917 resultados para Indoor cricket


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Obiettivo di questa tesi è l'analisi e l'approfondimento di una tecnologia di nuova generazione che prende il nome di iBeacon. Basata sulla localizzazione di prossimità (wireless) a bassi consumi energetici e sviluppata da Apple, l'iBeacon sfrutta il protocollo Bluetooth Low Energy con il quale riesce ad utilizzare al meglio l'energia, permettendo alle batterie dei dispositivi che lo implementano di durare molto più a lungo. In questa argomentazione, vengono elencate e descritte alcune tecniche di comunicazione wireless a medio-corto raggio (Wi-Fi, Infrarosso, RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, BLE), che utilizzano lo scambio di informazioni senza fili, descrivendone una breve storia, dalla loro evoluzione nel tempo e nei modi, ad alcune caratteristiche di utilizzo. L'argomentazione poi focalizzerà l'attenzione sui metodi di localizzazione utilizzati dall'iBeacon, fornendone le funzionalità e le caratteristiche principali di questa nuova tecnologia e discutendone i vantaggi, i limiti tecnologici e di sviluppo del protocollo, fino a delineare alcune soluzioni per quanto riguarda le soglie di sicurezza e di privacy. L'analisi poi confronterà l'iBeacon con i maggiori antagonisti che utilizzano questa tecnica di microgeolocalizzazione (NFC, EddyStone). Si cercherà inoltre di delineare in maniera più dettagliata le specifiche tecniche che costituiscono questa nuova tecnologia di prossimità, dal protocollo di comunicazione alla componentistica hardware. Successivamente verrà descritto come un dispositivo iOS si interfaccia con un iBeacon, delineandone le API e il setup e mostrando i diversi passaggi per la creazione di un prototipo di applicazione. Si cercherà infine di pianificare, progettare e costruire una rete con iBeacon. Come ultima analisi, si prenderà in esame la relazione tra l'iBeacon e l'Internet of Things (IoT), e gli sviluppi che potrà portare all'evoluzione del Marketing di Prossimità, mostrando un esempio concreto di utilizzo efficace di questa innovativa tecnologia (EXPO 2015).


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In questa tesi si sono valutate le prestazioni di un sistema di localizzazione multi-antenna di tag radio frequency identification (RFID) passivi in ambiente indoor. Il sistema, composto da un reader in movimento che percorre una traiettoria nota, ha come obiettivo localizzare il tag attraverso misure di fase; più precisamente la differenza di fase tra il segnale di interrogazione, emesso dal reader, e il segnale ricevuto riflesso dal tag che è correlato alla distanza tra di essi. Dopo avere eseguito una ricerca sullo stato dell’arte di queste tecniche e aver derivato il criterio maximum likelihood (ML) del sistema si è proceduto a valutarne le prestazioni e come eventuali fattori agissero sul risultato di localizzazione attraverso simulazioni Matlab. Come ultimo passo si è proceduto a effettuare una campagna di misure, testando il sistema in un ambiente reale. Si sono confrontati i risultati di localizzazione di tutti gli algoritmi proposti quando il reader si muove su una traiettoria rettilinea e su una traiettoria angolare, cercando di capire come migliorare i risultati.


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L’oggetto di questa tesi di laurea è un intervento di recupero e riprogettazione di un edificio non completato, destinato a 24 alloggi di edilizia residenziale pubblica, situato a Rovigo. Questo è stato oggetto di una lunga ed articolata vicenda caratterizzata da continue interruzioni del cantiere, principalmente causate da una cattiva esecuzione dei lavori da parte dell’impresa costruttrice. Allo stato attuale è presente la sola struttura metallica assemblata sulle fondazioni in calcestruzzo armato; tutto il fabbricato risulta abbandonato e congelato da diversi anni dopo i primi collaudi che hanno stabilito la non idoneità del telaio in acciaio. L’obiettivo del progetto è dunque quello di recuperare le fondazioni esistenti e di riprogettare l’edificio in una chiave più attuale e sostenibile. E’ stato effettuato un sopralluogo per comprendere più da vicino le problematiche relative all’area di progetto, oltre ad un’attenta analisi delle documentazioni riguardanti il progetto originario in modo da correggere eventuali punti deboli. Le strategie non hanno tenuto conto dunque solamente di un’ottima efficienza energetica o di un’offerta di alloggi adeguata alla domanda della situazione abitativa attuale, ma anche di tutte le problematiche che sono derivate dalla cattiva gestione del progetto originario. Le scelte progettuali, infatti, sono state il risultato anche delle necessità di limitare tempi e costi di un intervento per il quale sono state sprecate fin troppe risorse, soprattutto economiche. La fase progettuale è stata affiancata dalla realizzazione di simulazioni effettuate tramite software di calcolo (Termolog EpiX 6 e DIALux evo) che hanno permesso di ottenere ottimi risultati per quanto riguarda prestazione energetica e comfort luminoso indoor.


