998 resultados para Mortes violentas
Em 1492, com o objetivo de adquirir riquezas e expansão territorial, os espanhóis chegaram à América Latina. Para tanto, rapidamente implantaram o seu sistema de governo, cultura e religião. Este processo só foi possível por meio da guerra. Para legitimá-la, foi necessário a reelaboração e a inversão de um antigo conceito de guerra e a sua consequente instauração nas terras recém ocupadas. O uso do conceito de Guerra Justa na América Latina, entre os anos1492 a 1566, fundamentava-se na história das conquistas romanas, filosofia de Aristóteles, teologia de Agostinho e Tomás de Aquino, nas leis jurídicas, Escrituras Sagradas e nas armas. Ao ser aplicado nas províncias indígenas, o conceito de Guerra Justa proporcionou efeitos trágicos pela sua violência. Ocorreram mortes de inocentes, invasão das terras, posse das riquezas, escravidão, destruição da cultura e da religião dos indígenas. Diante destes fatores, as divergências e debates tornaram-se inevitáveis. Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, o autor do Democrates Alter, tratado que hospeda o conceito de Guerra Justa, teve como opositor tanto na Espanha quanto na América Latina, o frei dominicano Bartolomé de Las Casas que lutou a favor dos indígenas frente a injustiça da guerra deflagrada pelos conquistadores espanhóis e da cristianização por meio das armas. Entre esses dois controversistas encontra-se outro teólogo-jurista, catedrático da Universidade de Salamanca, Francisco de Vitoria. Vitoria elaborou o Derecho Natural y de Gentes, obra que concedeu a Sepúlveda e Las Casas argumentos para fundamentar suas doutrinas. A julgar pelos resultados duradouros da conquista, Sepúlveda atingiu seus objetivos. A cristandade foi implantada em substituição às religiões dos nativos e os interesses políticos e econômicos dos conquistadores, entrementes, foram concretizados. Las Casas, por sua vez, ao discordar desse método, propôs, em sua obra, Del único modo de atraer a todos los pueblos a la verdadera religión, uma cristianização pacífica que se conduzisse somente por meio da pregação do evangelho e da fé cristã. Para chegarem a essa posição, ambos os controversistas analisaram as fontes e tradições literárias aristotélica, agostiniana e tomista, em especial. O projeto missionário colonial vislumbrado por Sepúlveda e Las Casas, definiu as duas hermenêuticas eclesiásticas presentes na América Latina que se estenderam até o século XIX quando aportou-se na América uma nova proposta de missão através dos protestantes.
O Apocalipse de João é uma obra instigante. Sua linguagem cheia de violência, com monstros aterrorizantes, pessoas clamando por justiça, anúncios de mortes e desespero, em um quadro de espetáculos celestes, fascina os que gostam de ficção e alimenta a esperança dos que esperam um dia entrar na Nova Jerusalém, onde não haverá mar nem morte, quando as lágrimas serão enxugadas. Contudo, o livro do Apocalipse será lido como uma narração da realidade. Nesse sentido, o texto não é visto como reflexo de qualquer opressão, mas construção discursiva a respeito do sistema que, para o visionário, é a negação da ordem. Neste trabalho, a partir dos conceitos de texto e memória cultural, à luz das pesquisas de I. Lótman, da escola russa de semiótica da cultura e das pesquisas dos Assmann, observar-se-á como as memórias de seres celestes caídos e aprisionados da tradição enoquita estão presentes na literatura judaico-cristã e servem para a construção narrativa do cenário de terror escatológico na quinta e sexta trombetas de Ap 9,1-21. Assim sendo, a tese defende o terror como instrumento de persuasão, o qual serviu, na estratégia do visionário, para descrever o seu contexto como realidade caótica. Por meio de estratégias narrativas, o narrador deseja que sua visão seja levada a sério e que seus interlocutores aceitem a sua interpretação da realidade, deixando a associação com a vida e sistema romanos, pois se assim procederem serão comparados aos selados e receberão as mesmas recompensas. Dessa maneira, sua descrição com linguagem escatológica joga com o futuro e com o presente; prevê o caos, mas o vive em nível narrativo. Por isso o livro do Apocalipse, com um dualismo extremamente radical, não dá espaços para dúvidas. A tese defende, portanto, que essa obra pode ser lida como instrumento retórico de terror e medo que leva seus leitores implícitos a não flertarem com Roma, a não aceitarem seus discursos ou os que com ela se associam.
