940 resultados para LUNG-CANCER RISK


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Abstract A solitary pulmonary nodule is a common, often incidental, radiographic finding. The investigation and differential diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules remain complex, because there are overlaps between the characteristics of benign and malignant processes. There are currently many strategies for evaluating solitary pulmonary nodules. The main objective is to identify benign lesions, in order to avoid exposing patients to the risks of invasive methods, and to detect cases of lung cancer accurately, in order to avoid delaying potentially curative treatment. The focus of this study was to review the evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodules, to discuss the current role of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography, addressing its accuracy and cost-effectiveness, and to detail the current recommendations for the examination in this scenario.


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Increasing attention is being paid to the use of biomarkers for determining the exposure of humans to air toxics. Biomarkers include the nonreacted toxic substance, their metabolites, or the reaction products of these toxics with naturally substances in the body. Significant progress has been made in the measurement of biomarkers during the past several years. Much of this progress has been because of the development of advanced analytical techniques for identification and quantification of the chemical species in complex matrix, such as biological fluids. The assessment of the potential cancer risk associated with exposure to benzene at occupational and non-occupational ambient is necessary because of the toxicological implications of this air pollutant. Thus, in this review, the analytical methodologies used to determine the benzene metabolites, in special, urinary muconic acid and S-phenylmercapturic acid, are described and several problems affecting the precision of these procedures are discussed. Finally, in view of the difficulty pointed out for selecting the more adequate biomarker, further studies to evaluate the human exposure levels to benzene should be done.


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Les persones tendim a quantificar les coses, malgrat que costa capir plenament les implicacions dels valors que obtenim si no disposem del context adequat on situar-los. Per exemple, sabem que al món hi ha més de mil milions de fumadors; que aquests tenen 20 vegades més probabilitats de desenvolupar un càncer de pulmó; que cada any es diagnostiquen un milió de casos nous [...].


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Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory mucosal disease and is detected in between 0.5% - 2.2% of the population. WHO has defined OLP as a potentially precancerous disorder, representing a generalized state associated with a significantly increased risk of cancer. However, only 0.5 – 2.9% of OLP lesions will progress to cancer. Currently, there are no prognostic markers to identify the lesions at increased risk for malignant transformation. The main aim of these studies was to identify cellular and molecular markers in order to understand the pathogenesis of atrophic OLP and its progression towards malignancy. Selected markers for cell proliferation, adhesion, apoptosis, and lymphocytic infiltration were assessed by immunohistochemistry in addition to static cytometry analyses for DNA content. DNA quantification of epithelial cells in 82 biopsy samples derived from atrophic lichen planus showed altered DNA content in 41% of the samples. DNA content was associated with proliferation activity, topoisomerase IIalpha, desmocollin-1 and infection with human papillomavirus. CD27+ and CD38+ lymphocytes were detected in inflammatory cell infiltrate, indicating an abnormal homing of B cells from blood circulation to tissue. Physiologic cell death, apoptosis, is frequently seen in OLP, but its pathways are unknown. Here it was shown that caspases 2 and 12 were up-regulated in OLP, indicating that intracellular apoptosis, rather than an external causal factor, is triggering apoptosis. However, this thesis could not identify any singular prognostic marker of malignancy in OLP. Thus, every OLP patient should receive regular follow-up care to identify cancer risk patients at an early stage.


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In view of anticancer activity of 7 β-acetoxywithanolide D (2) and 7β-16α-diacetoxywithonide D (3), isolated from the leaves of Acnistus arborescens (Solanaceae), five withanolide derivatives were obtained and their structures were determined by NMR, MS and IV data analysis. The in vitro anticancer activity of these derivatives was evaluated in a panel of cancer cell lines: human breast (BC-1), human lung (Lu1), human colon (Col2) and human oral epidermoid carcinoma (KB). Compounds 2a (acetylation of 2), 3b (oxidation of 3) and 2c (hydrogenation of 2) exhibited the highest anticancer activity against human lung cancer cells, with ED50 values of 0.19, 0.25 and 0.63 μg/mL, respectively.


