999 resultados para Isoterma de Curie
Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Mr Kevin Mackenzie and Mrs Gillian Milne (University of Aberdeen) for technical support with scanning electron microscopy, and Dr Robin Walker for access to the Woodlands Field experimental plots at the SRUC,Craibstone Estate, Aberdeen. This work was financially supported by Natural Environmental Research Council (standard grants NE/I027835/1 and NE/L006286/1 and fellowship NE/J019151/1), EC Marie Curie ITN NORA, Grant Agreement No. 316472, the AXA Research Fund and the Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine, University of Aberdeen.
Acknowledgments This research was funded by NERC Grants NE/J01396X/1; NE/E006434/1 to XL. Y. M. was funded by a Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF 300288. We profusely thank the Scottish Mink Initiative, staff, funders and multiple mink volunteers for the continued effort, samples and enthusiasm. The Scottish Water Vole Conservation Project was funded by The Tubney Charitable trust, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Cairngorms National Park Authority and the People’s Trust for Endangered Species. We also thank the Associate Editor and two anonymous referees for their thoughtful reviews.
Acknowledgements This project was also supported by Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant 249156 (A. Lionikas) and the grants VP1-3.1-SMM-01-V-02-003 (A. Kilikevicius) and MIP-067/2012 (T. Venckunas) from the Research Council of Lithuania as well as the grant from the Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia (Y. Alhind). We wish also to thank Mrs Indre Libnickiene for her excellent technical assistance provided during the project
The total sea level variation (SLV) is the combination of steric and mass␣induced SLV, whose exact shares are key to understanding the oceanic response to climate system changes. Total SLV can be observed by radar altimetry satellites such as TOPEX/POSEIDON and Jason 1/2. The steric SLV can be computed through temperature and salinity profiles from in situ measurements or from ocean general circulation models (OGCM), which can assimilate the said observations. The mass-induced SLV can be estimated from its time-variable gravity (TVG) signals. We revisit this problem in the Mediterranean Sea estimating the observed, steric, and mass-induced SLV, for the latter we analyze the latest TVG data set from the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellite mission launched in 2002, which is 3.5 times longer than in previous studies, with the application of a two-stage anisotropic filter to reduce the noise in high-degree and -order spherical harmonic coefficients. We confirm that the intra-annual total SLV are only produced by water mass changes, a fact explained in the literature as a result of the wind field around the Gibraltar Strait. The steric SLV estimated from the residual of “altimetry minus GRACE” agrees in phase with that estimated from OGCMs and in situ measurements, although showing a higher amplitude. The net water fluxes through both the straits of Gibraltar and Sicily have also been estimated accordingly.
Guanylate cyclase activating proteins are EF-hand containing proteins that confer calcium sensitivity to retinal guanylate cyclase at the outer segment discs of photoreceptor cells. By making the rate of cGMP synthesis dependent on the free intracellular calcium levels set by illumination, GCAPs play a fundamental role in the recovery of the light response and light adaptation. The main isoforms GCAP1 and GCAP2 also localize to the synaptic terminal, where their function is not known. Based on the reported interaction of GCAP2 with Ribeye, the major component of synaptic ribbons, it was proposed that GCAP2 could mediate the synaptic ribbon dynamic changes that happen in response to light. We here present a thorough ultrastructural analysis of rod synaptic terminals in loss-of-function (GCAP1/GCAP2 double knockout) and gain-of-function (transgenic overexpression) mouse models of GCAP2. Rod synaptic ribbons in GCAPs−/− mice did not differ from wildtype ribbons when mice were raised in constant darkness, indicating that GCAPs are not required for ribbon early assembly or maturation. Transgenic overexpression of GCAP2 in rods led to a shortening of synaptic ribbons, and to a higher than normal percentage of club-shaped and spherical ribbon morphologies. Restoration of GCAP2 expression in the GCAPs−/− background (GCAP2 expression in the absence of endogenous GCAP1) had the striking result of shortening ribbon length to a much higher degree than overexpression of GCAP2 in the wildtype background, as well as reducing the thickness of the outer plexiform layer without affecting the number of rod photoreceptor cells. These results indicate that preservation of the GCAP1 to GCAP2 relative levels is relevant for maintaining the integrity of the synaptic terminal. Our demonstration of GCAP2 immunolocalization at synaptic ribbons at the ultrastructural level would support a role of GCAPs at mediating the effect of light on morphological remodeling changes of synaptic ribbons.
