949 resultados para Golden Retriever


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To examine the role of complement components as regulators of the expression of endothelial adhesive molecules in response to immune complexes (ICs), we determined whether ICs stimulate both endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes and expression of E-selectin and intercellular and vascular cell adhesion molecules 1 (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1). We found that ICs [bovine serum albumin (BSA)-anti-BSA] stimulated endothelial cell adhesiveness for added leukocytes in the presence of complement-sufficient normal human serum (NHS) but not in the presence of heat-inactivated serum (HIS) or in tissue culture medium alone. Depletion of complement component C3 or C8 from serum did not prevent enhanced endothelial adhesiveness stimulated by ICs. In contrast, depletion of complement component C1q markedly inhibited IC-stimulated endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes. When the heat-labile complement component C1q was added to HIS, the capacity of ICs to stimulate endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes was completely restored. Further evidence for the possible role of C1q in mediating the effect of ICs on endothelial cells was the discovery of the presence of the 100- to 126-kDa C1q-binding protein on the surface of endothelial cells (by cytofluorography) and of message for the 33-kDa C1q receptor in resting endothelial cells (by reverse transcription-PCR). Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide blocked endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes stimulated by either interleukin 1 or ICs in the presence of NHS. After stimulation with ICs in the presence of NHS, endothelial cells expressed increased numbers of adhesion molecules (E-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1). Endothelial expression of adhesion molecules mediated, at least in part, endothelial adhesiveness for leukocytes, since leukocyte adhesion was blocked by monoclonal antibodies directed against E-selectin. These studies show that ICs stimulate endothelial cells to express adhesive proteins for leukocytes in the presence of a heat-labile serum factor. That factor appears to be C1q.


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Replication-incompetent retroviral vectors encoding histochemical reporter genes have been used for studying lineal relationships in a variety of species. A crucial element in the interpretation of data generated by this method is the identification of sibling relationships, or clonal boundaries. The use of a library of viruses in which each member is unique can greatly facilitate this aspect of the analysis. A previously reported murine retroviral library containing about 80 members demonstrated the utility of the library approach. However, the relatively low number of tags in the murine library necessitated using low infection rates in order to give confidence in clonal assignments. To obviate the need for low infection rates, a far more complex library was created and characterized. The CHAPOL library was constructed such that each member encodes a histochemical reporter gene and has a DNA tag derived from a degenerate oligonucleotide pool synthesized to have a complexity of > 1 x 10(7). The library was tested after infection of cells in vitro or in vivo. The DNA tag from each histochemically labeled cell or clone of cells was recovered by PCR and sequenced for unambiguous identification. Three hundred and twenty tags have been identified after infection, and so far no tag has been seen to result from more than one independent infection. Thus, an equal distribution of inserts is suggested, and Monte Carlo analysis predicts a complexity of > 10(4) members.


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El Acceso Abierto en la comunicación académica se viene desarrollando por dos grandes vías: la ruta verde y la ruta dorada. Algunos estudios analizan la extensión y la magnitud de este fenómeno, pero pocos muestran los efectos en términos de impacto y visibilidad. Nuestro objetivo es analizar estos efectos desde la perspectiva del modelo económico de las revistas incluidas en la base de datos Scopus, en Latinoamérica. Los resultados muestran que tanto a nivel internacional como temático, la presencia de las revistas que contribuyen al desarrollo de la "ruta verde" sobrepasan el porcentaje de las revistas de la ruta dorada. Mientras en las regiones periféricas y emergentes, estas últimas revistas predominan ocupando las últimas posiciones de las distribuciones de impacto


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This perspective article presents an overview of the Open Access movement in Argentina, from a global and regional (Latin American) context. The article describes the evolution and current state of initiatives by examining two principal approaches to Open Access in Argentina: golden and green roads. The article will then turn its attention to: the support that Open Access receives from governmental sources; collaboration with international projects; and the perspective of Argentine authors regarding Open Access and self-archiving. It concludes with a reflection on the outlook, the main barriers and opportunities for Open Access in Argentina


