1000 resultados para Los Lagos
BACKGROUND It has been identified differences of medical care practice in primary care related to physician's sex. Simultaneously, there are gender inequalities in the assignment of health resources. Both aspects give rise to an increasing growing interest in the management and provision of health services. OBJECTIVES To examine the differences in the referral practice made by female and male primary care physicians working in health centers in Andalusia, to consider whether there are disparities in referrals received by men and women, and to examine the interaction between patient's sex and physician's sex. METHODS Observational, cross-sectional, and multicenter study. POPULATION 4 health districts in Andalucía and their physicians. SAMPLE 382 physicians. MEASUREMENTS referral rate per visit (RV), referral rate per patient quota (RQ), patient's sex, physician: sex, age, postgraduate family medicine specialty, size of the patient quota by sex, mean number of patients/day by sex, mean age of the patient quota by sex, and proportion of men in the quota. Health center: urban / rural, size of the team, enrolled population, and postgraduate family medicine specialty's accreditation. SOURCES databases of health districts. PERIOD OF STUDY 2010. ANALYSIS Bivariate and multivariate multilevel analysis of the referral rate per visit with mixed Poisson model. RESULTS In 2010 382 physicians made 129,161 referrals to specialized care. The RQ was 23.47 and the RV was 4.92. The RQ in women and men was 27.23 and 19.78 for women physicians, being 27.37 and 19.51 for male physicians. The RV in women and men was 4.92 and 5.48 for women physicians, being 4.54 and 4.93 for male physicians. CONCLUSION There are no differences in referral according to physician's sex. However, there are signs that might indicate the existence of gender inequality, and women patient received less referrals. There are no physician-patient's sex interaction.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
OBJECTIVE to evaluate the prescription profile and to assess the off-label and unlicensed uses of medicines among non-hospitalised pediatric patients. DESIGN cross-sectional study. SETTING pediatric units in two urban health centers and general emergency room (Hospital Materno-Infantil, Málaga). MAIN MEASUREMENTS sociodemographics variables, reasons for consultation and information about therapeutic medications. The classification of prescriptions was established according to information requirements contained in the Summary of Products Characteristics (SPC). RESULTS A total of 388 children were included (a subsample of 105 treated in the emergency room). Four hundred sixty-two prescriptions (involving 74 different active ingredients) were evaluated. Each infant received and average of 1,7 drugs (95% CI: 1,6-1,9). The most prescribed medicines were ibuprofen, paracetamol, amoxicillin-clavulanate and budesonide. The therapeutic group with the greatest variety of drugs was the respiratory group. 27,4% (95% CI: 23,5-31) of prescriptions were off-label and the main cause was different age (60%; 95% CI: 54,1-63), followed by different dose (21,5%; 95% CI: 18-25), different indication (12%; 95% CI: 9,2-15) and different route of administration (7%; 95% CI: 5,4-10). CONCLUSIONS The rate of off-label uses presents intermediate figures. Around one third of the paediatric outpatients in our sample are exposed to at least one off-label or unlicensed prescription. We should, however, point out that such usage is based on scant official, quality information, although it is not necessarily incorrect. Evidence-based medicine should be encouraged to improve drug therapy in children, as well as following the rules on drugs in special situations.
Se compararon en una población de 211 pacientes con estenosis pulmonar reparada el tratamiento quirúrgico y percutáneo, las complicaciones y reintervenciones a largo plazo y predictores de las mismas. Los pacientes del grupo quirúrgico se intervinieron de forma más precoz, presentaban una anatomía más compleja, más síntomas y peor perfil hemodinámico. El tiempo medio de seguimiento global fue de 22 ± 10,21 años y no se observaron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la necesidad de reintervención. La aparición de complicaciones no difirió entre los dos grupos. Una mayor edad en el momento de la cirugía, defectos congénitos asociados y síntomas prequirúrgicos fueron factores de riesgo para padecer complicaciones mayores. Por lo tanto, a pesar de que la evolución a largo plazo es globalmente buena, la aparición de complicaciones y la necesidad de reintervención a lo largo del seguimiento no es despreciable y sigue reportándose a pesar de la introducción de la valvuloplastia percutánea como tratamiento de primera línea.
