968 resultados para Peptide-lipid interaction


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The growth factors of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family consisting of GDNF, neurturin (NRTN), artemin (ARTN) and persephin (PSPN), are involved in the development, differentiation and maintenance of many types of neurons. They also have important functions outside the nervous system in the development of kidney, testis and thyroid gland. Each of these GFLs preferentially binds to one of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored GDNF family receptors α (GFRα). GDNF binds to GFRα1, NRTN to GFRα2, ARTN to GFRα3 and PSPN to GFRα4. The GFLs in the complex with their cognate GFRα receptors all bind to and signal through the receptor tyrosine kinase RET. Alternative splicing of the mouse GFRα4 gene yields three splice isoforms. These had been described as putative GPI-anchored, transmembrane and soluble forms. My goal was to characterise the function of the different forms of mouse GFRα4. I firstly found that the putative GPI-anchored GFRα4 (GFRα4-GPI) is glycosylated, membrane-bound, GPI-anchored and interacts with PSPN and RET. We also showed that mouse GFRα4-GPI mediates PSPN-induced phosphorylation of RET, promotes PSPN-dependent neuronal differentiation of the rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC6-3 and PSPN-dependent survival of cerebellar granule neurons (CGN). However, although this receptor can mediate PSPN-signalling and activate RET, GFRα4-GPI does not recruit RET into lipid rafts. The recruitment of RET into lipid rafts has previously been thought to be a crucial event for GDNF- and GFL-mediated signalling via RET. I secondly demonstrated that the putative transmembrane GFRα4 (GFRα4-TM) is indeed a real transmembrane GFRα4 protein. Although it has a weak binding capacity for PSPN, it can not mediate PSPN-dependent phosphorylation of RET, neuronal differentiation or survival. These data show that GFRα4-TM is inactive as a receptor for PSPN. Surprisingly, GFRα4-TM can negatively regulate PSPN-mediated signalling via GFRα4-GPI. GFRα4-TM interacts with GFRα4-GPI and blocks PSPN-induced phosphorylation of RET, neuronal differentiation as well as survival. Taken together, our data show that GFRα4-TM may act as a dominant negative inhibitor of PSPN-mediated signaling. The most exciting part of my work was the finding that the putative soluble GFRα4 (GFRα4-sol) can form homodimers and function as an agonist of the RET receptor. In the absence of PSPN, GFRα4-sol can promote the phosphorylation of RET, trigger the activation of the PI-3K/AKT pathway, induce neuronal differentiation and support the survival of CGN. Our findings are in line with a recent publication showing the GFRα4-sol might contribute to the inherited cancer syndrome multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. Our data provide an explanation to how GFRα4-sol may cause or modify the disease. Mammalian GFRα4 receptors all lack the first Cys-rich domain which is present in other GFRα receptors. In the final part of my work I have studied the function of this particular domain. I created a truncated GFRα1 construct lacking the first Cys-rich domain. Using binding assays in both cellular and cell-free systems, phosphorylation assays with RET, as well as neurite outgrowth assays, we found that the first Cys-rich domain contributes to an optimal function of GFRα1, by stabilizing the interaction between GDNF and GFRα1.


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In this thesis three icosahedral lipid-containing double-stranded (ds) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) bacteriophages have been studied: PRD1, Bam35 and P23-77. The work focuses on the entry, exit and structure of the viruses. PRD1 is the type member of the Tectiviridae family, infecting a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. The PRD1 receptor binding complex, consisting of the penton protein P31, the spike protein P5 and the receptor binding protein P2 recognizes a specific receptor on the host surface. In this study we found that the transmembrane protein P16 has an important stabilization function as the fourth member of the receptor binding complex and protein P16 may have a role in the formation of a tubular membrane structure, which is needed in the ejection of the genome into the cell. Phage Bam35 (Tectiviridae), which infects Gram-positive hosts, has been earlier found to resemble PRD1 in morphology and genome organization The uncharacterized early and late events in the Bam35 life cycle were studied by electrochemical methods. Physiological changes in the beginning of the infection were found to be similar in both lysogenic and nonlysogenic cell lines, Bam35 inducing a temporal decrease of membrane voltage and K+ efflux. At the end of the infection cycle physiological changes were observed only in the nonlysogenic cell line. The strong K+ efflux 40 min after infection and the induced premature cell lysis propose that Bam35 has a similar holin-endolysin lysis system to that of PRD1. Thermophilic icosahedral dsDNA Thermus phages P23-65H, P23-72 and P23-77 have been proposed to belong to the Tectiviridae family. In this study these phages were compared to each other. Analysis of structural protein patterns and stability revealed these phages to be very similar but not identical. The most stable of the studied viruses, P23-77, was further analyzed in more detail. Cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction was used to determine the structure of virus to 14 Å resolution. Results of thin layer chromatography for neutral lipids together with analysis of the three dimensional reconstruction of P23-77 virus particle revealed the presence of an internal lipid membrane. The overall capsid architecture of P23-77 is similar to PRD1 and Bam35, but most closely it resembles the structure of the capsid of archaeal virus SH1. This complicates the classification of dsDNA, internal lipid-containing icosahedral viruses.


