1000 resultados para Geologia-Castelló


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és el d'examinar les característiques lèxiques del castellà parlat pels catalanoparlants a partir de les ocurrències recollides en la ciutat de Lleida. Cal tenir en compte que els trets que de fineixen els ítems lèxics que hi analitzem estan determinats per les condicions sociolingüístiques de les dues llengües en contacte. La transferència contínua que es produeix entre els dos sistemes lingüístics fa que el lèxic emprat sigui també peculiar i estigui restringit als territoris de parla catalana.


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In spite of recent advances in describing the health outcomes of exposure to nanoparticles (NPs), it still remains unclear how exactly NPs interact with their cellular targets. Size, surface, mass, geometry, and composition may all play a beneficial role as well as causing toxicity. Concerns of scientists, politicians and the public about potential health hazards associated with NPs need to be answered. With the variety of exposure routes available, there is potential for NPs to reach every organ in the body but we know little about the impact this might have. The main objective of the FP7 NanoTEST project ( www.nanotest-fp7.eu ) was a better understanding of mechanisms of interactions of NPs employed in nanomedicine with cells, tissues and organs and to address critical issues relating to toxicity testing especially with respect to alternatives to tests on animals. Here we describe an approach towards alternative testing strategies for hazard and risk assessment of nanomaterials, highlighting the adaptation of standard methods demanded by the special physicochemical features of nanomaterials and bioavailability studies. The work has assessed a broad range of toxicity tests, cell models and NP types and concentrations taking into account the inherent impact of NP properties and the effects of changes in experimental conditions using well-characterized NPs. The results of the studies have been used to generate recommendations for a suitable and robust testing strategy which can be applied to new medical NPs as they are developed.


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Previous studies in young rats reported the impact of cocoa intake on healthy immune status and allow suggesting it may have a role in the prevention of some immune-mediated diseases. The aim of this study was to ascertain the effect of a cocoa diet in a model of allergy in young rats. Three-week-old Brown Norway rats were immunized by i.p. injection of ovalbumin (OVA) with alum as adjuvant and Bordetella pertussis toxin. During the next 4 weeks rats received either a cocoa diet (containing 0.2% polyphenols, w/w) or a standard diet. Animals fed a standard diet showed high concentrations of anti-OVA IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and high anti-OVA IgE titres, which is the antibody involved in allergic response. In contrast, animals fed a cocoa diet showed significantly lower concentrations of anti-OVA IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies. Interestingly, the cocoa diet prevented anti-OVA IgE synthesis and decreased total serum IgE concentration. Analysis of cytokine production in lymph node cells at the end of the study revealed that, in this compartment, the cocoa diet decreased the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) - alpha and the interleukin (IL) -10 secretion but not IL-4 production. In conclusion, a cocoa-enriched diet in young rats produces an immunomodulatory effect that prevents anti-allergen IgE synthesis, suggesting a potential role for cocoa flavonoids in the prevention or treatment of allergic diseases.


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The Neogene rift in the Catalan Coastal Ranges, which is located in the NE part of the Eastern Iberian Margin, corresponds to a system of grabens formed at the nort h - we s t e rn edge of the Valencia Trough. In the central part of the Catalan Coastal Ranges are the Valls - Peneds half-graben in the onshore and the Barcelona half-graben in the offshore, which are separated by the Garraf and the Collserola-Montnegre horsts. Montjuc hill is a tilted block, which is located to the S of the Barcelona city, between the Collserola-Montn egre horst and the Barcelona half-graben . The Middle Miocene section of Montjuc is constituted by an alternation of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and marlstone beds. The Montjuc section was divided into four lithostratigraphic units from base to top: (1) The Morrot conglomerate and sandstone Unit, interpreted as delta plain deposits; (2) the Castell conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone Unit considered as proximal delta front deposits; (3) the Miramar marlstone Unit attributed


