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The kinetics of estrogen-induced elevation in the plasma concentration of riboflavin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent, was investigated in immature male chicks, using a specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay proceudre. Following a single injection of the hormone, the plasma riboflavin-binding protein content was enhanced several-fold at 6 h. reaching peak levels around 48 h and declining thereafter. A two-fold amplication of the response was evident on secondary stimulation with the hormone. A 4-h lag phase prior to onset of induction was noticed during both primary and secondary stimulat ions with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormonal dose whereas the initial lag phase and the time of peak riboflavin-binding protein accumulation were unaltered within the range of hormonal doses tested. The half-life of riboflavin-binding protein in the circulation was 10 h, as calculated from measurement of the rate of disappearance of exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progestrone did bot affect the kinetics of riboflavin-binding protein production. On the other hand, the antiestrogens, cis- and trans-clomiphene citrates, given 30 min prior to estrogen and cycloheximide, effectively countered the hormone-induced riboflavin-binding protein elaboration. Both progesterone and the anti-esterogens per se were completely ineffective in substituting for estrogen in the inductive ptrocess.


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The general expression for the Mössbauer lineshape in the presence of radio frequency perturbation derived earlier has been further extended. This involves the calculation of the off-diagonal matrix elements of the correlation function. The results show that there are additional transition lines owing to the nuclear magnetic resonance induced transition in the resonance region. These lines do not show any broadening or splitting. As an example the effect of the rf field on 57Fe nuclei is discussed.


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Vuodenajat rytmittävät monivuotisten kasvien elämää pohjoisella pallonpuoliskolla, jolla varmin merkki lähestyvästä talvikaudesta on asteittain lyhenevä päivänpituus. Kun päivänpituus on lyhentynyt tiettyyn raja-arvoon saakka, kasvu hiipuu ja kasvin kehityksessä tapahtuu suuria muutoksia. Väitöskirjatyössäni tutkittiin mekanismeja, jotka liittyvät pituuskasvun päättymiseen, silmujen lepotilan kehittymiseen ja kärkisilmun muodostumiseen hybridihaavan ja koivuntaimilla lyhyen päivänpituuden seurauksena kasvihuoneolosuhteissa. Vain lepotilaiset silmut selviytyvät luonnossa ankaran talvikauden yli, joten etenkin lepotilan kehittymisen tutkiminen on keskeistä pyrittäessä selvittämään monivuotisille kasveille tyypillisen kasvutavan mekanismeja. Jo pitkään on tiedetty, että täysikasvuiset lehdet vastaanottavat tiedon päivänpituudesta ja lähettävät signaaleja varren johtojänteissä ylöspäin kohti kasvin kärkiosaa. Sen sijaan varren kärjen ja kärkikasvupisteen roolia lepotilan kehittymisessä on selvitetty vain vähän. Kuitenkin juuri kärkikasvupisteen selviytyminen vuodesta toiseen on tärkeää, koska sen jakautumiskykyiset solukot tuottavat kasvin maanpäälliset osat. Tässä työssä tehdyissä varttamiskokeissa osoitettiin, että varren kärki ei ainoastaan vastaanota signaaleja lehdistä ja ajoita toimintaansa niiden mukaan, vaan myös kärjellä itsellään on aktiivinen rooli lepotilan kehittymisessä. Erityisesti kiinnitettiin huomiota kärkikasvupisteen eri alueiden, ns. apikaalimeristeemin ja rib-meristeemin erilaisiin tehtäviin ja pääteltiin, että molemmat vaikuttavat lepotilan kehittymiseen. Kokeissa käytettiin normaalien hybridihaapojen lisäksi siirtogeenisiä hybridihaapoja, jotka eivät lopeta kasvuaan lyhyt päivä –olosuhteissa. Siirtogeeniset hybridihaavat ilmensivät voimakkaasti fytokromi A -nimistä valon vastaanottajamolekyyliä rib-meristeemin alueella, mikä saattoi osaltaan vaikuttaa poikkeavaan pituuskasvukäyttäytymiseen. Myös useiden lepotilan kehittymiseen liittyvien geenien ilmenemisessä havaittiin poikkeavuuksia verrattuna ei-siirtogeenisiin kontrolleihin, joiden silmuissa kehittyi lepotila lyhyt päivä –altistuksen seurauksena. Väitöskirjatyössäni havaittiin, että myös kaasumainen kasvihormoni etyleeni toimii viestinvälittäjänä silmujen lepotilan kehittymisessä ja vaikuttaa etenkin lepotilan oikeaan ajoittumiseen. Etyleenillä huomattiin olevan määräävä rooli päätesilmun muodostumisessa: siirtogeeniset koivut, jotka eivät aisti etyleeniä, eivät muodostaneet päätesilmua. Silti siirtogeeniset koivut vaipuivat lepotilaan, joskin myöhemmin kuin ei-siirtogeeniset kontrollit. Tämän perusteella todettiin, että lepotilan ja päätesilmun kehittyminen ovat erillisiä kehitystapahtumia, vaikka ne saattavatkin ajoittua osaksi päällekkäin.


