941 resultados para Memórias autobiográficas involuntárias


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A presente pesquisa foi iniciada pela compreensão que, mesmo com os significativos avanços ocorridos nos últimos anos, relacionados aos debates de gênero, mulheres, feminismo, faz-se necessário, ainda, que educadoras/es consigam estabelecer diálogos nas salas de aula sobre o tema, eis que, ou está ausente ou é muito pouco debatido no âmbito das escolas. Pretende-se estabelecer uma relação entre o Ensino de História e o gênero/mulher no contexto da História. Para tanto, foi utilizado o conceito de literacia histórica, o qual aborda a História em múltiplas possibilidades e definições sobre como ela (História) pode ser “lida”, uma alfabetização histórica. Neste sentido espera-se que a abordagem de uma História local seja percebida como inter-relacionada com a História global. Para que tal propósito seja alcançado, serão utilizados os paradigmas da Educação Histórica e o conceito de Teoria Social. A partir da investigação das memórias de professoras e professores de História sobre a sua formação, busca-se identificar as influências que sofreram no meio escolar, e o quanto significou, para elas e para eles, estas nas suas vidas, os aprendizados e as dificuldades encontradas. Levando-se em conta que muitos trabalhos fundamentados em estudos sobre mulheres têm sido realizados por alunas/os da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG para a obtenção da titulação em vários níveis de formação acadêmica, na área de História, realizou-se um levantamento inicial, a fim de encontrar mulheres que escreveram sobre mulheres no Centro de Documentação Histórica Prof. Hugo Alberto Pereira Neves (CDH-FURG). Buscou-se também uma dissertação, resultante de curso realizado na Universidade Federal de Pelotas – UFPel. A partir da identificação de algumas mulheres que escreveram sobre mulheres e que se encontram atuando como docentes em sala de aula, ou em outros espaços onde desenvolvem atividades correlatas, idealizou-se conhecer como estão sendo abordadas, se o são, as questões relacionadas às mulheres no contexto em que se encontram essas profissionais. Por fim, foram realizadas entrevistas e buscou-se observar as coincidências e/ou divergências entre elas no tocante ao tema gênero/mulheres, no espaço escolar ou onde atuam.


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Esta investigação tem como contexto o bairro de Alfama, centrando-se em uma área específica situada na zona ribeirinha com início na Rua da Alfândega e se estendendo até a Rua do Jardim do Tabaco. É uma zona com relevante potencial turístico, mas com pouco dinamismo apesar dos vários atrativos que lá existem. O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a paisagem urbana na subunidade de estudo citada acima de forma a descobrirmos através da leitura do espaço urbano uma identidade patrimonial para desta maneira propormos a sua valorização. Para facilitar o estudo dividimos a área em cinco trechos e através da observação in loco esboçarmos sua situação ao nível de morfologia urbana, das características espaciais, dos usos e do modo de apropriação do espaço pelas pessoas e pelas atividades, o estado de conservação do edificado, o mobiliário urbano e todas as características do seu entorno. Para a análise da paisagem fizemos um levantamento fotográfico digital e uma avaliação visual do percurso procurando enquadrar-se na leitura da paisagem estudada pelos autores Kevin Lynch e Gordon Cullen. O estudo também passa por uma avaliação dos seus aspectos significativos, ou seja, os registres de memórias que são pontos fortes da paisagem urbana. São aspectos que identificam o local e definem a sua legibilidade. Em paralelo elaboramos uma análise SWOT que contribuiu para entendermos o complexo de desafios que se colocam ao nosso universo de estudo e justificar o contributo desta dissertação através de propostas concretas de valorização. ABSTRACT; The context of this research is Alfama district, focusing on a specific area located on the waterfront starting at Alfândega Street and extending until Jardim do Tabaco Street. lt is an area with a relevant tourism potential, however with a small dynamic despite its many attractions. The research aim to study the urban landscape in the sub-unit mentioned above in order to uncover, through an urban reading, a patrimonial identity seeking its recovery. To facilitate the research, the area was divided into five sections and, by in loco observation, we outlined its position into a urban morphology rank, space characteristics, uses and appropriation of space by individuals and activities, conservation condition of the building, urban furniture and all the features of its surroundings. With regards the landscape study, was done a digital inventory and a visual evaluation of the route in quest of to fit it in the landscape studies by the authors Kevin Lynch and Gordon Cullen. The research also goes through an appraisal of its significant aspects, in other words, the memories records that are the strengths of the urban landscape. These are aspects that identify the location and define its readability. ln parallel we had developed a SWOT analysis which helped to understand the complex challenges in this universe of studies and justify the contribution of this thesis with concrete recovery proposals.


