972 resultados para Post operative pain


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the bond strength between fiber post and laser-treated root canals. Forty single-rooted bovine teeth were endodontically treated and randomly divided into four groups of equal size according to the root canal treatment: group 1 conventional treatment (without laser irradiation); group 2 Nd:YAG laser (1.5 W, 10 Hz, 100 mJ); group 3 Er,Cr:YSGG laser (0.75 W, 20 Hz); and group 4 Nd:YAG + Er,Cr:YSGG lasers. The fiber posts were cemented with an adhesive system + resin cement, in accordance with the manufacturer`s instructions. A mini acrylic pipe was fixed on the coronal section of the post using a light-polymerized resin. Specimens were mounted on an acrylic pipe with a self-polymerized resin. Retention forces were determined using a universal testing machine (0.5 mm/min). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (p < 0.05). The post retention force in group 2 was found to be lower than that in the other experimental groups. Fractures were observed at the interface between the dentin and the resin in all groups. High-intensity lasers can be used in conventional endodontic treatment; however, root canal surface irradiation using the Nd:YAG laser was shown to negatively affect the post retention force.


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Introduction: The aim of the present study was to test the accuracy of small-volume cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanning in the detection of horizontal root fractures and to assess the influence of a metallic post. Methods: Forty teeth were divided into four groups based on the presence of metallic posts and horizontal root fracture. The teeth were examined by small-volume CBCT scanning at 0.2-mm voxel resolution. Three observers analyzed the samples for the presence of a horizontal root fracture. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Results: High values for accuracy (73%-88%) were obtained in the groups without a metallic post, and statistically significant differences were found when the group with a metallic post has been observed (55%-70%). Intraobserver agreement also showed statistically significant differences in the groups with a metallic post. Conclusions: Small-volume CBCT scanning showed high accuracy in detecting horizontal root fracture without a metallic post. However, the presence of a metallic post significantly reduced the specificity and sensitivity of this examination. (J Endod 2011;37:1456-1459)


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Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of bond strength tests to accurately measure the bond strength of fiber posts luted into root canals Materials and Methods The test methods studied were hourglass microtensile (HM), push-out (PS), modified push out (MP) and pull out (PL) The evaluated parameters were bond strength values, reliability (using Weibull analysis), failure mode (using confocal microscopy), and stress distribution (using finite element analysis) Forty human intact single rooted and endodontically treated teeth were divided into four groups Each group was assigned one of the test methods The samples in the HM and PS groups were 1 0 +/- 0 1 mm thick, the HM samples were hourglass shaped and the PS samples were disk shaped For the PL and MP groups, each 1 mm dentin slice was luted with a fiber post piece Three dimensional models of each group were made and stress was analyzed based on Von Mises criteria Results PL provided the highest values of bond strength followed by MP both of which also had greater amounts of adhesive failures PS showed the highest frequency of cohesive failures MP showed a more homogeneous stress distribution and a higher Weibull modulus Conclusion The specimen design directly influences the biomechanical behavior of bond strength tests


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of stress and anxiety on the pressure pain threshold (PPT) of masticatory muscles and on the subjective pain report. Forty-five women, students, with mean age of 19.75 years, were divided into two groups: group 1:29 presenting with masticatory myofascial pain (MFP), according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders and group 2: 16 asymptomatic controls. An electronic algometer registered the pain thresholds on four different occasions throughout the academic year. To measure levels of stress, anxiety and pain, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were used. Three-way anova and Tukey`s tests were used to verify differences in PPT between groups, times and sites. Levels of anxiety and VAS were compared using Mann-Whitney test, while Friedman`s test was used for the within-groups comparison at different times (T1 to T4). The chi-squared and Cochran tests were performed to compare groups for the proportion of subjects with stress (alpha = 0.05). Differences in PPT recordings between time (P = 0.001) and sites (P < 0.001) were detected. Higher levels of anxiety and lower PPT figures were detected at T2 (academic examination) (P = 0.001). There was no difference between groups for anxiety and stress at any time (P > 0.05). The MFP group also has shown significant increase of VAS at the time of academic examination (P < 0.001). External stressors such as academic examinations have a potential impact on masticatory muscle tenderness, regardless of the presence of a previous condition such as masticatory myofascial pain.