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Uno dei temi più recenti nel campo delle telecomunicazioni è l'IoT. Tale termine viene utilizzato per rappresentare uno scenario nel quale non solo le persone, con i propri dispositivi personali, ma anche gli oggetti che le circondano saranno connessi alla rete con lo scopo di scambiarsi informazioni di diversa natura. Il numero sempre più crescente di dispositivi connessi in rete, porterà ad una richiesta maggiore in termini di capacità di canale e velocità di trasmissione. La risposta tecnologica a tali esigenze sarà data dall’avvento del 5G, le cui tecnologie chiave saranno: massive MIMO, small cells e l'utilizzo di onde millimetriche. Nel corso del tempo la crescita delle vendite di smartphone e di dispositivi mobili in grado di sfruttare la localizzazione per ottenere servizi, ha fatto sì che la ricerca in questo campo aumentasse esponenzialmente. L'informazione sulla posizione viene utilizzata infatti in differenti ambiti, si passa dalla tradizionale navigazione verso la meta desiderata al geomarketing, dai servizi legati alle chiamate di emergenza a quelli di logistica indoor per industrie. Data quindi l'importanza del processo di positioning, l'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di ottenere la stima sulla posizione e sulla traiettoria percorsa da un utente che si muove in un ambiente indoor, sfruttando l'infrastruttura dedicata alla comunicazione che verrà a crearsi con l'avvento del 5G, permettendo quindi un abbattimento dei costi. Per fare ciò è stato implementato un algoritmo basato sui filtri EKF, nel quale il sistema analizzato presenta in ricezione un array di antenne, mentre in trasmissione è stato effettuato un confronto tra due casi: singola antenna ed array. Lo studio di entrambe le situazioni permette di evidenziare, quindi, i vantaggi ottenuti dall’utilizzo di sistemi multi antenna. Inoltre sono stati analizzati altri elementi chiave che determinano la precisione, quali geometria del sistema, posizionamento del ricevitore e frequenza operativa.


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In the last years radar sensor networks for localization and tracking in indoor environment have generated more and more interest, especially for anti-intrusion security systems. These networks often use Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology, which consists in sending very short (few nanoseconds) impulse signals. This approach guarantees high resolution and accuracy and also other advantages such as low price, low power consumption and narrow-band interference (jamming) robustness. In this thesis the overall data processing (done in MATLAB environment) is discussed, starting from experimental measures from sensor devices, ending with the 2D visualization of targets movements over time and focusing mainly on detection and localization algorithms. Moreover, two different scenarios and both single and multiple target tracking are analyzed.