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Asbesti on yleisnimike kuitumaisille silikaattimineraaleille. Sillä on monia hyviä ominaisuuksia. Siksi sitä on käytetty useisiin eri käyttötarkoituksiin jo yli 4 000 vuoden ajan. Sisäänhengitettynä asbesti aiheuttaa kuitenkin vakavia terveyshaittoja, mm. asbestoosia, keuhkosyöpää ja mesotelioomaa. Vuosina 1918-1988 Suomessa käytettiin asbestia 300 000 tonnia. Yleisintä käyttö oli 1960-70-lukujen vaihteessa. Sairauksien viive altistumisesta on 10-40 vuotta. Sairauksien esiintyminen onkin nyt suurimmillaan. Suurin osa sairauksista on hyvänlaatuisia keuhkopussin paksuuntumia eli plakkeja. Vuosittain asbestin aiheuttamiin sairauksiin, etupäässä syöpiin, kuolee Suomessa noin 100 ihmistä. Yhteensä altistuneita arvellaan olevan 250 000. Heistä elossa on noin 50 000. Vaarallisuutensa vuoksi asbestin käyttö on useissa maissa kielletty, mutta maailmalla sitä käytetään edelleen suuria määriä. Suomessa asbestin käyttöä rajoitettiin jo 1970-luvulla. Pieniä poikkeuksia lukuun ottamatta täyskielto tuli voimaan 1.1.1994. Suomessa asbestia esiintyy edelleen vanhoissa rakennuksissa. Asbestipurkutyö on luvanvaraista. Asbestitöissä on huolehdittava siitä, että kukaan ei altistu asbestille. Asbestipitoisen materiaalin tunnistaminen silmämääräisesti on vaikeaa. Materiaali luokitellaan asbestipitoiseksi, jos siinä on asbestia yli 1 painoprosenttia tai jos sitä voidaan pölyävyytensä takia pitää vaarallisena. Asbestipitoisen materiaalin kartoituksessa voidaan käyttää rakennussuunnitelmia, vanhoja asiakirjoja kuten urakoitsijan laskuja sekä tuntemusta rakennusajan yleisistä rakennustavoista. Varmuus saadaan kuitenkin vain tutkimalla materiaali esimerkiksi laboratoriokokeissa. Tässä diplomityössä on pyritty selvittämään, voidaanko asbesti tunnistaa ChemPro 100 -keinonenällä. Laite perustuu ioniliikkuvuusspektrometriaan eli eri yhdisteiden erilaiseen liikkuvuuteen kaasumaisessa väliaineessa. Menetelmä on nopea ja yksinkertainen. Tutkimusta varten hankittiin asbestipitoisia materiaaleja, joista saatuja tuloksia vertailtiin toisiinsa. Nykyiset asbestintunnistusmenetelmät ovat monimutkaisia ja hitaita. Jos keinonenä pystyttäisiin kouluttamaan tunnistamaan asbestimateriaali, helpottaisi se asbestikartoituksen tekemistä.


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The use of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has increased extensively in the modern radiotherapy (RT) treatments over the past two decades. Radiation dose distributions can be delivered with higher conformality with IMRT when compared to the conventional 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT). Higher conformality and target coverage increases the probability of tumour control and decreases the normal tissue complications. The primary goal of this work is to improve and evaluate the accuracy, efficiency and delivery techniques of RT treatments by using IMRT. This study evaluated the dosimetric limitations and possibilities of IMRT in small (treatments of head-and-neck, prostate and lung cancer) and large volumes (primitive neuroectodermal tumours). The dose coverage of target volumes and the sparing of critical organs were increased with IMRT when compared to 3D-CRT. The developed split field IMRT technique was found to be safe and accurate method in craniospinal irradiations. By using IMRT in simultaneous integrated boosting of biologically defined target volumes of localized prostate cancer high doses were achievable with only small increase in the treatment complexity. Biological plan optimization increased the probability of uncomplicated control on average by 28% when compared to standard IMRT delivery. Unfortunately IMRT carries also some drawbacks. In IMRT the beam modulation is realized by splitting a large radiation field to small apertures. The smaller the beam apertures are the larger the rebuild-up and rebuild-down effects are at the tissue interfaces. The limitations to use IMRT with small apertures in the treatments of small lung tumours were investigated with dosimetric film measurements. The results confirmed that the peripheral doses of the small lung tumours were decreased as the effective field size was decreased. The studied calculation algorithms were not able to model the dose deficiency of the tumours accurately. The use of small sliding window apertures of 2 mm and 4 mm decreased the tumour peripheral dose by 6% when compared to 3D-CRT treatment plan. A direct aperture based optimization (DABO) technique was examined as a solution to decrease the treatment complexity. The DABO IMRT technique was able to achieve treatment plans equivalent with the conventional IMRT fluence based optimization techniques in the concave head-and-neck target volumes. With DABO the effective field sizes were increased and the number of MUs was reduced with a factor of two. The optimality of a treatment plan and the therapeutic ratio can be further enhanced by using dose painting based on regional radiosensitivities imaged with functional imaging methods.


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Objective:To analyze the genetic polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 family and their relationship with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.Methods: We present a narrative literature review, conducted in Pubmed, Lilacs and Cochrane Databases of articles published in the last five years correlating genetic polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 family and cancer risk in different populations worldwide.Results: We initially found 65 articles and, after selection criteria, 20 case-control studies with various populations worldwide were eligible. The most studied polymorphisms were those of CYP2E1 and CYP1A1 subfamilies. There is little about the other subfamilies. The association found between polymorphisms and cancer risk amounted to a countless number of variables, amongst them: population, selection methods, racial factors and different modes of exposure to carcinogens, genotyping methods, and nomenclature of the polymorphisms.Conclusion: so far, there is no proven link between genetic polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 family and squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx relationship.