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This study evaluated the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber posts and varying quantities of coronal dentin. Sixty freshly extracted upper canines were randomly divided into groups of 10 teeth each. The specimens were exposed to 250,000 cycles in a controlled chewing simulator. All intact specimens were subjected to a static load (N) in a universal testing machine at 45 degrees to the long axis. Data were analyzed by 1-way analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = .05). Significant differences (P < .001) were found among the mean fracture forces of the test groups (positive control, 0 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and negative control groups: 1022.82 N, 1008.22 N, 1292.52 N, 1289.19 N, 1255.38 N, and 1582.11, respectively). These results suggested that the amount of coronal dentin did not significantly increase the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber post and composite resin core. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e52-e57)


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Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the menstrual cycle and oral contraceptive (OC) intake on the pressure pain threshold (PPT) of masticatory muscles in patients with masticatory myofascial pain (MFP). Study design. The sample was composed of 36 women, divided into 4 groups, according to the presence of MFP and the intake of OC (15 patients had MFP [7 taking OC] and 21 were pain-free controls [8 taking OC]). The algometer-based PPT of masseter and temporalis, and the record of subjective pain by visual analog scale (VAS) were determined during 2 consecutives menstrual cycles at 4 phases (menstrual, follicular, periovulatory, and luteal). A 3-way ANOVA for repeated measurements, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman, and Dunn tests, with a 5% significant level analyzed the data. Results. PPT was significantly lower in MFP patients when compared with controls throughout the experiment (P < .001). The menstrual phases did not influence PPT (P > .05), while the intake of OC seems to raise PPT levels for the left temporalis (P = .01) and right masseter (P = .04). VAS was, in general, higher at the menstrual phase Conclusions. Different phases of the menstrual cycle have no influence on PPT values, regardless of the presence of a previous condition, as masticatory myofascial pain, while the intake of OC is associated with decreased levels of reported pain.


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Objectives. To evaluate the diagnostic value of intraoral palpation at the lateral pterygoid (LP) area as part of the physical examination to detect myofascial pain, according to modified research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders. Study design. Fouty-four women composed the myofascial pain group, and 33 symptom-free age-matched were the control group. One examiner calibrated and blinded to group distribution performed 2 intraoral bilateral palpations of the lateral pterygoid. Results. The LP area palpation showed sensitivity and specificity values of 79.55% and 77.27%, respectively, and positive and negative likelihood ratios of 3.50 and 0.26, respectively. Conclusions. Palpation at the LP area did not reach acceptable values of specificity, and care must be taken when judging positive response to this procedure.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of storage condition and duration on the resistance to fracture of different fiber post systems (and to morphologically assess the post structure before and after storage. Methods: Three types of fiber posts (DT Light Post, GC Post, FRC Postect Plus) were divided in different groups (n=12) according to the storage condition (dry at 37 degrees C; saline water at 37 degrees C; mineral oil at 37 degrees C and storage inside the roots of extracted human teeth immersed in saline water at 37 degrees C and duration (6, 12 months). A universal testing machine loading at a 90 degrees angle was employed for the three-point bending test. The test was carried out until fracture of the post. A 3-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha= 0.05) were used to compare the effect of the experimental factors on the fracture strength. Two posts of each group were observed before and after the storage using a scanning electron microscope. Results: Storage condition and post type had a significant effect on post fracture strength (P< 0.05). The interaction between these factors was significant (P< 0.05). Water storage significantly decreased the fracture strength, regardless of the post type and the storage duration. Storage inside roots, in oil, and at dry conditions did not significantly affect post fracture strength. SEM micrographs revealed voids between fibers and resin matrix for posts stored in water. Posts stored under the other conditions showed a compact matrix without porosities. (Am J Dent 2009;22:366-370).