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In questo elaborato viene descritto il funzionamento dei Beacon. Essi rappresentano un congegno che sfrutta la tecnologia Bluetooth 4.0, la quale, rispetto alle precedenti, si differenzia per alcune innovazioni apportate. Il loro utilizzo originario era rivolto al mondo del Mobile Advertising, ovvero l’invio di messaggi ad hoc agli utenti, sulla base di studi mirati a personalizzare un contenuto. Con lo scorrere del tempo invece si sono cercate nuove modalità d'uso in relazione al mondo da cui derivano: L'”Internet of Things” (IoT). Questa espressione descrive l'intento di dare vita agli oggetti. L'obiettivo di fondo è stato quello di delineare uno dei possibili casi d'uso. Nel concreto il sistema si prefigge, sfruttando l’interazione tra gli utenti, di monitorare la posizione in ambienti indoor di oggetti, usando il segnale RSSI dei Beacon ai quali sono associati, fornire l’aggiornamento dell’indirizzo in cui sono situati, visualizzabile sulle mappe Google con cui l’app è collegata, notificare ai proprietari gli eventuali ritrovamenti di uno di essi, rintracciare i dispositivi altrui. Prima di ciò, si è svolta un'analisi inerente le prestazioni che i Beacon sono in grado di offrire, in condizioni normali, prestando attenzione ad alcuni parametri come: frequenza di trasmissione (l’intervallo entro il quale vengono emessi segnali), il periodo di scansione (l’effettivo periodo di attività), più un’altra serie di risultati acquisiti durante l'esecuzione di alcuni esperimenti.


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We performed 124 measurements of particulate matter (PM(2.5)) in 95 hospitality venues such as restaurants, bars, cafés, and a disco, which had differing smoking regulations. We evaluated the impact of spatial separation between smoking and non-smoking areas on mean PM(2.5) concentration, taking relevant characteristics of the venue, such as the type of ventilation or the presence of additional PM(2.5) sources, into account. We differentiated five smoking environments: (i) completely smoke-free location, (ii) non-smoking room spatially separated from a smoking room, (iii) non-smoking area with a smoking area located in the same room, (iv) smoking area with a non-smoking area located in the same room, and (v) smoking location which could be either a room where smoking was allowed that was spatially separated from non-smoking room or a hospitality venue without smoking restriction. In these five groups, the geometric mean PM(2.5) levels were (i) 20.4, (ii) 43.9, (iii) 71.9, (iv) 110.4, and (v) 110.3 microg/m(3), respectively. This study showed that even if non-smoking and smoking areas were spatially separated into two rooms, geometric mean PM(2.5) levels in non-smoking rooms were considerably higher than in completely smoke-free hospitality venues. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: PM(2.5) levels are considerably increased in the non-smoking area if smoking is allowed anywhere in the same location. Even locating the smoking area in another room resulted in a more than doubling of the PM(2.5) levels in the non-smoking room compared with venues where smoking was not allowed at all. In practice, spatial separation of rooms where smoking is allowed does not prevent exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in nearby non-smoking areas.


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A new multimodal biometric database designed and acquired within the framework of the European BioSecure Network of Excellence is presented. It is comprised of more than 600 individuals acquired simultaneously in three scenarios: 1) over the Internet, 2) in an office environment with desktop PC, and 3) in indoor/outdoor environments with mobile portable hardware. The three scenarios include a common part of audio/video data. Also, signature and fingerprint data have been acquired both with desktop PC and mobile portable hardware. Additionally, hand and iris data were acquired in the second scenario using desktop PC. Acquisition has been conducted by 11 European institutions. Additional features of the BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB) are: two acquisition sessions, several sensors in certain modalities, balanced gender and age distributions, multimodal realistic scenarios with simple and quick tasks per modality, cross-European diversity, availability of demographic data, and compatibility with other multimodal databases. The novel acquisition conditions of the BMDB allow us to perform new challenging research and evaluation of either monomodal or multimodal biometric systems, as in the recent BioSecure Multimodal Evaluation campaign. A description of this campaign including baseline results of individual modalities from the new database is also given. The database is expected to be available for research purposes through the BioSecure Association during 2008.