Essa dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a partir de uma perspectiva sociológica, um fenômeno social: o da violência doméstica entre mulheres evangélicas. Fenômeno este que nos preocupa profundamente e que, cada vez mais se manifesta. Este é um tema desafiador, que por vezes, em muitos espaços e lugares, inclusive nos religiosos, não inquietam o bastante e nem fomentam uma discussão mais intensa e rigorosa. Será, portanto, pelas vozes das mulheres que buscaremos identificar como as representações de gênero estruturam suas próprias vidas para lidarem com a questão da violência sofrida no espaço que deveria ser o lócus do afeto, do desenvolvimento da confiança, da auto-estima, do acolhimento, da compreensão e respeito, do ninho de amor e que são antagonicamente transformados, principalmente para as mulheres e crianças, no local para o qual gostariam de não voltar. Procuraremos compreender como a religião evangélica, de maneira sutil, simbólica ou de forma concreta, por sua teologia, pela prática pastoral, nos aconselhamentos ou na própria dinâmica da comunidade, trata a violência doméstica contra mulheres, solicitando o silêncio, a submissão, a espera do cumprimento das promessas de Deus em suas vidas: a libertação de seus maridos, companheiros. Uma troca: o silêncio pela promessa de uma família feliz. Invocação de representações sociais para justificarem ou ocultarem práticas violentas contra as mulheres, mas em nome de Deus. Entretanto, o que pensam e o que sentem essas mulheres? Elas realmente gostam de apanhar? São de fato cúmplices da violência sofrida? Por que resistem em denunciarem seus parceiros agressores e não rompem ou demoram tanto tempo para romperem relacionamentos violentos? Em que medida sua inserção religiosa está relacionada com essa situação de violência? Para tentar responder a essas perguntas, escolhemos como campo de pesquisa o Núcleo de Defesa e Convivência da Mulher Casa Sofia, uma ONG que atua com mulheres em situação de violência doméstica e sexual. Ao constatarmos o significativo número de mulheres evangélicas que ali são atendidas, nos propusemos analisar as representações religiosas de gênero e sua relação com a violência doméstica.(AU)
O presente trabalho trata de uma investigação sobre a presença e o processo do luto por morte nas escolas e, também, como professores, coordenadores e diretores podem apoiar estudantes enlutados. Um significativo índice de mortes de estudantes demonstra que o processo experimentado por estudantes enlutados é realidade presente nas escolas. Por sua relevância, entende-se ser fundamental que o tema seja considerado na educação escolar. A opção metodológica para o desenvolvimento do estudo pautou-se pela realização de uma revisão da literatura para teoricamente traçar uma perspectiva histórica e social fundamentada principalmente em Paiva (2011), Kovács (2003), Franco (2002), Kübler-Ross (1996). Optou-se, também, por usar noticiários e documentários. Para a realização da pesquisa empírica, a investigação teve como campo 2 escolas públicas da Grande São Paulo e 23 sujeitos entre os quais professores, coordenador e diretores. Desse universo, 13 sujeitos eram da escola A e 10 da escola B; todos atuando diretamente com os alunos. Realizouse, em uma primeira etapa, a aplicação de um questionário estruturado, respondido