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Purpose: To evaluate the cement thickness around oval and circular posts luted in oval post spaces prepared with different drills/tips. Methods: Extracted premolars were endodontically treated and obturated, then randomly divided into three groups (n = 5) according to the tips/drills used for post-space preparation and to the type of fiber post luted: medium grit oval tip + oval posts, fine grit oval tip + oval posts, Mtwo Post File drill + circular posts. The specimens were sectioned in horizontal slices; one slice per canal third was chosen for each post-space, resulting in three slices for each specimen. The distances between the canal wall and the post perimeter were measured on SEM images of each slice. Results: The fine grit tip + oval post group obtained statistically significant lower cement thicknesses than the other groups (P < 0.05), in particular in the apical third. The MtwoPF + circular post group showed the highest cement thickness, comparable to that of the medium tip + oval post group. A good post fitting in oval-shaped canals can be obtained using a fine grit oval tip combined with oval posts. (Am J Dent 2009;22:290-294).


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In this study, 53 patients received piroxicam, administered orally or sublingually, after undergoing removal of symmetrically positioned lower third molars, during two separate appointments. This study used a randomized, blind, cross-over protocol. Objective and subjective parameters were recorded for comparison of postoperative results for 7 days after surgery. Patients treated with oral or sublingual piroxicam reported low postoperative pain scores. The patients who received piroxicam orally took a similar average amount of analgesic rescue medication compared with patients who received piroxicam sublingually (p > 0.05). Patients exhibited similar values for mouth opening measured just before surgery and immediately following suture removal 7 days later (p > 0.05), and showed no significant differences between routes of piroxicam administration for swelling control during the second or seventh postoperative days (p > 0.05). In summary, pain, trismus and swelling after lower third molar extraction, independent of surgical difficulty, could be controlled by piroxicam 20 mg administered orally or sublingually and no significant differences were observed between the route of delivery used in this study.


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This study evaluates the effect on post space debridement in oval-shaped canals of an experimental ultrasonic tip with oval section (Satelec) compared with a circular ultrasonic tip (KaVo). Thirty teeth with an oval-shaped canal were endodontically treated and obturated and then randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the procedure used for post space debridement: Satelec tip, Largo #2 drill + KaVo file, and Largo #2 drill + water. Debris and dentin tubules were evaluated by assigning scores to scanning electron microscope post spaces images; lower scores corresponded to fewer debris and higher number of open tubules. The Satelec group showed significantly lower debris and open tubules scores than KaVo group (p < .05) and control group (p < .05), which differed significantly between each other (p < .05). Also the debris and open tubules scores in different post space regions differed significantly among the experimental groups (p < .001). The oval ultrasonic tip resulted in a better post space debridement than a circular ultrasonic tip in oval-shaped canals.


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Purpose: To evaluate the influence of surface treatments on microtensile bond strength of luting resin cements to fiber posts. Materials and Methods: Forty-two quartz fiber posts (Light Post, RTD) were divided into 7 groups (n = 6) according to the surface treatment. I and 11: experimental patented industrial treatment consisting of zirconium oxide coating and silanization (RTD); III: industrial treatment followed by adhesive application (XPBond, Dentsply Caulk); IV: adhesive (XPBond); V: adhesive (Prime&Bond NT, Dentsply Caulk); VI: silane (Calibra Silane, Dentsply Caulk); VII: no treatment. Adhesives were used in the self-curing mode. Two cements (Sealbond, RTD - group 1, and Calibra, Dentsply Caulk - groups 11 to VII) were applied on the posts to produce cylindrical specimens. Post/cement interfaces were evaluated under SEM. The surface of the industrially coated posts was examined using energy dispersive analysis by x-ray. Cylinders were cut to obtain microtensile sticks that were loaded in tension at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until failure. Statistical analysis was performed using Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance followed by Dunn`s multiple range test for post-hoc comparisons (p < 0.05). Weibull analysis was also performed. Results: The post/cement bond strength was significantly higher on fiber posts treated industrially (I: 23.14 +/- 8.05 MPa; II: 21.56 +/- 7.07 MPa; III: 22.37 +/- 7.00 MPa) or treated with XPBond adhesive (IV: 21.03 +/- 5.34 MPa) when compared to Prime&Bond NT application (V: 14.05 +/- 5.06 MPa), silanization (VI: 6.31 +/- 4.60 MPa) or no treatment (VII: 4.62 +/- 4.31) of conventional fiber posts (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The experimental industrial surface treatment and the adhesive application enhanced fiber post to resin cement interfacial strength. Industrial pretreatment may simplify the clinical luting procedure.