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Esta tese analisa a poesia de Joaquim de Sousa Andrade (1832-1902), ou Sousândrade, e tem por objetivo discutir o imaginário político republicano como elo de ligação entre os poemas O Guesa, especialmente o Canto Décimo (1877), Novo Éden: Poemeto da adolescência, 1888-1889 (1893), Harpa de Ouro (189?) e a continuação O Guesa, o Zac (1902). A cronologia dessas obras indica que é a partir dos anos vividos por Sousândrade nos Estados Unidos que as figurações da República passam a permear os seus escritos. No Canto Décimo, gestado em Nova York, Sousândrade traça um panorama da sociedade estadunidense na década de 1870 e, embora haja críticas à certas práticas econômicas nesse canto, conforme discutiremos com vagar, destaca-se a emulação do poeta em exaltar aquele modelo sociopolítico. Essa atitude do escritor maranhense afinava-se com a visão de brasileiros imigrados nos Estados Unidos naquele mesmo período, os quais formavam uma rede de pensadores liberais comprometidos com a modernização do Brasil. Esse diálogo transatlântico que começa a ser traçado entre Estados Unidos e Brasil caracteriza uma alternativa ao modelo de civilização europeu até então em voga, tema ainda pouco explorado pela historiografia literária. De volta a pátria, Sousândrade dá prosseguimento ao seu fazer poético e, além do seu engajamento na nova conjuntura política do país, dedica-se à construção do mito fundador da República brasileira nos poemas concebidos desde 1893. A trajetória do poeta republicano foi marcada pelo seu anseio de progresso e modernização do Brasil, tarefa na qual ele empenhou-se política e literariamente.


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La enfermedad cardiovascular sigue siendo la principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad a nivel mundial en países desarrollados, fundamentalmente en pacientes con DM tipo 2, en algunas poblaciones puede representar el 50% o más de las muertes por diabetes (Joseph and Golden, 2014). Esto se debe en gran medida a factores ya conocidos como la predisposición genética, la aterogénesis acelerada, la inflamación crónica, la isquemia silente y la presencia de patologías co-existentes como la hipertensión o la dislipidemia. La diabetes es sin duda alguna, uno de los problemas de salud más graves del siglo XXI y actualmente en España, la prevalencia nacional es de 10,83% (FDI 2013). Las células progenitoras endoteliales juegan un papel clave en los procesos de reparación endotelial. En los pacientes con DM tipo 2 y enfermedad cardiovascular, se sabe que la funcionalidad de las EPCs es deficiente, aunque el mecanismo exacto de disfunción aún es incierto. Además, está bien descrito que en la evolución natural de los pacientes con DM tipo 2 presentan un mayor número de complicaciones y con mayor frecuencia estos pacientes estarán abocados a procedimientos de revascularización. Múltiples estudios (Sidhu and Boden, 2015; Verma et al., 2013) que han señalado la importancia de una adecuada terapia de reparación endotelial (terapia con EPCs), que ayudaría a disminuir las alteraciones en los procesos de reendotelización en los pacientes con DM tipo 2 y enfermedad cardiovascular, y por consiguiente disminuiría la aparición de la enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV)...


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El inicio del siglo XXI supone una nueva época dorada para el retrato fotográfico, puesto que aparece de forma masiva entre los usuarios, asentándose como un hecho social muy arraigado entre la sociedad. En el estudio analizamos algunas de las funciones culturales que cumple entre las que encontramos la de reconstruir nuestra memoria personal a través de imágenes de nuestra vida, servir como medio de comunicación y publicidad a través del cual nos relacionamos con los demás gracias a las redes sociales e internet, y por último su faceta artística en la que camina por senderos de total libertad permeabilizando sus fronteras con otros géneros fotográficos, y sirviendo de base para recoger diversas temáticas ajenas –en principio- al propio retrato.


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Los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en El Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete) han permitido sacar a la luz los vestigios de una civitas visigoda creada a finales del siglo VI o inicios del VII. El material numismático recuperado en los niveles de uso y abandono de esta civitas está formado fundamentalmente por numerario de cobre de adscripción romana bajoimperial, y por tremises de oro de baja ley emitidos por el Estado visigodo. La contextualización estratigráfica y espacial de estas monedas ha permitido plantear diversas cuestiones referidas a la presencia y uso del numerario en época visigoda.


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En el siglo XIX, la función política primordial de las reinas era contribuir a la estabilidad y perpetuación de la dinastía y de la corona, como esposas de reyes y madres de futuros reyes; mantener el buen funcionamiento del sistema político como regentes y, como reinas madre, dar de nuevo credibilidad a la monarquía dejando paso a los nuevos reyes. María Cristina de Borbón y María Cristina de Habsburgo fueron dos mujeres, dos reinas, que vieron condicionada su trayectoria personal por el hecho de ser regentes y su labor política por el hecho de ser mujeres. A medida que avanzaba el siglo XIX, las familias reales se mostraron de forma creciente como familias burguesas, para contribuir a ofrecer una imagen próxima y moderna de la corona. Sin embargo, las diferencias en este sentido entre las dos reinas son destacables, pues los modelos de género evolucionaron a lo largo de la centuria. Por otra parte, encarnaron dos momentos muy diferentes de la monarquía decimonónica: el punto de partida –una monarquía absoluta– y el de llegada –una monarquía constitucional–. María Cristina de Borbón, con mucha angustia personal y pánico a la revolución, vivió, muy a su pesar, el tránsito definitivo entre el Antiguo Régimen y el régimen liberal, mientras que María Cristina de Habsburgo ocupó el trono en la época dorada de la Restauración liberal, aunque su regencia tuvo que afrontar la crisis de finales de siglo.