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Abstract L-14, a 14-kDa S-type lectin shows the jelly roll tertiary structural fold akin to legume lectins yet, unlike them, it does not dissociate on thermal unfolding. In the absence of ligand L-14 displays denaturation transitions corresponding to tetrameric and octameric entities. The presence of complementary ligand reduces the association of L-14, which is in stark contrast with legume lectins where no alterations in quaternary structures are brought about by saccharides. From the magnitude of the increase in denaturation temperature induced by disaccharides the binding constants calculated from differential scanning calorimetry are comparable with those extrapolated from titration calorimetry indicating that L-14 interacts with ligands essentially in the folded state.


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A specific radioimmunoassay procedure was developed to monitor the plasma concentrations of thiamin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent of the chicken egg. By using this sensitive assay, the kinetics of oestrogen-induced elaboration of this specific protein in immature chicks was investigated. After a single injection of the steroid hormone, with an initial lag period of 4–5h the thiamin-binding protein rapidly accumulated in the plasma, attaining peak concentrations around 75h and declining thereafter. A 4-fold amplification of the response was noticed during the secondary stimulation, and this increased to 9-fold during the tertiary stimulation with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormone dose, and the initial latent period and the duration of the ascending phase of induction were unchanged for the hormonal doses tested during both the primary and secondary stimulations. The circulatory half-life of the protein was 6h as calculated from the measurement of the rate of disappearance of the exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progesterone, dihydrotestosterone or corticosterone did not alter the pattern of induction. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism markedly decreased the oestrogenic response, whereas propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism had the opposite effect. The anti-oestrogen E- and Z-clomiphene citrates, administered 30min before oestrogen, effectively blocked the hormonal induction. α-Amanitin and cycloheximide administered along with or shortly after the sex steroid severely curtailed the protein elaboration. A comparison of the kinetics of induction of thiamin- and riboflavin-binding proteins by oestrogen revealed that, beneath an apparent similarity, a clear-cut difference exists between the two vitamin-binding proteins, particularly with regard to hormonal dose-dependent sensitivity of induction and the half-life in circulation. The steroid-mediated elaboration of the two yolk proteins thus appears to be not strictly co-ordinated, despite several common regulatory features underlying their induction.


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The characteristics of drug addiction include compulsive drug use despite negative consequences and re-occurring relapses, returns to drug use after a period of abstinence. Therefore, relapse prevention is one of the major challenges for the treatment of drug addiction. There are three main factors capable of inducing craving for drugs and triggering relapse long after cessation of drug use and dissipation of physical withdrawal signs: stress, re-exposure to the drug, and environmental stimuli (cues) that have been previously associated with drug use. The neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate have been implicated in the modulation of drug-seeking behavior. The aim of this project was to examine the role of glutamatergic neurotransmission in relapse triggered by conditioned drug-associated stimuli. The focus was on clarifying whether relapse to drug seeking can be attenuated by blockade of glutamate receptors. In addition, as the nucleus accumbens has been proposed to participate in the modulation of drug-seeking behavior, the effects of glutamate receptor blockade in this brain structure on cue-induced relapse were investigated. The studies employed animals models in which rats were trained to press a lever in a test cage to obtain alcohol or intravenous cocaine. Drug availability was paired with distinct olfactory, auditory, or visual stimuli. This phase was followed by extinction training, during which lever presses did not result in the presentation of the drug or the drug-associated stimuli. Extinction training led to a gradual decrease in the number of lever presses during test sessions. Relapse was triggered by presenting the rats with the drug-associated stimuli in the absence of alcohol or cocaine. The drug-associated stimuli were alone capable of inducing resumption of lever pressing and maintaining this behavior during repeated testing. The number of lever presses during a session represented the intensity of drug-seeking and relapse behavior. The results suggest that glutamatergic neurotransmission is involved in the modulation of drug-seeking behavior. Both alcohol and cocaine relapse were attenuated by systemic pretreatment with glutamate receptor antagonists. However, differences were found in the ability of ionotropic AMPA/kainate and NMDA receptor antagonists to regulate drug-seeking behavior. The AMPA/kainate antagonists CNQX and NBQX, and L-701,324, an antagonist with affinity for the glycine site of the NMDA receptor, attenuated cue-induced drug seeking, whereas the competitive NMDA antagonist CGP39551 and the NMDA channel blocker MK-801 were without effect. MPEP, an antagonist at metabotropic mGlu5 glutamate receptors, also decreased drug seeking, but its administration was found to lead to conditioned suppression of behavior during subsequent treatment sessions, suggesting that MPEP may have undesirable side effects. The mGluR2/3 agonist LY379268 and the mGluR8 agonist (S)-3,4-DCPG decreased both cue-induced relapse to alcohol drinking and alcohol consumption. Control experiments showed however that administration of the agonists was accompanied by motor suppression limiting their usefulness. Administration of the AMPA/kainate antagonist CNQX, the NMDA antagonist D-AP5, and the mGluR5 antagonist MPEP into the nucleus accumbens resulted also in a decrease in drug-seeking behavior, suggesting that the nucleus accumbens is at least one of the anatomical sites regulating drug seeking and mediating the effects of glutamate receptor antagonists on this behavior.


