953 resultados para Ports -- Indonésie


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The text analyses the intelligence activity against Poland in the period 1944-1989. The paper also contains a case study, i.e. an analysis of the American intelligence service activity held against Poland. While examining the research thesis, the author used the documents and analyses prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In order to best illustrate the point, the author presented a number of cases of persons who spied for the USA, which was possible thanks to the analysis of the training materials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directed to the officers of the Security Service and the Citizens’ Militia. The text tackles the following issues: (1) to what extent did the character of the socio-political system influence the number of persons convicted for espionage against Poland in the period under examination?, (2) what was the level of interest of the foreign intelligence services in Poland before the year 1990?, (3) is it possible to indicate the specificity of the U.S. intelligence activity against Poland? 1) The analysis of data indicates that the period 1946-1956 witnessed a great number of convictions for espionage, which is often associated with the peculiar political situation in Poland of that time. Up to 1953, the countries of the Eastern bloc had reproduced the Stalin’s system, which only ceased due to the death of Stalin himself. Since then, the communist systems gradually transformed into the system of nomenklatura. Irrespective of these changes, Poland still witnessed a wave of repressions, which resulted from the threats continuously looming over the communist authorities – combating the anti-communist underground movement, fighting with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the Polish government-in-exile, possible revisionism of borders, social discontent related to the socio-political reforms. Hence, a great number of convictions for espionage at that time could be ascribed to purely political sentences. Moreover, equally significant was the fact that the then judicial practice was preoccupied assessing negatively any contacts and relations with foreigners. This excessive number of convictions could ensue from other criminal-law provisions, which applied with respect to the crimes against the State, including espionage. What is also important is the fact that in the Stalin’s period the judiciary personnel acquired their skills and qualifications through intensive courses in law with the predominant spirit of the theory of evidence and law by Andrey Vyshinsky. Additionally, by the decree of 1944 the Penal Code of the Polish Armed Forces was introduced; the code envisaged the increase in the number of offences classified as penalised with death penalty, whereas the high treason was subject to the military jurisdiction (the civilians were prosecuted in military courts till 1955; the espionage, however, still stood under the military jurisdiction). In 1946, there was introduced the Decree on particularly dangerous crimes in the period of the State’s recovery, which was later called a Small Penal Code. 2) The interest that foreign intelligence services expressed in relation to Poland was similar to the one they had in all countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In the case of Poland, it should be noted that foreign intelligence services recruited Polish citizens who had previously stayed abroad and after WWII returned to their home country. The services also gathered information from Poles staying in immigrant camps (e.g. in FRG). The activity of the American intelligence service on the territory of FRG and West Berlin played a key role. The documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs pointed to the global range of this activity, e.g. through the recruitment of Polish sailors in the ports of the Netherlands, Japan, etc. In line with the development in the 1970s, espionage, which had so far concentrated on the defence and strategic sectors, became focused on science and technology of the People’s Republic of Poland. The acquisition of collaborators in academic circles was much easier, as PRL opened to academic exchange. Due to the system of visas, the process of candidate selection for intelligence services (e.g. the American) began in embassies. In the 1980s, the activity of the foreign intelligence services concentrated on the specific political situation in Poland, i.e. the growing significance of the “Solidarity” social movement. 3) The specificity of the American intelligence activity against Poland was related to the composition of the residency staff, which was the largest in comparison to other Western countries. The wide range of these activities can be proved by the quantitative data of convictions for espionage in the years 1944-1984 (however, one has to bear in mind the factors mentioned earlier in the text, which led to the misinterpretation of these data). Analysing the data and the documents prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one should treat them with caution, as, frequently, the Polish counter-intelligence service used to classify the ordinary diplomatic practice and any contacts with foreigners as espionage threats. It is clearly visible in the language of the training materials concerned with “secret service methods of the intelligence activity” as well as in the documents on operational activities of the Security Service in relation to foreigners. The level of interest the USA had in Poland was mirrored in the classification of diplomatic posts, according to which Warsaw occupied the second place (the so-called Group “B”) on the three-point scale. The CIA experienced spectacular defeats during their activity in Poland: supporting the Polish underground anti-communist organisation Freedom and Independence and the so-called Munich-Berg episode (both cases took place in the 1950s). The text focuses only on selected issues related to the espionage activities against Poland. Similarly, the analysis of the problem has been based on selected sources, which has limited the research scope - however, it was not the aim of the author to present the espionage activity against Poland in a comprehensive way. In order to assess the real threat posed by the espionage activity, one should analyse the case of persons convicted for espionage in the period 1944-1989, as the available quantitative data, mentioned in the text, cannot constitute an explicit benchmark for the scale of espionage activity. The inaccuracies in the interpretation of data and variables, which can affect the evaluation of this phenomenon, have been pointed out in the text.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2015.


