1000 resultados para OPAL


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Geomorphology, geology, stratigraphy, lithology and geochemistry of bottom sediments in the South Ocean are under consideration. Regularities of distribution of iron-manganese nodules, features of occurrence of ore components in the nodules, nodule abundance in bottom sediments have been studied.


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We present a 3 year record of deep water particle flux at the recently initiated ESTOC (European Station for Time-series in the Ocean, Canary Islands) located in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic gyre. Particle flux was highly seasonal, with flux maxima occurring in late winter-early spring. A comparison with historic CZCS (Coastal Zone Colour Scanner) data shows that these flux maxima occurred about 1 month after maximum chlorophyll was observed in surface waters in a presumed primary source region 100 km * 100 km northeast of the trap location. The main components of the particles collected with the traps were mineral particles and carbonate, both correlating strongly with organic matter sedimentation. Mineral particles in the sinking matter are indicative of the high aeolian input from the African desert regions. Comparing particle fluxes at 1 km and 3 km depth, we find that particle sedimentation increased substantially with depth. Yearly organic carbon sedimentation was 0.6 g m**-2 at 1 km depth compared with 0.8 g m**-2 at 3 km. We hypothesize that higher phytoplankton biomass observed further north could be a source of laterally advecting particles that interact with fast sinking particles originating from the primary source region. This hypothesis is also supported by the differences in size distribution of lithogenic matter found at the two trap depths.


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The sediments of a core of.1.55 m length taken on the windward side of the Cross Bank, Florida Bay, are clearly subdivided into two portions, as shown by grain size analysis: silt-sized particles predominate in the relatively homogeneous lower two thirds of the core. This is succeeded abruptly by a thin layer of sand, containing fragments of Halimeda. They indicate a catastrophic event in the Florida Bay region, because Halimeda does not grow within Florida Bay. Above this layer, the amount of sand decreases at first and then continuously increases right to the present sediment-water-interface. The median and skewness increase simultaneously with the increase in the sand and granule portion. We assume that the changing grain size distribution was determined chiefly by the density of the marine flora: during the deposition of the lower two thirds of the core a dense grass cover acted as a sediment catcher for the fine-grained detritus washed out of the shallow basins of the Florida Bay, and simultaneously prohibited renewed reworking. Similar processes go on today on the surface of most mud banks of Florida Bay. The catastrophic event indicated by the sand layer probably changed the morphology of the bank to such an extent that the sampling point was shifted more to the windward side of the bank. This side is characterized by less dense plant growth. Therefore, less detritus could be caught and the material deposited could be reworked. The pronounced increase in skewness in the upper third of the core certainly indicates a strong washing out of the smaller-sized particles. The sediments are predominantly made up of carbonates, averagely 88.14 percent. The average CaCO3-content is 83.87 percent and the average MgCO3-content amounts to 4.27 percent. The chief carbonate mineral is aragonite making up 60.1 percent of the carbonate portion in the average, followed by high-magnesian calcite (33.8 percent) and calcite (6.1 percent). With increasing grain size the aragonite clearly increases at the cost of high-magnesian calcite in the upper third of the core. Chemically, this is shown by an increase of the CaCO3 : MgCO3-ratio. This increase is mainly caused by the more common occurrence of aragonitic fragments of mollusks in the coarse grain fractions. The bulk of the carbonates is made up of mollusks, foraminifera, ostracods, and - to a much lesser extent - of corals, worm-tubes, coccolithophorids, and calcareous algae, as shown by microscopic investigations. The total amount of the carbonate in the sediments is biogenic detritus with the possible exception of a very small amount of aragonite needles in the clay and fine silt fraction. The individual carbonate components of the gravel and sand fraction can be relatively easy identified as members of a particular animal or plant group. This becomes very difficult in the silt and clay fraction. Brownish aggregates are very common in the coarse and medium silt fraction. It was not always possible to clarify their origin (biogenic detritus, faecal pellets or carbonate particles cemented by carbonates or organic slime, etc.). Organic matter (plant fragments, rootlets), quartz, opal (siliceous sponge needles), and feldspar also occur in the sediments, besides carbonates. The lowermost part of the core has an age of 1365 +/- 90 years, as shown by 14C analysis.


