neonatal sepsis. Here we show that at concentrations present in umbilical cord blood, estradiol and progesterone are as powerful as hydrocortisone for inhibition of cytokine production by cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMCs) and newborn monocytes. Interestingly, CBMCs and newborn monocytes are more sensitive to the effects of estradiol and progesterone than adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocytes. This increased sensitivity is associated with higher expression levels of estrogen and membrane progesterone receptors but is independent of a downregulation of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), TLR4, and myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 in newborn cells. Estradiol and progesterone mediate their anti-inflammatory activity through inhibition of the NF-κB pathway but not the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in CBMCs. Altogether, these results suggest that elevated umbilical cord blood concentrations of estradiol and progesterone acting on mononuclear cells expressing high levels of steroid receptors contribute to impair innate immune responses in newborns. Therefore, intrauterine exposure to estradiol and progesterone may participate in increasing susceptibility to infection during the neonatal period.
Severe sepsis and septic shock are lethal complications of infection, characterised by dysregulated inflammatory and immune responses. Our understanding of the pathogenesis of sepsis has improved markedly in recent years, but unfortunately has not been translated into efficient treatment strategies. Epigenetic mechanisms such as covalent modification of histones by acetylation are master regulators of gene expression under physiological and pathological conditions, and strongly impact on inflammatory and host defence responses. Histone acetylation is controlled by histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases (HDACs), which affect gene expression also by targeting non-histone transcriptional regulators. Numerous HDAC inhibitors (HDACi) are being tested in clinical trials, primarily for the treatment of cancer. We performed the first comprehensive study of the impact of HDACi on innate immune responses in vitro and in vivo. We showed that HDACi act essentially as negative regulators of the expression of critical immune receptors and antimicrobial pathways in innate immune cells. In agreement, HDACi impaired phagocytosis and killing of bacteria by macrophages, and increased susceptibility to non-severe bacterial and fungal infections. Strikingly, proof-of-principle studies demonstrated that HDACi protect from lethal toxic shock and septic shock. Overall, our observations argue for a close monitoring of the immunological and infection status of patients treated with HDACi, especially immunocompromised cancer patients. They also support the concept of pharmacological inhibitors of HDACs as promising drugs to treat inflammatory diseases, including sepsis.
Summary The proinflammatory cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has emerged as a central mediator of inflammation and innate immune defense against infections. MIF has been shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases like sepsis, tuberculosis and autoimmune inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and asthma. Two functional polymorphisms of the MIF gene promoter, a five to eight CATT repeat microsatellite at position -794 and a G/C SNP at position -173, have been associated with increased susceptibility to or severity of autoimmune inflammatory diseases like arthritis, colitis and atopy. The aim of this thesis was to define whether, and if so by which mechanisms, MIF gene polymorphisms influence the susceptibility to or the outcome of one of the most severe and one of the most prevalent infectious diseases: meningococcal sepsis and tuberculosis, respectively. The results of the comparison between 1106 patients suffering from severe meningococcal infections and 434 healthy volunteers showed that carriers of the CATT5-5 genotype were protected from meningococcemia. A transmission disequilibrium test involving 106 families confirmed this association. At baseline and after stimulation with Neisseria meningitidis, the CATT5 MIF promoter drove lower transcriptional activity than the CATT6 or CATT7 alleles in human monocytic cells and whole blood of CATT5-5 healthy individuals tended to produce less MIF than whole blood of CATT6-6 individuals. Beyond, we describe several new MIF gene polymorphisms in Africans. Genotyping the CATT microsatellite and the -173*G/C SNP revealed great genetic diversity in six African ethnic groups. Comparing 471 African tuberculosis cases and 932 matched healthy controls, we observed ethnicity dependent associations of the -173*G/C and the CATT5-8 with susceptibility to or severity of tuberculosis, but confirmation in larger cohorts ìs needed. In conclusion, we report that homozygous carriage of a low expression allele of the MIF gene protects from meningococcal disease. These results support the concept that analyses of MIF genotypes in patients with sepsis may help to classify patients into risk categories and to identify those patients who may benefit from anti-MIF therapeutic strategies.