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Background/Objectives Ambient air pollution can alter cytokine concentrations as shown in vitro and following short-term exposure to high air pollution levels in vivo. Exposure to pollution during late pregnancy has been shown to affect fetal lymphocytic immunophenotypes. However, effects of prenatal exposure to moderate levels of air pollutants on cytokine regulation in cord blood of healthy infants are unknown. Methods In a birth cohort of 265 healthy term-born neonates, we assessed maternal exposure to particles with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 µm or less (PM10), as well as to indoor air pollution during the last trimester, specifically the last 21, 14, 7, 3 and 1 days of pregnancy. As a proxy for traffic-related air pollution, we determined the distance of mothers' homes to major roads. We measured cytokine and chemokine levels (MCP-1, IL-6, IL-10, IL-1ß, TNF-α and GM-CSF) in cord blood serum using LUMINEX technology. Their association with pollution levels was assessed using regression analysis, adjusted for possible confounders. Results Mean (95%-CI) PM10 exposure for the last 7 days of pregnancy was 18.3 (10.3–38.4 µg/m3). PM10 exposure during the last 3 days of pregnancy was significantly associated with reduced IL-10 and during the last 3 months of pregnancy with increased IL-1ß levels in cord blood after adjustment for relevant confounders. Maternal smoking was associated with reduced IL-6 levels. For the other cytokines no association was found. Conclusions Our results suggest that even naturally occurring prenatal exposure to moderate amounts of indoor and outdoor air pollution may lead to changes in cord blood cytokine levels in a population based cohort.


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Localization is information of fundamental importance to carry out various tasks in the mobile robotic area. The exact degree of precision required in the localization depends on the nature of the task. The GPS provides global position estimation but is restricted to outdoor environments and has an inherent imprecision of a few meters. In indoor spaces, other sensors like lasers and cameras are commonly used for position estimation, but these require landmarks (or maps) in the environment and a fair amount of computation to process complex algorithms. These sensors also have a limited field of vision. Currently, Wireless Networks (WN) are widely available in indoor environments and can allow efficient global localization that requires relatively low computing resources. However, the inherent instability in the wireless signal prevents it from being used for very accurate position estimation. The growth in the number of Access Points (AP) increases the overlap signals areas and this could be a useful means of improving the precision of the localization. In this paper we evaluate the impact of the number of Access Points in mobile nodes localization using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). We use three to eight APs as a source signal and show how the ANNs learn and generalize the data. Added to this, we evaluate the robustness of the ANNs and evaluate a heuristic to try to decrease the error in the localization. In order to validate our approach several ANNs topologies have been evaluated in experimental tests that were conducted with a mobile node in an indoor space.


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Indoor radon is regularly measured in Switzerland. However, a nationwide model to predict residential radon levels has not been developed. The aim of this study was to develop a prediction model to assess indoor radon concentrations in Switzerland. The model was based on 44,631 measurements from the nationwide Swiss radon database collected between 1994 and 2004. Of these, 80% randomly selected measurements were used for model development and the remaining 20% for an independent model validation. A multivariable log-linear regression model was fitted and relevant predictors selected according to evidence from the literature, the adjusted R², the Akaike's information criterion (AIC), and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The prediction model was evaluated by calculating Spearman rank correlation between measured and predicted values. Additionally, the predicted values were categorised into three categories (50th, 50th-90th and 90th percentile) and compared with measured categories using a weighted Kappa statistic. The most relevant predictors for indoor radon levels were tectonic units and year of construction of the building, followed by soil texture, degree of urbanisation, floor of the building where the measurement was taken and housing type (P-values <0.001 for all). Mean predicted radon values (geometric mean) were 66 Bq/m³ (interquartile range 40-111 Bq/m³) in the lowest exposure category, 126 Bq/m³ (69-215 Bq/m³) in the medium category, and 219 Bq/m³ (108-427 Bq/m³) in the highest category. Spearman correlation between predictions and measurements was 0.45 (95%-CI: 0.44; 0.46) for the development dataset and 0.44 (95%-CI: 0.42; 0.46) for the validation dataset. Kappa coefficients were 0.31 for the development and 0.30 for the validation dataset, respectively. The model explained 20% overall variability (adjusted R²). In conclusion, this residential radon prediction model, based on a large number of measurements, was demonstrated to be robust through validation with an independent dataset. The model is appropriate for predicting radon level exposure of the Swiss population in epidemiological research. Nevertheless, some exposure misclassification and regression to the mean is unavoidable and should be taken into account in future applications of the model.