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En aquest treball ens proposem estudiar la influència de la Legenda aurea de Jacobus de Voragine en el teatre hagiogràfic català de tècnica medieval, en concret en tres de les consuetes del ms. 1139 de la BNC: la de sant Jordi, dedicada a l’episodi de la donzella i el drac; la de la conversió de sant Cristòfol i la de sant Mateu. Comptem amb algunes aproximacions anteriors, com és el cas de les consideracions que féu Josep Romeu en la seua edició de les peces hagiogràfiques d’aquest manuscrit (1957). En aquest sentit, aprofitem les seues indicacions com a punt de partida per a oferir una anàlisi més detallada de la manera en què els drames hagiogràfics adapten algunes de les vides contingudes en l’obra de Voragine. Per no allargar-nos excessivament, ens centrem en aquestes tres consuetes, ja que poden ser prou representatives dels diferents tipus d’adaptació teatral de la Legenda aurea.


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The first two pages of this notebook contain a comparative chronology of the reign of Augustus, outlined in two columns. One column outlines the chronology according to ecclesiastical scholar Laurence Echard, and the other column outlines the chronology according to William Cave. The rest of the notebook contains extensive entries on the following subjects, with related rules, problems, and illustrations: fractions, decimals, arithmetical progression, geometrical progression, "disjunct proportion, or ye Golden Rule," signs and symbols, integers, geometrical definitions, and Euclidian geometry.


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Paper-covered notebook containing handwritten poems and verse by Harvard graduate John Allen. Some of the poems refer to Allen’s illnesses in October 1772. The notebook also contains a short list titled “The Gentleman that I wrote diplomas for," with a list of sixteen individuals who received degrees from Harvard. The inside cover includes the inscription: “John Allen – November 4, 1772. Poetic Composition.” “Dr. T. C. Gilman” is stamped on cover.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Entrance to San Francisco Bay, California, from a trigonometrical survey under the direction of A.D. Bache, Superintendent of the Survey of the Coast of the United States ; triangulation by R.D. Cutts, asst. & A.F. Rodgers, sub-asst. ; topography by R.D. Cutts, asst., A.M. Harrison & A.F. Rodgers, sub-assts. ; hydrography by the party under the command of Lieut. Comdg. James Alden, U.S.N. assist. It was published by The Survey in 1877. Scale 1:50,000. Covers the San Francisco Bay Area. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the California Zone III State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 0403). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows coastal features such as lighthouses, buoys, beacons, rocks, channels, points, coves, islands, bottom soil types, wharves, and more. Includes also selected land features such as roads, railroads, drainage, land cover, selected buildings, towns, and more. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights; depths by sounding, shading, and contours. Includes inset map: Sub-sketch of entrance to San Francisco Bay (Scale 1:400,000), and inset views: View of the entrance to San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz N.E. by E. 1/2 (by compass 10 miles) -- View of the entrance to San Francisco Bay from Yerba Buena Id. -- View of the entrance to San Pablo Bay from near Angel Id. Also includes text and tables. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: San Francisco entrance, California, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey ; eng.d by J. Enthoffer, E.A. Maedel, J.J. Young, W.A. Thompson, H.M. Knight, A. Peterson, and J.G. Thompson; red.r dr.ng by A. Lindenkohl, C. Junken, E. Molkow, E.J. Sommer. It was published by U.S.C. & G.S., printed March 15, 1889, corrected to April 12, 1889. Scale 1:40,000. Covers the San Francisco Bay Area. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the California Zone III State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 0403). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows coastal features such as lighthouses, buoys, beacons, rocks, channels, points, coves, islands, bottom soil types, wharves, and more. Includes also selected land features such as roads, railroads, drainage, land cover, selected buildings, towns, and more. Relief shown by contours and spot heights; depths by soundings. Includes notes, tables, and list of authorities. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A new mapp of the city of London &c. : with the many additionall buildings and new streets anno 1723 in a playne. It was printed and sold by Thomas Taylor at the Golden Lyon in Fleet Street, 1723. Scale [ca. 1:7,300]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the British National Grid coordinate system (British National Grid, Airy Spheroid OSGB (1936) Datum). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, selected buildings (some shown pictorially), churches, built-up areas, docks, city district boundaries, and more. Includes illustrations and 5 indices or tables: The names of the severall wards into which this city is divided -- The rates for watermen as they are set forth by the Lord Mayer and court of Aldermen -- The rates of hackney-coaches and chairs, according to Act of Parliament -- Refferences to letters to find the most publick buildings -- References by figures to the severall churches in and about this city. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.