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A constitutive model is proposed to describe the stress-strain behavior of municipal solid waste (MSW) under loading using the critical state soil mechanics framework. The modified cam clay model is extended to incorporate the effects of mechanical creep and time dependent biodegradation to calculate total compression under loading. Model parameters are evaluated based on one-dimensional compression and triaxial consolidated undrained test series conducted on three types of MSW: (a) fresh MSW obtained from working phase of a landfill, (b) landfilled waste retrieved from a landfill after 1.5 years of degradation, and (c) synthetic MSW with controlled composition. The model captures the stress-strain and pore water pressure response of these three types of MSW adequately. The model is useful for assessing the deformation and stability of landfills and any post-closure development structures located on landfills.


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Individuals in distress emit audible vocalizations to either warn or inform conspecifics. The Indian short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx, emits distress calls soon after becoming entangled in mist nets, which appear to attract conspecifics. Phase I of these distress calls is longer and louder, and includes a secondary peak, compared to phase II. Activity-dependent expression of egr-1 was examined in free-ranging C. sphinx following the emissions and responses to a distress call. We found that the level of expression of egr-1 was higher in bats that emitted a distress call, in adults that responded, and in pups than in silent bats. Up-regulated cDNA was amplified to identify the target gene (TOE1) of the protein Egr-1. The observed expression pattern Toe1 was similar to that of egr-1. These findings suggest that the neuronal activity related to recognition of a distress call and an auditory feedback mechanism induces the expression of Egr-1. Co-expression of egr-1 with Toe1 may play a role in initial triggering of the genetic mechanism that could be involved in the consolidation or stabilization of distress call memories.


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We have used circular dichroism as a probe to characterize the solution conformational changes in RecA protein upon binding to DNA. This approach revealed that RecA protein acquires significant amounts of alpha-helix upon interaction with DNA. These observations, consistent with the data from crystal structure (Story, R. M., Weber, I., and Steitz, T. (1992) Nature 355, 318-325), support the notion that some basic domains including the DNA binding motifs of RecA protein are unstructured and might contribute to the formation of alpha-helix. A comparison of nucleoprotein filaments comprised of RecA protein and a variety of DNA substrates revealed important structural heterogeneity. The most significant difference was observed with poly(dG). poly(dC) and related polymers, rich in GC sequences, which induced minimal amounts of alpha-helix in RecA protein. The magnitude of induction of alpha-helix in RecA protein, which occurred concomitant with the production of ternary complexes, was 2-fold higher with homologous than heterologous duplex DNA. Most importantly, the stimulation of ATP hydrolysis by high salt coincided with that of the induction of alpha-helix in RecA protein. These conformational differences provide a basis for thinking about the biochemical and structural transitions that RecA protein experiences during the formal steps of presynapsis, recognition, and alignment of homologous sequences.


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We have studied the microstructure, surface states, valence fluctuations, magnetic properties, and exchange bias effect in MnO2 nanowires. High purity α-MnO 2 rectangular nanowires were synthesized by a facile hydrothermal method with microwave-assisted procedures. The microstructure analysis indicates that the nanowires grow in the [0 0 1] direction with the (2 1 0) plane as the surface. Mn3+ and Mn2+ ions are not found in the system by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The effective magnetic moment of the manganese ions fits in with the theoretical and experimental values of Mn4+ very well. The uncoupled spins in 3d3 orbitals of the Mn 4+ ions in MnO 6 octahedra on the rough surface are responsible for the net magnetic moment. Spin glass behavior is observed through magnetic measurements. Furthermore, the exchange bias effect is observed for the first time in pure α-MnO2 phase due to the coupling of the surface spin glass with the antiferromagnetic α-MnO2 matrix. These α-MnO2 nanowires, with a spin-glass-like behavior and with an exchange bias effect excited by the uncoupled surface spins, should therefore inspire further study concerning the origin, theory, and applicability of surface structure induced magnetism in nanostructures.


