989 resultados para Resistance mutation


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枯草芽孢杆菌BJ1是一种在真菌病害防治中发挥重要作用的生防因子,为进一步提高它的抑菌能力,获得生防效果更好的高效菌种,利用不同能量和剂量的12C6+对生防菌BJ1进行了离子辐照处理。研究结果表明:离子辐照生防菌BJ1的最适宜剂量为200~400 Gy,传能线密度(LET)为60 keV/μm;突变菌株的抑菌能力比BJ1提高了2%~21%;不仅防病效果比BJ1提高了17.48%,而且对植物具有更好的促生长作用。


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目的: 利用重离子辐照技术选育出对农作物具有更好防病促生作用的突变生防菌株,探讨利用突变株诱导黄瓜对枯萎病菌产生抗病性的作用机制。 材料与方法: 采用兰州重离子研究装置(HIRFL)加速的碳离子束辐照生防菌BJ1,测定抑菌能力、抑菌谱,确定对该菌株最适宜的离子辐照参数,选育突变菌株。对突变株进行室内盆栽和田间防病促生试验。对原菌株和突变株进行16SrDNA和生理生化反应鉴定,确定分类地位。以突变株为对象进行诱导黄瓜对枯萎病菌产生抗病性的实验。 结果与结论: 1.重离子辐照生防菌BJ1的存活曲线随剂量的增加,呈先降后升再降的马鞍型变化,但是由于离子的能量不同也存在差异,表现为在相同的剂量下,能量越低其能量沉积效应即传能线密度(LET)越大,致死率越高。诱变效果随LET的不同也不尽相同,高LET时的突变株不但有更广的抑菌谱而且抑菌活性较对照也有比较大的提高,在存活率较高的条件下,低剂量就可以得到较多的突变体,有利于筛选优良的正突变体; 2.对于生防菌BJ1最适宜的12C6+辐照参数应选择剂量在200-400Gy,LET为60keV/m范围可筛选获得抑菌活性较高的菌株; 3.通过12C辐照结合抑菌试验最终获得了突变菌株154,该突变株通过20代的移植能够稳定遗传; 4.利用突变株154对黄瓜枯萎病菌进行室内盆栽促生试验,结果表明突变株154能够使促进黄瓜幼苗的生长发育,同时提高了黄瓜植株的抗病性,在对黄瓜枯萎病的防治效果上经154处理的达到了70.34%,高于原菌株和农药防治的效果; 5.传统的生理生化特征结合16SrDNA同源性比对的方法,对菌株BJ1及其突变株154的鉴定结果表明二者均属枯草芽孢杆菌,亲缘关系近,但是突变株154生化测定不同于原菌株,表现为抗菌物质的产量较高; 6.BJ1、154都可在番茄、当归和黄芪的根部有效的定殖,适应根部的生长环境, 并且154的定殖能力稍强; 7.BJ1、154防治当归麻口病效果较好,防治效果最好的是154的20倍液浸苗,防效为82.6%;BJ1的20倍液浸苗与154的10倍液浸苗对麻口病防治效果差别不大,防效分别为78.3%、75.62%;其余处理防效低于62%。 8.BJ1和154处理黄瓜幼苗后,植物体内一系列与抗病性有关的保护酶的活性均有不同程度的提高,因而可认为这些酶活性的改变与生防菌诱导的黄瓜对枯萎病的抗性可能有一定的相关性


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Several methods of mutation detection, such as single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), tandem SSCP/heteroduplex analysis and SNaPshot analysis were developed using homemade kit on ABI 310 genetic analyzer, and were successfully applied to mutation detection of 31 colorectal tumor samples. The sieving capability of homemade kit and commercial kit were compared, results demonstrate that homemade kit has higher resolution and shorter analysis time. In clinical tumor samples, 26% K-ras (exon 1) and 24% p53 (exons 7-8) were found to have mutations, and all mutations were single point variations. A majority of mutations occurred in one gene, only 1 tumor contained alterations in the two genes, which indicates that development of colorectal cancer lies on alternate pathways, and may correlate with different gene mutations.


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Mutation of hMLH1 gene plays an important role in human tumorigenesis. A highly sensitive single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) method for detection of the T1151A mutation in exon 12 of the hMLH1 gene was for the first time developed employing laser-induced fluorescence capillary electrophoresis (LIF-CE). Effects of the concentration of linear polyacrylamide solution, running temperature, running voltage and the addition of glycerol on SSCP analysis were investigated, and the optimum separation conditions were defined. Thirty colorectal cancer patients and eight lung cancer patients were screened and the T1151A mutation was found in four of them. Based on CE-sequencing the mutation was further confirmed. To our knowledge, this is for the first time that the T1151A mutation is found in lung cancer. Our method is simple, rapid, and highly sensitive and is well suited to the analysis of large numbers of clinical samples.