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The distribution of polymorphisms related to glutathione S-transferases (GST) has been described in different populations, mainly for white individuals. We evaluated the distribution of GST mu (GSTM1) and theta (GSTT1) genotypes in 594 individuals, by multiplex PCR-based methods, using amplification of the exon 7 of CYP1A1 gene as an internal control. In São Paulo, 233 whites, 87 mulattos, and 137 blacks, all healthy blood-donor volunteers, were tested. In Bahia, where black and mulatto populations are more numerous, 137 subjects were evaluated. The frequency of the GSTM1 null genotype was significantly higher among whites (55.4%) than among mulattos (41.4%; P = 0.03) and blacks (32.8%; P < 0.0001) from São Paulo, or Bahian subjects in general (35.7%; P = 0.0003). There was no statistically different distribution among any non-white groups. The distribution of GSTT1 null genotype among groups did not differ significantly. The agreement between self-reported and interviewer classification of skin color in the Bahian group was low. The interviewer classification indicated a gradient of distribution of the GSTM1 null genotype from whites (55.6%) to light mulattos (40.4%), dark mulattos (32.0%) and blacks (28.6%). However, any information about race or ethnicity should be considered with caution regarding the bias introduced by different data collection techniques, specially in countries where racial admixture is intense, and ethnic definition boundaries are loose. Because homozygous deletions of GST gene might be associated with cancer risk, a better understanding of chemical metabolizing gene distribution can contribute to risk assessment of humans exposed to environmental carcinogens.


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Malignancy of pulmonary large cell carcinomas (LCC) increases from classic LCC through LCC with neuroendocrine morphology (LCCNM) to large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas (LCNEC). However, the histological classification has sometimes proved to be difficult. Because the malignancy of LCC is highly dependent on proteins with functions in the cell cycle, DNA repair, and apoptosis, p53 has been targeted as a potentially useful biological marker. p53 mutations in lung cancers have been shown to result in expression and protein expression also occurs in the absence of mutations. To validate the importance of both p53 protein expression (by immunostaining) and p53 gene mutations in lung LCC (by PCR-single strand conformational polymorphism analysis of exons 5, 6, 7, and 8) and to study their relationships with clinical factors and sub-classification we investigated the correlation of p53 abnormalities in 15 patients with LCC (5 classic LCC, 5 LCNEC, and 5 LCCNM) who had undergone resection with curative intent. Of these patients, 5/15 expressed p53 and none had mutant p53 sequences. There was a negative survival correlation with positive p53 immunostaining (P = 0.05). After adjustment for stage, age, gender, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and histological subtypes by multivariate analysis, p53 expression had an independent impact on survival. The present study indicates that p53 assessment may provide an objective marker for the prognosis of LCC irrespective of morphological variants and suggests that p53 expression is important for outcome prediction in patients with the early stages of LCC. The results reported here should be considered to be initial results because tumors from only 15 patients were studied: 5 each from LCC, LCNEC and LCCNM. This was due to the rarity of these specific diseases.


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We encapsulated cisplatin into stealth pH-sensitive liposomes and studied their stability, cytotoxicity and accumulation in a human small-cell lung carcinoma cell line (GLC4) and its resistant subline (GLC4/CDDP). Since reduced cellular drug accumulation has been shown to be the main mechanism responsible for resistance in the GLC4/CDDP subline, we evaluated the ability of this new delivery system to improve cellular uptake. The liposomes were composed of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHEMS), and distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine-polyethyleneglycol 2000 (DSPE-PEG2000) and were characterized by determining the encapsulation percentage as a function of lipid concentration. Among the different formulations, DOPE/CHEMS/DSPE-PEG liposomes (lipid concentration equal to 40 mM) encapsulated cisplatin more efficiently than other concentrations of liposomes (about 20.0%, mean diameter of 174 nm). These liposomes presented good stability in mouse plasma which was obtained using a 0.24-M EDTA solution (70% cisplatin was retained inside the liposomes after 30 min of incubation). Concerning cytotoxic effects, they are more effective (1.34-fold) than free cisplatin for growth inhibition of the human lung cancer cell line A549. The study of cytotoxicity to GLC4 and GLC4/CDDP cell lines showed similar IC50 values (approximately 1.4 µM), i.e., cisplatin-resistant cells were sensitive to this cisplatin formulation. Platinum accumulation in both sensitive and resistant cell lines followed the same pattern, i.e., approximately the same intracellular platinum concentration (4.0 x 10-17 mol/cell) yielded the same cytotoxic effect. These results indicate that long-circulating pH-sensitive liposomes, also termed as stealth pH-sensitive liposomes, may present a promising delivery system for cisplatin-based cancer treatment. This liposome system proved to be able to circumvent the cisplatin resistance, whereas it was not observed when using non-long-circulating liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, and cholesterol.


