937 resultados para Hybrid Capture 2


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The experience from CO2 injection at pilot projects (Frio, Ketzin, Nagaoka, US Regional Partnerships) and existing commercial operations (Sleipner, Snøhvit, In Salah, acid-gas injection) demonstrates that CO2 geological storage in saline aquifers is technologically feasible. Monitoring and verification technologies have been tested and demonstrated to detect and track the CO2 plume in different subsurface geological environments. By the end of 2008, approximately 20 Mt of CO2 had been successfully injected into saline aquifers by existing operations. Currently, the highest injection rate and total storage volume for a single storage operation are approximately 1 Mt CO2/year and 25 Mt, respectively. If carbon capture and storage (CCS) is to be an effective option for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, commercial-scale storage operations will require orders of magnitude larger storage capacity than accessed by the existing sites. As a result, new demonstration projects will need to develop and test injection strategies that consider multiple injection wells and the optimisation of the usage of storage space. To accelerate large-scale CCS deployment, demonstration projects should be selected that can be readily employed for commercial use; i.e. projects that fully integrate the capture, transport and storage processes at an industrial emissions source.


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Clinical optical motion capture allows us to obtain kinematic and kinetic outcome measures that aid clinicians in diagnosing and treating different pathologies affecting healthy gait. The long term aim for gait centres is for subject-specific analyses that can predict, prevent, or reverse the effects of pathologies through gait retraining. To track the body, anatomical segment coordinate systems are commonly created by applying markers to the surface of the skin over specific, bony anatomy that is manually palpated. The location and placement of these markers is subjective and precision errors of up to 25mm have been reported [1]. Additionally, the selection of which anatomical landmarks to use in segment models can result in large angular differences; for example angular differences in the trunk can range up to 53o for the same motion depending on marker placement [2]. These errors can result in erroneous kinematic outcomes that either diminish or increase the apparent effects of a treatment or pathology compared to healthy data. Our goal was to improve the accuracy and precision of optical motion capture outcome measures. This thesis describes two separate studies. In the first study we aimed to establish an approach that would allow us to independently quantify the error among trunk models. Using this approach we determined if there was a best model to accurately track trunk motion. In the second study we designed a device to improve precision for test, re-test protocols that would also reduce the set-up time for motion capture experiments. Our method to compare a kinematically derived centre of mass velocity to one that was derived kinetically was successful in quantifying error among trunk models. Our findings indicate that models that use lateral shoulder markers as well as limit the translational degrees of freedom of the trunk through shared pelvic markers result in the least amount of error for the tasks we studied. We also successfully reduced intra- and inter-operator anatomical marker placement errors using a marker alignment device. The improved accuracy and precision resulting from the methods established in this thesis may lead to increased sensitivity to changes in kinematics, and ultimately result in more consistent treatment outcomes.


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In Marxist frameworks “distributive justice” depends on extracting value through a centralized state. Many new social movements—peer to peer economy, maker activism, community agriculture, queer ecology, etc.—take the opposite approach, keeping value in its unalienated form and allowing it to freely circulate from the bottom up. Unlike Marxism, there is no general theory for bottom-up, unalienated value circulation. This paper examines the concept of “generative justice” through an historical contrast between Marx’s writings and the indigenous cultures that he drew upon. Marx erroneously concluded that while indigenous cultures had unalienated forms of production, only centralized value extraction could allow the productivity needed for a high quality of life. To the contrary, indigenous cultures now provide a robust model for the “gift economy” that underpins open source technological production, agroecology, and restorative approaches to civil rights. Expanding Marx’s concept of unalienated labor value to include unalienated ecological (nonhuman) value, as well as the domain of freedom in speech, sexual orientation, spirituality and other forms of “expressive” value, we arrive at an historically informed perspective for generative justice. 


