987 resultados para Estoicismo romano


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In the present study we evaluated different systems for the expression of mycobacterial antigen P36 secreted by Mycobacterium bovis. P36 was detected by Western blot using a specific antiserum. The P36 gene was initially expressed in E. coli, under the control of the T7 promoter, but severe proteolysis prevented its purification. We then tried to express P36 in M. smegmatis and insect cells. For M. smegmatis, we used three different plasmid vectors differing in copy number and in the presence of a promoter for expression of heterologous proteins. P36 was detected in the cell extract and culture supernatant in both expression systems and was recognized by sera from M. bovis-infected cattle. To compare the expression level and compartmentalization, the MPB70 antigen was also expressed. The highest production was reached in insect cell supernatants. In conclusion, M. smegmatis and especially the baculovirus expression system are good choices for the production of proteins from pathogenic mycobacteria for the development of mycobacterial vaccines and diagnostic reagents.


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Recent data from our laboratory have shown that patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease can have impairment of left ventricular contractility, as evaluated by the slope of the left ventricle end-systolic pressure-dimension relationship. We also showed that Chagas' disease patients with minimal baseline wall motion abnormalities detected by two-dimensional echocardiography have more intense contractility impairment when compared to patients with the indeterminate form of the disease without this abnormality. The prognostic implications of these findings have not been established. We evaluated 59 patients (37-76 years, mean = 55 years) with different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, who had normal left ventricular global systolic function at baseline (57.6 ± 6.9%) and who had at least one additional echo during clinical follow-up (0.4-17.6; mean 4.6 years). Group 1 consisted of 14 patients with minor baseline left ventricle wall motion abnormalities and group 2 consisted of 45 patients without these abnormalities. During follow-up, global left ventricle systolic function deterioration was observed in 10 group 1 patients (71.4%) and in only 10 group 2 patients (22.2%; P < 0.005). Age and duration of follow-up were not independent determinants of left ventricular function deterioration in these patients. The present data indicate that mild segmental left ventricular wall motion abnormalities are associated with worsening of systolic function in Chagas' disease patients who have normal baseline global systolic performance.


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Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) is a problem-based course that employs simulation techniques to teach the standard management techniques of cardiovascular emergencies. Its structure is periodically revised according to new versions of the American Heart Association guidelines. Since it was introduced in Brazil in 1996, the ACLS has been through two conceptual and structural changes. Detailed documented reports on the effect of these changes on student performance are limited. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of conceptual and structural changes of the course on student ACLS performance at a Brazilian training center. This was a retrospective study of 3266 students divided into two groups according to the teaching model: Model 1 (N = 1181; 1999-2003) and Model 2 (N = 2085; 2003-2007). Model 2 increased practical skill activities to 75% of the total versus 60% in Model 1. Furthermore, the teaching material provided to the students before the course was more objective than that used for Model 1. Scores greater than 85% in the theoretical evaluation and approval in the evaluation of practice by the instructor were considered to be a positive outcome. Multiple logistic regression was used to adjust for potential confounders (specialty, residency, study time, opportunity to enhance practical skills during the course and location where the course was given). Compared to Model 1, Model 2 presented odds ratios (OR) indicating better performance in the theoretical (OR = 1.34; 95%CI = 1.10-1.64), practical (OR = 1.19; 95%CI = 0.90-1.57), and combined (OR = 1.38; 95%CI = 1.13-1.68) outcomes. Increasing the time devoted to practical skills did not improve the performance of ACLS students.


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Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a nonmalignant histiocytic disorder of unknown origin that is extremely rare. By immunohistochemistry, the RDD cells are characteristically S-100 positive and CD1a negative. Emperipolesis is a common histopathological finding, although not specific for RDD. Lymph node and cutaneous manifestations are most frequent, but diverse organs can be affected. The clinical course is unpredictable regardless of treatment. Here, we present a series of 8 cases presenting lymph node and/or cutaneous lesions. Lymph node involvement was seen in diverse regions, including mediastinal and retroperitoneal. The treatment response to steroids was diversified, and the chemotherapy response was disappointing. Associated autoimmune diseases (Sjögren syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome) were observed in 2 patients. Regardless of therapy modality, these patients exhibited a favorable prognosis in a follow-up duration that ranged from 15 to 80 months.


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O trabalho foi conduzido no Setor de Ovinocultura do Departamento de Zootecnia da UFLA, em Lavras, com objetivo de determinar a composição química dos cortes da carcaça (perna, lombo, costeleta e costela/fralda), em relação ao peso do corpo vazio de cordeiros Santa Inês e Bergamácia. Foram utilizados 36 cordeiros machos inteiros, sendo 24 Santa Inês e 12 Bergamácia, abatidos ao atingirem 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg de peso vivo. Os cordeiros foram confinados em gaiolas individuais onde receberam alimentação ad libitum até o abate. Realizou-se a retirada da pele e evisceração pesando-se o trato digestivo, bexiga e vesícula biliar, cheios e vazios, para determinação do peso corporal vazio (PCVZ). A carcaça foi resfriada a 2 °C por um período de 24 horas e depois de retirado o pescoço, foi seccionada em metades simétricas. Na ½ carcaça procedeu-se a divisão em cortes, dos quais foram utilizados e analisados: perna, lombo, costeleta e costela/fralda. O melhor momento de abate dos cordeiros Santa Inês e Bergamácia seria na faixa de 25 e 35 kg de peso vivo, quando os cortes apresentariam as melhores proporções de água, proteína, gordura e minerais, refletindo melhores aspectos de qualidade.