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Formation of nanocrystalline TiN at low temperatures was demonstrated by combining Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and ion implantation techniques. The Ti films of nominal thickness similar to 250 nm were deposited at a substrate temperature of 200 degrees C by ablating a high pure titanium target in UHV conditions using a nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm. These films were implanted with 100 keV N+ ions with fluence ranging from 1.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2) to 1.0 x 10(17) ions/cm(2). The structural, compositional and morphological evolutions were tracked using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), respectively. TEM analysis revealed that the as-deposited titanium film is an fcc phase. With increasing ion fluence, its structure becomes amorphous phase before precipitation of nanocrystalline fcc TiN phase. Compositional depth profiles obtained from SIMS have shown the extent of nitrogen concentration gradient in the implantation zone. Both as-deposited and ion implanted films showed much higher hardness as compared to the bulk titanium. AFM studies revealed a gradual increase in surface roughness leading to surface patterning with increase in ion fluence.


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The lead based ferroelectric PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT), (Pb0.90La0.10)TiO3 (PLT10) and (Pb0.80La0.20)TiO3 (PLT20) thin films, prepared by pulsed laser ablation technique, were studied for their response to the 70 MeV oxygen ion irradiation. The dielectric analysis, capacitance-voltage (C- V) and DC leakage current measurements were performed before and after the irradiation to high-energy oxygen ions. The irradiation produced considerable changes in the dielectric, C-V, leakage characteristics and induced some amount of amorphization. The PZT films showed partial recrystallization after a thermal annealing at 400 degrees C for 10 min. The phase transition temperature [T-c] of PLT20 increased from 115 degrees C to 120 degrees C. The DC conductivity measurements showed a shift in the onset of non-linear conduction region. The current density decreased by two orders of magnitude after irradiation. After annealing the irradiated films at a temperature of 400 degrees C for 10 min, the films partially regained the dielectric and electrical properties. The results are discussed in terms of the irradiation-induced amorphization, the pinning of the ferroelectric domains by trapped charges and the thermal annealing of the defects generated during the irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We generalize the mean-field theory for the spinless Bose-Hubbard model to account for the different types of superfluid phases that can arise in the spin-1 case. In particular, our mean-field theory can distinguish polar and ferromagnetic superfluids, Mott insulator, that arise at integer fillings at zero temperature, and normal Bose liquids into which the Mott insulators evolve at finite temperatures. We find, in contrast to the spinless case, that several of the superfluid-Mott insulator transitions are of first order at finite temperatures. Our systematic study yields rich phase diagrams that include first-order and second-order transitions and a variety of tricritical points. We discuss the possibility of realizing such phase diagrams in experimental systems.


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A novel stress induced martenistic phase transformation is reported in an initial B2-CuZr nanowire of cross-sectional dimensions in the range of 19.44 x 19.44-38.88 x 38.88 angstrom(2) and temperature in the range of 10-400 K under both tensile and compressive loading. Extensive Molecular Dynamic simulations are performed using an inter-atomic potential of type Finnis and Sinclair. The nanowire shows a phase transformation from an initial B2 phase to BCT (body-centered-tetragonal) phase with failure strain of similar to 40% in tension, whereas in compression, comparatively a small B2 -> BCT phase transformation is observed with failure strain of similar to 25%. Size and temperature dependent deformation mechanisms which control ultimately the B2 -> BCT phase transformation are found to be completely different for tensile and compressive loadings. Under tensile loading, small cross-sectional nanowire shows a single step phase transformation, i.e. B2 -> BCT via twinning along {100} plane, whereas nanowires with larger cross-sectional area show a two step phase transformation, i.e. B2 -> R phase -> BCT along with intermediate hardening. In the first step, nanowire shows phase transformation from B2 -> R phase via twinning along {100} plane, afterwards the nanowire deforms via twinning along {110} plane which cause further transformation from R phase -> BCT phase. Under compressive loading, the nanowire shows crushing along {100} plane after a single step phase transformation from B2 -> BCT. Proper tailoring of such size and temperature dependent phase transformation can be useful in designing nanowire for high strength applications with corrosion and fatigue resistance. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wear of etched near-eutectic aluminium silicon alloy slid against a steel ball under ambient is explored. The sliding velocity is kept low (0.01 m/s) and the nominal contact pressure is varied in a 15-40 MPa range. Four stages of wear are identified; ultra mild wear, mild wear, severe wear and post severe oxidative wear. The first transition is controlled by the protrusions of silicon particles, projecting out of the aluminium alloy matrix. Once these protrusions disappear under pressure and sliding, oxidation and bulk energy dissipation mechanisms take over to institute transitions to other stages of wear. The phenomenological characteristics of wear stages are explored using a variety of techniques including nanoindentation, focused ion beam milling, electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and optical interferometry. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.