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The category of rational SO(2)--equivariant spectra admits an algebraic model. That is, there is an abelian category A(SO(2)) whose derived category is equivalent to the homotopy category of rational$SO(2)--equivariant spectra. An important question is: does this algebraic model capture the smash product of spectra? The category A(SO(2)) is known as Greenlees' standard model, it is an abelian category that has no projective objects and is constructed from modules over a non--Noetherian ring. As a consequence, the standard techniques for constructing a monoidal model structure cannot be applied. In this paper a monoidal model structure on A(SO(2)) is constructed and the derived tensor product on the homotopy category is shown to be compatible with the smash product of spectra. The method used is related to techniques developed by the author in earlier joint work with Roitzheim. That work constructed a monoidal model structure on Franke's exotic model for the K_(p)--local stable homotopy category. A monoidal Quillen equivalence to a simpler monoidal model category that has explicit generating sets is also given. Having monoidal model structures on the two categories removes a serious obstruction to constructing a series of monoidal Quillen equivalences between the algebraic model and rational SO(2)--equivariant spectra.


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Treatment of hepatocellular cancer with chemotherapeutic agents has limited successin clinical practice and their efficient IC50 concentration would require extremely highdoses of drug administration which could not be tolerated due to systemic side effects.In order to potentiate the efficacy of anticancer agents we explored the potentialof co-treatment with pro-apoptotic Cytochrome c which activates the apoptoticpathway downstream of p53 that is frequently mutated in cancer. To this end weused hybrid iron oxide-gold nanoparticles as a drug delivery system to facilitate theinternalisation of Cytochrome c into cultured HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells.Our results showed that Cytochrome c can be easily conjugated to the gold shell ofthe nanoparticles which are readily taken up by the cells. We used Cytochrome cin concentration (0.2μgmL-1) below the threshold required to induce apoptosis onits own. When the conjugate was administered to cells treated by doxorubicin, itsignificantly reduced its IC50 concentration from 9μgmL-1 to 3.5μgmL-1 as detectedby cell viability assay, and the efficiency of doxorubicin on decreasing viability ofHepG2 cells was significantly enhanced in the lower concentration range between0.01μgmL-1 to 5μgmL-1. The results demonstrate the potential of the application oftherapeutic proteins in activating the apoptotic pathway to complement conventionalchemotherapy to increase its efficacy. The application of hybrid iron oxide-goldnanoparticles can also augment the specificity of drug targeting and could serve as amodel drug delivery system for pro-apoptotic protein targeting and delivery.


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Herein, we report a facile and effective adsorption strategy to improve the performance of Lithium-Sulfur (Li-S) batteries. MnO2 nanosheets grown on the surface of highly conductive graphene resulted in a coupled composite bilayer electrode when coated onto a sulfur cathode. In this way, a high initial specific capacity of 1395 mA h g-1 at a rate of 0.5C, a coulombic efficiency approaching 100% and steady cyclic efficiency with a fade rate of 0.3% per cycle from 10 to 100 cycles has been achieved. This hybrid electrode not only shows enhanced electrochemical performance but can also be easily controlled and scaled thereby aiding future commercialization of high-performance Li-S batteries.


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Typologies have represented an important tool for the development of comparative social policy research and continue to be widely used in spite of growing criticism of their ability to capture the complexity of welfare states and their internal heterogeneity. In particular, debates have focused on the presence of hybrid cases and the existence of distinct cross-national pattern of variation across areas of social policy. There is growing awareness around these issues, but empirical research often still relies on methodologies aimed at classifying countries in a limited number of unambiguous types. This article proposes a two-step approach based on fuzzy-set-ideal-type analysis for the systematic analysis of hybrids at the level of both policies (step 1) and policy configurations or combinations of policies (step 2). This approach is demonstrated by using the case of childcare policies in European economies. In the first step, parental leave policies are analysed using three methods – direct, indirect, and combinatory – to identify and describe specific hybrid forms at the level of policy analysis. In the second step, the analysis focus on the relationship between parental leave and childcare services in order to develop an overall typology of childcare policies, which clearly shows that many countries display characteristics normally associated with different types (hybrids and. Therefore, this two-step approach enhances our ability to account and make sense of hybrid welfare forms produced from tensions and contradictions within and between policies.


