910 resultados para Innovative


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This work project aims to demonstrate how to design and develop an innovative concept of video streaming app. The project combines technology push and market pull theories into developing a product that is more suitable for the customer needs, with the particularity that there is no other way of seeing any place in the world, live and ondemand. An analysis on the bigger influencers in terms of design-thinking and new product development, as Tim Brown or Paul Trott, lead to a better understanding on how There App should evolve, keeping in mind the customer desires and technical features.


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Portuguese Born Global Companies have been performing an important role in the Portuguese market, mainly due to their innovative ideas and the positive contribution to exportations. This study focuses on the international strategies of four of these companies, comparing them with four international Non-Born Global Companies, in qualitative analysis. It will be possible to see a preference by the Non-Born Global Companies over proximate cultural countries. By following opportunities instead of markets, Portuguese Born Global Companies excel at internationalization growth. The purpose of this study is to help managers of small, innovative companies understand the internationalization strategies in Portugal.


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Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures


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Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures


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Difficult and unpredictable times, due to economic instability, lead employees to feel high job insecurity. Organizations’ only way to subsistence is to search innovative ways of solving problems and find creative solutions. This study focuses on the impact that job insecurity has on adaptive performance, a recent measure integrating the response of creativity, reactivity in the face of emergencies, interpersonal adaptability, training effort, and handling work stress, and, mediated by burnout. From the responses of two questionnaires (????????1=252; ????????2=145), we conclude that job insecurity leads to exhaustion, but not to disengagement. In turn, it is the latter that demonstrates to have negative relations with some measures of adaptive performance. Thus, it is crucial to understand how organizations can minimize the inherent process.


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Youth unemployment is one of the most pressing social issues in Portugal, often associated to a lack of skills. Faz-Te Forward (FFWD), a Portuguese employability programme, has demonstrated great potential for impact in solving this issue, especially amongst a neglected segment of the population – those belonging to “sandwich families”. The present thesis, integrated in the SIB Research Programme from the Social Investment Lab, evaluates the feasibility of this programme to be financed through a Social Impact Bond, an innovative outcomes-based financing model. From a data analysis undertaken to FFWD’s historical information, a business case for a SIB was developed.


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The present dissertation focuses on the research of the recent approach of innovative high-temperature superconducting stacked tapes in electrical ma-chines applications, taking into account their potential benefits as an alternative for the massive superconducting bulks, mainly related with geometric and me-chanical flexibility. This work was developed in collaboration with Institut de Ciència de Ma-terials de Barcelona (ICMAB), and is related with evaluation of electrical and magnetic properties of the mentioned superconducting materials, namely: analysis of magnetization of a bulk sample through simulations carried out in the finite elements COMSOL software; measurement of superconducting tape resistivity at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures; and, finally, development and testing of a frequency controlled superconducting motor with rotor built by superconducting tapes. In the superconducting state, results showed a critical current density of 140.3 MA/m2 (or current of 51.15 A) on the tape and a 1 N∙m developed motor torque, independent from the rotor position angle, typical in hysteresis motors.


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RESUMO: Em 2011, a Associação Psiquiátrica Mundial lançou um programa de bolsas de investigação para psiquiatras em início de carreira a partir de países de renda baixa ou média-baixa, no âmbito deste programa, o autor foi selecionado para uma bolsa de pesquisa no Centre for Youth Mental Health/Orygen Youth Health Research Centre da Universidade de Melbourne. Orygen, é a principal organização de pesquisa e tradução do conhecimento do mundo com foco em problemas de saúde mental em pessoas jovens. O estágio foi baseado em Prevenção e Intervenção Precoce Psychosis Centre (EPPIC), que faz parte do Orygen. EPPIC fornece programa de tratamento abrangente e integrada, baseada na comunidade para o primeiro episódio de psicose. Esta dissertação descreve o modelo EPPIC, e seus componentes essenciais e fatores que são necessários para uma implementação de serviço direito. Além disso, uma proposta de criação de um programa-piloto de intervenção psicose precoce é discutido. Este programa inclui um programa de extensão inovadora que combina princípios comerciais sólidos, com metas sociais, a fim de combater especificamente a maior barreira para o tratamento da psicose precoce na Bolívia: o estigma da doença mental. Ao utilizar uma equipe de tratamento móvel, multidisciplinar, que enfatiza os papéis dos gerentes do caso treinados focada em fornecer indivíduo intensiva e apoio familiar no lar, este programa irá prestar cuidados culturalmente apropriados que irá alavancar contribuições de um suprimento limitado de psiquiatras e mudar longe da dependência um sistema médico fragmentado. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: In 2011, the World Psychiatric Association launched a programme of research fellowships for early-career psychiatrists from low- or lower-middle income countries, within this programme, the author was selected to a research fellowship at the Centre for Youth Mental Health/Orygen Youth Health Research Centre at University of Melbourne. Orygen, is the world’s leading research and knowledge translation organization focusing on mental ill-health in young people. The traineeship was based on Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC), which is part of Orygen. EPPIC provides comprehensive, integrated, community-based treatment program for first-episode psychosis. This dissertation describes the EPPIC model, and its core components and factors which are necessary to a right service implementation. Additionally, a proposal to establish a pilot early psychosis intervention programme is discussed. This programme includes an innovative outreach programme that combines sound business principals with social goals in order to specifically target the largest barrier to early psychosis treatment in Bolivia: the stigma of mental illness. By utilizing a mobile, multidisciplinary treatment team that emphasizes the roles of trained case managers focused on providing intensive individual and family support in the home, this programme will provide culturally appropriate care that will leverage contributions from a limited supply of psychiatrists and shift dependence away from a fragmented medical system.


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This paper sets out the case for the use of impact investing as part of companies’ CSR strategy, demonstrated by the term “corporate impact investing” or “corporate impact venturing”. After an indirect analysis of global practices in corporate impact investment, it considers whether companies are interested in employing this innovative practice in their CSR strategy and how they could be incentivized to do so through direct research methods, with a focus on Europe. A survey answered by 116 company representatives reveals that companies are interested in impact investing yet the majority was not initially aware of its existence; therefore if the right incentives are put into place a new paradigm for CSR may arise


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As nonprofits do not have access to the same capital markets as for-profit enterprises, organizations usually scramble for funding to keep up with their mission. This scenario can be changed through the use of the right financial engineering. This Work Project aims at studying an innovative financing mechanism based on the concept of quasi-equity for organizations devoted to social ends to cope with their capital needs. A quasi-equity investment model is built for the Portuguese social business SPEAK, and an in-depth assessment of its current financial, organizational and impact situations is conducted. This is a pioneer case study in Portugal.