999 resultados para Interacção Homem-computador
Dapsone (DDS) (4,4` diaminodiphenylsulfone), the drug of choice for the treatment of leprosy, frequently induces hemolytic anemia and methemoglobinemia. N-hydroxylation, one of the major pathways of biotransformation, has been constantly related to the methemeglobinemia after the use of the drug. In order to prevent the dapsone-induced hemotoxicity, N-acetylcysteine, a drug precursor of glutathione, was administered in combination with DDS to male Wistar rats, weighting 220-240 g. The animals were then anaesthetized and blood was collected from the aorta for determination of plasma DDS concentration by HPLC, determination of methemoglobinemia and glutathione by spectrophotometry, and for biochemical and hematological parameters. Our results showed that N-acetylcysteine enhanced dapsone-induced methemoglobinemia due to increased dapasone plasmatic concentration and consequent increased N-hydroxylamine formation. We concluded that drug interactions with dapsone require individually studies in order to avoid undesirable effects of dapsone.
Purpose To compare the process of myelination in the developing optic nerve (ON) of anaemic rats with the subsequent recovery after being fed an iron-recovery diet. Methods In this study, the morphometrical parameters in the ON were assessed by electron microscopy in Wistar rats that were on an iron-deficient diet for 32 days or for 21 days followed by 10 days on an iron-recovery diet. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed using representative electron ultramicrographs. Data were analysed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). When differences were detected, comparisons were made using Tukey`s post hoc test (P<0.05 was considered to be significant). Results Qualitative analysis of the ONs in anaemic and recovered animals showed a higher rate of deformed axons and increased lamellar separation in the myelin sheath when compared with the respective control group. The ON of the anaemic group showed a reduced mean density of myelinated fibres when compared with the control group. The fibre area ratio, axon area ratio, and myelin area ratio of large axons/small axons in the ONs of the control group showed the highest values for the myelin areas, axon areas, and total fibre areas. The control group showed a significantly higher myelin sheath thickness when compared with the anaemic and recovered groups. Conclusions Our data indicate that iron is necessary for maintenance of the ON cell structure, and that morphological damage from iron deficiency is not easily reverted by iron repletion. Eye (2010) 24, 901-908; doi:10.1038/eye.2009.205; published online 14 August 2009
In this study, morphological changes in the optic nerve were determined by light microscopy in Wistar rats on an iron-deficient diet for 32 days or for 21 days followed by 10 days on an iron-recovery diet. The morphometric findings showed significantly fewer blood vessels and oligodendrocytes in the iron-deficient rats and iron-recovery rats than in the control group, as well as more astrocytes in the iron-recovery rats. Serum iron levels of the iron-deficient rats were significantly lower than those of the controls. On the other hand, iron-recovery rats had normal serum iron levels, but no change in the abnormal morphology of the myelinated axons and morphometric parameters. Our data indicate that iron is necessary for maintenance of the optic nerve cell structure, and morphological damage from iron-deficiency is not easily reverted by iron reposition.
Described in this article is a novel device that facilitates study of the cross-sectional anatomy of the human head. In designing our device, we aimed to protect sections of the head from the destructive action of handling during anatomy laboratory while also ensuring excellent visualization of the anatomic structures. We used an electric saw to create 15-mm sections of three cadaver heads in the three traditional anatomic planes and inserted each section into a thin, perforated display box made of transparent acrylic material. The thin display boxes with head sections are kept in anatomical order in a larger transparent acrylic storage box containing formaldehyde solution, which preserves the specimens but also permits direct observation of the structures and their anatomic relationships to each other. This box-within-box design allows students to easily view sections of a head in its anatomical position as well as to examine internal structures by manipulating individual display boxes without altering the integrity of the preparations. This methodology for demonstrating cross-section anatomy allows efficient use of cadaveric material and technician time while also giving learners the best possible handling and visualization of complex anatomic structures. Our approach to teaching cross-sectional anatomy of the head can be applied to any part of human body, and the value of our device design will only increase as more complicated understandings of cross-sectional anatomy are required by advances and proliferation of imaging technology. Anat Sci Educ 3: 141-143, 2010. (C) 2010 American Association of Anatomists.
