972 resultados para POLARIZED LIGHT
We have studied the degradation of sebaceous fingerprints on brass surfaces using silver electroless deposition (SED) as a visualization technique. We have stored fingerprints on brass squares either (i) in a locked dark cupboard or (ii) in glass-filtered natural daylight for periods of 3 h, 24 h, 1 week, 3 weeks, and 6 weeks. We find that fingerprints on brass surfaces degrade much more rapidly when kept in the light than they do under dark conditions with a much higher proportion of high-quality prints found after 3 or 6 weeks of aging when stored in the dark. This process is more marked than for similar fingerprints on black PVC surfaces. Identifiable prints can be achieved on brass surfaces using both SED and cyanoacrylate fuming (CFM). SED is quick and straightforward to perform. CFM is more time-consuming but is versatile and can be applied to a wider range of metal surfaces than SED, for example brass surfaces which have been coated by a lacquer.
The self-consistent spin-polarized band-structure calculation of ferromagnetic compound MnBiAl in its low-temperature phase has been performed. In this paper the calculation results are given. Comparison with the results of MnBi is performed in order to find the effect on electronic structure by doping with Al.
Light and water are among essential resources required for production of photosynthates in plants. A study on the effects of weeding regimes and maize planting density on light and water use was conducted during the 2001/2 short and 2002 long rain seasons at Muguga in - the central highlands of Kenya. Weeding regimes were: weed free (W1), weedy (W2), herbicide (W3) and hand weeding twice (W4). Maize planting densities were 9 (D1) and 18 plants m-2 (D2) intercropped with Phaseolus vulgaris (beans). The experiment was laid as randomized complete block design replicated four times and repeated twice. All plots were thinned to 4 plants m-2 at tasseling stage (96 DAE) and thinnings quantified as forage. Soil moisture content (SMC), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) interception, evapo-transpiration (ET crop), water use efficiency (WUE), and harvest index (HI), were determined. Percent PAR was higher in D2 than in D1 before thinning but higher in D1 than in D2 after thinning in both seasons. PAR interception was highest in W2 but similar in W1, W3 and W4 in both seasons. SMC was significantly lower in W2 but similar in W1, W3 and W4. D2 had lower SMC than D1 in season two. Weeding regime significantly influenced ET crop, while planting density and weeding regime significantly influenced WUE and HI. D2 maximizes water and light use for forage production but results to increased intra-specific plant competition for water and light severely before thinning (96 DAE) that reduce grain yield in dual purpose maize, relative to D1.
Photorhabdus are highly effective insect pathogenic bacteria that exist in a mutualistic relationship with Heterorhabditid nematodes. Unlike other members of the genus, Photorhabdus asymbiotica can also infect humans. Most Photorhabdus cannot replicate above 34°C, limiting their host-range to poikilothermic invertebrates. In contrast, P. asymbiotica must necessarily be able to replicate at 37°C or above. Many well-studied mammalian pathogens use the elevated temperature of their host as a signal to regulate the necessary changes in gene expression required for infection. Here we use RNA-seq, proteomics and phenotype microarrays to examine temperature dependent differences in transcription, translation and phenotype of P. asymbiotica at 28°C versus 37°C, relevant to the insect or human hosts respectively. Our findings reveal relatively few temperature dependant differences in gene expression. There is however a striking difference in metabolism at 37°C, with a significant reduction in the range of carbon and nitrogen sources that otherwise support respiration at 28°C. We propose that the key adaptation that enables P. asymbiotica to infect humans is to aggressively acquire amino acids, peptides and other nutrients from the human host, employing a so called “nutritional virulence” strategy. This would simultaneously cripple the host immune response while providing nutrients sufficient for reproduction. This might explain the severity of ulcerated lesions observed in clinical cases of Photorhabdosis. Furthermore, while P. asymbiotica can invade mammalian cells they must also resist immediate killing by humoral immunity components in serum. We observed an increase in the production of the insect Phenol-oxidase inhibitor Rhabduscin normally deployed to inhibit the melanisation immune cascade. Crucially we demonstrated this molecule also facilitates protection against killing by the alternative human complement pathway.