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Este trabalho tem como objeto principal de estudo o Porto de Sines, principal porto nacional e em contínuo crescimento, tanto a nível económico como estrutural. O Porto de Sines tem reunidas em si, um conjunto de grandes condições, que fazem dele o porto que é hoje. Muitas dessas condições melhores que as de alguns dos portos que concorrem diretamente com ele, facto que levou o autor a realizar este estudo. O presente trabalho aborda diversas áreas de estudo. Em primeiro lugar, faz uma abordagem teórica, para contextualização do caso a estudar. Incidindo sob as características do porto e as suas estratégias, ou temas que estão ligados direta ou indiretamente com o porto, como a questão da bitola europeia. Por ultimo, este trabalho tem como objetivo encontrar uma estratégia que possa ser utilizada como guia, pelas as administrações portuárias, empresas ou outras entidades interessadas.


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The efficiency of current cargo screening processes at sea and air ports is largely unknown as few benchmarks exists against which they could be measured. Some manufacturers provide benchmarks for individual sensors but we found no benchmarks that take a holistic view of the overall screening procedures and no benchmarks that take operator variability into account. Just adding up resources and manpower used is not an effective way for assessing systems where human decision-making and operator compliance to rules play a vital role. Our aim is to develop a decision support tool (cargo-screening system simulator) that will map the right technology and manpower to the right commodity-threat combination in order to maximise detection rates. In this paper we present our ideas for developing such a system and highlight the research challenges we have identified. Then we introduce our first case study and report on the progress we have made so far.


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The efficiency of current cargo screening processes at sea and air ports is unknown as no benchmarks exists against which they could be measured. Some manufacturer benchmarks exist for individual sensors but we have not found any benchmarks that take a holistic view of the screening procedures assessing a combination of sensors and also taking operator variability into account. Just adding up resources and manpower used is not an effective way for assessing systems where human decision-making and operator compliance to rules play a vital role. For such systems more advanced assessment methods need to be used, taking into account that the cargo screening process is of a dynamic and stochastic nature. Our project aim is to develop a decision support tool (cargo-screening system simulator) that will map the right technology and manpower to the right commodity-threat combination in order to maximize detection rates. In this paper we present a project outline and highlight the research challenges we have identified so far. In addition we introduce our first case study, where we investigate the cargo screening process at the ferry port in Calais.


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This research delves into analyzing the seasonality of cruise tourism in the Mediterranean by using the decomposition of the Gini index, used in the field of cruise tourism for the first time in literature. This study specifically used the decomposition to evaluate the contribution degree of each port to the global seasonal concentration of each Mediterranean region. Moreover, a cluster analysis technique (bootstrapped bagged clustering) was applied to classify the ports into homogeneous groups according to their seasonal patterns given the significant heterogeneity revealed in the major regions of the Mediterranean. The methodology applied can serve as a control and monitoring tool for measuring seasonal concentration levels in cruise tourism, allowing for policies against seasonality to be tailored in the cruise tourism segment.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Portugal tem uma das maiores Zonas Económicas Exclusivas a nível mundial, encerrando este espaço marítimo uma riqueza que ainda não se encontra devidamente aferida, mas que se julga ser enorme. Por ela passam anualmente milhares de navios, com os mais diversos destinos e transportando as mais variadas cargas. A posição geostratégica do país coloca-o no centro de algumas das mais movimentadas rotas marítimas, sendo por isso de extrema importância vigiar e monitorizar as águas portuguesas, por forma a garantir que as leis e regulamentos de direito internacional marítimo são cumpridos e que o interesse nacional é devidamente salvaguardado. Deste modo, a presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo os sistemas de vigilância e monitorização marítimos, pretendendo constituir-se como um contributo para a melhoria do atual sistema de vigilância e monitorização dos espaços marítimos sob soberania ou jurisdição portuguesa, focando-se, para tal, nos sistemas aéreos e espaciais para a deteção de meios de superfície. Para tal, numa primeira parte considera-se estudar o ambiente marítimo e as ameaças que o afetam. Na segunda parte estudam-se os atuais sistemas que contribuem para o conhecimento situacional marítimo em Portugal culminando na terceira parte com o estudo dos meios e sensores que permitem melhorar a cobertura do espaço marítimo, com o objetivo final de garantir a segurança no mar. Através do estudo realizado foi possível concluir-se que as aeronaves não tripuladas afiguram-se como o futuro mais imediato para o esclarecimento do panorama marítimo, sendo que os satélites surgem numa segunda linha, pois apesar dos seus custos mais elevados, poderão também dar um enorme contributo para o conhecimento situacional marítimo ao serem capazes de cobrir maiores áreas e mais rapidamente.