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O presente trabalho tem a intenção de estudar o desastre ambiental ocorrido em março de 2011 em São Lourenço do Sul, uma enxurrada que afetou a parte sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Em São Lourenço do Sul, mais da metade da cidade foi atingida, afetando bairros inteiros, deixando grande parte da população desabrigada, inclusive causando óbitos. As óticas dos professores das redes públicas da cidade, através de suas sofridas memórias sobre aquele momento, juntamente com outras fontes, serão de suma importância para que se aproxime ainda mais do fato. A História Ambiental, juntamente com a História Oral, dentro dos domínios da História do Tempo Presente, serão as diretrizes norteadoras do processo.


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Dopamine (DA) is known to regulate both sleep and memory formations, while sleep plays a critical role in the consolidation of different types of memories. We believe that pharmacological manipulation of dopaminergic pathways might disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, leading to mnemonic deficits, which can be observed in both behavioral and molecular levels. Therefore, here we investigated how systemic injections of haloperidol (0.3 mg/kg), immediately after training in dark and light periods, affects learning assessed in the novel object preference test (NOPT) in mice. We also investigated the hippocampal levels of the plasticity-related proteins Zif-268, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and phosphorylated Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II (CaMKII-P) in non-exposed (naïve), vehicle-injected controls and haloperidol-treated mice at 3, 6 and 12 hours after training in the light period. Haloperidol administration during the light period led to a subsequent impairment in the NOPT. In contrast, preference was not observed during the dark period neither in mice injected with haloperidol, nor in vehicle-injected animals. A partial increase of CaMKII-P in the hippocampal field CA3 of vehicle-injected mice was detected at 3h. Haloperidol-treated mice showed a significant decrease in the dentate gyrus of CaMKII-P levels at 3, 6 and 12h; of Zif-268 levels at 6h, and of BDNF levels at 12h after training. Since the mnemonic effects of haloperidol were only observed in the light period when animals tend to sleep, we suggest that these effects are related to REM sleep disruption after haloperidol injection


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The object of this study is the organizational management, particularly the relational processenvironment organization focused on the survival of the space Department of the Arts and Crafts Mestre Raimundo Cardoso linked to the structural arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri.. Aimed to understand the ways of organizational survival, from the actors' perception of the Center for Arts Career Workshops and Lais Aderne, with investments that discuss the theoretical models of management, institutional theory, cultural organization and institutionalization of public education requirement of the municipal light LDB. (1996) used a qualitative approach with a view to RICHARDSON (1985). The data generated were analyzed based on the technique of content analysis, the thematic type [categorical] Bardin (1977). The results indicate that the institutionalization of the arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri emerges meet the legal requirement of the autonomy of municipal educational administration under the aegis of sustainable development, quality of life and basic education from the municipal Hélio Gueiros (1993-1996 ). More specifically the Center for Arts and Crafts Laís Aderne, the unit of analysis, the subjects said that this space is designed as a link between the demands of school and community searching through interdisciplinary activities educate and train manpower mainly potter. They did mention the existence of institutional factors (history, culture, habits, values) represent a strong socio-cultural element to the actors belonging to the core that guides behavior and actions of these individuals, fueled by a sense of hope, inclusion of future artisans in culture ceramist. It made a shared management, the existence of a unique work through cultural revival. However, over the course of time, the core is faced with dilemmas of managing transitions mainly regarding governmental, technological beyond endurance by the craftsmen for the optimization of their work. The conclusion - that the paths chosen for the organizational survival of the core meaning and guiding their actions in the systematization of conduct, representations, memories and traditions through habits and choices of consensus, the viewpoint of the actors


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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Tese (Doutorado) – Instituto de Artes da Universidade de Brasília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte, 2015.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, 2016.