The [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ complex (1) is non-emissive in water but is highly luminescent in organic solvents or when bound to DNA, making it a useful probe for DNA binding. To date, a complete mechanistic explanation for this “light-switch” effect is still lacking. With this in mind we have undertaken an ultrafast time resolved infrared (TRIR) study of 1 and directly observe marker bands between 1280–1450 cm-1, which characterise both the emissive “bright” and the non-emissive “dark” excited states of the complex, in CD3CN and D2O respectively. These characteristic spectral features are present in the [Ru(dppz)3]2+ solvent light-switch complex but absent in [Ru(phen)3]2+, which is luminescent in both solvents. DFT calculations show that the vibrational modes responsible for these characteristic bands are predominantly localised on the dppz ligand. Moreover, they reveal that certain vibrational modes of the “dark” excited state couple with vibrational modes of two coordinating water molecules, and through these to the bulk solvent, thus providing a new insight into the mechanism of the light-switch effect. We also demonstrate that the marker bands for the “bright” state are observed for both L- and D enantiomers of 1 when bound to DNA and that photo-excitation of the complex induces perturbation of the guanine and cytosine carbonyl bands. This perturbation is shown to be stronger for the L enantiomer, demonstrating the different binding site properties of the two enantiomers and the ability of this technique to determine the identity and nature of the binding site of such intercalators.
In this study we report detailed information on the internal structure of PNIPAM-b-PEG-b-PNIPAM nanoparticles formed from self-assembly in aqueous solutions upon increase in temperature. NMR spectroscopy, light scattering and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) were used to monitor different stages of nanoparticle formation as a function of temperature, providing insight into the fundamental processes involved. The presence of PEG in a copolymer structure significantly affects the formation of nanoparticles, making their transition to occur over a broader temperature range. The crucial parameter that controls the transition is the ratio of PEG/PNIPAM. For pure PNIPAM, the transition is sharp; the higher the PEG/PNIPAM ratio results in a broader transition. This behavior is explained by different mechanisms of PNIPAM block incorporation during nanoparticle formation at different PEG/PNIPAM ratios. Contrast variation experiments using SANS show that the structure of nanoparticles above cloud point temperatures for PNIPAM-b-PEG-b-PNIPAM copolymers is drastically different from the structure of PNIPAM mesoglobules. In contrast with pure PNIPAM mesoglobules, where solid-like particles and chain network with a mesh size of 1-3 nm are present; nanoparticles formed from PNIPAM-b-PEG-b-PNIPAM copolymers have non-uniform structure with “frozen” areas interconnected by single chains in Gaussian conformation. SANS data with deuterated “invisible” PEG blocks imply that PEG is uniformly distributed inside of a nanoparticle. It is kinetically flexible PEG blocks which affect the nanoparticle formation by prevention of PNIPAM microphase separation.
Aims: The study evaluated the influence of light curing units and immersion media on superficial morphology and chemistry of the nanofilled composite resin Supreme XT (3M) through the EDX analysis and SEM evaluation. Light curing units with different power densities and mode of application used were XL 3000 (480 mW/cm(2)), Jet Lite 4000 Plus (1230mW/cm(2)), and Ultralume Led 5 (790 mW/cm(2)) and immersion media were artificial saliva, Coke(R), tea and coffee, totaling 12 experimental groups. Specimens (10 mm X 2 mm) were immersed in each respective Solution for 5 min, three times a day, during 60 days and stored in artificial saliva at 37 degrees C +/- 1 degrees C between immersion periods. Topography and chemical analysis was qualitative. Findings: Groups immersed in artificial saliva, showed homogeneous degradation of matrix and deposition of calcium at the material surface. Regarding coffee, there was a reasonable chemical degradation with loss of load particles and deposition of ions. For tea, superficial degradation occurred in specific areas with deposition of calcium, carbon. potassium and phosphorus. For Coke(R), excessive matrix degradation and loss of load particles with deposition of calcium, sodium, and potassium. Conclusion: Light curing units did not influence the superficial morphology of composite resin tested, but the immersion beverages did. Coke(R) affected material`s surface more than did the other tested drinks. Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:176-181, 2010. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss Inc.