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Mercury scrubbing from gas streams using a supported 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chlorocuprate(II) ionic liquid ([C4mim]2[Cu2Cl6]) has been studied using operando EXAFS. Initial oxidative capture as [HgCl3]– anions was confirmed, this was then followed by the unanticipated generation of mercury(I) chloride through comproportionation with additional mercury from the gas stream. Combining these two mechanisms leads to net one electron oxidative extraction of mercury from the gas with increased potential capacity and efficiency for supported ionic liquid mercury scrubbers.


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Hybrid simulation is a technique that combines experimental and numerical testing and has been used for the last decades in the fields of aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering. During this time, most of the research has focused on developing algorithms and the necessary technology, including but not limited to, error minimisation techniques, phase lag compensation and faster hydraulic cylinders. However, one of the main shortcomings in hybrid simulation that has pre- vented its widespread use is the size of the numerical models and the effect that higher frequencies may have on the stability and accuracy of the simulation. The first chapter in this document provides an overview of the hybrid simulation method and the different hybrid simulation schemes, and the corresponding time integration algorithms, that are more commonly used in this field. The scope of this thesis is presented in more detail in chapter 2: a substructure algorithm, the Substep Force Feedback (Subfeed), is adapted in order to fulfil the necessary requirements in terms of speed. The effects of more complex models on the Subfeed are also studied in detail, and the improvements made are validated experimentally. Chapters 3 and 4 detail the methodologies that have been used in order to accomplish the objectives mentioned in the previous lines, listing the different cases of study and detailing the hardware and software used to experimentally validate them. The third chapter contains a brief introduction to a project, the DFG Subshake, whose data have been used as a starting point for the developments that are shown later in this thesis. The results obtained are presented in chapters 5 and 6, with the first of them focusing on purely numerical simulations while the second of them is more oriented towards a more practical application including experimental real-time hybrid simulation tests with large numerical models. Following the discussion of the developments in this thesis is a list of hardware and software requirements that have to be met in order to apply the methods described in this document, and they can be found in chapter 7. The last chapter, chapter 8, of this thesis focuses on conclusions and achievements extracted from the results, namely: the adaptation of the hybrid simulation algorithm Subfeed to be used in conjunction with large numerical models, the study of the effect of high frequencies on the substructure algorithm and experimental real-time hybrid simulation tests with vibrating subsystems using large numerical models and shake tables. A brief discussion of possible future research activities can be found in the concluding chapter.


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An 18 module Ceienkov detector with a total sensitive area of 2.3 m2 having silica aerogel as radiator is being tested in a particle beam at CERN PS. The modules having a sensitive area of 23 X 55 cm2 give typically a Cerenkov signal for (3= 1 particles of 12 photoelectrons for silica aerogel of refractive index 1.03 and a thickness of 15 cm. © 1981 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Abstract not available


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This paper aims to provide an overview of digital library devcelopment in the UK, concentrating on the eLib (Electronic Libraries) programme. It also discusses the idea of the Hybrid Library and considers how it fits into current electronic library developments. The paper is divided into the following areas. First, it summarises the background to the eLib programme and discusses some of its preliminary findings. It then discusses the concept of the Hybrid Library, followed by a summary of the of the current eLib (phase 3) projects which include hybrid library development projects. Finally, it identifies a number of common themes between the different projects which are currently being investigated.


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This paper aims to provide an overview of digital library development in the UK, concentrating on the eLib (Electronic Libraries) programme. It also discusses the idea of the Hybrid Library and considers how it fits into current electronic library developments. The paper is divided into the following areas. First, it summarises the background to the eLib programme and discusses some of its preliminary findings. It then discusses the concept of the Hybrid Library, followed by a summary of the of the current eLib (phase 3) projects which include hybrid library development projects. Finally, it identifies a number of common themes between the different projects which are currently being investigated.