inicialmente pelos 23 sujeitos. Na segunda etapa da pesquisa, utilizou-se como método a entrevista de aprofundamento com uma amostra de 10 profissionais (dois diretores, uma coordenadora e sete professores). Após responderem ao questionário, esses profissionais desejaram participar espontaneamente dessa segunda etapa, para que se pudesse obter maior aprofundamento das questões relacionadas à investigação. Por meio da análise de conteúdo dos relatos obtidos, foram construídos três temas: significado em perder uma pessoa por morte; facilidades e/ou dificuldades em lidar com as questões de luto/morte na escola; papel de gestores e educadores frente às manifestações de luto entre estudantes na escola. Como referências para análises dos dados, elencaram-se Queiroz (2003) e Demartini (2001). A pesquisa permitiu averiguar a presença e o processo de luto por morte nas escolas e como professores, coordenadores e diretores abordam o tema da morte, do luto e da perda. A pesquisa procurou também conhecer e refletir sobre os significados que os educadores têm acerca do luto e morte no contexto escolar. Esse conhecimento possibilitou conhecer como alguns professores e outros profissionais da educação trabalham (ou não) com o processo do luto na escola. As análises construídas a partir dos temas revelaram que alguns profissionais que vivenciam ou vivenciaram a dor pela perda por morte têm dificuldades em lidar com o tema na escola por não saberem lidar com essa situação. Outra questão considerada é a falta de apoio da escola e a falta de preparo dos profissionais ao lidar com o luto na escola. Os relatos apresentam a morte interdita de jovens como uma realidade presente nas escolas e ocupando cada vez mais espaço. Esse assunto desafiador não se encerra. Há muitas ações que a escola necessita realizar. Este trabalho propõe caminhos para novas investigações e desafios.
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo apresentar na forma de relato de experiência, a mediação de conflitos por meio das práticas restaurativas no contexto escolar. Dessa forma pretendeu-se compartilhar um processo ocorrido em uma escola pública de um munícipio do Estado de São Paulo, que utilizou as práticas restaurativas na mediação de conflitos com alunos do 1º ano do ciclo I. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que utilizou o relato de experiência, como forma de construir conhecimentos que pudessem ser socializados e que implicaram em uma modificação da prática. A análise foi feito por meio de através de registros reflexivos, análise documental e observações. No processo de mediação de conflitos, foram utilizadas as práticas restaurativas, sendo o instrumento os círculos restaurativos que visam à resolução do conflito e a prevenção da violência através do diálogo, da reflexão e de um acordo entre as partes. Esta pesquisa mostrou que os círculos propiciaram a reflexão das crianças sobre suas ações, o diálogo entre todos os segmentos envolvidos, o fortalecimento de valores morais, o estímulo à utilização da mediação para a resolução de situações de conflito de forma assertiva e a construção de um ambiente cooperativo que atuou na direção da prevenção de ações violentas. Os princípios da Justiça Restaurativa favoreceram o desenvolvimento da autonomia moral, a cooperação no ambiente escolar e a restauração das relações.