La finalidad de este estudio cuasi-experimental fue fue identificar los factores de riesgo para la reincidencia en los delitos violentos, sexuales y delitos de violencia doméstica y evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento. Se seleccionó una muestra de 120 internos del Centre Penitenciari Ponent condenados por delitos violentos, sexuales y de violencia doméstica que obtuvieron la libertad entre los años 2001 y 2006; el período de seguimiento osciló entre 3 y 8 años. Se analizaron veintisiete variables agrupadas en factores de riesgo y la reincidencia. Los datos se obtuvieron de la administración del HCR-20, de la SVR-20, de la S.A.R.A., de la PCL-R, del IPDE y del MMPI-2 y de las bases de datos del Departamento de justicia de Cataluña. Los internos con trastorno mental reincidieron más en delitos sexuales y de violencia doméstica y aquellos con trastornos de personalidad reincidieron más en delitos violentos. Una puntuación elevada en HCR-20, SVR-20, S.A.R.A. y PCL-R incrementó el riesgo de reincidencia. Al contrario, superar el tratamiento reduce la reincidencia pero presentar trastornos mentales, trastornos de personalidad, toxicomanías y puntuar alto en el HCR-20 y en la PCL-R dificultaron superar el tratamiento. A mayor período de seguimiento menor capacidad predictiva de los instrumentos de evaluación del riesgo y del tratamiento.
Els trastorns de la conducta alimentària han estat considerats uns dels trastorns psicopatològics més greus de les tres últimes dècades. Això ha comportat que es realitzin multituds d’estudis per determinar les seves causes i poder desenvolupar una teràpia adequada. Amb aquest treball es pretén reflexionar sobre la influència que exerceix la societat i la família en la formació del caràcter de la adolescent, a més de relacionar la simptomatologia de la pacient amb anorèxia amb les “malalties de l’ànima” que descriu Sant Tomàs d’Aquino i els efectes d’algunes d’elles, especialment de la vanitat i la acedia, al descobrir com factor principal un factor moral en el desenvolupament d’aquests trastorns.
El present treball de final de carrera reflexiona sobre la importància que tenen els blocs actualment i analitza i compara tres casos pràctics per a obtenir un resultat que, posteriorment, tractarem d’aplicar al nostre bloc personal: Diezcontraonce. Des de l’aparició dels blocs, les empreses confien cada vegada més en aquesta eina per a comunicar els seus missatges. Alguns blogaires han adquirit un gran nivell d’influència i les empreses els tenen en compte, tant o més que als mitjans de comunicació. Casos com Enrique Dans, TcBlog i El Blog de Juan Merodio ens ajudaran a convertir el nostre blog en una potent eina de comunicació, influent i amb èxit. I ara, seran capaços els blogs i els blocaires de desbancar del tot als tradicionals mitjans de comunicació?
En aquest treball volem analitzar i projectar l’impacte econòmic que suposa el turisme de creuers a Europa en general i la ciutat de Barcelona en particular, que compta amb el primer port de creuers més important d’Europa i el quart port base del món. En primer lloc repassarem breument el paper del turisme en el desenvolupament d’Espanya i més concretament de la ciutat comtal, des dels plans de desenvolupament iniciats en la dècada dels 60 fins a l’actualitat. A continuació donarem una ullada general al mercat dels creuers. Per tal d’entendre l’impacte del sector sobre el port de Barcelona haurem d’entendre prèviament l’evolució dels creuers en el mercat europeu, especialment a la regió Mediterrànea, ja que els vaixells que realitzen aquestes rutes son els que surten o fan escala a Barcelona. Un cop vists els dos conceptes bàsics dels quals tractarem, passarem a analitzar l’impacte econòmic procedent del turisme de creuers a nivell agregat d’ Europa i en concret de Barcelona. Per acabar farem un anàlisi de riscs i oportunitats per al sector.