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Objetivo: Comparar la apendicectomía laparoscópica de puerto único con la de 3 puertos en pacientes con apendicitis aguda, de los hospitales “Vicente Corral Moscoso” y “José Carrasco Arteaga” durante el primer semestre del año 2013. Materiales y método: Estudio experimental que incluyó 170 pacientes de emergencia de los hospitales “Vicente Corral Moscoso” y “José Carrasco Arteaga”; al 50% se le realizó apendicectomía con puerto único (grupo 1) y al restante, se le realizó apendicectomía con 3 puertos (grupo 2). Resultados: De 18 a 25 años fue el grupo mayormente afectado, el sexo masculino predominó en ambos grupos. El tiempo quirúrgico de 61 a 120 minutos fue 61.2% en el grupo 1, el grupo 2 del 55.3%. Dolor posoperatorio leve se presentó en el grupo 1 en 63.5% y en el grupo 2, 41.2%, estancia hospitalaria de 13 a 24 horas en grupo 1 de 62.4%, en el grupo 2, de 25 a 36 horas en 47.1%. Los resultados del puerto único para menor tiempo quirúrgico encontramos un RR de 0,71 (IC –95% 0.4-1.2), RRR 0.29, RAR 0,07 y NNT 15; para intensidad del dolor (leve) RR de 1.54 (IC 95% 1.1-2), RRR -0.54, RAR -0.22 y NNT 5 y para menor estancia hospitalaria (menor a 12 horas) RR = 3.5 de 0.71 (IC 95% 0.75-12.3), RRR -2.5, RAR 0.06 y NNT 17. Conclusión: La apendicectomía laparoscópica con puerto único presenta beneficio únicamente en la intensidad de dolor, en comparación con el acceso de 3 puertos


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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La cinématographie-attraction a longtemps été considérée comme les débuts du cinéma, jusqu’à ce qu’une controverse, en 1978, marque une rupture historiographique et la considère comme un objet d’études à part entière, distinct du cinéma institutionnel. Nous l’analysons ici dans le contexte de Montréal, entre la présentation du Cinématographe Lumière en 1896 et l’entrée en fonction du Bureau de censure des vues animées de la province du Québec en 1913. Plus précisément, nous interrogeons son institutionnalisation à la lumière de la législation ; les représentants du gouvernement canadien donnent un statut juridique aux vues animées en modifiant et en votant des textes légaux. Cette étude définit le contexte cinématographique, historique et géographique. Elle aborde ensuite trois domaines de la cinématographie-attraction qui ne sont pas les mêmes que ceux du cinéma : la fabrication (le financement, le tournage et la modification des œuvres cinématographiques), l’exhibition (les séances de projections payantes d’images animées) et la réception (les jugements portés sur les vues animées). Nous montrons comment la cinématographie-attraction est d’abord contrôlée par de nombreuses personnes (celles qui financent, celles qui tournent les vues animées, les propriétaires de lieux d’amusements, le policier ou le pompier présent au cours des projections), puis par des institutions reconnues et les représentants du gouvernement. En nous appuyant sur la presse montréalaise, les discours officiels, les discours diocésains, les textes légaux, les catalogues publiés par les compagnies de fabrication et sur les vues animées, nous montrons quels sont les enjeux de l’institutionnalisation pour les différents groupes sociaux.


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Cotton is the most abundant natural fiber in the world. Many countries are involved in the growing, importation, exportation and production of this commodity. Paper documentation claiming geographic origin is the current method employed at U.S. ports for identifying cotton sources and enforcing tariffs. Because customs documentation can be easily falsified, it is necessary to develop a robust method for authenticating or refuting the source of the cotton commodities. This work presents, for the first time, a comprehensive approach to the chemical characterization of unprocessed cotton in order to provide an independent tool to establish geographic origin. Elemental and stable isotope ratio analysis of unprocessed cotton provides a means to increase the ability to distinguish cotton in addition to any physical and morphological examinations that could be, and are currently performed. Elemental analysis has been conducted using LA-ICP-MS, LA-ICP-OES and LIBS in order to offer a direct comparison of the analytical performance of each technique and determine the utility of each technique for this purpose. Multivariate predictive modeling approaches are used to determine the potential of elemental and stable isotopic information to aide in the geographic provenancing of unprocessed cotton of both domestic and foreign origin. These approaches assess the stability of the profiles to temporal and spatial variation to determine the feasibility of this application. This dissertation also evaluates plasma conditions and ablation processes so as to improve the quality of analytical measurements made using atomic emission spectroscopy techniques. These interactions, in LIBS particularly, are assessed to determine any potential simplification of the instrumental design and method development phases. This is accomplished through the analysis of several matrices representing different physical substrates to determine the potential of adopting universal LIBS parameters for 532 nm and 1064 nm LIBS for some important operating parameters. A novel approach to evaluate both ablation processes and plasma conditions using a single measurement was developed and utilized to determine the “useful ablation efficiency” for different materials. The work presented here demonstrates the potential for an a priori prediction of some probable laser parameters important in analytical LIBS measurement.