In heart transplantation (HTx), acute antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is infrequent but carries high mortality and increased risk of graft vasculopathy. The diagnosis requires evidence of acute graft dysfunction, capillary lesions on endomyocardial biopsy (EMB), and immunopathological criteria of antibodymediated injury. Multiple markers of antibody-mediated injuries have been proposed, but there is ample debate on their usefulness. In kidney transplantation, C4d deposition in peritubular capillaries is a reliable marker of alloantibody-dependant graft injury. In this study, we prospectively screened all EMBs for C4d and CD68 in new HTx recipients, and correlated pathological fi ndings with immunological evidence of donor-specifi c antibodies (DSA) and graft dysfunction. Methods Between Nov 05 and Aug 08, we had 22 HTx, and 17 cases were analysed. All recipients received polyclonal rabbit anti-thymocytes globulin, calcineurin inhibitors, mycophenolate mofetil, and corticosteroids (weaning in 6 -12 months). They had EMB every 1-2 weeks in the fi rst 3 months, and then monthly for 9 months. C4d and CD 68 were assessed by immunochemistry. Echocardiography and DSA assessment or crossmatch (early phase) were realised if C4d or CD68 staining was positive. Results There was 1 early and 1 late AMR. Table 1 C4d and CD68 positive, at least 1 EMB 6 / 17; 35% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, at least 2 consecutive EMBs 3 / 17; 17.5% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, and graft dysfunction 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, with DSA and crossmatch + 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated Table 2 C4d and CD68 positive, at least 1 EMB 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, at least 2 consecutive EMBs 1 /17; 6% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive and graft dysfunction 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, and + DSA 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated Conclusion In this single-center experience, C4d / CD68 positive staining was frequent in the early phase and raised the question of false positive cases of AMR. However, these markers showed high specifi city for the diagnosis of AMR in the late phase. Of course these data need to be confi rmed in larger multi-center studies.
Aquest projecte es centra en una empresa d’ Ucraïna que elabora formatge. L’empresa pretén automatitzar la seva sala d’elaboració de formatges per tal que els seus productes es realitzin de forma automàtica reduint considerablement el contacte de l’home amb el producte. L’objectiu principal d’ aquesta automatització és el d’entrar en el mercat rus per tal d’augmentar les vendes. Al mateix temps es pretén incrementar la qualitat del producte, reduir costos en ma d’obra d’operació i millorar la flexibilitat del procés per adaptar-se així millor a futurs canvis que li plantegi el mercat
Objective: Fetuses are exposed to high concentrations of estradiol due to placental production. Experimental data suggest that estradiol is an important modulator of the immune response. However, the role of estradiol in the pathogenesis of early-onset neonatal sepsis (EOS) is unknown. The purpose of this pilot study was to determine estradiol levels in umbilical venous blood of newborns with EOS or chorioamnionitis exposure. Methods: Estradiol concentrations were measured by enzyme immunoassay in 37 newborns with EOS, 37 newborns with chorioamnionitis and 37 controls matched for gestational age and gender. Results: Estradiol levels correlated with gestational age, birth weight, gender and mode of delivery (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis revealed higher estradiol levels in the EOS than in the chorioamnionitis group (odds ratio 8.43, 95% CI 1.63-43.45, p = 0.01) with the highest levels in patients with proven bacteraemia (p = 0.02). No difference was found between the EOS and the control group. Exploratory analysis showed an association between lower estradiol levels and a longer duration of mechanical ventilation (n = 28, p = 0.02). Conclusions: Umbilical venous estradiol levels were similar in EOS compared to controls. Further investigation is needed to evaluate whether high estradiol levels in infants with chorioamnionitis increases the risk of developing EOS.