1000 resultados para Fondos de inversión


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2ª edición publicada en 2014: http://www.repositoriosalud.es/handle/10668/1758


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Este proyecto ha sido financiado a cargo de los fondos para las estrategias 2010 del Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social que fueron aprobados en el CISNS de fecha 10 de Febrero de 2010, como apoyo a la implementación a la estrategia de Salud Perinatal


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End-of-life healthcare in any part of the world is always rife with ethical conflicts and legal challenges. In this matter, the opinions and preferences of patients, family members, healthcare professionals, society as a whole and politicians may differ or diverge entirely1. Nevertheless, death comes to all eventually; it is part of human life itself. The fact remains that we will all die. Therefore, it is natural for all societies to seek the necessary consensus for guaranteeing that individuals can live, and die, in a way befitting their nature, i.e., humanely and with full dignity. This article tells the story of how the citizens of Andalusia, in the south of Spain, reached this majority consensus during the process of drafting and approving a law regulating this issue: Law 2/2010, of 8 April, on personal rights and guarantees to die in dignity.


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Guía de práctica clínica. Uso seguro de opioides en pacientes de situación terminal


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Contiene modelos de los anexos que deben presentarse en el Registro de Voluntades Anticipadas.


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Este proyecto ha sido financiado a cargo de los fondos para las estrategias 2010 del Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social que fueron aprobados en el CISNS de fecha 10 de Febrero de 2010, como apoyo a la implementación a la estrategia de Salud Perinatal.


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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common progressive and disabling neurological condition affecting young adults in the world today. From a genetic point of view, MS is a complex disorder resulting from the combination of genetic and non-genetic factors. We aimed to identify previously unidentified loci conducting a new GWAS of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in a sample of 296 MS cases and 801 controls from the Spanish population. Meta-analysis of our data in combination with previous GWAS was done. A total of 17 GWAS-significant SNPs, corresponding to three different loci were identified:HLA, IL2RA, and 5p13.1. All three have been previously reported as GWAS-significant. We confirmed our observation in 5p13.1 for rs9292777 using two additional independent Spanish samples to make a total of 4912 MS cases and 7498 controls (ORpooled = 0.84; 95%CI: 0.80-0.89; p = 1.36 × 10-9). This SNP differs from the one reported within this locus in a recent GWAS. Although it is unclear whether both signals are tapping the same genetic association, it seems clear that this locus plays an important role in the pathogenesis of MS.


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Publicado en la página web del Servicio Andaluz de Salud: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/servicioandaluzdesalud (Servicio Andaluz de salud/principal/La organización/publicaciones)


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BACKGROUND The expansion of adipose tissue is linked to the development of its vasculature, which appears to have the potential to regulate the onset of obesity. However, at present, there are no studies highlighting the relationship between human adipose tissue angiogenesis and obesity-associated insulin resistance (IR). RESULTS Our aim was to analyze and compare angiogenic factor expression levels in both subcutaneous (SC) and omentum (OM) adipose tissues from morbidly obese patients (n = 26) with low (OB/L-IR) (healthy obese) and high (OB/H-IR) degrees of IR, and lean controls (n = 17). Another objective was to examine angiogenic factor correlations with obesity and IR.Here we found that VEGF-A was the isoform with higher expression in both OM and SC adipose tissues, and was up-regulated 3-fold, together with MMP9 in OB/L-IR as compared to leans. This up-regulation decreased by 23% in OB/-H-IR compared to OB/L-IR. On the contrary, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D, together with MMP15 was down-regulated in both OB/H-IR and OB/L-IR compared to lean patients. Moreover, MMP9 correlated positively and VEGF-C, VEGF-D and MMP15 correlated negatively with HOMA-IR, in both SC and OM. CONCLUSION We hereby propose that the alteration in MMP15, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D gene expression may be caused by one of the relevant adipose tissue processes related to the development of IR, and the up-regulation of VEGF-A in adipose tissue could have a relationship with the prevention of this pathology.


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Publicado en la página web del Servicio Andaluz de Salud: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/servicioandaluzdesalud/publicaciones/


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El objetivo de este TFC se centrará en la construcción de una calculadora especializada en la valoración de productos financieros (que hasta la fecha han estado restringidos a las tesorerías de banca o de algunas sociedades de inversión) en la plataforma GNU/Linux.


