917 resultados para Phonological representations
Prismatic adaptation has been shown to induce a realignment of visuoproprioceptive representations and to involve parietocerebellar networks. We have investigated in humans how far other types of functions known to involve the parietal cortex are influenced by a brief exposure to prismatic adaptation. Normal subjects underwent an fMRI evaluation before and after a brief session of prismatic adaptation using rightward deviating prisms for one group or after an equivalent session using plain glasses for the other group. Activation patterns to three tasks were analyzed: (1) visual detection; (2) visuospatial short-term memory; and (3) verbal short-term memory. The prismatic adaptation-related changes were found bilaterally in the inferior parietal lobule when prisms, but not plain glasses, were used. This effect was driven by selective changes during the visual detection task: an increase in neural activity was induced on the left and a decrease on the right parietal side after prismatic adaptation. Comparison of activation patterns after prismatic adaptation on the visual detection task demonstrated a significant increase of the ipsilateral field representation in the left inferior parietal lobule and a significant decrease in the right inferior parietal lobule. In conclusion, a brief exposure to prismatic adaptation modulates differently left and right parietal activation during visual detection but not during short-term memory. Furthermore, the visuospatial representation within the inferior parietal lobule changes, with a decrease of the ipsilateral hemifield representation on the right and increase on the left side, suggesting thus a left hemispheric dominance.
AbstractDigitalization gives to the Internet the power by allowing several virtual representations of reality, including that of identity. We leave an increasingly digital footprint in cyberspace and this situation puts our identity at high risks. Privacy is a right and fundamental social value that could play a key role as a medium to secure digital identities. Identity functionality is increasingly delivered as sets of services, rather than monolithic applications. So, an identity layer in which identity and privacy management services are loosely coupled, publicly hosted and available to on-demand calls could be more realistic and an acceptable situation. Identity and privacy should be interoperable and distributed through the adoption of service-orientation and implementation based on open standards (technical interoperability). Ihe objective of this project is to provide a way to implement interoperable user-centric digital identity-related privacy to respond to the need of distributed nature of federated identity systems. It is recognized that technical initiatives, emerging standards and protocols are not enough to guarantee resolution for the concerns surrounding a multi-facets and complex issue of identity and privacy. For this reason they should be apprehended within a global perspective through an integrated and a multidisciplinary approach. The approach dictates that privacy law, policies, regulations and technologies are to be crafted together from the start, rather than attaching it to digital identity after the fact. Thus, we draw Digital Identity-Related Privacy (DigldeRP) requirements from global, domestic and business-specific privacy policies. The requirements take shape of business interoperability. We suggest a layered implementation framework (DigldeRP framework) in accordance to model-driven architecture (MDA) approach that would help organizations' security team to turn business interoperability into technical interoperability in the form of a set of services that could accommodate Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Privacy-as-a-set-of- services (PaaSS) system. DigldeRP Framework will serve as a basis for vital understanding between business management and technical managers on digital identity related privacy initiatives. The layered DigldeRP framework presents five practical layers as an ordered sequence as a basis of DigldeRP project roadmap, however, in practice, there is an iterative process to assure that each layer supports effectively and enforces requirements of the adjacent ones. Each layer is composed by a set of blocks, which determine a roadmap that security team could follow to successfully implement PaaSS. Several blocks' descriptions are based on OMG SoaML modeling language and BPMN processes description. We identified, designed and implemented seven services that form PaaSS and described their consumption. PaaSS Java QEE project), WSDL, and XSD codes are given and explained.
The concept of ideal geometric configurations was recently applied to the classification and characterization of various knots. Different knots in their ideal form (i.e., the one requiring the shortest length of a constant-diameter tube to form a given knot) were shown to have an overall compactness proportional to the time-averaged compactness of thermally agitated knotted polymers forming corresponding knots. This was useful for predicting the relative speed of electrophoretic migration of different DNA knots. Here we characterize the ideal geometric configurations of catenanes (called links by mathematicians), i.e., closed curves in space that are topologically linked to each other. We demonstrate that the ideal configurations of different catenanes show interrelations very similar to those observed in the ideal configurations of knots. By analyzing literature data on electrophoretic separations of the torus-type of DNA catenanes with increasing complexity, we observed that their electrophoretic migration is roughly proportional to the overall compactness of ideal representations of the corresponding catenanes. This correlation does not apply, however, to electrophoretic migration of certain replication intermediates, believed up to now to represent the simplest torus-type catenanes. We propose, therefore, that freshly replicated circular DNA molecules, in addition to forming regular catenanes, may also form hemicatenanes.
Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale for the purpose of improving predictions of groundwater flow and solute transport. However, extending corresponding approaches to the regional scale still represents one of the major challenges in the domain of hydrogeophysics. To address this problem, we have developed a regional-scale data integration methodology based on a two-step Bayesian sequential simulation approach. Our objective is to generate high-resolution stochastic realizations of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity field in the common case where there exist spatially exhaustive but poorly resolved measurements of a related geophysical parameter, as well as highly resolved but spatially sparse collocated measurements of this geophysical parameter and the hydraulic conductivity. To integrate this multi-scale, multi-parameter database, we first link the low- and high-resolution geophysical data via a stochastic downscaling procedure. This is followed by relating the downscaled geophysical data to the high-resolution hydraulic conductivity distribution. After outlining the general methodology of the approach, we demonstrate its application to a realistic synthetic example where we consider as data high-resolution measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities at a small number of borehole locations, as well as spatially exhaustive, low-resolution estimates of the electrical conductivity obtained from surface-based electrical resistivity tomography. The different stochastic realizations of the hydraulic conductivity field obtained using our procedure are validated by comparing their solute transport behaviour with that of the underlying ?true? hydraulic conductivity field. We find that, even in the presence of strong subsurface heterogeneity, our proposed procedure allows for the generation of faithful representations of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and reliable predictions of solute transport over long, regional-scale distances.
Elderly persons are at high risk of polypharmacy. Polypharmacy has been associated with numerous adverse outcomes, such as poorer quality of life, higher morbidity and mortality. However, deciding to stop or to continue a treatment is a difficult task, which confronts the physician to complex clinical and ethical choices. Such a decision requires a geriatric multidimensional assessment of the patient, an estimation of his or her prognosis, the definition of the goals of care and a careful assessment of the time to benefit of each drug. Diverse methods and tools to support the physician in this process are discussed in this article. However these can not replace a reflexive approach of the physician that integrates the values and representations of the patient with regard to his or her health and end of life, as well as his or her needs, fears and choices.
El cas que ens ocupa es fonamenta en l'aplicació dels SIG a l'estudi arqueològic de les restes romans del Baix Llobregat. Amb aquest pretext, s'han abordat una gran varietat d'aspectes tècnics que ens han posat en contacte, entre d'altres, amb problemàtiques derivades de com posicionar elements sobre representacions de la superfície terrestre, de com representar en 3 dimensions i de com analitzar tot el conjunt per obtenir làmines d'inundació.
In September 2005 the Government received recommendations fromthe School Meals Review Panel (SMRP) on school lunches and on a number of wider issues concerning food in schools. In response to that report Turning the Tables the newly-established School Food Trust (SFT) was commissioned to advise Ministers on standards for food in school other than lunch.The DfES consulted widely on the recommendations of the SMRP andon a more limited basis on the advice of the SFT. Reports on the responses to each of those consultations are available at: www.dfes.gov.uk/consultations/conresults.cfm?consultationId=1319Having considered responses to those consultations and taken intoaccount the many representations the Department has received on theseissues from a range of stakeholders, the Secretary of State for Education and Skills has arrived at final decisions on the standards. These standards will apply to school lunches and other food provided in all local authority maintained schools in England.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Nos sociétés contemporaines, à l'heure de la mondialisation, ont-elles perdu le sens de l'hospitalité ? Qu'en est-il de ses fonctions et de ses figures à la fois morales, politiques, religieuses et imaginaires ? Lorsque Ulysse abordait un nouveau rivage, la même question revenait : Vais-je trouver des brutes, des sauvages sans justice ou des hommes hospitaliers craignant les dieux ? L'hospitalité a toujours été signe de civilisation et d'humanité, et les pérégrinations d'Ulysse ont su dresser une géographie imaginaire du monde humain, dessinant les contours et traçant les limites de la culture et de la nature. Considérant qu'il est urgent de retrouver cette mémoire hospitalière du monde humain, plus de quatre-vingt-dix auteurs du monde entier ont rassemblé leurs savoirs des us et coutumes, des lieux, des cultures, des représentations, des mythes et des oeuvres d'art qui font de l'hospitalité la plus indispensable des valeurs humaines. Philosophes, historiens, ethnologues, littéraires, linguistes... invitent le lecteur, leur hôte, à découvrir le vaste parcours ouvert des significations et des pratiques de l'accueil dans l'histoire culturelle. Have modern day societies in this era of globalization forgotten the sense of hospitality? Hospitality is a principle which used to play a major social function, with its symbolic, ethical, political and religious figures. This book is designed to preserve the memory of the tradition of hospitality. To that end 90 authors from throughout the world have collaborated to present this exhaustive encyclopedia of the places, the customs, the cultures, the myths and the artistic representations of hospitality, all of which bear witness to its importance as a human value. Philosophers, historians, ethnologists, writers, linguists welcome the reader to discover the place that hospitality has had in cultural history, in terms of both how and why it was practised. - This book offers a fivefold treatment of the perennial tradition of hospitality: - Definitions - Civilizations (throughout history and across religions and cultures) - Institutions and places of hospitality, both real and imaginary (castles, hospitals, gardens, churches, etc.) - Myths, figures and artistic representation - Philosophy, politics and society.