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We measured oxygen-isotope compositions of 16 siliceous rocks from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 463, 464, 465, and 466 (Leg 62). Samples are from deposits that range in age from about 40 to 103 m.y. and that occur at sub-bottom depths of 9 to 461 meters. Mean d18O values range from 28.4 to 36.8 per mil and 36.0 ± 0.3 per mil for quartz-rich and opal-CTrich rocks, respectively. d18O values in chert decrease with increasing sub-bottom depth; the slope of the d18O/depth curve is less steep for Site 464 than for the other sites which indicates that chert at Site 464 formed at higher temperatures than chert at Sites 463, 465, and 466. Temperatures of formation of cherts were 7 to 42°C, using the silica-water fractionation factor of Knauth and Epstein (1976), or 19 to 56°C, using the equation of Clayton et al. (1972). Temperatures in the sediment where the cherts now occur are lower than their isotopically determined temperatures of formation, which means that the cherts record an earlier history when temperatures in the sediment section were greater. Estimated sediment temperatures when the cherts formed are comparable to, but generally slightly lower than, those calculated from Knauth and Epstein's equation. The isotopic composition of cherts is more closely related to environment of formation (diagenetic environment) or paleogeothermal gradients, than to paleoclimates (bottom-water temperatures). Opal-CT-rich rocks may better record paleo-bottom-water temperature. In Leg 62 cherts, better crystallinity of quartz corresponds to lower d18O values; this implies progressively higher temperatures of equilibration between quartz and water during maturation of quartz. The interrelationship of d18O and crystallinity is noted also in continental-margin deposits such as the Monterey Formation - but for higher temperatures. The apparent temperature difference between open-ocean and continental-margin deposits can be explained by the dominant control of temperature on silica transformation in the rapidly deposited continental-margin deposits, whereas time, as well as temperature, has a strong influence on the transformations in open-ocean deposits. Comparisons between the chemistry and d18O values of cherts reveal two apparent trends: both boron and SiO2 increase as d18O increases. However, the correspondence between SiO2 and d18O is only apparent, because the two cherts lowest in SiO2 are also the most deeply buried, so the trend actually reflects depth of burial. The correspondence between boron and d18O supports the conclusion that boron is incorporated in the quartz crystal structure during precipitation


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We present excess Ba (Baxs) data (i.e., total Ba corrected for lithogenic Ba) for surface sediments from a north-south transect between the Polar Front Zone and the northern Weddell Gyre in the Atlantic sector and between the Polar Front Zone and the Antarctic continent in the Indian sector. Focus is on two different processes that affect excess Ba accumulation in the sediments: sediment redistribution and excess Ba dissolution. The effect of these processes needs to be corrected for in order to convert accumulation rate into vertical rain rate, the flux component that can be linked to export production. In the Southern Ocean a major process affecting Ba accumulation rate is sediment focusing, which is corrected for using excess 230Th. This correction, however, may not always be straightforward because of boundary scavenging effects. A further major process affecting excess Ba accumulation is barite dissolution during exposure at the sediment-water column interface. Export production estimates derived from excess 230Th and barite dissolution corrected Baxs accumulation rates (i.e., excess Ba vertical rain rates) are of the same magnitude but generally larger than export production estimates based on water column proxies (234Th-deficit in the upper water column; particulate excess Ba enrichment in the mesopelagic water column). We believe export production values based on excess Ba vertical rain rate might be overestimated due to inaccurate assessment of the Baxs preservation rate. Barite dissolution has, in general, been taken into account by relating it to exposure time before burial depending on the rate of sediment accumulation. However, the observed decrease of excess Ba content with increasing water column depth (or increasing hydrostatic pressure) illustrates the dependence of barite preservation on degree of saturation in the deep water column in accordance with available thermodynamic data. Therefore correction for barite dissolution would not be appropriate by considering only exposure time of the barite to some uniformly undersaturated deep water but requires also that regional differences in degree of undersatuation be taken into account.


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Site 722 provides high resolution records of percent CaCO3, magnetic susceptibility, d18O, organic carbon, and coarse fraction for the past 3.4 m.y. from the crest of the Owen Ridge, northwestern Arabian Sea. Within this time interval, most of the carbonate percent variations can be attributed to terrigenous dilution and do not reflect changes in the carbonate system. From the late Pliocene to Present, the average rate of calcium carbonate accumulation increases from 1 to 3 g/cm**2/k.y. and the average accumulation of organic carbon decreases from 75 to 30 mg/cm**2/k.y. The carbonate component is more dissolved in the older interval. The long-term variations in carbonate accumulation may reflect a greater input of organic matter in the late Pliocene, which decomposes to produce CO2 and dissolve carbonate. Magnetic susceptibility and % noncarbonate (100 - CaCO3%) reflect changes in the amount of the lithogenic component in the sediments. The period of variation of lithogenic material is the same period as the original forcing of the regional summer monsoon, however, the timing matches global aridity patterns and global ice volume (sea level) changes. This preliminary analysis suggests that the high frequency variation of lithogenic material persists for at least the last 3.4 m.y. Within the last million years, calcium carbonate accumulation has a large amplitude signal that covaries with major changes in ice volume. Both calcium carbonate and noncarbonate (mostly terrigenous) accumulation are greatest during glacial stages. Interglacial intervals are characterized by low mass accumulation rates, increased foraminifer fragmentation, and increased opal concentration. The accumulation of organic carbon matches the high frequency changes in sedimentation rates. We attribute this high correlation to enhanced preservation of organic carbon by increased sedimentation rate. Of the three major biological components studied, only opal exhibits the variations expected for a biological productivity system forced by monsoonal upwelling driven by changes in northern hemisphere summer radiation.