Using a scanning tunnelling microscope or mechanically controllable break junction it has been shown that it is possible to control the formation of a wire made of single gold atoms. In these experiments an interatomic distance between atoms in the chain of ∼3.6 Å was reported which is not consistent with recent theoretical calculations. Here, using precise calibration procedures for both techniques, we measure the length of the atomic chains. Based on the distance between the peaks observed in the chain length histogram we find the mean value of the interatomic distance before chain rupture to be 2.5±0.2 Å. This value agrees with the theoretical calculations for the bond length. The discrepancy with the previous experimental measurements was due to the presence of He gas, that was used to promote the thermal contact, and which affects the value of the work function that is commonly used to calibrate distances in scanning tunnelling microscopy and mechanically controllable break junctions at low temperatures.
The magnetization reversal of two-dimensional arrays of parallel ferromagnetic Fe nanowires embedded in nanoporous alumina templates has been studied. By combining bulk magnetization measurements (superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry) with field-dependent magnetic force microscopy (MFM), we have been able to decompose the macroscopic hysteresis loop in terms of the irreversible magnetic responses of individual nanowires. The latter are found to behave as monodomain ferromagnetic needles, with hysteresis loops displaced (asymmetric) as a consequence of the strong dipolar interactions between them. The application of field-dependent MFM provides a microscopic method to obtain the hysteresis curve of the array, by simply registering the fraction of up and down magnetized wires as a function of applied field. The observed deviations from the rectangular shape of the macroscopic hysteresis loop of the array can be ascribed to the spatial variation of the dipolar field through the inhomogeneously filled membrane. The system studied proves to be an excellent example of the two-dimensional classical Preisach model, well known from the field of hysteresis modeling and micromagnetism.
During the fracture of nanocontacts gold spontaneously forms freely suspended chains of atoms, which is not observed for the isoelectronic noble metals Ag and Cu. Au also differs from Ag and Cu in forming reconstructions at its low-index surfaces. Using mechanically controllable break junctions we show that all the 5d metals that show similar reconstructions (Ir, Pt, and Au) also form chains of atoms, while both properties are absent in the 4d neighbor elements (Rh, Pd, and Ag), indicating a common origin for these two phenomena. A competition between s and d bonding is proposed as an explanation.
Recent years have shown steady progress towards molecular electronics, in which molecules form basic components such as switches, diodes and electronic mixers. Often, a scanning tunnelling microscope is used to address an individual molecule, although this arrangement does not provide long-term stability. Therefore, metal–molecule–metal links using break-junction devices have also been explored; however, it is difficult to establish unambiguously that a single molecule forms the contact. Here we show that a single hydrogen molecule can form a stable bridge between platinum electrodes. In contrast to results for organic molecules, the bridge has a nearly perfect conductance of one quantum unit, carried by a single channel. The hydrogen bridge represents a simple test system in which to understand fundamental transport properties of single-molecule devices.
A density-functional theory of ferromagnetism in heterostructures of compound semiconductors doped with magnetic impurities is presented. The variable functions in the density-functional theory are the charge and spin densities of the itinerant carriers and the charge and localized spins of the impurities. The theory is applied to study the Curie temperature of planar heterostructures of III-V semiconductors doped with manganese atoms. The mean-field, virtual-crystal and effective-mass approximations are adopted to calculate the electronic structure, including the spin-orbit interaction, and the magnetic susceptibilities, leading to the Curie temperature. By means of these results, we attempt to understand the observed dependence of the Curie temperature of planar δ-doped ferromagnetic structures on variation of their properties. We predict a large increase of the Curie temperature by additional confinement of the holes in a δ-doped layer of Mn by a quantum well.
Background: Despite the existence of ample literature dealing, on the one hand, with the integration of innovations within health systems and team learning, and, on the other hand, with different aspects of the detection and management of intimate partner violence (IPV) within healthcare facilities, research that explores how health innovations that go beyond biomedical issues—such as IPV management—get integrated into health systems, and that focuses on healthcare teams’ learning processes is, to the best of our knowledge, very scarce if not absent. This realist evaluation protocol aims to ascertain: why, how, and under what circumstances primary healthcare teams engage (if at all) in a learning process to integrate IPV management in their practices; and why, how, and under what circumstances team learning processes lead to the development of organizational culture and values regarding IPV management, and the delivery of IPV management services. Methods: This study will be conducted in Spain using a multiple-case study design. Data will be collected from selected cases (primary healthcare teams) through different methods: individual and group interviews, routinely collected statistical data, documentary review, and observation. Cases will be purposively selected in order to enable testing the initial middle-range theory (MRT). After in-depth exploration of a limited number of cases, additional cases will be chosen for their ability to contribute to refining the emerging MRT to explain how primary healthcare learn to integrate intimate partner violence management. Discussion: Evaluations of health sector responses to IPV are scarce, and even fewer focus on why, how, and when the healthcare services integrate IPV management. There is a consensus that healthcare professionals and healthcare teams play a key role in this integration, and that training is important in order to realize changes. However, little is known about team learning of IPV management, both in terms of how to trigger such learning and how team learning is connected with changes in organizational culture and values, and in service delivery. This realist evaluation protocol aims to contribute to this knowledge by conducting this project in a country, Spain, where great endeavours have been made towards the integration of IPV management within the health system.