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BACKGROUND The concept of achievement is important to study the professional development. In medicine there are gender inequalities in career. The purpose was to know and compare the professional achievement's perceptions and attributions of female and male primary care physicians in Andalusia. METHOD Qualitative study with 12 focus groups (October 2009 to November 2010). POPULATION primary care physicians. SAMPLE intentionally segmented by age, sex and health care management. Were conducted by sex: two groups with young physicians, two groups with middle aged and two with health care management. TOTAL: 32 female physician and 33 male physicians. Qualitative content analysis with Nuddist Vivo. RESULTS Female and male physicians agree to perceive internal achievements and to consider aspects inherent to the profession as external achievements. The most important difference is that female physician related professional achievement with affective bond and male physician with institutional merit. Internal attributions are more important for female physician who also highlight the importance of family, the organization of working time and work-family balance. Patients, continuing education, institutional resources and computer system are the most important attributions for male physician. CONCLUSIONS There are similarities and differences between female and male physicians both in the understanding and the attributions of achievement. The differences are explained by the gender system. The perception of achievement of the female physicians questions the dominant professional culture and incorporates new values in defining achievement. The attributions reflect the unequal impact of family and organizational variables and suggest that the female physicians would be changing gender socialization.


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Aquest treball es justifica per la complementarietat que, d'una banda ofereix el potencial i volum d'un mercat en plena efervescència com és l'àmbit urbà de la Xina, on el seu incipient maduresa, com a conseqüència de l'efecte d'arrossegament que la inversió estrangera - intensa i innovadora - ha provocat, facilitant l'aparició d'una demanda d'un nivell superior, no primària, com les activitats emmarcades en el lleure i el turisme. D'altra banda, per una proposta de negoci dins d'un sector amb grans expectatives de desenvolupament com és el turístic i, finalment, també per l'opció d'un consum basat en el factor preu, amb unes característiques socioeconòmiques determinades de demanda, i en què la societat urbana de la Xina ja comença a veure's reflectida. Més enllà del paper tradicional de la Xina com a procés avantatjós dins de la cadena productiva o com a mercat d'outputs de volum, es dibuixa una nova classe mitjana urbana, inserint-se de ple i en molt poc temps en les dinàmiques de consum global, recolzada en les noves tecnologies - on el procés productiu low cost basa gran part del seu desenvolupament -.


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La creación y posterior gestión de un repositorio institucional no tiene sentido si no cuenta con un número significativo de documentos y un crecimiento permanente de la colección, a un coste razonable. A partir del estudio de repositorios institucionales y de colecciones patrimoniales de bibliotecas, archivos y museos de España, los autores comparten sus reflexiones bajo la premisa de producir repositorios sostenibles, promoviendo la autosuficiencia en el incremento de sus fondos, la garantía de la financiación permanente por parte de la institución que los integra y, especialmente, el uso de los documentos depositados por parte de la comunidad a la que sirve la institución. Tras un breve repaso a los procesos de adaptación de la filosofía del acceso abierto a los repositorios existentes, se establece una hoja de ruta para el diseño e implementación de un nuevo repositorio, teniendo en cuenta la cobertura estratégica y legal del proyecto, las opciones de hardware y software más populares, así como la planificación de los procesos de trabajo y la adopción de metadatos de descripción e interoperabilidad. Se presentan estrategias de difusión y evaluación de los repositorios. Finalmente, se aportan recomendaciones básicas de preservación digital, a la espera de una solución global.


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Gluten content from barley, rye, wheat and in certain oat varieties, must be avoid in individuals with celiac disease. In most of the Western countries, the level of gluten content in food to be considered as gluten-free products is below 20 parts per million measured by ELISA based on specific anti-gluten peptide antibody. However, in beverages or food suffering complex hydrolytic processes as beers, the relative proportion of reactive peptides for celiac patients and the analytical techniques may differ, because of the diversity of the resulting peptide populations after fermentations. A beer below 20 parts per million of gluten but yet detectable levels of gluten peptides by anti-gliadin 33-mer antibodies (G12 and A1) was analyzed. We identified and characterized the relevant peptides for either antibody recognition or immunoactivity in celiac patients. The beer was fractionated by HPLC. The relative reactivity of the different HPLC fractions to the G12/A1 antibodies correlated to the reactivity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from 14 celiac individuals. Peptides from representative fractions classified according to the relative reactivity to G12/A1 antibodies were identified by mass spectrometry. The beer peptides containing sequences with similarity to those of previously described G12 and A1 epitopes were synthesized and confirmed significant reactivity for the antibodies. The most reactive peptides for G12/A1 also confirmed the highest immunogenicity by peripheral blood mononuclear cell activation and interferon γ production from celiac patients. We concluded that preparative HPLC combined with anti-gliadin 33-mer G12/A1 antibodies were very sensitive and specific methods to analyze the relevant immunogenic peptides in hydrolyzed gluten.