984 resultados para Exemplary lesson


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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In this article we take a discourse-historical approach to illustrate the significance of George W Bush's (2001) declaration of a 'war on terror'. We present four exemplary 'call to arms' speeches by Pope Urban 11 (1095), Queen Elizabeth I (1588), Adolf Hitler (1938) and George W Bush (2001) to exemplify the structure, function, and historical significance of such texts in western societies over the last millennium. We identify four generic features that have endured in such texts throughout this period: (i) an appeal to a legitimate power source that is external to the orator, and which is presented as inherently good; (ii) an appeal to the historical importance of the culture in which the discourse is situated; (iii) the construction of a thoroughly evil Other; and (iv) an appeal for unification behind the legitimating external power source. We argue further that such texts typically appear in historical contexts characterized by deep crises in political legitimacy.


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This study reveals the school culture and the teachers' professional development activities in a Japanese high school learning environment. Furthermore, it documents the relationships among the context, teachers' beliefs, practices, and interactions. Using multiple data sources including interviews, observations, and documents of teachers from an English department, this yearlong study revealed these English as a Foreign Language teachers lacked many teacher learning opportunities in their context. The study revealed that teacher collaboration only reinforced existing practices, eroding teachers' motivation to learn to teach in this specific context. The study provides evidence to teacher educators about inservice teachers and their learning environment and the significance of the relationships between the two entities. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article describes the types of discourse 10 Australian grade 4-6 teachers used after they had been trained to embed cooperative learning in their curriculum and to use communication skills to promote students' thinking and to scaffold their learning. One audiotaped classroom social science lesson involving cooperative learning was analyzed for each teacher. We provide vignettes from 2 teachers as they worked with groups and from 2 student groups. The data from the audiotapes showed that the teachers used a range of mediated-learning behaviors in their interactions with the children that included challenging their perspectives, asking more cognitive and metacognitive questions, and scaffolding their learning. In turn, in their interactions with each other, the children modelled many of the types of discourse they heard their teachers use. Follow-up interviews with the teachers revealed that they believed it was important to set expectations for children's group behaviors, teach the social skills students needed to deal with disagreement in groups, and establish group structures so children understood what was required both from each other and the task. The teachers reported that mixed ability and gender groups worked best and that groups should be no larger than 5 students. All teachers' programs were based on a child-centered philosophy that recognized the importance of constructivist approaches to learning and the key role interaction plays in promoting social reasoning and learning.


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This paper reports on research findings from a larger study which seeks to understand leadership from the experiences of well-known and well-recognised Australian leaders across a spectrum of endeavours such as the arts, business, science, the law and politics. To date there appears to be limited empirical research that has investigated the insights of Australian leaders regarding their leadership experiences, beliefs and practices. In this paper, the leadership story of a well-respected medical scientist is discussed revealing the contextual factors that influenced her thinking about leadership as well as the key values she embodies as a leader. The paper commences by briefly considering some of the salient leadership literature in the field. In particular, two prominent theoretical frameworks provided by Leavy (2003)and Kouzes and Posner (2002) are explored. While Leavy’s framework construes leadership as consisting of three “C’s” – context , conviction and credibility, Kouzes and Posner (2002)refer to five practices of exemplary leadership. The paper provides a snapshot of the life forces and context that played an important role in shaping the leader’s views and practices. An analytical discussion of these practices is considered in the light of the earlier frameworks identified. Some implications of the findings from this non-education context for those in schools are briefly noted.


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O presente estudo buscou a compreensão dos motivos que levam as empresas pesquisadas do setor automobilístico a gerir o conhecimento tácito, mediados pela gestão do conhecimento, na área de gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos. As questões de pesquisa que este estudo objetivou responder foram: Como empresas estudadas utilizam o conhecimento tácito para se tornarem mais eficientes e eficazes nas atividades/ operações? De que forma o conhecimento tácito é percebido na organização por parte dos funcionários e gestores? Para responder a estas perguntas houve a investigação de duas empresas do setor automobilístico, na área de desenvolvimento de produtos. Como base teórica para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo autores como Davenport e Prusak (1998), Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997) e Choo (2006) orientam esta pesquisa. A pesquisa abrange duas empresas do ramo automobilístico na região do ABC Paulista, com equivalência no número de funcionários e porte. Dentre os entrevistados há funcionários e gestores de áreas de gestão de projetos e produtos. A metodologia aplicada ao estudo foi de caráter qualitativo por meio de pesquisa exploratória-descritiva, sendo que o método de coleta de dados se deu a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas. O estudo investigou quais as práticas usadas para a conversão do conhecimento, fatores facilitadores e fatores dificultadores para a conversão do conhecimento e as principais contribuições da aplicação das práticas e iniciativas voltadas gerir o conhecimento tácito, sob a ótica dos gestores e funcionários. Através do presente estudo pode-se verificar que existe a preocupação com a gestão do conhecimento nas empresas estudadas e que há práticas diversas relativas ao conhecimento tácito e que as formas de disseminação deste conhecimento são distintas. Algumas das práticas são os cursos de especialização, brainstorming e lesson learned e conversas informais. Nos fatores facilitadores há a troca de informação entre os pares, reuniões semanais, equipes multidisciplinares/ multifuncionais. Nos fatores dificultadores há a indicação de questões comportamentais, acúmulo de funções e tempo para partilhar informações.