Due to the scarcity of information related to the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium infection in passerine birds, this study aimed to determine the periodicity of fecal shedding of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts, after natural infection, and its clinical signs, mortality, and molecular characterization. Four hundred eighty fecal samples were collected from 40 birds, including 372 samples from 31 adult birds and 108 samples from nine young birds (up to 12 months old), housed in five aviaries, monthly from September 2007 to September 2008, with the exception of April. The birds originated from aviaries in which the following species were raised: great-billed seed-finch (Oryzoborus maximiliani), lesser seed-finch (Oryzoborus angolensis), ultramarine grosbeak (Cyanocompsa brissonii), and rusty-collared seedeater (Sporophila collaris). The samples were preserved in 2.5% potassium dichromate at 4A degrees C until processing. The oocysts were purified by centrifugal flotation in Sheather`s solution, followed by genomic DNA extraction and molecular characterization of oocysts using the nested polymerase chain reaction for amplification of fragments of the 18S subunit of rRNA gene. Intermittent shedding of oocysts was observed by positive amplification for Cryptosporidium spp. in 91 (24.5%) samples of adult birds and 14 (13%) of young birds. The sequencing of the amplified fragments enabled the identification of Cryptosporidium galli. Although all the aviaries had birds positive for C. galli, morbidity or mortality was observed in only one aviary and was associated with concomitant infection with Escherichia coli and Isospora sp.
We report the first estimate of jaguar density in the semi-arid caatinga biome of north-eastern Brazil. During August-October 2007, in the Serra da Capivara National Park, we used camera traps to identify and count jaguars. Jaguar abundance and density were calculated using mark-recapture models. In a sampling effort of 1,249 camera-trap-nights we identified 12 adult jaguars and estimated an 2 abundance of 14 +/- 3.6 jaguars in an area of 524 km(2), i.e. a density of 2.67 +/- 1.00 jaguars per 100 km(2). This estimate is higher than in most other Brazilian biomes and indicates Serra da Capivara National Park as an important reserve for protecting jaguars in north-eastern Brazil.
O caso relata uma situa????o de promo????o em ??rg??o p??blico na qual dois funcion??rios ??? uma mulher negra e um homem branco - se mostram como candidatos ao cargo. S??o apresentados os perfis e habilidades profissionais dos dois servidores e, ao final, a decis??o tomada pelo Secret??rio, chefe de ambos. O estudo suscita discuss??es sobre pr??ticas discriminat??rias nos espa??os de poder das institui????es p??blicas e o papel do dirigente para combater ou difundir tais pr??ticas. Pode ser aplicado em cursos sobre lideran??a, gest??o de pessoas e ??tica e servi??o p??blico
Procedimentos adotados - com a finalidade de colocar a pessoa certa no lugar certo - na localiza????o de 249 servidores que ingressaram do Banco Central do Brasil - BC, por meio do Concurso Analista/2000. O BC decidiu investir nos conceitos e pr??ticas presentes na gest??o do conhecimento. Foram utilizados m??todos e programas de computador j?? testados no mercado, buscando adequar o perfil comportamental e de conhecimentos do futuro servidor ao dos postos de trabalho do BC. Sua valida????o ocorreu por meio de pesquisa de satisfa????o com os servidores e respectivas chefias
O projeto consiste na automa????o de todo o processo de elabora????o, c??lculo, concess??o e pagamento de di??rias possibilitando ainda a an??lise da execu????o or??ament??ria e financeira, por meio de um sistema informatizado de controle. Este sistema ?? ??gil e de f??cil opera????o, e confere seguran??a de acesso ??s informa????es. Ele opera em ambiente de rede, de maneira que qualquer setor possa controlar suas di??rias, utilizando-se de um ??nico banco de dados instalado em um computador servidor
Este projeto refere-se ?? implanta????o de um posto ambulante do INSS instalado num trailer-reboque, equipado com computador ligado direto ao Posto de Benef??cios de Pelotas-RS. A Unidade M??vel conta com uma equipe composta por m??dico e funcion??rios das ??reas de manuten????o e concess??o de benef??cios e outra integrada por servidores administrativos. O trabalho ?? realizado em parceria com o Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais. Foi constatado uma significativa diminui????o do tempo de espera entre o pedido e a concess??o do benef??cio e um alto grau de satisfa????o do usu??rio
Os Postos de Seguro Social do INSS processavam os dados dos segurados da Previd??ncia em lotes, acarretando demora na Concess??o de Benef??cios e perda de tempo por parte dos segurados, com muitas idas e vindas aos postos. As criticas aos dados eram realizadas uma vez por semana e em conseq????ncia os segurados eram obrigados a voltar ao posto para resolver as pend??ncias posteriormente informadas e at?? que os dados passassem pelas cr??ticas do computador central. Havia necessidade de implantar um novo sistema para melhorar o atendimento no INSS. Foi implementado no Paran?? um projeto piloto, desenvolvido pela Dataprev e a pedido de seu cliente INSS, denominado ???Concess??o de Benef??cios On Line???. Com a utiliza????o desta tecnologia, por exemplo, passou a ser poss??vel entrar com um pedido de aposentadoria e imprimir imediatamente a Carta de Concess??o, informando o valor e o banco em que ser??o feitos os pagamentos ao Segurado da Previd??ncia Social. O novo sistema ap??ia a melhoria no atendimento do segurado do INSS, porque permite informar ao Segurado imediatamente se o Benef??cio est?? concedido ou se h?? pend??ncias que devam ser atendidas
A Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (Enap) est?? atualizando sua logomarca. A nova marca est?? alinhada com a comunica????o do Governo Federal. A imagem ?? uma continuidade visual em rela????o ?? anterior, desenvolvida no ano de 1998, pelo designer Francisco In??cio Scaramelli Homem de Melo.
Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, uma das maiores figuras do mundo liter??rio brasileiro do s??culo passado e do in??cio deste s??culo, teve duas carreiras paralelas, a de homem de letras e a de burocrata. Na primeira iniciou-se mais cedo, quando, apenas um adolescente de pouco mais de 15 anos, publicou um soneto ??? por sinal bem ruinzinho ??? no Peri??dico dos Pobres, a 3 de outubro de 1854. Nascido no morro do Livramento, perto da Gamboa e do Saco do Alferes, a 21 de junho de 1839, deu mostras de impressionante precocidade, ao assinar um Soneto, no mesmo jornalzinho. Nota-se que, nessa ??poca, o Rio de Janeiro ainda n??o tinha sequer ilumina????o a g??s ??? s?? contratada pelo governo imperial em 1859 ??? nem sabia ainda o que fossem estradas de ferro. Seu ingresso no servi??o p??blico s?? se daria quase treze anos depois dessa estreia liter??ria, que em nada fazia prever o grande escritor que viria a ser. E isto se deu a 8 de abril de 1867, com a sua nomea????o para ???ajudante do diretor de publica????o do Di??rio Oficial???, ent??o subordinado ao Minist??rio da Fazenda, durante o 22?? gabinete ministerial da monarquia, chefiado pelo ent??o deputado-geral Zacarias de G??is e Vasconcelos.
No pleito de 2010, por meio do exerc??cio do direito ao voto, os brasileiros escolhem importantes cargos eletivos, inclusive o de presidente da Rep??blica. Com isso, o Brasil que, como outros pa??ses da Am??rica Latina, vivenciou anos de ditadura e ingressou tardiamente na marcha para a democracia, segue consolidando a sua posi????o. Nesse contexto, a RSP Revisitada retoma discurso do ano de 1943, proferido em confer??ncia na Academia Brasileira de Letras, por Them??stocles Brand??o Cavalcanti, ocupante de in??meros cargos p??blicos. Em sua fala, trata de temas como: paz, democracia, direito e igualdade pol??tica, pontuando o papel do Estado, da administra????o e dos servi??os p??blicos no enfrentamento desses e outros desafios. Para Them??stocles, o Estado ??? com o seu aparato ??? deve ser capaz de assumir, em toda a sua plenitude, os encargos decorrentes de sua conceitua????o democr??tica, resguardando direitos individuais, liberdades p??blicas e interesses justos e leg??timos. Deve tamb??m prestar servi??os p??blicos de qualidade e atender ??s demandas essenciais da coletividade; assegurando, assim, a identifica????o dos fins do Estado com os fins do Homem, e n??o dos fins do homem com os fins do Estado.
This work discusses the use of optical flow to generate the sensorial information a mobile robot needs to react to the presence of obstacles when navigating in a non-structured environment. A sensing system based on optical flow and time-to-collision calculation is here proposed and experimented, which accomplishes two important paradigms. The first one is that all computations are performed onboard the robot, in spite of the limited computational capability available. The second one is that the algorithms for optical flow and time-to-collision calculations are fast enough to give the mobile robot the capability of reacting to any environmental change in real-time. Results of real experiments in which the sensing system here proposed is used as the only source of sensorial data to guide a mobile robot to avoid obstacles while wandering around are presented, and the analysis of such results allows validating the proposed sensing system.