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It has become clear that the last 15-20 years that the immediate effect of a wide range of environmental stresses,and of infection,on vascular plants is to increase the information of reactive oxygen species(ROS) and to impose oxidative stress on the cells.Since 1994,sufficient examples similar responses in a broad range of marine macroalgae have been decribed to show that reactive oxygen metabolism also underlies the mechanisms by which seaweeds respond(and become resistant) to stress and infection.Desiccation,freezing,low temperatures,high light,ultraviolet radiation,and heavy metals all tend to result in a gradual and continued buildup of ROS because photosynthesis is inhibited and excess energy results in the formation of singlet oxygen.The response to other stresses (infection or oligosaccharides which signal that infection is occurring,mechanical stress,hyperosmotic shock) is quite different-a more rapid and intence,but short-lived production of ROS ,discribed as an "oxidative burst"-which is attributed to activation of NADPHoxidases in the plasma membrane.Seaweed species that are able to survive such stresses or resist infection have the capacity to remove the ROS through a high cellular content of antioxidant compounds,or a high activity of antioxidant enzymes.


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Mass transfer resistance in the production of high impact polypropylene (hiPP) produced by a two-stage slurry/gas polymerization was investigated by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. It is found that the formation of ethylene-propylene copolymer (EPR) phases in polypropylene (iPP) particle produced in the first stage slurry polymerization exhibits a developing process from exterior to interior


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Negative differential resistance (NDR) and memory phenomenon have been realized in current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of indium tin oxide/tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum/aluminum devices. The I-V curves have been divided into three operational regions that are associated with different working regimes of the devices: (i) bistable region, (ii) NDR region, and (iii) monotonic region. The bistable region disappeared after a couple of voltage sweeps from zero to a positive voltage. The bistable nature can be reinstated by applying a suitable negative voltage.


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Oxide ceramics with high sintering-resistance above 1473 K have very important applications in thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), catalytic combustion and high-temperature structural materials. Lanthanum zirconate (La2Zr2O7, LZ) is an attractive TBC material which has higher sintering-resistance than yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ), and this property could be further improved by the proper addition of ceria.


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Lanthanide hexaaluminates including LaMgAl11O19, NdMgAl11O19, SmMgAl11O19 and GdMgAl11O19 were synthesized via Sol-Gel method. Due to the anisotropic crystal growth, these oxides crystallize in the form of platelets and the platelet thickness increases with the decrease of rare-earth ionic radius. It was observed that the thermal-shock resistances of LaMgAl11O19, NdMgAl11O19 and SmMgAl11O19 oxides were superior to 8YSZ as proved by water quenching tests. In addition, the thinner the platelet. the more interstices are retained in the sintered specimen, and the better thermal-shock resistance the oxide has. Based on SEM images, it can be seen that the SmMgAl11O19 sample exhibits a mixture of the intergranular and transgranular fracture after thermal cycling failure.


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Plasma-sprayed 8YSZ (zirconia stabilized with 8 wt% yttria)/NiCoCrAlYTa thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were laser-glazed using a continuous-wave CO2 laser. Open pores within the coating surface were eliminated and an external densified layer was generated by laser-glazing. The hot corrosion resistances of the plasma-sprayed and laser-glazed coatings were investigated. The two specimens were exposed for the same period of 100 h at 900 degrees C to a salt mixture of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). Serious crack and spallation occurred in the as-sprayed coating, while the as-glazed coating exhibited good hot corrosion behavior and consequently achieved a prolonged lifetime. The results showed that the as-sprayed 8YSZ coating achieved remarkably improved hot corrosion resistance by laser-glazing.


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We have observed, respectively, a negative differential resistance (NDR) and switching conduction in current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of organic diodes based on copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) film sandwiched between indium-tin-oxide (ITO) and aluminum (Al) by controlling the evaporation rate. The NDR effect is repeatable which can be well, controlled by sweep rate and start voltage, and the switching exhibits write-once-read-many-times (WORM) memory characteristics. The traps in the organic layer and interfacial dipole have been used to explain the NDR effect and switching conduction. This opens up potential applications for CuPc organic semiconductor in low power memory and logic circuits.