976 resultados para Marilhat, Prosper, 1811-1847.
Seguido da Indagação da mais vantajosa construcção dos diques por Mrs. Bossut e Viallet ; e de hum extracto da architectura hydraulica de M. Belidor... ; terminado pelo tratado pratico da medida das aguas correntes, e uso da taboa parabolica do P. D. Francisco Maria de Regi ; de Ordem de Sua Alteza Real o Principe Regente Nosso Senhor traduzidos por Manoel Jacinto Nogueira da Gama.
Por Gerardo Lairesse ; traducção do francez de Ordem, e debaixo dos auspícios de Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente N. S.
A obra é parte do esforço de produção de livros didáticos empreendidos por Frei Velloso.
Esta edição é uma contribuição da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, aos festejos comemorativos do quinto centenário do Infante Dom Henrique.
Silva, Innocencio Francisco da. Diccionario bibliographico portuguez. 1908.
This paper presents a vaccination strategy for fighting against the propagation of epidemic diseases. The disease propagation is described by an SEIR (susceptible plus infected plus infectious plus removed populations) epidemic model. The model takes into account the total population amounts as a refrain for the illness transmission since its increase makes the contacts among susceptible and infected more difficult. The vaccination strategy is based on a continuous-time nonlinear control law synthesised via an exact feedback input-output linearization approach. An observer is incorporated into the control scheme to provide online estimates for the susceptible and infected populations in the case when their values are not available from online measurement but they are necessary to implement the control law. The vaccination control is generated based on the information provided by the observer. The control objective is to asymptotically eradicate the infection from the population so that the removed-by-immunity population asymptotically tracks the whole one without precise knowledge of the partial populations. The model positivity, the eradication of the infection under feedback vaccination laws and the stability properties as well as the asymptotic convergence of the estimation errors to zero as time tends to infinity are investigated.
Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães, Visconde de Araguaia, nasceu no Rio de Janeiro, em 13 de agosto de 1811, e morreu em Roma, em 1822, onde, então, exercia função diplomática. Formou-se em Medicina, mas deu preferência à atividade literária e à carreira diplomática.Foi também eleito deputado à Assembleia Geral Legislativa. Seu primeiro livro, Poesias, foi publicado em 1832. Fundou a Niterói : Revista Brasiliense, com o propósito de promover a reforma romântica de nossas letras. Foi aí que publicou o Ensaio sobre a história da literatura no Brasil : discurso preliminar, verdadeiro manifesto de reforma romântica, e, ao mesmo tempo, lançou o livro de poesias Suspiros poéticos e saudades, que toda a crítica da época apontou como obra iniciadora do Romantismo no Brasil. Suas obras completas - literárias, históricas e filosóficas -, em oito tomos, foram lançadas pela Garnier, de 1864 a 1876.
"Com licença da meza do desembargo do Paço'
Variação do Título : Obrigação de precatorias para levantamento de depositos no Banco do Brasil.
Nota Com: Catálogo das obras de agricultura e figuras de plantações em escala.
Ao alto do título: Conde das Galveas.
Part I:
The earth's core is generally accepted to be composed primarily of iron, with an admixture of other elements. Because the outer core is observed not to transmit shear waves at seismic frequencies, it is known to be liquid or primarily liquid. A new equation of state is presented for liquid iron, in the form of parameters for the 4th order Birch-Murnaghan and Mie-Grüneisen equations of state. The parameters were constrained by a set of values for numerous properties compiled from the literature. A detailed theoretical model is used to constrain the P-T behavior of the heat capacity, based on recent advances in the understanding of the interatomic potentials for transition metals. At the reference pressure of 105 Pa and temperature of 1811 K (the normal melting point of Fe), the parameters are: ρ = 7037 kg/m3, KS0 = 110 GPa, KS' = 4.53, KS" = -.0337 GPa-1, and γ = 2.8, with γ α ρ-1.17. Comparison of the properties predicted by this model with the earth model PREM indicates that the outer core is 8 to 10 % less dense than pure liquid Fe at the same conditions. The inner core is also found to be 3 to 5% less dense than pure liquid Fe, supporting the idea of a partially molten inner core. The density deficit of the outer core implies that the elements dissolved in the liquid Fe are predominantly of lower atomic weight than Fe. Of the candidate light elements favored by researchers, only sulfur readily dissolves into Fe at low pressure, which means that this element was almost certainly concentrated in the core at early times. New melting data are presented for FeS and FeS2 which indicate that the FeS2 is the S-hearing liquidus solid phase at inner core pressures. Consideration of the requirement that the inner core boundary be observable by seismological means and the freezing behavior of solutions leads to the possibility that the outer core may contain a significant fraction of solid material. It is found that convection in the outer core is not hindered if the solid particles are entrained in the fluid flow. This model for a core of Fe and S admits temperatures in the range 3450K to 4200K at the top of the core. An all liquid Fe-S outer core would require a temperature of about 4900 K at the top of the core.
Part II.
The abundance of uses for organic compounds in the modern world results in many applications in which these materials are subjected to high pressures. This leads to the desire to be able to describe the behavior of these materials under such conditions. Unfortunately, the number of compounds is much greater than the number of experimental data available for many of the important properties. In the past, one approach that has worked well is the calculation of appropriate properties by summing the contributions from the organic functional groups making up molecules of the compounds in question. A new set of group contributions for the molar volume, volume thermal expansivity, heat capacity, and the Rao function is presented for functional groups containing C, H, and O. This set is, in most cases, limited in application to low molecular liquids. A new technique for the calculation of the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus is also presented. Comparison with data indicates that the presented technique works very well for most low molecular hydrocarbon liquids and somewhat less well for oxygen-bearing compounds. A similar comparison of previous results for polymers indicates that the existing tabulations of group contributions for this class of materials is in need of revision. There is also evidence that the Rao function contributions for polymers and low molecular compounds are somewhat different.
Neste estudo foi investigada a alcoólise enzimática do óleo de soja com etanol, utilizando t-butanol como solvente e enzimas imobilizadas Lipozyme TL IM, Lipozyme RM IM e Novozym 435 como catalisadores. As reações foram realizadas em um reator batelada fechado acoplado a um condensador e com constante agitação. Foram avaliadas a influência do t-butanol, do tipo de enzima utilizada, da razão molar álcool/óleo e da temperatura no rendimento em biodiesel. A etanólise do óleo de soja por sucessivas adições de álcool foi investigada e as melhores condições foram obtidas em presença de t-butanol, razão molar etanol/óleo igual a 3, temperatura de 50C e 5% (m/m) de Novozym 435. Nas reações conduzidas em presença de t-butanol não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre a adição direta e a escalonada do álcool. Os efeitos da adição de álcool só foram observados na ausência de t-butanol. O rendimento máximo em ésteres etílicos atingido foi cerca de 66% após 4h de reação com Novozym 435 na presença de solvente.