958 resultados para Figures of speech.
The present study aims to analyze the Brazilian public policies made for the elderly citizen population and to examine their resonance in the production of senses and images on the process of aging. For this, we draw cartographies that could find producing figures of sense about the aging, passing through some politics formulated for to this age group, since the decade of 1920 until the creation of the “Estatuto do Idoso”, in 2003. We checked that the appearance of public policies for the old age happened as an answer to the challenge of managing and controlling the aging process courses in front of the increase of the elderly citizen population. The “Estatuto do Idoso” is an important landmark of the management advance of the State upon the oldness and of the substitution of an philanthropic-assistance model for a preventive model which is based on the promotion of a healthy and productive longevity. With that, next to the figure of the sick and inactive elderly , it begins to appear figurations of a healthy and powerful aging, crossed by images of vitality and rejuvenation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
As a usual practice in society, psychotherapy is considered a normal procedure, but how does it take place in an investigation method of subjectivity in the university? The theory of speech of Lacan helps us to locate a place to psychoanalysis in the university as a language practice in the role of teaching, research and extension (community work). In this sense, the university submits the ideas of conscience to science and material rationality, excluding the individual and the unconscious. The theory of speech helps us to see the difference between the speech the students use and the speech the annalist uses in his practice. The psychoanalysis has its own knowledge based on the unconscious, due to the clinic work precedes as well as the work in university extension (community work). The work of the annalist has his particular world to treat his mane object — the unconscious.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Categorias retórico-poéticas e produção de embates n'o desertor, de Manuel Inácio da Silva Alvarenga
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
to each other. These approaches reveal the speaker's attitudes, their feelings expressed in statements and in the contexts in which those expressions are used. Cagliari (1989) calls this kind of discursive reference as prosodic markers in literary writing. In this project, the corpus for the analysis comes from the work of Guimarães Rosa: Manuelzão e Miguilim. The main goal of the present project is to develop studies on the subject, since there is virtually nothing done about the prosodic writing markers. Develop working methods is an important objective, in order to show how the prosodic markers can be studied. This type of study is not only important to linguistics: phonetics, textual analysis and discourse, but also to literary studies. Different ages of literary expressions used differently such resources as shown by the work of Cagliari (1989). The methodology of this project starts collecting data to compose the corpus with examples categorized as prosodic markers. Then, according to prosodic theories, these expressions are classified in types. The contexts in which they appear are important elements and they will be highlighted. The narrative of the plot is also an important context. Dialogues are good source of prosodic markers. In the work of Guimarães Rosa: Manuelzão e Miguilim, it was observed that the author likes to reveal the feelings of the characters in the novel through stated words in their speech. There are prosodic markers showing feeling like: intimidating, serene, gentle, cheerful, worried, angry, with irony, etc. The authors also refer to the fact that the character pronounced his speech with different voice qualities such as loud, hoarse, whispering, etc. This project studies the association between some prosodic elements of speech and their occurrence in literary texts as prosodic writing markers, as defined in the project. The data come from the phonetic descriptions of words and expressions regarded as prosodic...
For a complete development of oral language it's necessary the development of genetic roots of thought and utterance postulates by Vygotsky, yet the meditation of adult and the influence social and cultural that is around the child. In cases of children moved away from their birth family by judicial ways because of neglect there, is a new modality of refuge in Brazil, that is the home refuge, which is the object of our research. The present study shows an investigation about the development of speech in a child that was moved away from his birth family and forwarded to Foster Family to comprehend the contributions and activities that help in child development. The research was performed through an approach of qualitative interpretation of bibliographic type and area type. The data analysis allowed us conclude the new social and cultural way that the watched child was inserted helps in his development in a significant way enabling a qualitative jump in speech and psychic functions phase