Pantomimes of object use require accurate representations of movements and a selection of the most task-relevant gestures. Prominent models of praxis, corroborated by functional neuroimaging studies, predict a critical role for left parietal cortices in pantomime and advance that these areas store representations of tool use. In contrast, lesion data points to the involvement of left inferior frontal areas, suggesting that defective selection of movement features is the cause of pantomime errors. We conducted a large-scale voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping analyses with configural/spatial (CS) and body-part-as-object (BPO) pantomime errors of 150 left and right brain-damaged patients. Our results confirm the left hemisphere dominance in pantomime. Both types of error were associated with damage to left inferior frontal regions in tumor and stroke patients. While CS pantomime errors were associated with left temporoparietal lesions in both stroke and tumor patients, these errors appeared less associated with parietal areas in stroke than in tumor patients and less associated with temporal in tumor than stroke patients. BPO errors were associated with left inferior frontal lesions in both tumor and stroke patients. Collectively, our results reveal a left intrahemispheric dissociation for various aspects of pantomime, but with an unspecific role for inferior frontal regions.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar una aplicació que ens permeti generar representacions gràfiques de grafs de mobilitat, visualitzats amb l'entorn GeoMedia Professional. A partir d'unes bases de dades d'entrada, on els trams i les cruïlles seran representades visualment com a línies i punts respectivament, s'ha dissenyat una aplicació que genera una base de dades de sortida on les dades seran visualitzades com un polígons en el cas dels carrers i cruïlles, i la senyalització de cada tram també serà representada gràficament, de manera que tindrem una representació en dos dimensions dels carrers amb la seva senyalització corresponent.
Most theories of perception assume a rigid relationship between objects of the physical world and the corresponding mental representations. We show by a priori reasoning that this assumption is not fulfilled. We claim instead that all object-representation correspondences have to be learned. However, we cannot learn to perceive all objects that there are in the world. We arrive at these conclusions by a combinatory analysis of a fictive stimulus world and the way to cope with its complexity, which is perceptual learning. We show that successful perceptual learning requires changes in the representational states of the brain that are not derived directly from the constitution of the physical world. The mind constitutes itself through perceptual learning.
Treball desenvolupat en el marc del projecte "La construcció del coneixement científic: primeres representacions" de l'IULA de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Estopà, 2008), l'objectiu principal del qual és desenvolupar una eina que ajudi a mestres i educadors a l'hora de treballar les dues branques fonamentals del coneixement, les ciències i les lletres, de manera simultània, sense oblidar-ne una per afavorir l'altra. Es tracta d'una eina que, des de la lexicologia i la terminologia, a través del joc, ajudi a conceptualitzar correctament termes de ciència, els dessacralitzi i atregui els infants al coneixement científic.
Les representacions que els estudiants es fan sobre les tasques acadèmiques són cabdals per entendre com les desenvolupen. Creiem que això no és una excepció en estudiants de doctorat amb les seves tesis i és per això que en aquesta recerca estem interessats en investigar com els estudiants entenen els estudis de doctorat. La literatura revisada preocupada per l’experiència del doctorat, és a dir, com els doctorands perceben aquest procés, se centra en variables de benestar, context d’aprenentatge i escriptura. Amb el propòsit d’obtenir un quadre complert sobre com els doctorands entenen fer una tesi, 627 doctorands han completat El Qüestionari de l’Experiència Doctoral (Lonka i altres, 2007) que hem procedit a adaptar a la població espanyola. Aquest instrument mesura les tres variables esmentades (al llarg de 49 enunciats de resposta Likert) i de forma general algunes qüestions del procés doctoral (8 preguntes de resposta oberta) que complementen/donen llum a la interpretació de les dades quantitatives. A més, es demana informació del context del doctorand (18 preguntes) que ajuda a entendre millor el desenvolupament de la tesi en cada cas. Donat que algunes dificultats que els estudiants manifesten en el doctorat tenen a veure amb la percepció de no disposar d’estratègies suficients per regular el procés d’escriptura, ens hem plantejat recollir dades més específiques en relació a l’escriptura de la tesi entrevistant 10 doctorands per separat i posteriorment junts en un focus grup. Pensem que la nostra investigació pot contribuir en la reflexió de la qualitat dels programes de doctorat ja que creiem que els estudiants tenen molt a dir i que cal escoltar les seves veus. A més, si els tutors disposen d’informació sobre com els seus alumnes viuen els estudis de doctorat, segurament entendran millor com porten a terme les seves tesis i podran oferir-los ajudes més ajustades.