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A 3-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism in intron 6 of GSTM3 (rs1799735, GSTM3*A/*B) affects the activity of the phase 2 xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme GSTM3 and has been associated with increased cancer risk. The GSTM3*B allele is rare or absent in Southeast Asians, occurs in 5-20% of Europeans but was detected in 80% of Bantu from South Africa. The wide genetic diversity among Africans led us to investigate whether the high frequency of GSTM3*B prevailed in other sub-Saharan African populations. In 168 healthy individuals from Angola, Mozambique and the São Tomé e Príncipe islands, the GSTM3*B allele was three times more frequent (0.74-0.78) than the GSTM3*A allele (0.22-0.26), with no significant differences in allele frequency across the three groups. We combined these data with previously published results to carry out a multidimensional scaling analysis, which provided a visualization of the worldwide population affinities based on the GSTM3 *A/*B polymorphism.


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Several studies have identified the single nucleotide polymorphism STK15 F31I as a low-penetrance risk allele for breast cancer, but its prevalence and risk association in the Brazilian population have not been determined. The goal of this study was to identify the frequency of this polymorphism in the Brazilian setting. Considering the high degree of admixture of our population, it is of fundamental importance to validate the results already reported in the literature and also to verify the relationship between this variant and breast cancer risk. A total of 750 women without breast cancer were genotyped using the TaqMan PCR assay for STK15 F31I polymorphism. Clinical information was obtained from review of the medical records and mammographic density from the images obtained using the BI-RADS System. The estimated risk of developing cancer was calculated according to the Gail model. The genotypic frequencies observed in this study were 4.5, 38.7, and 56.6%, respectively, for the STK15 F31I AA, AT and TT genotypes. The AT and AA genotypes were encountered significantly more often in premenopausal women with moderately dense, dense and heterogeneously dense breast tissue (P = 0.023). In addition, the presence of the TT genotype was significantly associated with age at menarche ≥12 years (P = 0.023). High mammographic density, associated with increased breast cancer risk, was encountered more frequently in premenopausal women with the risk genotypes STK15 F31I AA and AT. The genotypic frequencies observed in our Brazilian sample were similar to those described in other predominantly European populations.


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The current in vitro study was designed to investigate the anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of boesenbergin A (BA), a chalcone derivative of known structure isolated from Boesenbergia rotunda. Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2), colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29), non-small cell lung cancer (A549), prostate adenocarcinoma (PC3), and normal hepatic cells (WRL-68) were used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of BA using the MTT assay. The antioxidant activity of BA was assessed by the ORAC assay and compared to quercetin as a standard reference antioxidant. ORAC results are reported as the equivalent concentration of Trolox that produces the same level of antioxidant activity as the sample tested at 20 µg/mL. The toxic effect of BA on different cell types, reported as IC50, yielded 20.22 ± 3.15, 10.69 ± 2.64, 20.31 ± 1.34, 94.10 ± 1.19, and 9.324 ± 0.24 µg/mL for A549, PC3, HepG2, HT-29, and WRL-68, respectively. BA displayed considerable antioxidant activity, when the results of ORAC assay were reported as Trolox equivalents. BA (20 µg/mL) and quercetin (5 µg/mL) were equivalent to a Trolox concentration of 11.91 ± 0.23 and 160.32 ± 2.75 µM, respectively. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory activity of BA was significant at 12.5 to 50 µM and without any significant cytotoxicity for the murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 at 50 µM. The significant biological activities observed in this study indicated that BA may be one of the agents responsible for the reported biological activities of B. rotunda crude extract.


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Lung cancer often exhibits molecular changes, such as the overexpression of the ErbB1 gene that encodes epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). ErbB1 amplification and mutation are associated with tumor aggressiveness and low response to therapy. The aim of the present study was to design a schedule to synchronize the cell cycle of A549 cell line (a non-small cell lung cancer) and to analyze the possible association between the micronuclei (MNs) and the extrusion of ErbB1 gene extra-copies. After double blocking, by the process of fetal bovine serum deprivation and vincristine treatment, MNs formation was monitored with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation, which is an S-phase marker. Statistical analyses allowed us to infer that MNs may arise both in mitosis as well as in interphase. The MNs were able to replicate their DNA and this process seemed to be non-synchronous with the main cell nuclei. The presence of ErbB1 gene in the MNs was evaluated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). ErbB1 sequences were detected in the MNs, but a relation between the MNs formation and extrusion of amplified ErbB1could not be established. The present study sought to elucidate the meaning of MNs formation and its association with the elimination of oncogenes or other amplified sequences from the tumor cells.