The study of mortality by various differentials has been an important tool to guide public health policies, due to better describing the events of deaths in a population. This research aims to seek disparities in mortality according to educational level, sex and adulthood in large Brazilian regions and consequently for Brazil as a whole. A vast literature has shown that people with more education tend to have lower risk of death. Studies on inequalities in mortality by level of education in Brazil are still very specific and has still known very little about Brazil about mortality according to educational level, due to lack of information about the well-filled school in the records of deaths arising from the Mortality Information System (MIS) of the Ministry of Health. This data source has shown improvement in the coverage of sub reports in the last decade, however, it has still perceived negligence in completing the question regarding schooling of death (about 30% of registered deaths in 2010 to Brazil, Given this scenario, this work contributes to the national literature on the behavior of adult mortality differentials having as proposed, using data from the new variable mortality of the 2010 Census (CD 2010), assuming the characteristics of education of the head the household for deaths occurring in the same. It is therefore considered that the probability of mortality is homogeneous within the household. Events of deaths were corrected only for the records come from households where the head possessed levels of schooling and Instruction Elementary Education No Incomplete and Primary Education and Secondary Education Complete Incomplete through the Generations Extinct Adjusted method. With deaths already corrected, probabilities of death were calculated between 15 and 60 years life, as well as tables by sex and level of education to all regions of Brazil. No que se refere às probabilidades de morte por idade, nas idades entre 15 e 60 anos as maiores probabilidades seguem um gradiente, maior probabilidade para os menos escolarizados. Results corroborate the literature, the more educated the population is, the greater the life expectancy. In all Brazilian regions, life expectancy of the female population is greater than that of men at all levels of schooling. With respect to probabilities of death by age between the ages of 15 and 60 years the most likely follow a gradient, most likely to the least educated. At older ages (from 70 years), this behavior has presented another pattern, the lowest level of education has the lowest odds in the regions, North, Northeast, South and Midwest, except in the Southeast region
The Brazilian prison system is going through a serious crisis, not only due to the growth in the number of prisoners and the consequent overcrowding of prisons, but also for the violation of human rights, institutionalization and difficulty in social rehabilitation of inmates. Furthermore, the harmful effects of the prison system affect their workers, who generally are not prioritized by researchers, health programs and government policies. The literature pointing to some consequences of work in prison, among them, the mental illness, stress, alcohol abuse, etc., but little is known about this profession, their problems, the difficulties of their work routine, so as subjective processes involved. So, what are the effects of this work in the prison in the lives of correctional officers? What strategies developed to address the work in prison? This research aims to analyze the effects of this work in the prison in the lives of correctional officers from the state prison in Parnamirim, located in the metropolitan region of Natal-RN. Within the theoretical and methodological perspective of institutional analysis and cartography were carried conversation circles, interviews, in addition to participant observation of the correctional officers work’s routine. The results point to a working routine marked by the performance of procedures that involve risk to the worker, generating situations of tension and stress. Besides, the culture of violence (which is implemented in jail everyday) as well as the training and initial learning of the profession, are responsible for the militarization process of the subjectivities of the correctional officers, producing hard subject, disciplined, stiff, likely to violent practices and other rights violations. Other mapped effects relate to the acquisition of knowledge about the human (“psy” knowledge) responsible for forging the conception of the criminal as "dangerous subject", which, in turn, acts as subjectivity vector in the daily life of prison guards by setting up a way of life crossed by fear and insecurity outside the work environment. Produces a control in the open about their lives and their families, limiting them with regard to family and community life and the realization of leisure activities in public spaces. In this sense, it appears that the arrest acts producing “bad meetings” (from Espinosa's perspective), once it produces sad affections responsible for weakening the conatus, limiting the possibilities of action of these subjects. Although agents develop some strategies to deal with the difficulties of working in prison (among which stand out the development of other professional or leisure activities, spirituality / religiosity and the ability to separate the labor moments from those of their the personal lives, is advocated that such strategies do not offer significant resistance, since they do not question the contemporary legal-criminal logic. The thesis presented supports the proposals of penal abolitionism to present other conceptions of crime and justice through the invention of other practical and conceptual strategies.
The species of the genus Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) are widely used in Brazil as a medicinal product to treat cough, boils, gastritis and other diseases. In this scenario stands out K. brasiliensis, popularly known as coirama or saião. This paper aims at the oral exposure of mice to a hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of Kalanchoe brasiliensis. The animals (total of 100) were divided into 12 groups (6 males and 6 females) for the acute assessment; and groups of 10 for subchronic evaluation. Test groups were treated with doses of 250 mg / kg, 500 mg / kg, 1000 mg / kg and 2000 mg / kg and the control group received 0.9% saline. The animals were observed for 14 days for acute evaluation and 30 days for subchronic evaluation, and in that period analyzed the appearance of clinical signs, changes in weight and consumption of water and food. After the observation period, histopathological analysis of the organs, biochemical serum and haematological parameters for the assessment of the subchronic groups were processed. Differences and changes in body weight were not observed among the groups, nor consumption of water and food, there were no deaths among the groups in the two types of assays. Histopathological analysis showed some alterations compatible with low acute hepatic toxicity. The results of blood glucose, triglycerides, ALT, urea and creatinine showed differences between the control group and the test concentrations studied (p <0.05), but these differences do not show relevant change in the clinical picture of animals. The results showed that the extract K. brasiliensis has low acute toxicity at the doses used and no toxicity when administered for 30 days. This highlights the importance of this species as future and promising candidate for phytotherapics, so has its pharmacological trials completed.
