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An experimental study on liquid mass distribution in effervescent sprays using water and air as working fluids is presented in this paper. Optical patternation and techniques of image processing are employed for analyzing the spray. The flow regime inside the effervescent atomizer largely dictates the mass distribution patterns. The patterns are seen to vary from concentrated, poorly atomized liquid lumps to uniformly distributed, fine droplets as the flow regime changes from bubbly flow to annular flow. A large variety of instantaneous spray patterns are observed in bubbly flow regime indicating a highly unsteady atomization process. However, relatively better consistency in spray patterns is observed at higher gas flow rates. Thus, the degree of unsteadiness gradually diminishes as gas flow rate is increased. The axial evolution of the spray in annular mode shows good mixing of liquid and gas across the interface.


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This paper reports investigation of Na2O and ZnO modified borovanadate glasses in the highly modified regime of compositions. These glasses have been prepared by microwave route. Ultraviolet (UV) and visible, infrared (IR), Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopies have been used to characterize the speciation in the glasses. Together with the variation of properties such as molar volume and glass transition temperatures, spectroscopic data indicate that at high levels of modification, ZnO tends to behave like network former. It is proposed that the observed variation of all the properties can be reasonably well understood with a structural model. The model considers that the modification and speciation in glasses are strongly determined by the hierarchy of group electronegativities. Further, it is proposed that the width of the transitions of glasses obtained under same condition reflects the fragility of the glasses. An empirical expression has been suggested to quantify fragility on the basis of width of the transition regions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Unambiguous evidence for the engagement of CF3 group in N-H center dot center dot center dot F-C hydrogen bond in a low polarity solvent, the first observation of its kind, is reported. The presence of such weak molecular interactions in the solution state is convincingly established by one and two-dimensional H-1, F-19, and natural abundant N-15 NMR spectroscopic studies. The strong and direct evidence is derived by the observation of through-space couplings, such as, (1h)J(FH), (1h)J(FN), and (2h)J(FF), where the spin polarization is transmitted through hydrogen bond. In an interesting example of a molecule containing two CF3 groups getting simultaneously involved in hydrogen bond, where hydrogen bond mediated couplings are not reflected in the NMR spectrum, F-19-F-19 NOESY experiment yielded confirmatory evidence. Significant deviations in the strengths of (1)J(NH), variable temperature, and the solvent induced perturbations yielded additional support. The NMR results are corroborated by both DFT calculations and MD simulations, where the quantitative information on different ways of involvement of fluorine in two and three centered hydrogen bonds, their percentage of occurrences, and geometries have been obtained. The hydrogen bond interaction energies have also been calculated.


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An industrial base oil, a blend of different paraffin fractions, is heated to 130 degrees C (1) in the ambient and (2) for use as a lubricant in a steel pin on a steel disk sliding experiment. The base oil was tested with and without test antioxidants: dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) and alkylated diphenylamine (ADPA). Primary and secondary oxidation products were monitored continuously by FTIR over a 100 h period. In addition, friction and wear of the steel pin were monitored over the same period and the chemical transformation of the pin surface was monitored by XPS. The objective of this work is to observe the catalytic action of the steel components on the oil aging process and the efficacy of the antioxidant to reduce oxidation of oil used in tribology as a lubricant. Possible mechanistic explanations of the aging process as well as its impact on friction and wear are discussed.


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Slow flow in granular materials is characterized by high solid fraction and sustained inter-particle interaction. The kinematics of trawling or cutting is encountered in processes such as locomotion of organisms in sand; trawl gear movement on a soil deposit; plow movement; movement of rovers, earth moving equipment etc. Additionally, this configuration is very akin to shallow drilling configuration encountered in the mining and petroleum industries. An experimental study has been made in order to understand velocity and deformation fields in cutting of a model rounded sand. Under nominal plane strain conditions, sand is subjected to orthogonal cutting at different tool-rake angles. High-resolution optical images of the region of cutting were obtained during the flow of the granular ensemble around the tool. Interesting kinematics underlying the formation of a chip and the evolution of the deformation field is seen in these experiments. These images are also analyzed using a PIV algorithm and detailed information of the deformation parameters such as velocity, strain rate and volume change is obtained.