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A presente tese faz um estudo de caso das disciplinas de formação humana da Universidade Católica de Brasília, buscando captar as percepções de estudantes das disciplinas de Ciência da Religião e Antropologia da Religião, bem como dos seus professores. Apoiado em seis teóricos educacionais e em pesquisas semelhantes já realizadas, tenta-se traçar a pedagogia e a metodologia para essas disciplinas. Analisando os documentos da instituição pesquisada, chega-se à idéia de que o processo ensino-aprendizagem precisa ser marcado pela liberdade e pelo diálogo. Com os alunos, foram realizadas duas pesquisas: uma no início do semestre e outra no fim, para que se pudessem perceber as mudanças que ocorreram nesse período. Por fim, todos os professores das duas disciplinas foram entrevistados sobre a forma de lecionar, de preparar as aulas, de aplicar as avaliações etc., para que pudessem, também, servir de confronto com a pesquisa dos alunos. A conclusão aplica os dados encontrados às universidades confessionais que também têm em projeto pedagógico disciplinas iguais ou semelhantes àquelas da Universidade Católica de Brasília.(AU)


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Essa dissertação objetiva apontar a diferença entre a teoria e a prática no que se refere à Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação brasileira. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida entre professores universitários e tem o intuito de apontar a dimensão da distância entre teoria e prática no dia a dia desses professores. A quase totalidade dos entrevistados afirmou que o texto da lei brasileira é exemplar, contudo, boa parte deles também assumiu que nem sempre os pressupostos da lei podem ser executados. Na parte que se refere à natureza da lei e suas implicações, a pesquisa apresenta em seus dois primeiros capítulos uma análise histórica e social do surgimento da atual LDB brasileira. À guisa de conclusão, fica atestado o pressuposto inicial, ou seja, a distância entre a teoria e a prática nos temas relacionados à LDB e tão extenso quanto às diversidades de pensamento típicas do universo da educação.(AU)


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O presente estudo buscou a compreensão dos motivos que levam as empresas pesquisadas do setor automobilístico a gerir o conhecimento tácito, mediados pela gestão do conhecimento, na área de gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos. As questões de pesquisa que este estudo objetivou responder foram: Como empresas estudadas utilizam o conhecimento tácito para se tornarem mais eficientes e eficazes nas atividades/ operações? De que forma o conhecimento tácito é percebido na organização por parte dos funcionários e gestores? Para responder a estas perguntas houve a investigação de duas empresas do setor automobilístico, na área de desenvolvimento de produtos. Como base teórica para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo autores como Davenport e Prusak (1998), Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997) e Choo (2006) orientam esta pesquisa. A pesquisa abrange duas empresas do ramo automobilístico na região do ABC Paulista, com equivalência no número de funcionários e porte. Dentre os entrevistados há funcionários e gestores de áreas de gestão de projetos e produtos. A metodologia aplicada ao estudo foi de caráter qualitativo por meio de pesquisa exploratória-descritiva, sendo que o método de coleta de dados se deu a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas. O estudo investigou quais as práticas usadas para a conversão do conhecimento, fatores facilitadores e fatores dificultadores para a conversão do conhecimento e as principais contribuições da aplicação das práticas e iniciativas voltadas gerir o conhecimento tácito, sob a ótica dos gestores e funcionários. Através do presente estudo pode-se verificar que existe a preocupação com a gestão do conhecimento nas empresas estudadas e que há práticas diversas relativas ao conhecimento tácito e que as formas de disseminação deste conhecimento são distintas. Algumas das práticas são os cursos de especialização, brainstorming e lesson learned e conversas informais. Nos fatores facilitadores há a troca de informação entre os pares, reuniões semanais, equipes multidisciplinares/ multifuncionais. Nos fatores dificultadores há a indicação de questões comportamentais, acúmulo de funções e tempo para partilhar informações.