Los ciclones tropicales son los fenómenos climatológicos más destructivos. El PDI y otros índices que se definen aquí permiten estimar la energía que éstos poseen. Tales índices ajustan una ley de potencias en una parte de su recorrido. En el presente trabajo se procede al ajuste de las respectivas leyes de potencias de los índices para los ciclones tropicales en el norte del Océano Atlántico y noreste del Pacífico en los periodos de 1988 a 2010 y de 2001 a 2010 respectivamente, a partir de los datos registrados por el NOAA.
The impact on health of alcohol in a given society is mainly related with the volume and pattern of drinking, and these are related with individual factors, but also with environmental factors, among which public policies are important determinants. Public policies may favour or reduce alcohol use, and thus have a substantial preventive capacity. The effectiveness of policies to prevent the harm caused by alcohol has been reviewed in recent documents, which provide evidence to extract recommendations. This paper reviews the most effective policies to reduce the harm caused by alcohol, with an emphasis in the use of taxes to increase its cost, availability regulation, and policies on drinking and driving. The regulation of alcohol promotion and publicity is also assessed, as well as the detection and treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence. The state of alcohol related policies in Spain is analysed, as well as the obstacles, for the adoption of policies more prone to prevention, and recommendations for the future are made.
Financiación Proyecto de Investigación DIAB06/2012 «Detección y control de factores de riesgo y complicaciones vasculares en los pacientes diabéticos de la zona de salud de Torrejoncillo(Cáceres)». Fundación para la Formación y la Investigación de los Profesionales de Salud de Extremadura.
Objective: To identify the underlying interests of the Living Will Declaration (LWD) process and to determine the consensus, using a questionnaire, of the knowledge and attitudes of health professionals. Design: A study was performed in two phases using a Delphi technique with a Rand method. 1. Dimensions proposed: generation of ideas and their subsequent prioritizing; 2. Proposal andprioritizing of items grouped into blocks of Knowledge and Attitudes, developed between August 2012 and January 2013.Setting: The work was carried out by initial telephone contact with panellists, and then later by the panellists belonged to the Andalusia Public Health System.Participants: The criteria for selecting the eight components of the panel were knowledge andexperience in the field of the freedom of the patient in Andalusia. Results: The Knowledge identified included: 1 A) Legal and general aspects; 2 A) A conceptual definition; 3 A) Standardised LWD documents: 4 A) Practical experience; 5 A) Procedure and registering of the LWDs. The second block included Attitudes: 1 B) Attitudes of the professional in the application of LWDs in clinical practice, and 2 B) Attitudes of the professional in «complex» ethical scenarios The 7 panellists who finally took part proposed 165 items. After applying the prioritizing criteria, scores, and scenario selection, 58 (35.2%) items were identified as suitable scenarios. Conclusions: The proposed questionnaire included wide parcels of concepts and contents that, once validated, will help to measure the training interventions carried out on health professionals in order to improve knowledge and attitudes on the subject of LWDs.
Title: Are suitable general clinic criteria for defining hypothyroidism in people with Down syndrome? Studies on the prevalence of thyroid disorders in people with Down syndrome (DS) show a wide dispersion of results. However, most of these studies agree in indicating a greater frequency than in the general population. The cause of these differences may depend on the method of sample selection. In this work we studied a healthy population of adolescents with DS of the Association of Málaga, selected randomly and regardless of the medical care. Mean TSH distribution, used here as a tool to define the biochemical thyroid function of the studied DS population, was two standard deviation higher than the mean for the general population. These data show that in terms of TSH the DS population is a distinct population with respect to the general population. This clearly indicates that it would be necessary to identify and define new criteria to establish what is normal, subclinical hypothyroidism, borderline or pathological, and to propose new treatment guide.
Los operadores de cable histórico se están adaptando a la convergencia entre el audiovisual y las telecomunicaciones a raíz de las modificaciones legislativas, que les permiten competir en los servicios de televisión, telefonía e Internet ante los grandes operadores.