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Three refractory coarse grained CAIs from the Efremovka CV3 chondrite, one (E65) previously shown to have formed with live Ca-41, were studied by ion microprobe for their Al-26-Mg-26 and Be-10-B-10 systematic in order to better understand the origin of Be-10. The high precision Al-Mg data and the inferred Al-26/Al-27 values attest that the precursors of the three CAIs evolved in the solar nebula over a period of few hundred thousand years before last melting-crystallization events. The initial Be-10/Be-9 ratios and delta B-10 values defined by the Be-10 isochrons for the three Efremovka CAIs are similar within errors. The CAI Be-10 abundance in published data underscores the large range for initial Be-10/Be-9 ratios. This is contrary to the relatively small range of Al-26/Al-27 variations in CAIs around the canonical ratio. Two models that could explain the origin of this large Be-10/Be-9 range are assessed from the collateral variations predicted for the initial delta B-10 values: (i) closed system decay of Be-10 from a ``canonical'' Be-10/Be-9 ratio and (ii) formation of CAIs from a mixture of solid precursors and nebula gas irradiated during up to a few hundred thousand years. The second scenario is shown to be the most consistent with the data. This shows that the major fraction of Be-10 in CAIs was produced by irradiation of refractory grains, while contributions of galactic cosmic rays trapping and early solar wind irradiation are less dominant. The case for Be-10 production by solar cosmic rays irradiation of solid refractory precursors poses a conundrum for Ca-41 because the latter is easily produced by irradiation and should be more abundant than what is observed in CAIs. Be-10 production by irradiation from solar energetic particles requires high Ca-41 abundance in early solar system, however, this is not observed in CAIs. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Here we report chromium isotope compositions, expressed as delta Cr-53/ 52 in per mil (&) relative to NIST 979, measured in selected Cr-rich minerals and rocks formed by the primary magmatic as well as the secondary metamorphic and weathering processes. The main objectives of this study were: (i) to further constrain the isotope composition of the Earth's mantle Cr inventory and its possible variation during geological history, based on the analysis of globally distributed and stratigraphically constrained mantle-derived chromites; and (ii) to investigate the magnitude and systematics of Cr isotope fractionation during oxidative weathering and secondary alteration (i. e., hydration, serpentinization) of the magmatic Cr sources. Specifically, we analyzed delta Cr-53/ 52 in a set of globally distributed mantle-derived chromites (FeMgCr2O4, n = 30) collected from various locations in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, and our results confirm that a chromite-hosted Earth's mantle Cr inventory is uniform at - 0.079 +/- 0.129& (2SD), which we named here as a ` canonical' mantle d 53/ 52 Cr signature. Furthermore our dataset of stratigraphically constrained chromites, whose crystallization ages cover most of the Earth's geological history, indicate that the bulk Cr isotope composition of the chromite-hosted mantle inventory has remained uniform, within about +/- 0.100&, since at least the Early Archean times (similar to 3500 million years ago, Ma). To investigate the systematics of Cr isotope fractionation associated with alteration processes we analyzed a number of secondary Cr-rich minerals and variably altered ultramafic rocks (i. e., serpentinized harzburgites, lherzolites) that revealed large positive delta Cr-53/ 52 anomalies that are systematically shifted to higher values with an increasing degree of alteration and serpentinization. The degree of aqueous alteration and serpentinization was quantified by the abundances of fluid-mobile (Rb, K) elements, and by the Loss On Ignition (LOI) parameter, which determines the amount of structurally bound water (OH/ H2O) present in secondary hydrated minerals like serpentine. Overall, we observed that altered ultramafic rocks that yielded the highest LOI values, and the lowest amounts of fluid mobile elements, also yielded the heaviest delta Cr-53/ 52 signatures. Therefore, we conclude that secondary alteration (i.e., hydration, serpentinization) of ultramafic rocks in near-surface oxidative environments tend to shift the bulk Cr isotope composition of the weathered products to isotopically heavier values, pointing to a dynamic redox cycling of Cr in the Earth's crustal and near-surface environments. Hence, if validated by future