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A investigação insere-se no Mestrado em Estudos do Património, da Universidade Aberta, visando a origem, significado e memórias da vila de Porto de Mós, através da análise da sua toponímia no período que medeia os anos de 1880 a 2015. O vasto período em estudo requereu uma demarcação das datas significativas da História e a consequente perpetuação das referências nacionais e locais nas placas toponímicas. O estudo teve como suporte a recolha e a explicação dos topónimos de Porto de Mós, numa pesquisa de campo, com o apoio do registo em atas de sessão da Câmara Municipal, mapas da vila, bem como na recolha de depoimentos orais. Foi estudada a evolução demográfica e o crescimento urbano, observados nos censos e em bibliografia. A reconstituição histórica Portomosense foi feita a partir de narrativas, inquéritos e registos documentais. O levantamento dos topónimos permitiu acompanhar as alterações políticas e económicas, ao longo de mais de cem anos da vila de Porto de Mós.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, 2016.


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Asymptomatic Plasmodium infection carriers represent a major threat to malaria control worldwide as they are silent natural reservoirs and do not seek medical care. There are no standard criteria for asymptomatic Plasmodium infection; therefore, its diagnosis relies on the presence of the parasite during a specific period of symptomless infection. The antiparasitic immune response can result in reduced Plasmodium sp. load with control of disease manifestations, which leads to asymptomatic infection. Both the innate and adaptive immune responses seem to play major roles in asymptomatic Plasmodium infection; T regulatory cell activity (through the production of interleukin- 10 and transforming growth factor-β) and B-cells (with a broad antibody response) both play prominent roles. Furthermore, molecules involved in the haem detoxification pathway (such as haptoglobin and haeme oxygenase-1) and iron metabolism (ferritin and activated c-Jun N-terminal kinase) have emerged in recent years as potential biomarkers and thus are helping to unravel the immune response underlying asymptomatic Plasmodium infection. The acquisition of large data sets and the use of robust statistical tools, including network analysis, associated with welldesigned malaria studies will likely help elucidate the immune mechanisms responsible for asymptomatic infection.


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The class Kinetoplastea encompasses both free-living and parasitic species from a wide range of hosts. Several representatives of this group are responsible for severe human diseases and for economic losses in agriculture and livestock. While this group encompasses over 30 genera, most of the available information has been derived from the vertebrate pathogenic genera Leishmania and Trypanosoma. Recent studies of the previously neglected groups of Kinetoplastea indicated that the actual diversity is much higher than previously thought. This article discusses the known segment of kinetoplastid diversity and how gene-directed Sanger sequencing and next-generation sequencing methods can help to deepen our knowledge of these interesting protists.


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Fungal infections are emerging as a major problem in part due to high mortality associated with systemic infections, especially in the case of immunocompromised patients. With the development of new treatments for diseases such as cancer and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome pandemic, the number of immunosuppressed patients has increased and, as a consequence, also the number of invasive fungal infections has increased. Several studies have proposed new strategies for the development of effective fungal vaccines. In addition, better understanding of how the immune system works against fungal pathogens has improved the further development of these new vaccination strategies. As a result, some fungal vaccines have advanced through clinical trials. However, there are still many challenges that prevent the clinical development of fungal vaccines that can efficiently immunise subjects at risk of developing invasive fungal infections. In this review, we will discuss these new vaccination strategies and the challenges that they present. In the future with proper investments, fungal vaccines may soon become a reality.


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We present a paleoparasitological analysis of the medieval Zeleniy Yar burial ground of the XII-XII centuries AD located in the northern part of Western Siberia. Parasite eggs, identified as eggs of Opisthorchis felineus, were found in the samples from the pelvic area of a one year old infant buried at the site. Presence of these eggs in the soil samples from the infant’s abdomen suggests that he/she was infected with opisthorchiasis and imply consumption of undercooked fish. Ethnographic records collected among the population of the northern part of Western Siberia reveal numerous cases of feeding raw fish to their children. Zeleniy Yar case of opisthorchiasis suggests that this dietary custom has persisted from at least medieval times.


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This work reports the in vitro activity against Plasmodium falciparum blood forms (W2 clone, chloroquine-resistant) of tamoxifen-based compounds and their ferrocenyl (ferrocifens) and ruthenocenyl (ruthenocifens) derivatives, as well as their cytotoxicity against HepG2 human hepatoma cells. Surprisingly with these series, results indicate that the biological activity of ruthenocifens is better than that of ferrocifens and other tamoxifen-like compounds. The synthesis of a new metal-based compound is also described. It was shown, for the first time, that ruthenocifens are good antiplasmodial prototypes. Further studies will be conducted aiming at a better understanding of their mechanism of action and at obtaining new compounds with better therapeutic profile.