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Coarse-fraction studies of sediments recovered during ODP Leg 104 are used to reconstruct paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic environments on a time scale of 0.1 to 0.5 m.y. for the past 20 Ma. These investigations suggest that relatively warm climates and isolated deep water conditions prevailed prior to 13.6 Ma and between 5.6-4.8 Ma. The first major deep water outflow from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea into the North Atlantic took place at about 13.6 Ma. Progressive cooling linked to increased deep water renewal in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea appears to have occurred between 13.6-5.6 Ma and 4.8-3.1 Ma. A major onset of ice-rafted debris is recorded at 2.56 Ma. Terrigenous coarsefraction components show important fluctuations with two major peaks during the past 0.8 Ma.


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Fluxes of lithogenicmaterial and fluxes of three palaeo productivity proxies (organic carbon, biogenic opal and alkenones) over the past 100,000 years were determined using the 230Th-normalization method in three sediment cores from the Subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean. Features in the lithogenic flux record of each core correspond to similar features in the record of dust deposition in the EPICA Dome C ice core. Biogenic fluxes correlate with lithogenic fluxes in each sediment core. Our preferred interpretation is that South American dust, most probably from Patagonia, constitutes a major source of lithogenic material in Subantarctic South Atlantic sediments, and that past biological productivity in this region responded to variability in the supply of dust, probably due to biologically available iron carried by the dust. Greater nutrient supply as well as greater nutrient utilization (stimulated by dust) contributed to Subantarctic productivity during cold periods, in contrast to the region south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), where reduced nutrient supply during cold periods was the principal factor limiting productivity. The anti-phased patterns of productivity on opposite sides of the APF point to shifts in the physical supply of nutrients and to dust as cofactors regulating productivity in the Southern Ocean.


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Siliceous deposits drilled on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 accumulated within a few degrees of the equator during the Jurassic through early Tertiary, as constrained by paleomagnetic data. During the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, radiolarian ooze, mixed with a minor amount of pelagic clay, was deposited near the equator, and overall accumulation rates were moderate to low. At a smaller scale, in more detail, periods of relatively higher accumulation rates alternated with periods of very low accumulation rates. Higher rates are represented by radiolarite and limestone; lower rates are represented by radiolarian claystone. Our limited data from Leg 129 suggests that accumulation of biogenic deposits was not symmetrical about the equator or consistent over time. In the Jurassic, sedimentation was siliceous; in the Cretaceous there was significant calcareous deposition; in the Tertiary claystone indicates significantly lower accumulation rates at least the northern part of the equatorial zone. Accumulation rates for Leg 129 deposits in the Cretaceous were higher in the southern part of the equatorial zone than in the northern part, and the southern side of this high productivity zone extended to approximately 15°S, while the northern side extended only to about 5°N. Accumulation rates are influenced by relative contributions from various sediment sources. Several elements and element ratios are useful for discriminating sedimentary sources for the equatorial depositional environments. Silica partitioning calculations indicate that silica is dominantly of biogenic origin, with a detrital component in the volcaniclastic turbidite units, and a small hydrothermal component in the basal sediments on spreading ridge basement of Jurassic age at Site 801. Iron in Leg 129 sediments is dominantly of detrital origin, highest in the volcaniclastic units, with a minor hydrothermal component in the basal sediments at Site 801. Manganese concentrations are highest in the units with the lowest accumulation rates. Fe/Mn ratios are >3 in all units, indicating negligible hydrothermal influence. Magnesium and aluminum concentrations are highest in the volcaniclastic units and in the basal sediments at Site 801. Phosphorous is very low in abundance and may be detrital, derived from fish parts. Boron is virtually absent, as is typical of deep-water deposits. Rare earth element concentrations are slightly higher in the volcaniclastic deposits, suggesting a detrital source, and lower in the rest of the lithologic units. Rare earth element abundances are also low relative to "average shale." Rare earth element patterns indicate all samples are light rare earth element enriched. Siliceous deposits in the volcaniclastic units have patterns which lack a cerium anomaly, suggesting some input of rare earth elements from a detrital source; most other units have a distinct negative Ce anomaly similar to seawater, suggesting a seawater source, through adsorption either onto biogenic tests or incorporation into authigenic minerals for Ce in these units. The Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) ratio indicates that there is some detrital component in all the units sampled. This ratio plotted against Fe/Ti shows that all samples plot near the detrital and basalt end-members, except for the basal samples from Site 801, which show a clear trend toward the hydrothermal end-member. The results of these plots and the association of high Fe with high Mg and Al indicate the detrital component is dominantly volcaniclastic, but the presence of potassium in some samples suggests some terrigenous material may also be present, most likely in the form of eolian clay. On Al-Fe-Mn ternary plots, samples from all three sites show a trend from biogenic ooze at the top of the section downhole to oceanic basalt. On Si-Fe-Mn ternary plots, the samples from all three sites fall on a trend between equatorial mid-ocean spreading ridges and north Pacific red clay. Copper-barium ratios show units that have low accumulation rates plot in the authigenic field, and radiolarite and limestone samples that have high accumulation rates fall in the biogenic field.