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Using isothermal equilibration, phase relations are established in the system Sm-Rh-O at 1273 K. SmRhO3 with GdFeO3-type perovskite structure is found to be the only ternary phase. Solid-state electrochemical cells, containing calcia-stabilized zirconia as an electrolyte, are used to measure the thermodynamic properties of SmRhO3 formed from their binary component oxides Rh2O3 (ortho) and Sm2O3 (C-type and B-type) in two different temperature ranges. Results suggest that C-type Sm2O3 with cubic structure transforms to B-type Sm2O3 with monoclinic structure at 1110 K. The standard Gibbs energy of transformation is . Standard Gibbs energy of formation of SmRhO3 from binary component oxides Rh2O3 and Sm2O3 with B-type rare earth oxide structure can be expressed as . The decomposition temperature of SmRhO3 estimated from the extrapolation of electrochemical data is 1665 (+/- 2) K in air and 1773 (+/- 3) K in pure oxygen. Temperature-composition diagrams at constant oxygen pressures are constructed for the system Sm-Rh-O. Employing the thermodynamic data for SmRhO3 from emf measurement and auxiliary data for other phases from the literature, oxygen potential-composition phase diagram and 3-D chemical potential diagram for the system Sm-Rh-O at 1273 K are developed.


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Studies were carried out to assess the utility of the cellular and extracellular constituents of Bacillus megaterium for the flotation of sphalerite and galena minerals. Based on the flotation results on the individual minerals, it was observed that sphalerite was preferentially floated compared to galena. A maximum selectivity index (SI) value of 11.7 was achieved in the presence of the soluble fraction of the thermolysed cells, which was higher than that obtained with the intact cells (SI of 6.5) and the insoluble fraction of the thermolysed cells (SI of 9.6). The results of the various enzymatic treatment tests revealed that extracellular DNA played a vital role in the selective flotation of sphalerite. A noteworthy finding was that the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) had a higher biocollector capacity vis-A -vis the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), leading to better flotation efficiency. About 95 % recovery of sphalerite could be achieved from the mineral mixture by the combined addition of the ssDNA with the non-DNA components of the bacterial cells, resulting in a maximum SI of 19.1. Calcium and phosphate components of the nutrient media were found to be essential for better selectivity of separation of sphalerite. The mechanisms of microbe-mineral interaction are discussed.


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In March 2012, the authors met at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham, North Carolina, USA, to discuss approaches and cooperative ventures in Indo-Pacific phylogeography. The group emerged with a series of findings: (1) Marine population structure is complex, but single locus mtDNA studies continue to provide powerful first assessment of phylogeographic patterns. (2) These patterns gain greater significance/power when resolved in a diversity of taxa. New analytical tools are emerging to address these analyses with multi-taxon approaches. (3) Genome-wide analyses are warranted if selection is indicated by surveys of standard markers. Such indicators can include discordance between genetic loci, or between genetic loci and morphology. Phylogeographic information provides a valuable context for studies of selection and adaptation. (4) Phylogeographic inferences are greatly enhanced by an understanding of the biology and ecology of study organisms. (5) Thorough, range-wide sampling of taxa is the foundation for robust phylogeographic inference. (6) Congruent geographic and taxonomic sampling by the Indo-Pacific community of scientists would facilitate better comparative analyses. The group concluded that at this stage of technology and software development, judicious rather than wholesale application of genomics appears to be the most robust course for marine phylogeographic studies. Therefore, our group intends to affirm the value of traditional (''unplugged'') approaches, such as those based on mtDNA sequencing and microsatellites, along with essential field studies, in an era with increasing emphasis on genomic approaches.


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Long term forest research sites in India, going by different names including Linear Tree Increment Plots, Linear Increment Plots, Linear Sample Plots and Permanent Preservation Plots, cover diverse plant communities and environmental conditions. Presently, some of these long-term observational studies are functional, some are disturbed and others have almost been lost. The accumulated data will become increasingly important in the context of environmental modelling and climate change, especially if the plots and data can be maintained and/or revived. This contribution presents the history and current state of forest research plots in India, including details of locations and re-measurements. We provide a brief introduction of the National Forest Inventory (NFI), Preservation Plots in natural forests, the 50-ha Mudumalai Forest Dynamics Plot as part of the Centre for Tropical Forest Science and Smithsonian Institution Global Earth Observatories network (CTFS-SIGEO), and research plots established in plantations for tree growth studies and modelling. We also present some methodological details including assessment and analysis for two types of observational studies, the Tree Count Plots (TCP) and Tree Re-measurement Plots (TRP). Arguments are presented in favour of enumeration and analysis methods which are consistent with current approaches in forest ecological research. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.