This dissertation considered the development of two papers, both related to mortality in Brazil. In the first article, "The context of mortality according to the three broad groups of causes of death in Brazilian capitals, 2000 and 2010", the objective was to analyze the mortality rate according to the three major groups of causes of death in Brazilian capitals. In the second article, "Typology and characteristics of mortality from external causes in the municipalities in the Northeast of Brazil, 2000 and 2010", it was built up a typology for the Northeastern municipalities taking into account information on mortality from external causes and a set of indicators related to socioeconomic, demographic, and infrastructure aspects of such municipalities, both articles for the years 2000 and 2010. Thus, we used data from the Mortality Information System of the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, it was used information from the Demographic Census for those years. The variables relating to socioeconomic and demographic conditions used in this study were those available on the home page of the United Nations Program for Development. The variables relating to socioeconomic and demographic conditions used in this study were those available on the home page of the United Nations Program for Development. Was used in Article 1 the pro-rata distribution method to accomplish the redistribution of ill-defined causes. Moreover, made use of the technique of cluster analysis with the aim of grouping the capital that had proportions of deaths from ill-defined causes similar to each other. Already in Section 2, we used the technique of Empirical Bayesian estimation; spatial statistics technique; and finally, the Grade of Membership method to find types of municipalities from information on mortality from external causes associated with socioeconomic, demographic and infrastructure variables. As the main results, it stands out in Article 1, in relation to data quality, we observed the formation of four groups of similar capital between themselves, as the proportion of illdefined causes. Regarding the behavior of mortality, according to the three major groups of causes of death, it was noted both for 2000 and for 2010 the prevalence of deaths from noncommunicable diseases for both sexes, although the reduction was identified rates in some of the capitals. Communicable diseases stood out as the second cause of death among women. Also, we found that deaths due to external causes are responsible for the second cause of death among men, as well as presenting an increase among women. As for the Article 2, stands out, in general, not just an extension of mortality from external causes in the municipalities, as well as an enlargement of the configurator stain existence of external cause deaths for the whole area of Northeast. Regarding the typology of municipalities, three vi extreme profiles were buit: the profile 1, which comprises municipalities with high rates of mortality from external causes and the best social indicators; the profile 2, that was composed of municipalities that are characterized by having low mortality rates from external causes and the lowest social indicators; and the profile 3, that brings together municipalities with intermediate mortality rates and median values considered in relation to social indicators. Although we have not seen changes in the characteristics of the profiles, we observed an increase in the proportion of municipalities that belong to the extreme profile 3, taking into account the mixed profiles.