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The Cerro Quema district, located on the Azuero Peninsula, Panama, is part of a large regional hydrothermal system controlled by regional faults striking broadly E-W, developed within the Río Quema Formation. This formation is composed of volcanic, sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks indicating a submarine depositional environment, corresponding to the fore-arc basin of a Cretaceous-Paleogene volcanic arc. The structures observed in the area and their tectono-stratigraphic relationship with the surrounding formations suggest a compressive and/or transpressive tectonic regime, at least during Late Cretaceous-Oligocene times. The igneous rocks of the Río Quema Formation plot within the calc-alkaline field with trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of volcanic arc affinity. This volcanic arc developed on the Caribbean large igneous province during subduction of the Farallon Plate. Mineralization consists of disseminations of pyrite and enargite as well as a stockwork of pyrite and barite with minor sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, hosted by a subaqueous dacitic lava dome of the Río Quema Formation. Gold is present as submicroscopic grains and associated with pyrite as invisible gold. A hydrothermal alteration pattern with a core of advanced argillic alteration (vuggy silica with alunite, dickite, pyrite and enargite) and an outer zone of argillic alteration (kaolinite, smectite and illite) has been observed. Supergene oxidation overprinted the hydrothermal alteration resulting in a thick cap of residual silica and iron oxides. The ore minerals, the alteration pattern and the tectono-volcanic environment of Cerro Quema are consistent with a high sulfidation epithermal system developed in the Azuero peninsula during pre-Oligocene times.


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Bajo el título genérico de"Geología de los Andes Centrales Meridionales: El Noroeste Argentino" se recopilan un conjunto de trabajos realizados en los últimos años en sectores del Noroeste A rgentino. Las investigaciones realizadas se localizan en la región andina de la provincia de Salta y territorios adyacentes. Este volumen monográfico reúne trabajos que constituyen el esfuerzo conjunto de veinticinco autores de diferentes países, europeos y suramericanos, trabajando en proyectos de colaboración internacional .


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El efecto de distintos cidos en la puesta en solución de cationes adsorbidos en los minerales de las arcillas ha sido tratado a menudo, tanto desde el punto de vista del estudio de sedimentos arcillosos como del análisis de elementos traza en carbonatos. En este trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de algunos cationes frente al lavado con agua destilada y con ácido actico (20 % v/v). Asimismo se comparan las concentraciones de cationes en las soluciones de lavado de sedimentos depositados en medios de distinta salinidad. Se observa que, comparando sedimentos de composición mineralógica parecida, las concentraciones de sodio, potasio, litio y magnesio de muestras depositadas en ambientes hipersalinos son mucho más elevadas que las depositadas en ambientes de salinidad menor.


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Parlar de Lluís Solé Sabarís com a geògraf és una tasca que ultrapassa de molt les meves possibilitats, ja que no es tracta simplement d'escorcollar els aspectes mes geografics d'un geòleg. Ans al contrari, sense voler prejutjar la seva tasca immensa en el camp de la Geologia, cal dir tot seguit que Solé Sabarís és ell mateix un geògraf. Efectivament, des de les seves classes de Geografia a 1'Institut-escola «Giner de los Ríos» de la Generalitat a les seves activitats mes recents com a president de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, passant pel seu mestratge a tants de geografs al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de Barcelona o als cursets de Pirineus, o per bona part de les seves obres i escrits, arreu hi podem trobar l'alenar de tot un geògraf de l'escola francesa. L'anàlisi de tota aquesta tasca ultrapassa de molt les meves possibilitats. Moltes coses són encara massa recents, i de testimonis més qualificats n'hi ha també molts d'altres.


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Cocoa is a food relatively rich in polyphenols, which makes it a potent antioxidant. Due to its activity as an antioxidant, as well as through other mechanisms, cocoa consumption has been reported to be beneficial for cardiovascular health, brain functions, and cancer prevention. Furthermore, cocoa influences the immune system, in particular the inflammatory innate response and the systemic and intestinal adaptive immune response. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that a cocoa-enriched diet modifies T-cell functions that conduce to a modulation of the synthesis of systemic and gut antibodies. In this regard, it seems that a cocoa diet in rats produces changes in the lymphocyte composition of secondary lymphoid tissues and the cytokines secreted by T cells. These results suggest that it is possible that cocoa could inhibit the function of Th2 cells, and in line with this, the preventive effect of cocoa on IgE synthesis in a rat allergy model has been reported, which opens up new perspectives when considering the beneficial effects of cocoa compounds. On the other hand, cocoa intake modifies the functionality of gut-associated lymphoid tissue by means of modulating IgA secretion and intestinal microbiota. The mechanisms involved in these influences are discussed here. Further research may elucidate the cocoa compounds involved in such an effect and also the possible medical approaches to these repercussions