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In this study we used electro-spray ionization mass-spectrometry to determine phospholipid class and molecular species compositions in bacteriophages PM2, PRD1, Bam35 and phi6 as well as their hosts. To obtain compositional data of the individual leaflets, phospholipid transbilayer distribution in the viral membranes was studied. We found that 1) the membranes of all studied bacteriophage are enriched in PG as compared to the host membranes, 2) molecular species compositions in the phage and host membranes are similar, and 3) phospholipids in the viral membranes are distributed asymmetrically with phosphatidylglycerol enriched in the outer leaflet and phosphatidylethanolamine in the inner one (except Bam35). Alternative models for selective incorporation of phospholipids to phages and for the origins of the asymmetric phospholipid transbilayer distribution are discussed. Notably, the present data are also useful when constructing high resolution structural models of bacteriophages, since diffraction methods cannot provide a detailed structure of the membrane due to high motility of the lipids and lack of symmetric organization of membrane proteins.


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The temperature-sensitive prp24-1 mutation defines a gene product required for the first step in pre-mRNA splicing. PRP24 is probably a component of the U6 snRNP particle. We have applied genetic reversion analysis to identify proteins that interact with PRP24. Spontaneous revertants of the temperature-sensitive (ts) prp24-1 phenotype were analyzed for those that are due to extragenic suppression. We then extended our analysis to screen for suppressors that confer a distinct conditional phenotype. We have identified a temperature-sensitive extragenic suppressor, which was shown by genetic complementation analysis to be allelic to prp21-1. This suppressor, prp21-2, accumulates pre-mRNA at the non-permissive temperature, a phenotype similar to that of prp21-1. prp21-2 completely suppresses the splicing defect and restores in vivo levels of the U6 snRNA in the prp24-1 strain. Genetic analysis of the suppressor showed that prp21-2 is not a bypass suppressor of prp24-1. The suppression of prp24-1 by prp21-2 is gene specific and also allele specific with respect to both the loci. Genetic interactions with other components of the pre-spliceosome have also been studied. Our results indicate an interaction between PRP21, a component of the U2 snRNP, and PRP24, a component of the U6 snRNP. These results substantiate other data showing U2-U6 snRNA interactions.


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A wealth of information available from x-ray crystallographic structures of enzyme-ligand complexes makes it possible to study interactions at the molecular level. However, further investigation is needed when i) the binding of the natural substrate must be characterized, because ligands in the stable enzyme-ligand complexes are generally inhibitors or the analogs of substrate and transition state, and when ii) ligand binding is in part poorly characterized. We have investigated these aspects i? the binding of substrate uridyl 3',5'-adenosine (UpA) to ribonuclease A (RNase A). Based on the systematically docked RNase A-UpA complex resulting from our previous study, we have undertaken a molecular dynamics simulation of the complex with solvent molecules. The molecular dynamics trajectories of this complex are analyzed to provide structural explanations for varied experimental observations on the ligand binding at the B2 subsite of ribonuclease A. The present study suggests that B2 subsite stabilization can be effected by different active site groups, depending on the substrate conformation. Thus when adenosine ribose pucker is O4'-endo, Gln69 and Glu111 form hydrogen-bonding contacts with adenine base, and when it is C2'-endo, Asn71 is the only amino acid residue in direct contact with this base. The latter observation is in support of previous mutagenesis and kinetics studies. Possible roles for the solvent molecules in the binding subsites are described. Furthermore, the substrate conformation is also examined along the simulation pathway to see if any conformer has the properties of a transition state. This study has also helped us to recognize that small but concerted changes in the conformation of the substrate can result in substrate geometry favorable for 2',3' cyclization. The identified geometry is suitable for intraligand proton transfer between 2'-hydroxyl and phosphate oxygen atom. The possibility of intraligand proton transfer as suggested previously and the mode of transfer before the formation of cyclic intermediate during transphosphorylation are discussed.