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Systems security is essential for the efficient operation of all organizations. Indeed, most large firms employ a designated ‘Chief Information Security Officer’ to coordinate the operational aspects of the organization’s information security. Part of this role is in planning investment responses to information security threats against the firm’s corporate network infrastructure. To this end, we develop and estimate a vector equation system of threats to 10 important IP services, using industry standard SANS data on threats to various components of a firm’s information system over the period January 2003 – February 2011. Our results reveal strong evidence of contagion between such attacks, with attacks on ssh and Secure Web Server indicating increased attack activity on other ports. Security managers who ignore such contagious inter-relationships may underestimate the underlying risk to their systems’ defence of security attributes, such as sensitivity and criticality, and thus delay appropriate information security investments.


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La cinématographie-attraction a longtemps été considérée comme les débuts du cinéma, jusqu’à ce qu’une controverse, en 1978, marque une rupture historiographique et la considère comme un objet d’études à part entière, distinct du cinéma institutionnel. Nous l’analysons ici dans le contexte de Montréal, entre la présentation du Cinématographe Lumière en 1896 et l’entrée en fonction du Bureau de censure des vues animées de la province du Québec en 1913. Plus précisément, nous interrogeons son institutionnalisation à la lumière de la législation ; les représentants du gouvernement canadien donnent un statut juridique aux vues animées en modifiant et en votant des textes légaux. Cette étude définit le contexte cinématographique, historique et géographique. Elle aborde ensuite trois domaines de la cinématographie-attraction qui ne sont pas les mêmes que ceux du cinéma : la fabrication (le financement, le tournage et la modification des œuvres cinématographiques), l’exhibition (les séances de projections payantes d’images animées) et la réception (les jugements portés sur les vues animées). Nous montrons comment la cinématographie-attraction est d’abord contrôlée par de nombreuses personnes (celles qui financent, celles qui tournent les vues animées, les propriétaires de lieux d’amusements, le policier ou le pompier présent au cours des projections), puis par des institutions reconnues et les représentants du gouvernement. En nous appuyant sur la presse montréalaise, les discours officiels, les discours diocésains, les textes légaux, les catalogues publiés par les compagnies de fabrication et sur les vues animées, nous montrons quels sont les enjeux de l’institutionnalisation pour les différents groupes sociaux.


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Objectifs: L’objectif principal de ce mémoire consiste à comprendre les caractéristiques des carrières criminelles d’individus connus de la police pour avoir perpétré une infraction de leurre d’enfants sur Internet. Aussi, par une analyse typologique à l’aide des antécédents criminels, il sera possible d’établir une typologie d’individus ayant leurré des enfants sur Internet. Également, il sera question de vérifier s’il y a un lien entre les caractéristiques des antécédents criminels de ces individus sur la perpétration de l’agression sexuelle hors ligne. Méthodologie: Provenant de données officielles de la communauté policière du Québec, l’échantillon comprend les parcours de criminels ayant perpétré une infraction de leurre d’enfants sur Internet. Des analyses descriptives en lien avec les différents paramètres de la carrière criminelle seront effectuées. Ensuite, des tests de moyenne et une analyse de régression Cox permettront de vérifier la présence ou non d’un lien statistique entre les caractéristiques des antécédents criminels des individus connus de la police pour leurre d’enfants sur Internet et le passage à l’acte physique. Résultats: Les analyses ont montré que la majorité des sujets n’avaient aucun antécédent judiciaire. Pour la plupart, le leurre d’enfants est le crime le plus grave perpétré au cours de leur carrière criminelle. Trois catégories d’individus ont été décelées : les amateurs, les spécialistes et les généralistes. Ce sont les individus polymorphes ayant une carrière criminelle plus grave et plus longue qui sont portés à agresser sexuellement avant le leurre. Cependant, ce sont des individus spécialisés ayant une importante proportion de délits sexuels dans leurs antécédents criminels qui ont plus de chance d’agresser sexuellement suite à l’exploitation sexuelle sur Internet.