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A Injúria Renal Aguda (IRA) no contexto do paciente politraumatizado ocorre, na maioria das vezes, por uma conjuntura de fatores que passam por eventos correlacionados à ressuscitação volêmica inicial, ao grau de resposta inflamatória sistêmica associada ao trauma, ao uso de contraste iodado para procedimentos diagnósticos, à rabdomiólise e à síndrome compartimental abdominal. Atualmente, passamos por uma fase de uniformização dos critérios diagnósticos da IRA com o Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN), sendo a referência mais aceita. Consequentemente, o estudo da IRA no politraumatismo também passa por uma fase de reformulação. Esta revisão da literatura médica visa trazer dados epidemiológicos, fisiológicos e de implicação clínica para o manuseio destes pacientes, bem como expor os riscos do uso indiscriminado de expansores volêmicos e particularidades sobre a instituição de terapia renal substitutiva em indivíduos sob risco de hipertensão intracraniana.


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INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major determinant of mortality in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Metabolic syndrome (MS) and chronic inflammation are currently considered non traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This study evaluates the frequency of these conditions their associations with graft function. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and inflammation and their associations with graft function in renal transplant recipients. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 200 RTR. MS was defined by the NCEP-ATP III criteria. Inflammation was assessed by CRP levels. Renal function was assessed by GFR estimation using the MDRD equation. RESULTS: MS occurred in 71 patients (35.5%). Patients with MS had higher CPR and decreased GFR levels. Inflammation was present in 99 patients (49.5%). Mean waist perimeter, body mass index, triglycerides and serum total cholesterol were significantly higher in inflamed patients. An association between MS and inflammation was demonstrated, 48 (67.6%) patients with MS were inflamed and among those without MS the rate of inflamed patients was 39.5% (51 patients) (p < 0.001). A significantly higher percentage of patients with MS in the group of patients in chronic renal disease stages III and IV was observed. CONCLUSION: In RTR there is a significant association among MS and inflammation. MS is negatively associated with graft function. The clinical implications of these findings must be evaluated in longitudinal studies.


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"Habitualmente não se presta atenção ao fato de que a Primeira Parte da Ideologia Alemã ("Feuerbach") foi a última a ser redigida por Marx. O texto, tal como nos aparece hoje, encobre portanto a gênese da crítica ao Humanismo. Esta última, como este pequeno ensaio pretende indicar, só poderia brotar do contacto meticuloso com o texto do Único e sua Propriedade. Após a leitura de Stirner, Marx pôde se acreditar liberado deste último fantasma especulativo e ideológico: o Homem."


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Abelardo, na sua ética, desqualifica a noção de "vício" em favor da noção de "pecado". Esta passagem não é apenas um pressuposto do autor, mas decorre necessariamente tanto de sua posição enquanto lógico quanto de sua crítica dos filósofos estóicos que pôde conhecer.


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Este trabalho descreve as concepções básicas da obra astrológica de Cláudio Ptolomeu, a partir da análise do Tetrabiblos. Através da comparação com outros autores da época, mostra-se que Ptolomeu não apresenta influências estóicas, como alguns autores afirmam. O trabalho defende que a base da astrologia ptolomaica é a física aristotélica.


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O texto salienta a importância da sátira lucianesca no pensamento das Luzes, em especial nos textos de Voltaire. Ao mesmo tempo, ele busca criticar a carência de humor na filosofia de nossa época, a partir de uma análise comparativa da prosa iluminista com a fala sibilina das correntes filosóficas irracionalistas, em especial as de Martin Heidegger e de seus epígonos.


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Tentativa de expor o ecletismo filosófico estóico epicurista na obra de Horácio.


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Cícero é uma das poucas fontes críticas de textos do pensamento helenístico durante o período da Roma republicana. Ele atualiza a filosofia grega e, concomitantemente, reconhece a superioridade do direito romano. O espírito prático e guerreiro do povo romano afastava a filosofia, mas a emergência de novos problemas exigia reflexão. Nas disputas políticas e jurídicas, a retórica era um instrumento indispensável. O reaparecimento de estudos retóricos no século XX permitiu que alguns comentadores reconsiderassem a relação entre a retórica e a filosofia, propiciando algumas reflexões sobre o papel de Cícero na historiografia da filosofia.


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Uma das mais famosas e inovadoras teses de Maquiavel é a afirmação de que as boas leis nascem dos conflitos sociais, segundo o exemplo romano das oposições entre plebe e nobres. Os conflitos são capazes de produzir ordem por conter a força constritiva própria da necessidade, que impede a ambição de reinar. Contudo, a lei não neutraliza o conflito, mas apenas lhe dá uma ordenação. A lei está, pois, exposta à história, à contínua mudança, o que significa dizer que é potencialmente corruptível. Por causa desta possibilidade, Maquiavel afirma que um Estado somente mantém sua autoridade por meio de um retorno contínuo ao momento da origem, isto é, à revivência da experiência do "medo", do "terror" e da "punição" do acontecimento originário da fundação. Assim, na origem da lei está a violência, cuja função é proporcionar a legitimação de seu exercício pelo aparato estatal como única forma de preservar da ruína a vida política.