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Natural peptide libraries often contain cyclodepsipeptides containing alpha or beta hydroxy residues. Extracts of fungal hyphae of Isaria yield a microheterogenous cyclodepsipeptide mixture in which two classes of molecules can be identified by mass spectral fragmentation of negative ions. In the case of isaridins, which contain an alpha-hydroxy residue and a beta-amino acid residue, a characteristic product ion corresponding to a neutral loss of 72 Da is obtained. hi addition, neutral loss of water followed by a 72 Da loss is also observed. Two distinct modes of fragmentation rationalize the observed product ion distribution. The neutral loss of 72 Da has also been obtained for a roseotoxin component, which is also an alpha-hydroxy residue containing cyclodepsipeptide. In the case of isariins, which contain a beta-hydroxy acid residue, ring opening and subsequent loss of the terminal residue as an unsaturated ketene fragment, rationalizes the observed product ion formation. Fragmentation of negative ions provide characteristic neutral losses, which are diagnostic of the presence of alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy residues.


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Tangible physical systems are more intuitive than Intangible virtual Systems. Mixed reality systems are considered as an alternative to virtual systems, bringing advantages of tangible systems into an interaction. However, past research has mainly focussed on technical aspects of incorporating pervasive-ness and immersive-ness in the virtual systems. This paper reports on an empirical study of intuitive Interaction in a Mixed Reality game system for children and the design aspects that could facilitate intuitive Interaction in such systems. A related samples Friedman’s test showed that the Mixed Reality game system demonstrated more intuitive interactions than non-intuitive Interactions. A linear regression analysis further established that the variation in intuitive Interaction in the Mixed Reality system could be statistically significantly explained primarily by physical affordances offered by the Mixed Reality system and to a lesser extent by the perceived affordances in the system. Design guidelines to develop intuitive Mixed Reality systems are discussed. These guidelines should allow designers to exploit the wonders of advances in technology and at the same time allow users to directly interact with the physical real world. This will allow users to access maximal physical affordances, which are primary contributors to intuitive interaction in Tangible and Mixed Reality systems.


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Aim: To characterize the inhibition of platelet function by paracetamol in vivo and in vitro, and to evaluate the possible interaction of paracetamol and diclofenac or valdecoxib in vivo. To assess the analgesic effect of the drugs in an experimental pain model. Methods: Healthy volunteers received increasing doses of intravenous paracetamol (15, 22.5 and 30 mg/kg), or the combination of paracetamol 1 g and diclofenac 1.1 mg/kg or valdecoxib 40 mg (as the pro-drug parecoxib). Inhibition of platelet function was assessed with photometric aggregometry, the platelet function analyzer (PFA-100), and release of thromboxane B2. Analgesia was assessed with the cold pressor test. The inhibition coefficient of platelet aggregation by paracetamol was determined as well as the nature of interaction between paracetamol and diclofenac by an isobolographic analysis in vitro. Results: Paracetamol inhibited platelet aggregation and TxB2-release dose-dependently in volunteers and concentration-dependently in vitro. The inhibition coefficient was 15.2 mg/L (95% CI 11.8 - 18.6). Paracetamol augmented the platelet inhibition by diclofenac in vivo, and the isobole showed that this interaction is synergistic. Paracetamol showed no interaction with valdecoxib. PFA-100 appeared insensitive in detecting platelet dysfunction by paracetamol, and the cold-pressor test showed no analgesia. Conclusions: Paracetamol inhibits platelet function in vivo and shows synergism when combined with diclofenac. This effect may increase the risk of bleeding in surgical patients with an impaired haemostatic system. The combination of paracetamol and valdecoxib may be useful in patients with low risk for thromboembolism. The PFA-100 seems unsuitable for detection of platelet dysfunction and the cold-pressor test seems unsuitable for detection of analgesia by paracetamol.