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Allergies to animals are behind the house-dust mite allergy the most frequent cause for indoor allergic respiratory symptoms. In case of persistent allergen exposure symptoms like rhinitis, itch of the skin or asthma are usually not perceived intensively and, thus, can not assigned to an animal or an animal source. In many cases animal allergies are based on a perennial allergen exposure. Although most likely all animals may be the cause of a respiratory allergy, cats, dogs, and horses are the most frequent elicitors. The diagnosis of an allergy to an animal needs to be set with due care, since it often causes emotional reactions, diverse conflicts, but also lack of understanding. Rarer are allergies to fungi even though fungi as allergen sources since decades belong to the differential diagnosis in respiratory allergies particularly in case of late summer asthma. Fungi are ubiquitous and present indoors as well as outdoors. Unfortunately the field of fungal allergy is not well explored and diagnostic possibilities are limited. The most promising therapy in both allergy to animals and fungi would be complete avoiding of contact with the respective allergen source. Indeed many preventive recommendations are given; however, realization is often not successful. In selected cases specific immunotherapy for both animal and fungal allergies is a potential therapeutic option.


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House dust mites can be found all over the world where human beings live independent from the climate. Proteins from the gastrointestinal tract- almost all known as enzymes - are the allergens which induce chronic allergic diseases. The inhalation of small amounts of allergens on a regular base all night leads to a slow beginning of the disease with chronically stuffed nose and an exercise induced asthma which later on persists. House dust mites grow well in a humid climate - this can be in well isolated dwellings or in the tropical climate - and nourish from human skin dander. Scales are found in mattresses, upholstered furniture and carpets. The clinical picture with slowly aggravating complaints leads quite often to a delayed diagnosis, which is accidently done on the occasion of a wider spectrum of allergy skin testing. The beginning of a medical therapy with topical steroids as nasal spray or inhalation leads to a fast relief of the complaints. Although discussed in extensive controversies in the literature - at least in Switzerland with the cold winter and dry climate - the recommendation of house dust mite avoidance measures is given to patients with good clinical results. The frequent ventilation of the dwelling with cold air in winter time cause a lower indoor humidity. Covering encasings on mattresses, pillow, and duvets reduces the possibility of chronic contact with mite allergens as well as the weekly changing the bed linen. Another option of therapy is the specific immunotherapy with extracts of house dust mites showing good results in children and adults. Using recombinant allergens will show a better quality in diagnostic as well as in therapeutic specific immunotherapy.


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Location-awareness indoors will be an inseparable feature of mobile services/applications in future wireless networks. Its current ubiquitous availability is still obstructed by technological challenges and privacy issues. We propose an innovative approach towards the concept of indoor positioning with main goal to develop a system that is self-learning and able to adapt to various radio propagation environments. The approach combines estimation of propagation conditions, subsequent appropriate channel modelling and optimisation feedback to the used positioning algorithm. Main advantages of the proposal are decreased system set-up effort, automatic re-calibration and increased precision.


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The present report describes the clinical signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, surgical procedure, pathological findings and follow-up in four cats with multiple meningiomas; three castrated male and one spayed female domestic shorthair indoor cats, ranging in age from 11 to 14 years. In three of four cats, clinical signs at presentation were suggestive of a focal lesion. Three cats had two meningiomas and one had four meningiomas. Most of the tumours were supratentorial, one arose from the tentorium and one was infratentorial. The duration of presenting signs before surgery ranged from 10 days to 11 months. Postoperative MRI revealed complete gross tumour removal in three cases. In one cat with two cranial fossa meningiomas, subtotal excision with a small basal remnant (2 x 2 mm) of the ventral part of one meningioma lying on the floor of the skull, was observed. Based on histopathological architecture, six tumours revealed features of a transitional subtype meningioma, and four of a meningotheliomatous meningioma. In each cat, the multiple meningiomas were all assigned to the same histopathological group. The preoperative presenting signs had resolved by the follow-up examinations 4 weeks after surgery in two cats. Long-term follow-up evaluation revealed that surgically-induced or exacerbated neurological deficits in two cats had completely or almost completely resolved within 8 weeks of surgery. All patients are still alive 12 to 21 months after surgery and no clinical signs of recurrence could be detected at that time.