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This article looks at learner initiative in teacher-fronted activities and how this can influence classroom interaction. Extracts from lesson transcripts of adult evening classes in Italy are used to give a precise definition of what is meant by learner initiative and to illustrate how it can change interaction patterns. It is suggested that learner initiative could have an important role to play in promoting comprehensible input and output and therefore language learning. It will be seen how, by giving learners more space and time, initiative can be actively encouraged. However, there are direct implications for teacher training as it is necessary to change traditional interaction patterns and make learner initiative more effective.


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Theme of the following polemic is the absence of a didactic-methodological approach in the UK higher education Germanistik, goes beyond the field of language teaching. The resulting problems are to be exemplary unfolded. Following an alternative is presented. Thema der folgenden Polemik ist das Fehlen eines didaktisch-methodischen Ansatzes in der britischen Hochschulgermanistik, der über den Bereich der Sprachvermittlung hinausgeht. Die daraus resultierenden Probleme sollen exemplarisch entfaltet werden. Im Anschluss wird eine Alternative vorgestellt.


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360-degree feedback from a variety of rater sources yields important information about leaders' styles, strengths and weaknesses for development. Results where observer ratings are discrepant (i.e., different) from self-ratings are often seen as indicators of problematic leadership relationships, skills, or lack of self-awareness. Yet research into the antecedents of such self-observer rating discrepancy suggests the presence of systematic influences, such as cultural values. The present study investigates the variation of rating discrepancies on three leadership skills (decision making, leading employees, and composure) in dependence of one exemplary culture dimension (power distance) on data from 31 countries using multilevel structural equation modelling. Results show that cultural values indeed predict self-observer rating discrepancies. Thus, systemic and contextual influences such as culture need to be taken into consideration when interpreting the importance and meaning of self-observer rating discrepancies in 360-degree instruments.


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Not withstanding the high demand of metal powder for automotive and High Tech applications, there are still many unclear aspects of the production process. Only recentlyhas supercomputer performance made possible numerical investigation of such phenomena. This thesis focuses on the modelling aspects of primary and secondary atomization. Initially two-dimensional analysis is carried out to investigate the influence of flow parameters (reservoir pressure and gas temperature principally) and nozzle geometry on final powder yielding. Among the different types, close coupled atomizers have the best performance in terms of cost and narrow size distribution. An isentropic contoured nozzle is introduced to minimize the gas flow losses through shock cells: the results demonstrate that it outperformed the standard converging-diverging slit nozzle. Furthermore the utilization of hot gas gave a promising outcome: the powder size distribution is narrowed and the gas consumption reduced. In the second part of the thesis, the interaction of liquid metal and high speed gas near the feeding tube exit was studied. Both axisymmetric andnon-axisymmetric geometries were simulated using a 3D approach. The filming mechanism was detected only for very small metal flow rates (typically obtained in laboratory scale atomizers). When the melt flow increased, the liquid core overtook the adverse gas flow and entered in the high speed wake directly: in this case the disruption isdriven by sinusoidal surface waves. The process is characterized by fluctuating values of liquid volumes entering the domain that are monitored only as a time average rate: it is far from industrial robustness and capability concept. The non-axisymmetric geometry promoted the splitting of the initial stream into four cores, smaller in diameter and easier to atomize. Finally a new atomization design based on the lesson learned from previous cases simulation is presented.


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The present political climate in which the ideals of entrepreneurship and self-help are strongly encouraged has drawn attention to those ethnic minorities noted for their entrepreneurial activity. Since the Chinese appear to be an exemplary case in point, this thesis focusses upon the historical material conditions which have led to the formation of a Chinese 'business* community in Britain, both past and present As such, it rejects the theories of cultural determinism which characterise most studies of the Chinese. For rather than representing the endurance of cultural norms, the existence of the contemporary Chinese 'niche' of ethnically exclusive firms in the catering industry is due to the conjunction of a number of historical processes. The first is the imperialist expansion into China of Britain's capitalist empire during the nineteenth century which established a relationship of dependency upon the interests of British capital by colonial Chinese labour. The second is the post war development of the catering industry and its demand for cheap labour as administered by the British state together with the contemporaneous development of the agricultural economy of colonial Hong Kong. Far from representing a source of material benefit to all, the ethnic Chinese 'niche' in catering is highly exploitative and merely underlines the racial oppression of Chinese in Britain. Attempts to promote business interests within the ethnic community therefore serve merely to entrench the structures of oppression.