The dual activation of simple substrates by the combination of organocatalysis and palladium catalysis has been successfully applied in a variety of different asymmetric transformations. Thus, the asymmetric a-allylation of carbonyl compounds, a-fluorination of acyl derivatives, decarboxylative protonation of β-dicarbonyl compounds, cyclization reactions of alkynyl carbonyl compounds and β-functionalization of aldehydes have been efficiently achieved employing this double-catalytic methodology.
The center of our Galaxy hosts a supermassive black hole, Sagittarius (Sgr) A∗. Young, massive stars within 0.5 pc of Sgr A∗ are evidence of an episode of intense star formation near the black hole a few million years ago, which might have left behind a young neutron star traveling deep into Sgr A∗’s gravitational potential. On 2013 April 25, a short X-ray burst was observed from the direction of the Galactic center. With a series of observations with the Chandra and the Swift satellites, we pinpoint the associated magnetar at an angular distance of 2.4±0.3 arcsec from Sgr A∗, and refine the source spin period and its derivative (P = 3.7635537(2) s and ˙ P = 6.61(4) × 10−12 s s−1), confirmed by quasi simultaneous radio observations performed with the Green Bank Telescope and Parkes Radio Telescope, which also constrain a dispersion measure of DM = 1750 ± 50 pc cm−3, the highest ever observed for a radio pulsar. We have found that this X-ray source is a young magnetar at ≈0.07–2 pc from Sgr A∗. Simulations of its possible motion around Sgr A∗ show that it is likely (∼90% probability) in a bound orbit around the black hole. The radiation front produced by the past activity from the magnetar passing through the molecular clouds surrounding the Galactic center region might be responsible for a large fraction of the light echoes observed in the Fe fluorescence features.
Background: For a comprehensive health sector response to intimate partner violence (IPV), interventions should target individual and health facility levels, along with the broader health systems level which includes issues of governance, financing, planning, service delivery, monitoring and evaluation, and demand generation. This study aims to map and explore the integration of IPV response in the Spanish national health system. Methods: Information was collected on five key areas based on WHO recommendations: policy environment, protocols, training, monitoring and prevention. A systematic review of public documents was conducted to assess 39 indicators in each of Spain’s 17 regional health systems. In addition, we performed qualitative content analysis of 26 individual interviews with key informants responsible for coordinating the health sector response to IPV in Spain. Results: In 88% of the 17 autonomous regions, the laws concerning IPV included the health sector response, but the integration of IPV in regional health plans was just 41%. Despite the existence of a supportive national structure, responding to IPV still relies strongly on the will of health professionals. All seventeen regions had published comprehensive protocols to guide the health sector response to IPV, but participants recognized that responding to IPV was more complex than merely following the steps of a protocol. Published training plans existed in 43% of the regional health systems, but none had institutionalized IPV training in medical and nursing schools. Only 12% of regional health systems collected information on the quality of the IPV response, and there are many limitations to collecting information on IPV within health services, for example underreporting, fears about confidentiality, and underuse of data for monitoring purposes. Finally, preventive activities that were considered essential were not institutionalized anywhere. Conclusions: Within the Spanish health system, differences exist in terms of achievements both between regions and between the areas assessed. Progress towards integration of IPV has been notable at the level of policy, less outstanding regarding health service delivery, and very limited in terms of preventive actions.
Primary amine-guanidines derived from trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamines are used as organocatalysts for the enantioselective conjugate addition of isobutyraldehyde to arylated and heteroarylated nitroalkenes. The reaction was performed in the presence of imidazole as the additive in aqueous DMF as the solvent at 0 °C. The corresponding Michael adducts bearing a new stereocenter were obtained in high yields and with enantioselectivities of up to 80%. Theoretical calculations are used to justify the observed sense of the stereoinduction.