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Background: The number of available structures of large multi-protein assemblies is quite small. Such structures provide phenomenal insights on the organization, mechanism of formation and functional properties of the assembly. Hence detailed analysis of such structures is highly rewarding. However, the common problem in such analyses is the low resolution of these structures. In the recent times a number of attempts that combine low resolution cryo-EM data with higher resolution structures determined using X-ray analysis or NMR or generated using comparative modeling have been reported. Even in such attempts the best result one arrives at is the very course idea about the assembly structure in terms of trace of the C alpha atoms which are modeled with modest accuracy. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this paper first we present an objective approach to identify potentially solvent exposed and buried residues solely from the position of C alpha atoms and amino acid sequence using residue type-dependent thresholds for accessible surface areas of C alpha. We extend the method further to recognize potential protein-protein interface residues. Conclusion/Significance: Our approach to identify buried and exposed residues solely from the positions of C alpha atoms resulted in an accuracy of 84%, sensitivity of 83-89% and specificity of 67-94% while recognition of interfacial residues corresponded to an accuracy of 94%, sensitivity of 70-96% and specificity of 58-94%. Interestingly, detailed analysis of cases of mismatch between recognition of interface residues from C alpha positions and all-atom models suggested that, recognition of interfacial residues using C alpha atoms only correspond better with intuitive notion of what is an interfacial residue. Our method should be useful in the objective analysis of structures of protein assemblies when positions of only C alpha positions are available as, for example, in the cases of integration of cryo-EM data and high resolution structures of the components of the assembly.


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The molecular mechanism of helix nucleation in peptides and proteins is not yet understood and the question of whether sharp turns in the polypeptide backbone serve as nuclei for protein folding has evoked controversy1,2. A recent study of the conformation of a tetrapeptide containing the stereochemically constrained residue alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, both in solution and the solid state, yielded a structure consisting of two consecutive beta-turns, leading to an incipient 310 helical conformation3,4. This led us to speculate that specific tri- and tetra-peptide sequences may indeed provide a helical twist to the amino-terminal segment of helical regions in proteins and provide a nucleation site for further propagation. The transformation from a 310 helical structure to an alpha-helix should be facile and requires only small changes in the phi and psi conformational angles and a rearrangement of the hydrogen bonding pattern5. If such a mechanism is involved then it should be possible to isolate an incipient 310 helical conformation in a tripeptide amide or tetrapeptide sequence, based purely on the driving force derived from short-range interactions. We have synthesised and studied the model peptide pivaloyl-Pro-Pro-Ala-NHMe (compound I) and provide here spectroscopic evidence for a 310 helical conformation in compound I.


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The stepwise synthesis of amino terminal pentapeptide of alamethicin, Z-Aib-Pro-Aib-Ala-Aib-OMe, by the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide mediated couplings leads to extensive racemization at the Ala and Pro residues. Racemization is largely suppressed by the use of additives like N-hydroxysuccinimide and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. The presence of diastereomeric peptides may be detected by the observation of additional methyl ester and benzylic methylene signals in the 270 MHz 1H NMR spectra. Unambiguous spectral assignment of the signals to the diastereomers has been carried out by the synthesis and NMR studies of the D-Ala tetra and pentapeptides. The racemization at Pro is of particular relevance in view of the reported lack of inversion at C-terminal Pro on carboxyl activation.


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Polarization of ligand fluorescence was used to study the binding of 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside (MeUmb-Galp) to Abrus precatorious agglutinin. The binding of the fluorescent sugar to the lectin led to considerable polarization of the MeUmb-Galp fluorescence, which was also quenched by about 30% on binding to the lectin. The binding of the fluorescent sugar was carbohydrate-specific, as evidenced by inhibition of both fluorescence polarization and quenching when lectin was preincubated with lactose. The association constant as determined by fluorescence polarization is 1.42 x 10(4) M-1 at 25 degrees C and is in excellent agreement with those determined by fluorescence quenching (Ka = 1.51 x 10(4) M-1) and equilibrium dialysis (Ka = 1.62 x 10(4) M-1) at 25 degrees C. The numbers of binding sites as determined by fluorescence polarization, quenching and equilibrium dialysis agree very well with one another, n being equal to 2.0 +/- 0.05. The consistency between the association constant value determined by fluorescence polarization, quenching and equilibrium dialysis shows the validity of this approach to study lectin-sugar interaction.


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Peptide NH chemical shifts and their temperature dependences have been monitored as a function of concentration for the decapeptide, Boc-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-OMe in CDCl3 (0.001-0.06M) and (CD3)2SO (0.001-0.03M). The chemical shifts and temperature coefficients for all nine NH groups show no significant concentration dependence in (CD3)2SO. Seven NH groups yield low values of temperature coefficients over the entire range, while one yields an intermediate value. In CDCl3, the Aib(1) NH group shows a large concentration dependence of both chemical shift and temperature coefficient, in contrast to the other eight NH groups. The data suggest that in (CD3)2SO, the peptide adopts a 310 helical conformation and is monomeric over the entire concentration range. In CDCl3, the 310 helical peptide associates at a concentration of 0.01M, with the Aib(1) NH involved in an intermolecular hydrogen bond. Association does not disrupt the intramolecular hydrogen-bonding pattern in the decapeptide.