In this report, we describe the morphology and histopathology of Myxobolus salminus n. sp., a parasite of the gill filaments of wild Salminus brasiliensis (dourado) from the Brazilian Pantanal. The small polysporic plasmodia were similar to 100 mu m in diameter and the development was asynchronous. The mature spores were oval to pear shaped and had a smooth wall. The spore measurements were (mean +/- S.D., with range in parentheses): length 10.1 +/- 0.4 mu m (9.6-10.5), width 6.1 +/- 0.4 mu m (5.8-6.6) and thickness 5.0 +/- 0.6 mu m (4.7-5.3). The polar capsules were elongated and of equal size: length 4.6 +/- 0.2 mu m (4.3-4.8) and width 1.7 +/- 0.1 mu m (1.5-1.9). The histological analysis revealed numerous plasmodia in the blood vessels of the gill filaments. The site of parasite development was the wall of the large-caliber blood vessel of the gill filament, with progressive growth towards the lumen, resulting in the obstruction of blood flow, congestion and perivascular edema. The ultrastructural study revealed that the plasmodial wall was composed of two membranes, had numerous pinocytic canals and was in direct contact with the basement membrane of the vessel. The development of the parasite was asynchronous, with mature spores, immature spores and young developmental stages randomly distributed throughout the plasmodium. The prevalence of the parasite was 4.4%. with male and female fish being infected. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this report, we describe Henneguya arapaima n. sp., a parasite of the gill arch and gall bladder of Arapaima gigas (pirarucu) collected in the Araguaia River, in the municipality of Nova Crixas, Goias State, central Brazil. The plasmodia were white, round or ellipsoidal and measured 200-600 mu m. Parasite development was asynchronous and the mature spores were fusifonn and had smooth wall. The spores measurements were (range, with means +/- S.D. in parentheses): total length-48.4-53.1 mu m (51.6 +/- 3.4 mu m), body length-13.5-15.2 mu m (14.2 +/- 0.8 mu m), body width-5.1-6.1 mu m (5.7 +/- 0.5 mu m), body thickness-4.7-5.3 mu m (4.9 +/- 0.2 mu m) and caudal process length-38.0-41.2 mu m (38.3 +/- 2.9 mu m). The polar capsules were elongated and of unequal size, with lengths of 6.3-6.8 mu m (6.5 +/- 0.2) and 6.2-6.6 mu m (6.3 +/- 0.1) for the longest and shortest axes, respectively. Capsule width was 1.4-1.6 mu m (1.5 +/- 0.1). Histological analysis showed that the plasmodia occurred in the tunica adventitia of the gall bladder and were delimited by a thin capsule of connective tissue. In the gill arch, the plasmodia were also surrounded by connective tissue similar to the endomesium, of striated skeletal muscle cells. Sixty-five juvenile specimens of A. gigas weighing 1.0-25.0 kg were examined, 17 (26.1%) of which were infected. Of these, 14 (82.3%) had cysts in the gall bladder, two (11.7%) had cysts in the gill arch and only one (5.9%) had cysts in both organs. When the fish were grouped by weight, the prevalence of infection in fish weighing up to 10.0 kg (20.7%) was significantly lower than in fish weighing 10.1-25.0 kg (50%) (G = 3.93; d.f. = 1; p < 0.05). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Measurements of down-welling microwave radiation from raining clouds performed with the Advanced Microwave Radiometer for Rain Identification (ADMIRARI) radiometer at 10.7-21-36.5 GHz during the Global Precipitation Measurement Ground Validation ""Cloud processes of the main precipitation systems in Brazil: A contribution to cloud resolving modeling and to the Global Precipitation Measurement"" (CHUVA) campaign held in Brazil in March 2010 represent a unique test bed for understanding three-dimensional (3D) effects in microwave radiative transfer processes. While the necessity of accounting for geometric effects is trivial given the slant observation geometry (ADMIRARI was pointing at a fixed 30 elevation angle), the polarization signal (i.e., the difference between the vertical and horizontal brightness temperatures) shows ubiquitousness of positive values both at 21.0 and 36.5 GHz in coincidence with high brightness temperatures. This signature is a genuine and unique microwave signature of radiation side leakage which cannot be explained in a 1D radiative transfer frame but necessitates the inclusion of three-dimensional scattering effects. We demonstrate these effects and interdependencies by analyzing two campaign case studies and by exploiting a sophisticated 3D radiative transfer suited for dichroic media like precipitating clouds.