Aging as a social phenomenon is guided in the ways of production and reproduction, that is linked to the peculiarities and compliances of the social structure influence the values and erected senses. The search for the understanding of the reality will be given by the appropriation of knowledge/information that in contemporary times are increasingly tied to the media means, so that they go beyond the mere condition media, reaching the condition of instruments of direct, attitudes and opinions production. Among the media instruments, there are news medias, that are important means of information dissemination and consequently production of senses, including over aging. Thus, the objective is to: apprehend the social representations and meanings associated with aging in the media space about aging; browse the social representations about aging in media space and their influence on the relations that are established in the cultural socio-economic context. To do it The Theory of Social Representation will be used. To collect the data, 57 online news from the three main state newspapers were studied: Tribuna do Norte, Gazeta do Povo and Jornal de Hoje, which were captured through a search tol of these newspaper sites, using the words: “aging””elderly”. These materials were analyzed making use of Bardin’s Qualitative Analysis, which allowed the establishment of five categories, namely: Aging and violence; Aging in contemporary times; Aging and health; Aging and citizenship; and Aging, work and action. In the first category news reporting violent situations are framed the regardless of the victim’s condition or the one charged by the violence, the fragility of elderly persists. In Aging in contemporary times the attempts of the news media to explain the demographic changes of the quantitative increases in the elderly, the burden it may lead to the full development of the country are noticed. In Aging and health is noticed the imminent end of the condition brought on age, as a synonym for diseases and conditions. In the fourth category, Aging and citizenship situations are shown where peculiarities and needs or the elderly need to turn into obligation to be fulfilled, denouncing the condition of low expression and social power of the class. Finally, in Aging, work and action situations that indicate the non-expectation of elderly interaction with new technologies and participation in decision-making directions of society are brought. In a general and specific form this analysis allowed learning the ways of production of meanings about aging in the papers, as these ones tend to represent aging through intentioned situations as hegemonic needs, building the social representation of the elderly as fragile person, submissive, inactive, subject to violence and susceptible to becoming ill.
The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).
The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).
Advances in neonatology resulted in reducing the mortality rate and the consequent increase in survival of newborn pre terms (PTN). On the other hand, there was also a considerable increase in the risk of developing health care-related infection (HAI) in its most invasive, especially for bloodstream. This situation is worrying, and prevent the occurrence of it is a challenge and becomes one of the priorities in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Sepsis is the main cause of death in critical neonates and affects more than one million newborns each year, representing 40% of all deaths in neonates. The incidence of late sepsis can reach 50% in NICUs. Currently the major responsible for the occurrence of sepsis in developed countries is the coagulase negative Staphylococcus (CoNS), followed by S. aureus. The cases of HAIs caused by resistant isolates for major classes of antimicrobial agents have been increasingly frequent in the NICU. Therefore, vancomycin has to be prescribed more frequently, and, today, the first option in the treatment of bloodstream infections by resistant Staphylococcus. The objectives of this study were to assess the impact on late sepsis in epidemiology III NICU after the change of the use of antimicrobials protocol; check the frequency of multiresistant microorganisms; assess the number of neonates who came to death. This study was conducted in NICU Level III HC-UFU. three study groups were formed based on the use of the proposed late sepsis treatment protocol, with 216 belonging to the period A, 207 B and 209 to the C. The work was divided into three stages: Period A: data collected from neonates admitted to the unit between September 2010 to August 2011. was using treatment of late sepsis: with oxacillin and gentamicin, oxacillin and amikacin, oxacillin and cefotaxime. Period B: data were collected from March 2012 to February 2013. Data collection was started six months after protocol change. Due to the higher prevalence of CoNS, the initial protocol was changed to vancomycin and cefotaxime. Period C: data were collected from newborns inteerne in the unit from September 2013 to August 2014. Data collection was started six months after the protocol change, which occurred in March 2013. From the 632 neonates included in this study, 511 (80,8%) came from the gynecology and obstetrics department of the HC-UFU. The mean gestational age was 33 weeks and the prevailing sex was male (55,7%). Seventy-nine percent of the studied neonates were hospitalized at the NICU HC-UFU III because of complications related to the respiratory system. Suspicion of sepsis took to hospitalization in the unit of 1,9% of newborns. In general, the infection rate was 34,5%, and the most frequent infectious sepsis syndrome 81,2%. There was a tendency to reduce the number of neonates who died between periods A 11 and C (p = 0,053). From the 176 cases of late sepsis, 73 were clinical sepsis and 103 had laboratory confirmation, with greater representation of Gram positive bacteria, which corresponded to 67.2% of the isolates and CoNS the most frequent micro-organism (91,5%). There was a statistically significant difference in the reduction of isolation of Gram positive microorganisms between periods A and C (p = 0,0365) as well as in reducing multidrug-resistant CoNS (A and B period p = 0,0462 and A and C period, p = 0,158). This study concluded that: the CoNS was the main microorganism responsible for the occurrence of late sepsis in neonates in the NICU of HC-UFU; the main risk factors for the occurrence of late sepsis were: birth weight <1500 g, use of PICC and CUV, need for mechanical ventilation and parenteral nutrition, SNAPPE> 24 and length of stay more than seven days; the new empirical treatment protocol late sepsis, based on the use of vancomycin associated cefepime, it was effective, since promoted a reduction in insulation CoNS blood cultures between the pre and post implementation of the Protocol (A and C, respectively); just as there was a reduction in the number of newborns who evolved to death between periods A and C.
Reconhecendo, a partir da constatação empírica, a multiplicidade de escolhas de crenças no Mundo e em particular na periferia urbana paulistana, reconhecemos, também, a emergência criativa de novas possibilidades de crer e não crer. Tal amplitude não apenas aponta para o crer (segundo as ofertas de um sem número de religiões) e o não crer (ateu e agnóstico), mas para uma escolha que poderia vir a ser silenciada e esquecida, neste binômio arcaico e obsoleto, quando alguém se dá à liberdade crer sem ter religião. Reconhecer interessadamente os sem-religião nas periferias urbanas paulistanas é dar-se conta das violências a que estes indivíduos estão submetidos: violência econômica, violência da cidadania (vulnerabilidade) e proveniente da armas (grupos x Estado). Tanto quanto a violência do esquecimento e silenciamento. A concomitância espaço-temporal dos sem-religião nas periferias, levou-nos buscar referências em teorias de secularização e de laicidade, e, a partir destas, traçar uma história do poder violento, cuja pretensão é a inelutabilidade, enquanto suas fissuras são abertas em espaços de resistências. A história da legitimação do poder que se quer único, soberano, de caráter universal, enquanto fragmenta a sociedade em indivíduos atomizados, fragilizando vínculos horizontais, e a dos surgimentos de resistências não violentas questionadoras da totalidade trágica, ao reconhecer a liberdade de ser com autonomia, enquanto se volta para a produção de partilha de bens comuns. Propomos reconhecer a igual liberdade de ser (expressa na crença da filiação divina) e de partilhar o bem comum em reconhecimentos mútuos (expressa pela ação social), uma expressão de resistência não violenta ao poder que requer a igual abdicação da liberdade pela via da fragmentação individualizante e submissão inquestionável à ordem totalizante. Os sem-religião nas periferias urbanas, nossos contemporâneos, partilhariam uma tal resistência, ao longo da história, com as melissas gregas, os profetas messiânicos hebreus, os hereges cristãos e os ateus modernos, cuja pretensão não é o poder, mas a partilha igual da liberdade e dos bens comuns. Estes laicos, de fato, seriam agentes de resistências de reconhecimento mútuos, em espaços de multiplicidade crescente, ao poder violento real na história.
El trabajo explora la emergencia de temas y la constitución de problemas públicos que integran la agenda de la seguridad en Argentina en la etapa democrática a partir de procesos vinculados a la problematización pública de muertes violentas constituidas como casos conmocionantes. Con estos fines, el análisis integra la reconstrucción en el registro de la acción pública de casos conmocionantes con una revisión de trabajos que desde las ciencias sociales abordan dimensiones de la muerte violenta y problemas vinculados a la agenda nacional de la seguridad. Como punto de llegada del análisis destacamos la capacidad que en la actualidad manifiesta la inseguridad para absorber e integrar dimensiones en tanto problema que se constituye como un guion cultural privilegiado para la comprensión de la violencia, que sintetiza sentidos sociales circulantes sobre el riesgo y que sirve de plataforma para la demanda política de amplios sectores de la ciudadanía.